Marriage agreement: completed sample, download, on separate property

Now many of our compatriots are thinking about the need to conclude a marriage contract.

Of particular interest is the separate property agreement . For what property is the contract being drawn up, is it possible to change the terms of the contract?

Dear readers! Our articles talk about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is unique.

  1. The essence of the marriage contract
  2. Is it possible to conclude such an agreement while already married?
  3. About types of property
  4. Joint
  5. Personal property
  6. Separate use
  7. Change and extension
  8. What can be the subject of a marriage contract
  9. Responsibility of spouses
  10. Entry into force and termination procedure
  11. Notarization
  12. Marriage agreement: completed sample, download, on separate property
  13. When is a marriage contract concluded?
  14. Sample marriage contract
  15. Marriage agreement on separate property
  16. Changes and termination of the marriage contract
  17. Conclusion
  18. Marriage agreement on separate property, sample, form
  19. Marriage agreement on separate property - its contents
  20. The procedure for concluding a marriage contract
  21. In what cases is it concluded and for what property?
  22. Responsibility of husband and wife under contract
  23. When does a contract come into force and terminate?
  24. Where to apply and list of documents for drawing up an agreement
  25. How to draw up a marriage contract when buying an apartment, a real estate contract
  26. Is it possible to draw up a marriage contract after purchasing an apartment?
  27. Marriage agreement (contract), sample, form
  28. Standard marriage contract
  29. Marriage agreement template
  30. Prenuptial agreement before marriage
  31. Prenuptial agreement after marriage
  32. Marriage agreement on separate property of spouses, sample
  33. Marriage agreement for property acquired during marriage
  34. Marriage agreement, shared ownership, sample
  35. Marriage agreement separate property rights, sample
  36. Conditions of a marriage contract examples
  37. Marriage agreement on separate property: spouses, sample 2022
  38. Basic information
  39. Types of matrimonial property
  40. What to include in a prenuptial agreement
  41. Marriage contract for separation of property
  42. Property liability of husband and wife
  43. Additional nuances
  44. Let's sum it up
  45. Marriage agreement: we determine the property regime of the spouses regarding separate property by concluding a contract
  46. Contents of the marriage contract (contract)
  47. Parties to the marriage contract
  48. Standard sample forms and forms of marriage contracts
  49. Subjects of the agreement
  50. How and where to apply
  51. Contents of the agreement
  52. How to conclude a marriage contract: instructions
  53. Step one: draw up the text of the agreement
  54. Step two: arrive at the notary
  55. Step three: enter into an agreement and pay the state fee
  56. Termination and modification of the terms of the agreement
  57. What to do if one of the parties pays off the mortgage
  58. How to draw up a marriage contract while married: conclusion

The essence of the marriage contract

The main meaning of this legally important document is so that the owner of real estate, securities, deposits and other property assets in the event of an unsuccessful marriage does not have to give half , or even more, to a spouse who does not have a stake or a yard at the time of consummation of marriage .

As it turns out, this is only one side of a multifaceted agreement. The separate property regime is also needed in the following cases:

  • spouse-entrepreneur , for the sake of freedom of his actions in the field of entrepreneurship (to eliminate the concern of the spouse when renting, selling, buying and other actions requiring the notarized consent of the other half);
  • the marriage is bursting at all the seams, and there is a need to protect one’s property from division ;
  • protect property from confiscation in case of an unsuccessful transaction or violation of the letter of the law;
  • in an unequal marriage, the one who is more successful wants to protect his property from the encroachments of the less fortunate spouse.

As can be seen from the above, the whole essence of the marriage contract is concentrated in securing the property rights of the husband and wife . The presence of such a deal will save nerves and money for the courts in the event of a divorce, since each of the couple knows very well who gets what in the event of a separation.

Instructions for filling out a marriage contract can be read here.

Is it possible to conclude such an agreement while already married?

The Family Code clearly regulates the procedure for concluding a marriage contract . The main thing is that the couple come to a mutual decision about who should own what in the family real estate.

Entering into a contract should be a conscious step. Often, it is during the process of cohabitation that the need arises to protect family property by transferring the right to own and dispose of it to one of the spouses.

In accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 41 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, a marriage contract can be concluded both before the state registration of marriage, and at any time during the marriage.

Drawed up before the date of the official marriage, the contract is only a piece of paper, and gains force only from the date recorded by the registry office.

About types of property

Property acquired by a family during the period of cohabitation is called joint property.

Joint ownership also includes:

  • all types of earnings of both spouses,
  • pensions,
  • scholarships,
  • income from the intellectual labor of one of the four.

There is a nuance here: only income is considered general, and the result of intellectual activity itself is considered personal, as Art. 1228 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.


No matter how cool an entrepreneur a family representative is, everything he earns while married belongs to the common family property.

Joint ownership includes:

  1. apartments, houses, land plots,
  2. cars, yachts, planes,
  3. securities,
  4. savings in the bank,
  5. shares, funds in the authorized capital of companies.

Everything that the couple has acquired, regardless of whose name it is registered in, is common or joint, and, if necessary, is divided according to the law. If the spouse was on parental leave at that time and did not work, she has the right to her share of the total property.

Personal property

Personal property refers to items, things for individual use - personal belongings, musical instruments that are the subject of the professional activity of one of the spouses, even if all this was purchased during the marriage.

Expensive items given to a spouse will be considered his personal property. But jewelry and luxury items, for example, paintings, rarities and antiques, remain joint property and are subject to division.

Separate use

As for separate ownership, it includes:

  1. everything that was acquired by each of the couple before the conclusion of the alliance,
  2. property received under a gift agreement,
  3. any property received as an inheritance.

Change and extension

If the contract is fixed-term, then everything that will be acquired after the end date will be legally classified as joint or personal property. According to the law, what was acquired jointly will be divided in half if the term of the marriage contract has expired .

With an open-ended version of the marriage transaction, its effect will extend to property acquired subsequently (paragraph 2, paragraph 1, article 42 of the RF IC), but only if this is stipulated by the contract.

A marriage contract can be supplemented, changed, extended and even terminated at any time in family relations by mutual consent of the spouses or by court.

What can be the subject of a marriage contract

The subject of a section in a marriage contract may be:

  1. money;
  2. income in the form of interest, rent;
  3. movable and immovable property;
  4. loans and other obligations.

There is a special conversation about loans. For example, if at the time of concluding a transaction between spouses one of them has large credit obligations, then it is worth stipulating and fixing this debt to the spouse who acquired this debt.

  • This is the right decision, otherwise during a divorce the loan may be divided equally.
  • You can download a sample prenuptial agreement on separate property here.
  • But there is one condition: the bank must be notified of the existence of such an agreement , or better yet, provide an extract from the contract.
  • In general, this moment when drawing up a contract is quite delicate, and the involvement of experienced lawyers is mandatory , otherwise the contract may be declared invalid.

Responsibility of spouses

By putting his signature, the representative of the couple agrees with the contents of the transaction . This does not mean that you can “hang” all your debts on another marriage partner, or divide them unfairly.

When preparing the paper, the principle of fair division should be applied.

If, after a break in the relationship, one of the parties did not comply with the terms of the agreement and caused material and moral damage, then it may be held legally liable, namely:

  • compensation for damage;
  • payment of penalties;
  • payment of interest for the use of other people's property, etc.

These penalties are provided for in Art. 393 – 397 Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The person who signs the contract is obliged to fulfill its terms , otherwise there will be lawsuits and unpleasant showdowns with the ex-spouse.

Entry into force and termination procedure

The marriage contract comes into force after notarization and payment of the state fee . Such an agreement may be terminated if:

  1. its validity period has expired;
  2. marriage ties are officially severed;
  3. the contract is terminated;
  4. one of the couple died;
  5. the transaction is declared invalid or void.

A marriage contract can be terminated by mutual consent or unilaterally, with the intervention of the court.

You can change the terms of the contract at any time. This occurs by drawing up a written document with bilateral signatures. After signing an addendum to an existing contract , the new conditions are valid starting from the date of amendments to the contract .

There may be several changes if both representatives of the couple agree.


Notarization of a document is a mandatory condition in accordance with Federal Law No. 391-FZ of December 29, 2015. The paper is drawn up taking into account the rules provided by law, in 3 copies.

One copy is kept by the notary , and the other two remain in the hands of each of the parties to the transaction.

Such transactions are property transactions and are therefore subject to state duty.

In accordance with paragraph 5 of Art. 333.24 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the amount of state duty can be 0.5 percent of the contract amount, but not less than 300 rubles and not more than 20,000 rubles.

A prenuptial separation agreement is a transaction between a husband and wife regarding the right to use and own their property. In case of separation, this is the most civilized way to share your property without courts and scandals .

  1. At the same time, the game must be fair, that is, concealing income and concealing profits is unacceptable, as is failure to fulfill contractual obligations.
  2. We recommend watching a video about concluding a marriage contract:

Marriage agreement: completed sample, download, on separate property

Increasingly in Russia, it is becoming common practice for future spouses to conclude a marriage contract.
The document allows you to protect the property rights of the husband and wife both during cohabitation and in the event of divorce. Therefore, the question often arises of what a completed sample marriage contract should contain.

When is a marriage contract concluded?

There are many reasons for entering into an agreement between spouses. One of the main ones is the difference between the financial situation of both parties.

A marriage contract is also drawn up in the case where the spouses want to initially determine the mode of ownership of property acquired in official relations.

In accordance with the Family Code, Art. 38, property purchased during the period of cohabitation is divided upon divorce between spouses in equal parts, regardless of whose funds it was acquired with.

A prenuptial agreement will help avoid future disputes over the property they own.

It is relevant in the following situations:

  • if valuable gifts were given for a wedding;
  • when taking out a mortgage before marriage;
  • with a separate budget;
  • if one of the future spouses owns a business;
  • The property is planned to be purchased with the personal money of one of the newlyweds.

A prenuptial agreement sets out the terms of property ownership both during marriage and during divorce.

Everything about changing and terminating a marriage contract in 2019.

Sample marriage contract

The terms of the contract are governed by Art. 41 IC RF. According to the normative act, the document can be drawn up not only before the official registration of marriage, but also at any time in family life.

To draw up a marriage contract, you can download a sample from various sources and adapt it to your own needs.

Download the marriage contract. [41.50 KB]

The content of the contract is regulated by Art. 42 IC RF.

The legislative act states that the document may contain the following information:

  • features of property ownership during marriage;
  • how property will be divided in case of divorce;
  • family expenses for property maintenance;
  • housing rights of spouses;
  • responsibility of the parties, etc.

The contract cannot specify the rights and obligations of one of the spouses in relation to minor children, with the exception of expenses for their maintenance.

Also, the document should not contain information regarding the personal relationship of the husband and wife, not related to property. The contract cannot limit the civil rights of either spouse.

A marriage contract must be certified by a notary. The cost of the service is 500 rubles, it is the same throughout Russia, as it is specified in special tariffs.

Some spouses resort to the help of lawyers to draw up the document.

In this case, additional costs will arise, which will depend on the region, as well as the complexity of the work performed. The cost of drawing up a document averages from 5,000 rubles.

Spouses can draw up a prenuptial agreement while married; the sample paper will contain the same information as the one concluded before registering the relationship.

To have a contract certified by a notary, you will need to prepare the following documents:

  • identification
  • certificate
    of marriage;

  • children's birth certificates

A notary may refuse to provide a service if the contract contains conditions that contradict current legislation.

They may concern the personal relations of spouses or affect the interests of minors.

Marriage agreement on separate property

If a sample marriage contract on separate property is drawn up, then you must additionally submit documents for ownership of the property.

The contract contains clauses regarding the ownership of both what the spouses had before marriage and what was acquired subsequently.

A marriage contract is drawn up only with the voluntary consent of both parties. At the same time, he cannot greatly worsen the material conditions of one of the spouses, even in favor of the other.

If an agreement is concluded between a future husband and wife, then it begins to operate from the moment the relationship is officially registered.

When drawing up a contract in marriage, the spouses must comply with the conditions from the moment they sign the paper. The contract applies to the entire period of joint life.

It becomes invalid upon official termination of the relationship. However, the conditions (if any) regarding the division of property after divorce must be met.

Read also: Child support without divorce: where to apply, what percentage

Changes and termination of the marriage

Making adjustments to
the contract, as well as its termination, is regulated by Art.
43 RF IC. unilaterally change the terms or apply to cancel the contract
. This requires voluntary consent from both parties.

To make changes, you must submit an application to the notary where the document was certified. The cost of the service is 200 rubles.

Adjustments must be made independently to the contract form. The agreement can be terminated at any time during the marriage. To do this, you will need to pay notary services in the amount of 200 rubles.

If only one of the spouses wants to change or terminate the agreement, then he can go to court.

The judge will make a positive decision only if the prescribed conditions put one of the parties at a disadvantage.

In addition, the conclusion of a marriage contract is regulated by the Civil Code, since, in essence, it is a transaction between spouses.

In this case, the basis for termination of the contract may be the violation specified in Chapter. 2 Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Invalidation of a marriage contract: judicial practice, claim, grounds.


A prenuptial agreement is a relatively new phenomenon for Russia, but every year it becomes more and more popular. A notarized document may contain information about ownership of property, its division, and family budget.

The agreement is prohibited from specifying conditions relating to the personal relations of spouses or their minor children. The document ends after the divorce, and compliance with the clauses specified in the agreement regarding this period is mandatory.


Marriage agreement on separate property, sample, form

In recent years, more and more couples have come to the conclusion that concluding a prenuptial agreement is a guarantee of a strong marriage.

Indeed, in this case, people marry precisely for love, since in the event of a divorce, everyone knows that in material terms the situation will not change much.

And although for some people a prenuptial agreement still implies mistrust between spouses, stubborn statistics show that couples who have entered into such a contract live longer in marriage than those who let everything take its course.

According to the UK, all property of spouses acquired during marriage is considered common. This rule is enshrined in Art. 34 IC of Russia. In jurisprudence, this is called the legal regime of property, but there is another regime where you can change the usual order.

An entire chapter of the marriage contract is devoted to the contractual regime, and it is this document that regulates all relationships between spouses on the issue of a marriage contract

Marriage agreement on separate property - its contents

A prenuptial agreement regulates only issues related to the property of the parties.

In Art. 42 of the Insurance Code clearly defines what can be settled with the help of this contract. According to clause 1, it is determined that it is possible to make a certain property regime:

  • Share
  • Separated
  • Joint

It is important to note that different regimes can be assigned to each type of property. For example, fix separate ownership of cars and shared ownership of real estate that they are going to purchase.

The content of the agreement can only relate to issues of property and in no way should contradict the insurance contract. It is prohibited to enter items:

  • Limiting the legal capacity of any of the spouses
  • Prohibition of protection in court
  • About interpersonal relationships not only between spouses, but also with other relatives
  • It is prohibited to limit rights due to disability. spouse

The procedure for concluding a marriage contract

The law obliges not only to conclude an agreement, but also to register it with a notary.

There may be several possible conclusions:

  • The future spouses independently draw up a draft agreement and go to register it with a notary
  • The contract is drawn up with the help of a lawyer and with a finished project, the parties go to the notary
  • Drawing up a contract with a notary, followed by certification.

The last option is the most preferable because it is less financially expensive.

The content of the agreement and the procedure for concluding such a document are regulated by law. Failure to comply with registration, as a requirement established by law, entails the invalidity of the document.

In what cases is it concluded and for what property?

The agreement can be concluded:

In other words, the agreement can be concluded at any time when the spouses come to the conclusion that they need additional regulation of property. relationships. The contract can list all existing property, as well as designate the most significant objects and change their ownership regime.

Also, many are confident that it is possible to discuss the regimes only of the property that is available at the time of concluding the contract. But the law clearly states that such an agreement can be concluded for future property.

Questions often arise about how to regulate property that does not yet exist and it is not known exactly when it will be acquired. Of course, no one can know in advance what kind of car they will buy or what house the new apartment will be in. Thus, it turns out that it is impossible to identify future property in advance.

In this case there are two options:

  • Conclude an additional agreement to the contract;
  • Introduce a clause stating that the property becomes the property of the person in whose name it is registered.

The first method is preferable when it is already clearly known about the upcoming purchase, however, any addition to the contract will require a notary. certificates.

The second method is much simpler, but will require the spouses to determine in advance who will be the owner of the property before registration.

The contract may also stipulate who bears certain costs. These may include:

  • Purchasing products;
  • Payment of utility bills;
  • Payment for children's education;
  • Mortgage payments.

Spouses can also bear expenses jointly or split them. It is possible to determine only some expenses by recording them as obligations of a specific spouse. For example, only one person can bear the cost of a joint vacation.

You can secure the right for the second spouse to live in housing owned by another. After the divorce, this will avoid the red tape of eviction of the former other half.

Responsibility of husband and wife under contract

The liability that is provided for in civil transactions is not provided for in this type of agreement. This part, as a rule, provides for liability to third parties borne by spouses. It can also be divided, for example, separate responsibility for credit obligations.

Also in the contract it is worth mentioning the responsibility of parents for harm caused by their children. Typically, both parents take on this burden.

When does a contract come into force and terminate?

If the contract was concluded when the parties were already spouses, i.e. have officially registered their relationship, the agreement comes into force from the moment it is signed and registered with a notary.

If the agreement was concluded before marriage, then it begins to be valid only from the moment the marriage is registered. If the marriage was not concluded, then legal relations will not arise from this agreement.

The agreement may be terminated:

  • By mutual decision to terminate the contract. After the date of termination, the spouses change their regime.
  • After divorce.
  • If the contract specified an expiration date, then upon its arrival.

But since most of the clauses of the agreement relate to issues of division of property, these obligations will remain in effect after the divorce.

Unilateral termination of a marriage contract is prohibited. A party who believes that as a result of the conclusion of an agreement, its rights have been violated has the right to go to court.

Where to apply and list of documents for drawing up an agreement

Art. 41 of the IC states that the agreement must be concluded in writing and certified by a notary. For a specialist, drawing up an agreement between spouses is quite simple; the main thing is that the parties must provide documents for the property.

You must also provide:

How to draw up a marriage contract when buying an apartment, a real estate contract

If a prenuptial agreement was not concluded before purchasing the apartment, then it’s time to take this step. Before buying an apartment, it is necessary to clearly discuss how this property will belong to the spouses.

If this is a shared apartment, then you can do without an agreement, since, like everything acquired during marriage, the apartment will be considered jointly acquired property and the division will have to be carried out either by agreement or through the court. If you intend to divide the property, you will have to draw up a marriage contract for real estate

When concluding a contract, you can determine that:

  • The apartment belongs to the spouses in shares.
  • The apartment belongs to a specific spouse.
  • The apartment belongs to the person to whom it is registered after state registration.

If an apartment is purchased with a mortgage, then it is reasonable to determine in the contract how mortgage payments will be made.

Is it possible to draw up a marriage contract after purchasing an apartment?

As a general rule, an apartment acquired during marriage will be considered as jointly acquired property. However, there are some circumstances when the role of one spouse in purchasing housing is minimal. In this case, it is reasonable for those getting married to conclude a marriage contract and determine the ownership regime for this apartment and for any other property.

It is also possible that the future spouses took out a mortgage on the property, but it was registered in the name of only one of them.

If a mortgage agreement was concluded before marriage, then formally this property does not fall into the list of jointly acquired property, since the marriage was not concluded.

In this case, the only option for dividing the apartment, which was paid for by the future spouses actually living together, is a marriage contract defining the regime of the apartment.

It is important to understand that the law allows the conclusion of an agreement where the subject will be both specific property and everything that was acquired during the marriage.


Marriage agreement (contract), sample, form

There are two parties to a marriage contract, and in this it is not much different from most civil contracts. The only clear condition that the legislator sets is that the relations governed by the contract arise after marriage. It doesn’t matter whether it was a contract filled out during the marriage or whether it was drawn up in advance. Both documents will become valid only after marriage.

On the Internet you can see a photo of what a marriage contract looks like. Or you can review such a document at a notary’s appointment.

Standard marriage contract

A standard marriage contract contains the following parts:

  • parties to the contract - spouses or future spouses;
  • subject of the agreement – ​​property, the regime of which is determined by the agreement;
  • procedure for change and termination;
  • liability of the parties;
  • requisites.

Marriage agreement template

There is nothing complicated in drafting, but it requires certification from a notary. However, before visiting him, you should draw up a sample contract yourself and prepare all the documents confirming the ownership of the property that will appear in the contract.

If at the time of concluding the contract everyone has property that belongs to them personally and they want to fix it in the contract, then in this case it will not fall into the division during a divorce.

Prenuptial agreement before marriage

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, it is permissible to conclude an agreement before the office. marriage registration. But there is a clear rule, since this contract regulates only the relationship between the spouses, it will begin to take effect when the marriage is concluded. According to Art. 10 of the RF IC, marriage only in the registry office.

The text notes that the agreement will come into force only after registration. If a decision was made not to marry, then this agreement will not be considered valid.

A ready-made prenuptial agreement template for marriage can be found here.

Prenuptial agreement after marriage

At any time, spouses can decide to change the property regime. By mutual agreement, they determine what property will belong to one or another spouse. It is also possible to allocate shares in property, and it is not necessary that these shares be equal.

An example of a marriage agreement on the separate ownership of property can be downloaded here.

Marriage agreement on separate property of spouses, sample

Since many different things are acquired during a marriage, it is quite problematic to clearly indicate who owns this or that property. The most reasonable way is to establish in the contract the rule that whoever the property is registered in is the one who gets it.

The second way is to enter into additional agreements, but since the agreement requires registration with a notary, this will entail new costs.

A standard sample contract can be viewed at this link.

Read also: Transferring a child to another school: due to relocation, in another city, without registration

Marriage agreement for property acquired during marriage

As a general rule, all property that was purchased after marriage, with rare exceptions, belongs equally to both spouses. But situations often arise when it is necessary to clearly divide who owns what. In this case, it is enough to conclude an agreement in which it is possible to determine what of the available property will go to one of the spouses and what to the other.

You can either list all valuable things or introduce a general rule that the thing belongs to the person indicated by its owner.

Form of a completed contract.

Marriage agreement, shared ownership, sample

As mentioned above, shares in property can be identified in a marriage contract. In this case, during division, as a rule, no controversial situations arise. When allocating a share in indivisible property, the other party can always count on a compensation payment.

Shares can be allocated in any property, be it a car, house, apartment or securities.

Sample marriage contract sample.

Marriage agreement separate property rights, sample

When changing the ownership regime to separate, you can establish the rule that whoever is indicated as the owner according to the documents will receive this property upon division. However, this is only possible with large things, such as an apartment, car, etc.

It is almost impossible to specify in the contract who will get one of the three sets or televisions, since many such things appear during a marriage. In this case, it is wise to use mix. property regime, dividing what is necessary and dividing the rest in half. If one has a special penchant for game consoles and TV, then this must be stated in the contract.

Separately, it is worth getting ahead of the regime of luxury goods: furs, jewelry and other things that, according to the rule, are not considered the property of the owner if they appeared during marriage.

Conditions of a marriage contract examples

As you can see, any property can be reflected in the marriage contract. questions that may arise not only upon divorce, but also during family life.

For example, young spouses do not have housing and the wife’s parents are ready to buy them an apartment and contribute part of the money (1/2). Each young person also contributes ¼ of the required amount.

Since the apartment will be purchased during marriage, and if the wife is registered as the owner, it will be recognized as joint property and in the event of a divorce, the spouse will have the right to claim half the apartment. Parents do not agree to such conditions.

To avoid this, it is enough to conclude a marriage contract and reflect the shared ownership of the apartment. In this case, during a divorce, the husband will be able to claim only his part.

Also, a condition of the contract may be the obligation of one of the couple to provide payment for the child’s education after the divorce.

Before marriage, one has living space. You can always conclude an obligation for your spouse to leave someone else’s living space within a certain time.

There are many examples, since the family life of each couple is unique and it is impossible to predict what will happen after a couple of years of marriage. But in any case, a prenuptial agreement is a reliable guarantee that after a divorce the interests of both will be respected.


Marriage agreement on separate property: spouses, sample 2022

The prenuptial agreement regarding the separate property of the spouses initially gained popularity in the West. However, recently Russian citizens have increasingly begun to enter into it. The presence of this document regulates marital property rights and obligations, and prevents controversial situations that often arise during the dissolution of a marriage.

Let's consider what the pros and cons of a marriage contract are, how to draw it up correctly and what legal consequences it can lead to.

Basic information

A marriage contract is an agreement between spouses (or people who are just planning to register a marital union). The document specifies the property rights and obligations of the parties to the agreement. It will come in handy if the couple subsequently divorces.

The document is drawn up in writing, after which it is certified by an employee of the notary agency. The contract must contain both signatures of the spouses. Before this, the specialist will check whether the agreement being concluded complies with current domestic legislation. He will also explain all the legal consequences that the husband and wife will have to face.

The first copy of the contract is kept by the employee of the notary agency, the second by the wife, and the third by the husband.

Types of matrimonial property

Property is divided into joint, separate and personal.

  1. If the spouses have not entered into a marriage contract, then their property belongs to the first type. Joint property consists of those property assets that were acquired during cohabitation. It includes pensions, scholarships, spouses' income, and income from intellectual work. It also includes apartments, houses, land, cars, securities, etc. During the divorce process, these objects are divided equally between the spouses, even if, for example, the husband invested more in property, and the wife was on maternity leave, caring for their joint spouses. small children and was not employed.
  2. The second type of property is personal property. It includes objects of human professional activity (for example, musical instruments). It does not matter whether they were acquired before marriage or during the period of marital relations.

Attention! Expensive things given to one or another spouse are his personal property. As for paintings, antiques, etc., this is joint property, which in the event of a divorce will need to be divided between the spouses.

  1. The separate type of property includes property that was acquired by a spouse before the registration of the marriage union. It also includes property transferred to the spouse on the basis of a testamentary document or a gift agreement.

What to include in a prenuptial agreement

The text of the document may contain the following information:

  • division of property objects;
  • features of the future life of children in the event of a divorce of their parents (with whom the child will remain subsequently, which parent will make child support payments);
  • additional nuances and circumstances.

Marriage contract for separation of property

This document establishes the specifics of the division of property that belongs to one or another spouse. Property can be acquired both before the registration of a marriage union, and during the period of joint life of the parties to the agreement.

Statistics show that this type of agreement is most often concluded by people who have significant cash savings and a profitable business. Movable and immovable property will be the property of the spouse in whose name they are registered. It doesn't matter when exactly they were purchased.

If any property does not require documentation, then its owner is the person with whose money it was purchased. If the funds were contributed in parts, then the owner of the property becomes the person who contributed the bulk of the amount.

As for objects of individual use, their owner is the person who used them.

The owner of a residential premises has the opportunity to transfer the right to use it to his relative without registering.

The spouse's income belongs exclusively to him, so he will dispose of the funds at his own discretion. The same applies to credit cards and bank accounts.

Download a sample marriage contract with separate property of the spouses

Property liability of husband and wife

When one or another spouse signs a marriage contract, he thereby expresses his consent to the content of the transaction being concluded.

If, after the dissolution of the marriage, one of the former spouses neglected the terms of the agreement and caused financial or moral damage, then he may be held legally accountable. The violator will compensate for the damage caused, pay a penalty, and pay interest for the use of property that does not belong to him.

Thus, in order to avoid a showdown with the ex-spouse and litigation, both parties to the marriage contract are required to comply with the terms of the contract. The full list of possible punishments is prescribed in Art. 393-397 Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Additional nuances

  1. Spouses often draw up a prenuptial agreement for a mortgaged apartment. In this case, the text of the document contains information about the housing (address, area, cadastral number, etc.), information about the owner, payments made by him. As for expenses for housing and communal services, the Internet, etc., they can be paid by both spouses equally, or by either one of them.
  2. In the event of the death of one of the spouses, the marriage contract ceases to be valid. The marriage is dissolved, the subject of regulation of the marriage contract disappears. But the spouses first have the right to prescribe in the marriage contract property rights and obligations that will continue to apply after the death of one of them.
  3. The cost of certification of a marriage contract by an employee of a notary agency is 500 rubles. If the agreement needs to be certified outside the notary agency, but at a different address, then the specialist has the right to increase the cost of his services by one and a half times. Disabled people of groups 1 and 2 can use the service at half the cost.

Let's sum it up

A prenuptial agreement establishing the specifics of ownership of objects on the basis of separate use is becoming increasingly popular among modern families. Businessmen, influential people and other people who have significant financial savings are interested in prenuptial agreements.

The marriage contract is drawn up in writing and certified by an employee of a notary agency. Additionally, the specialist will ensure that the existence of the agreement does not infringe on the property rights and obligations of any of the couple.

Next, the parties to the agreement put their signature on the document and thereby confirm their consent to the provisions specified in the contract. If one of the spouses does not comply with the conditions specified in the agreement, then he faces liability - compensation for damage, payment of %.

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Marriage agreement: we determine the property regime of the spouses regarding separate property by concluding a contract

A prenuptial agreement (contract) is based on an agreement between two parties who are married or are about to enter into one. The essence of the marriage contract is that the spouses want to determine the fate of property rights and obligations that develop during their cohabitation, as well as in the event of divorce.

So, if one of the spouses does not want to share in the future an apartment purchased with his personal savings, then by signing a contract before registering the marriage, this property is not subject to division after its dissolution.

Or another example, (applicable to foreign countries) if one of the spouses commits adultery or other offenses, then he is deprived of all rights to acquired joint property in marriage.

In the article we will tell you under what conditions and why a marriage contract is concluded at all, and we will outline the criteria by which it is drawn up. Let us draw the reader's attention to the fundamentally important points in its implementation and agreement between the parties.

It is not the responsibility of the spouses to enter into a marriage agreement, since this is not provided for by law. Future spouses enter into a marriage contract on separate property voluntarily and by mutual consent.

If they enter into such an agreement, then it has a legal effect on the resulting marital relationship. In the absence of a contract, family law applies to the property of the spouses.

According to which, property acquired during marriage is joint property and is divided in equal shares.

The opportunity to change the regime of common property of spouses is available before marriage, after its registration in the registry office, as well as during family life. The only difference is that the commencement of the agreement will be calculated from the moment of its conclusion.

According to the form, the marriage contract must be drawn up in writing and subsequently certified by a notary. Accordingly, one copy is kept by each spouse and one by the notary.

Notarization gives the marriage contract greater formality and publicity. Information that has become known under the marriage contract cannot be disseminated to the notary under the threat of liability.

Contents of the marriage contract (contract)

The essence of the marriage contract is as follows:

  1. The parties establish their own regime for jointly acquired property, rather than the one established by law and, for example, presupposes the division of an apartment in a mortgage in equal shares in the event of a divorce.
  2. The agreement may establish a joint, shared or separate mode of ownership of property. For example, shared ownership applies to an apartment, and separate ownership applies to cars.
  3. The agreement is drawn up in relation to property already acquired by the spouses and therefore concluded during marriage, or for real estate that will be acquired in the future.
  • In terms of content, a marriage contract may be important in relation to the income received, the purchase of movable and immovable property, for example, the method of participation in the construction of a country house.
  • As unacceptable conditions for concluding a marriage contract, it is not allowed to include clauses in the contract that limit or infringe on the constitutional rights of the spouses.
  • For example, it is not allowed to limit the exercise of the spouse’s rights to seek protection in court, freedom of speech, work, or not receiving financial support.
  • The validity of a contract between spouses may be limited to a specified period, or until the dissolution of the marriage.

Parties to the marriage contract

The parties to a marriage contract, as mentioned above, can be the following persons:

  1. Directly the spouses who entered into a marriage relationship, which is recorded by the civil registry office and issued a certificate.
  2. Persons planning to get married in the near future and who may receive the status of spouses.

It is not allowed to establish the terms of a marriage contract with the participation of other close relatives, for example, parents, children. It is also not allowed to conclude a marriage contract between former spouses if they do not plan to resume family relationships.

The age for concluding a marriage contract is 18 years. However, if there are different rules in a given region, then they also apply to the procedure for concluding a contract between future spouses.

Read the continuation in the next article: “Termination of a marriage contract.”

Standard sample forms and forms of marriage contracts

  1. Wedding contract for citizens getting married
  2. Sample marriage contract for married citizens
  3. Sample marriage contract with separate property of spouses
  4.   Sample marriage contract download form establishing separate ownership regime for a separate type of property
  5. Marriage contract establishing a regime of common joint ownership of a separate type of property
  6. Marriage agreement establishing a regime of common shared ownership of a separate type of property
  7. Marriage agreement establishing a regime of separate ownership of the property of one of the spouses
  8. Marriage agreement establishing a regime of separate ownership of property acquired after the conclusion of the contract
  9. Example of a marriage contract for spouses, completed sample
  10. The current legislation gives the following definition to this type of legal relationship.

A marriage contract is a written agreement concluded between married spouses, aimed at protecting the property rights of the parties in the event of divorce proceedings (Article 40 of the RF IC).

Thus, by signing this legal document, a man and a woman insure themselves against litigation and division of jointly acquired and personal property that was acquired from the savings of each of them.

Spouses often find themselves initially in an unequal property position both before and during marriage: they have different sources of income, one of them may even be fully supported.

In the absence of an agreement, in the event of divorce proceedings, the other party can legally (without investing a ruble) demand half of the jointly acquired property - Art. 256 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The concluded contract acts as a kind of insurance.

Here are the conditions under which the agreement in question is usually concluded:

  • one of the parties invested personal savings in unfinished construction, which will become property only after marriage;
  • received a wedding gift from the parents of one of the newlyweds;
  • there is a successful business project organized before the wedding;
  • people have separate family budgets;
  • property is difficult to divide;
  • In the course of family life, property is purchased purely with personal money.

Surely there are several other options in which it would be advisable to conclude this marriage contract. The contract clearly has benefits when the husband and wife are initially in an unequal property position, which was before marriage and continues during their cohabitation.

Subjects of the agreement

The parties to the agreement are capable citizens who have officially entered into family agreements. Therefore, this document can be issued at any time after receiving a marriage certificate (clause 1 of article 41 of the RF IC).

At the same time, it doesn’t matter if a year or more passes after the family was formed. Often people turn to this “legal instrument” after several years of marriage.

Is it possible to register it before the moment when people get married? Yes it is possible, but with a caveat.

The future married couple can draw up the text of the agreement and have it notarized, but the document will acquire legal force only from the moment of official marriage (Clause 1 of Article 41 of the RF IC). If this event does not occur, the agreement is considered not concluded.

How and where to apply

First of all, both parties must have strong intentions to start a family or to be husband and wife.

The law provides only for a written form of concluding an agreement with mandatory notarization (clause 2, article 41 of the RF IC). If this rule is violated, the document will not have legal force.

Everything can be formalized at the nearest notary office at the place of residence of the spouses.

It does not matter whether a private or public notary will formalize the legal relationship. It is recommended to familiarize yourself with the tariffs in advance so as not to overpay.

Contents of the agreement

  • Any bilateral agreement specifies the fundamental parameters in accordance with which it will be executed and regulate legal relations after a divorce.
  • Through the document, you can change the legal status of jointly acquired property, specify the obligations of the parties that may arise under certain circumstances.
  • You can designate a separate type of things that already belong to them, or presumably acquired in the future (clause 1 of Article 42 of the RF IC).
  • The document usually states the following conditions:
  1. Determine the legal regime of ownership: joint or shared.
  2. It is indicated what remains with each of the parties during a divorce, and to what extent.
  3. Indicate the volume of shares belonging to the spouses - upon divorce, the husband gets a car, and the wife gets a dacha.
  4. Guarantee the possibility of lifelong maintenance if one of the spouses becomes disabled.
  5. Limit the spending of the family budget.
  6. Determine the procedure for repaying loans taken by the second party. This sets out the conditions under which the husband pays for his wife’s loan, which the woman took out before the wedding.
  7. Create additional conditions and termination procedures.

For each of the conditions, you can prescribe specific deadlines or circumstances that will occur or may occur (clause 2 of Article 42 of the RF IC).

The conditions specified in the document must not (clause 3 of article 42 of the RF IC):

  • reduce the capacity of one of the parties;
  • prevent you from going to court to protect your rights, including receiving maintenance in the event of loss of ability to work;
  • limit contact with children, place a person in an extremely unfavorable position, which violates the foundations of family law.

These provisions are mandatory for everyone without exception.

How to conclude a marriage contract: instructions

The procedure is divided into several stages. Before it begins, the parties must have the intention to draw up a document, resolve all existing disputes, and discuss the nuances.

It is important that this step does not damage existing relationships. After all, not all people still understand the meaning of this document during a divorce. In fact, the contract protects the property rights of each party.

It is advisable to discuss each point together. If there are contradictions, then immediately resolve them on the spot, so that later there will be no disputes with the notary.

It’s even better to pay attention to the parameters that are indicated in the document and express your wishes or disagreement. When all parties have reached an agreement, the main stages can begin.

Step one: draw up the text of the agreement

This is done in several ways. Everyone chooses what is more convenient and acceptable for themselves.

How to implement:

  • independently, if legal literacy allows;
  • contact a professional lawyer who will help you write a document or provide a sample of its preparation. when one of the newlyweds pays off the mortgage, the template can be obtained from a banking institution;
  • download lawsuits from the website;
  • drawn up directly at a notary's office.

When contacting a lawyer or notary, such a service may cost money. Therefore, we advise you to pay attention to the recommendations in the article.

Step two: arrive at the notary

The visit should be made together. You must have with you: a passport and a marriage certificate.

It is advisable to make photocopies of them in advance, as they will be needed during the procedure. Additionally, title documents for movable real estate and property will be required, which will be specified in the contract.

These include:

  1. Extracts from the Unified State Register of Real Estate.
  2. Cadastral and technical passports for an apartment, car, house, bank deposits.
  3. Certificates and extracts from government bodies indicating the completion of the transaction.

The entire package of technical documentation must be up to date. Everything is drawn up without blots or errors, in accordance with the current regulatory framework.

Step three: enter into an agreement and pay the state fee

If citizens provide the text of a document to the office, then the official, first of all, examines it for compliance with the law and makes adjustments, which he agrees with the applicants.

If a notary draws up an agreement on the spot, then he first examines all the evidence provided to him and verifies its authenticity. Based on the wishes of the spouses, he draws up the text of the contract.

Once the agreement is prepared, both parties should read it carefully.

If there are controversial issues or misunderstandings, they must be resolved, clarified, or made additions on the spot. If the husband and wife have no complaints, they sign the document, and then the notary certifies it with his seal.

The cost of certification is 500 rubles (state duty). In addition, applicants must also pay for the technical work of the notary. Its amount ranges from 5 to 10 thousand rubles.

Termination and modification of the terms of the agreement

It is possible to make adjustments to an already valid contract only with the consent of both parties (Clause 1 of Article 43 of the RF IC). This cannot be done unilaterally.

The legal force of a contract can be terminated in the following cases::

  • during an official divorce (clause 3 of article 43 of the RF IC);
  • when both parties refuse to comply with it;
  • the period within which the agreement was valid has passed;
  • was declared invalid by the court.

A husband or wife cannot unilaterally refuse to fulfill the terms of the agreement. This is subject to civil liability, which is usually specified in a separate clause in the contract.

However, the wife can sue in order to terminate or change it in case of violation of its terms (clause 2 of Article 43 of the RF IC).

The court is authorized to invalidate an agreement in part or in full if it places a person at an extreme financial disadvantage.

What to do if one of the parties pays off the mortgage

Taking into account the fact that the marriage contract regulates the property relations of the spouses, a mortgage on real estate can also be included as one of the terms of the agreement.

Most people, especially young families, are forced to take out a bank loan to buy a home. Payments are long-term.

In this case, the text will need to indicate:

  • borrower and co-borrower;
  • who is the owner of the property, in what shares, does the other party have the right to compensation;
  • who made the down payment and repaid the current payments on the loan body, interest during the period of marriage and what will happen after the divorce;
  • from whose income the loan will be repaid;
  • liability in case of non-compliance with the mortgage agreement.

Most banks are interested in drawing up a prenuptial agreement for mortgaged property. Authorized employees of the financial institution will hand out a sample to clients and provide consultation with a bank lawyer.

If the contract was concluded before the loan was issued, then you can draw up an additional agreement to it with a notary, which will indicate all the conditions for its repayment.

How to draw up a marriage contract while married: conclusion

The agreement in question is an effective tool for resolving property disputes during a divorce.

However, there are points that are prohibited by law from being included in the contract.:

  1. Designate the place where the children will live after the divorce.
  2. Indicate that property is transferred to third parties after divorce.
  3. Cover personal and intimate relationships and commitments of spouses.
  4. Prohibit getting married.
  5. Provide compensation in case of betrayal by one of the parties.
  1. The document regulates individual relationships between spouses and takes into account the specific situation between the parties.
  2. Its preparation is dictated by the existing realities of life and protects a person from losing part of his property during a divorce.
  3. Legal practice shows that the number of appeals to the court during divorce related to the division of property after the conclusion of a marriage contract has decreased significantly.


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