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Preparation of documents for traveling abroad: with one of the parents, without parents, different surnames

Are you traveling to Turkey for the first time with children? Then it is logical that you are concerned about the question: what package of documents does your child need to collect?

Entry with a child to Turkey in 2020

For those who do not have time to read the article, we will immediately say:

About 90% of all Russians go on vacation to Turkey with only a child’s international passport in their hands. The Turks do not prevent the entry of tourists, because the Turkish economy is based on the tourism business.

But as we were told back in school: “There are exceptions to every rule,” let’s look at this issue in more detail.

Internet forums are filled with questions: Is it possible to travel to Turkey with a child with one of the parents ? Do I need a power of attorney for a child to travel abroad without parents ? And a number of other issues that will be discussed further.


  1. What documents are needed to travel with a child?
  2. Child's foreign passport
  3. Birth certificate
  4. Permission from one of the parents
  5. Medical insurance policy
  6. Turkish visa
  7. The child travels abroad with his grandmother or a third party
  8. One parent imposed a travel ban
  9. Lifehack for any trip
  10. Reasons why they may not be allowed to go abroad
  11. What documents to take with you to Turkey, information for all cases
  12. conclusions
  13. Possible problems if mother and child have different surnames; traveling abroad
  14. How to take a child abroad if the parents are divorced in 2020
  15. Rules for taking a child abroad
  16. Legality of taking children abroad
  17. List of documents
  18. Registration of exit consent
  19. When it is impossible to provide permission to leave from one of the spouses
  20. If the parents are divorced, do you need permission to take the child abroad?
  21. Changes for 2019
  22. What to do if a parent does not give permission
  23. Statement of claim
  24. Sample
  25. Documentation
  26. State duty
  27. Taking a child abroad without the father's permission during a divorce
  28. Permission to take a child abroad
  29. If the child is traveling with one of the parents
  30. Departure to Schengen
  31. What if your parents are divorced?
  32. If the child is traveling with his grandmother or aunt?
  33. What documents does a child need to travel?
  34. Removal of children without permission
  35. Independent travel for children
  36. Hooray! Moms no longer need consent from dads to allow their child to travel abroad
  37. The procedure for the departure of minor citizens
  38. Travel of a child unaccompanied by a legal representative
  39. Travel of a child unaccompanied by adults
  40. Disagreement of the legal representative for the child to travel abroad
  42. Regulations you need to know
  43. Traveling a child abroad. What documents are needed?
  44. International passport or a document replacing it
  45. Notarized parental consent
  46. Document confirming relationship
  47. Regulations you need to know

What documents are needed to travel with a child?

We talked with parents, a lawyer, travel agents and even the Turkish ambassador, and prepared for you a complete list of documents for a successful trip.

Let's look at each of them:

Child's foreign passport

A foreign passport is required to travel to Turkey. However, there are exceptions here too...

If you have an old-style foreigner, you can fit your child into it. Thereby saving time and money when applying for a new passport.

Note! It is impossible to include children in a new international passport.

 According to unofficial data, Russians with a biometric passport are 3 times less likely to be detained at customs. This is due to the fact that it is almost impossible to fake it.

For those who will apply for an international passport for a child, you need to know that there are two types:

  • old model (for a period of 5 years)
  • new sample – biometric (for a period of 10 years)

Advice . Don’t overpay, get a passport valid for 5 years. In five years, a child will change in any case. External facial features will become different. In this case, customs may not let you through if the child in the photo does not look like himself.

And the document will have to be changed. Otherwise, the passport will expire by this time.

To obtain a passport, there are two options:

  1. option is to submit an application in person, through the divisions of the MFC and the Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (formerly the Federal Migration Service). But for this you will have to stand in line. And with a child in your arms, it’s not very convenient
  2. option – on a single portal of public services

Note! That a child can only be included in an old-style international passport and only the parents. A note about the baby with a pasted-in photograph is contained on a separate page of the passport.

It will not be possible to enter the child into the passport of the grandmother or grandfather.

Birth certificate

It is not necessary to take your birth certificate with you on vacation.

May be needed in two cases:

  1. In the case where a child’s photo is pasted into your international passport, only the birth certificate confirms his citizenship. It is extremely rare for Turkish customs to ask such a question, but the possibility exists
  2. You and your baby have different last names. The certificate records information about the father and mother, which confirms the relationship

We did not find any other reasons to take a birth certificate on vacation.

Permission from one of the parents

Russian legislation allows children to be taken out without permission (power of attorney) from a second adult. According to Federal Law No. 114-FZ of August 15, 1996, as amended in 1999, a child can travel outside of Russia with one parent, while permission to travel from the second parent (most often the father) is not required.

As for the Turkish side, there is a small chance that it will be required. The main reason is that Turkey has a serious fight against human trafficking and organized crime. Particular attention is paid to women and children. And if at the Turkish border you are asked for a document from the second parent confirming his consent to the removal of the child, it is better to have it in your hands.

We tried to understand this issue. This is the result of our information work.

“Do I need entry permission from the second parent?” was the question asked on the official website of the Turkish Embassy mfa.gov.tr. To which the official response was received:

The Turkish Embassy's response to our request.

“If a minor citizen of the Russian Federation was released outside of Russia, he will be able to enter Turkey if he has a valid foreign passport. Valid for at least 4 months from the date of entry into Turkey.”

Medical insurance policy

Nobody obliges you to buy insurance. And its absence cannot serve as a reason for refusal of entry.

Our advice. You should not refuse your medical insurance. Children get sick, unfortunately, very often. Much more often than adults. Under insurance, your baby will be provided with timely and, most importantly, professional medical care.

  • When you travel on a tourist package, medical insurance is already included in it
  • If you are going on a visit, you can obtain such a document from any insurance company. Or do it online to save time

Turkish visa

Apply for a Turkish visa only when you plan to stay in Turkey for more than 2 months.

You need to apply for a Turkish visa in two cases:

  1. You plan to stay in the country for more than 60 days
  2. You are officially going to work in Turkey

Good to know. You are in Turkey and decide to stay longer than 60 days. You need to contact the Turkish Migration Police 15 days before the end of the 60-day period. There they will tell you how to apply for a visa without leaving the country.

Recommendation. It is best and most correct to plan your vacation in advance. This will make it easier to obtain a visa and eliminate questions in a foreign country.

These were all the possible documents you might need. Later in the article we will look at special cases.

At the very end you will find a useful life hack and compact infographics on the main documents.

The child travels abroad with his grandmother or a third party

 If I had known before how wonderful it was to have grandchildren, I would have started right away with them. Louis Wise.

When your son (daughter) goes to a foreign territory with his grandmother, she needs consent from the parents. This document is issued by a notary office. It is enough for one of the parents to issue such consent.

Consent from two parents is required if the child is accompanied by a third party. This could be a coach or teacher who takes children to competitions.

One parent imposed a travel ban

When a child leaves with one of the parents, permission from the other is not required, we talked about this at the beginning of the article.

But if the spouses are divorced and the relationship between them is conflicting, think about the issue of a ban in advance.

To find out whether a travel ban has been imposed on your child, you must make a written request to the Ministry of Internal Affairs (migration registration department).

If a ban is nevertheless filed, you will have to:

  • negotiate amicably
  • decide in court

Checking prohibitions is the responsibility of parents, not travel agencies!

First of all, you need to rely on yourself. As for children, think one step ahead. If there is even the slightest chance that your child may be banned, check for yourself. You shouldn’t leave everything to the travel agency. You never know what kind of workers there are, whether they will treat this issue responsibly. You are the parent and you alone are solely responsible for your child.

Example. The father placed a ban on his two children. My wife's second marriage. The children live with her. The father explains his ban by saying that he is against foreign countries and considers Turkey unreliable. The court ruled that every trip now requires permission through the court. Now, in order to travel outside of Russia, you need to go to court and get permission.

Lifehack for any trip

Before your trip, be sure to make photocopies of all documents. Or take a photo with your mobile phone. You never know what can happen. The documents were stolen and lost.

Reasons why they may not be allowed to go abroad

If we ignore the criminal component, then the main reason for refusal to leave the country is debt.

The picture is, of course, exaggerated, but it clearly makes it clear that debt is fraught.

Check to see if you have any outstanding loan or other debts.

Of course, this applies more to persistent defaulters (overdue loan, traffic police fines, alimony). When a court recognizes a citizen as a debtor, restrictions on leaving the country come into force.

You can check your debts without leaving your home on the NEVILET.RF website.

For those who are concerned about this topic, there is a good article on the State Services website.

What documents to take with you to Turkey, information for all cases

Both mom and dad are traveling with the child Foreign passportBirth certificateHealth insurance Photocopies of all documents
Only mom (or dad) travels with the child Foreign passport Birth certificate Medical insurance Permission from the second parent (preferred) Photocopies of all documents
Grandmother is traveling with the child Foreign passport Birth certificate Health insurance Permission from one of the parents Photocopies of all documents
A third person (teacher, coach) travels with the child Foreign passport Birth certificate Health insurance Permission from two parents Photocopies of all documents
Guardians travel with the child Permission from the guardianship authorities Foreign passport Birth certificate Medical insurance Photocopies of all documents

In addition to the table, we have specially developed infographics. You can preserve the whole meaning of this article by just downloading one picture, or throwing it on your wall...

Infographic: 5 documents a child needs to travel to Turkey in 2020


There are a number of rules for visiting Turkey with a child, accompanied by one of the parents or third parties. Failure to comply with them will lead to dire consequences - a ban on entry into the Turkish state. Therefore, take care in advance about all the necessary documents.

If you have had situations related to problems at customs, write to x and leave your feedback. Share your experience. We'll definitely discuss it.

Source: https://emi-grant.ru/vezd-v-turtsiyu-s-rebenkom/

Possible problems if mother and child have different surnames; traveling abroad

My husband and I are officially divorced; from our marriage we have a daughter born in 2010. The mother and the child have different surnames. The father categorically refuses to sign permission to take the child outside the Russian Federation. He has not been interested in the child’s life for 2 years, but pays child support. Can I file a claim in court at my place of residence? because I am registered in Chelyabinsk and my ex-husband is in the region.

Hello Oksana. The father's consent to take the child out of Russia is not required at all, unless, of course, he has submitted an application to the FMS authorities about his disagreement with the child's departure. You can find out about the availability of such a statement from the Federal Migration Service.

The father's consent is not required if the child crosses the border with the mother.

If a child crosses the border without parents at all, a notarized consent indicating the country and time of visit to a foreign state is required from only one parent .

http://ps.fsb.ru/faq.htm). Problems may arise with a child traveling abroad with one of the parents only if the second parent has submitted a written statement of disagreement with the minor child leaving the Russian Federation (Article 21 of the Law). Therefore, call the Border Service of your region and find out whether he wrote such a statement. And if it exists, then challenge it in court, but at the defendant’s place of residence.

Hello! The problem is that the ex-husband has been in custody for more than a year, where there is no specific information. Relatives are not making contact, I am planning to go abroad with my child, the surnames are different! How to obtain a travel permit? Thank you

Ekaterina, Bolshoi Kamen
Possible problems if mother and child have different surnames traveling abroad

Greetings, Ekaterina. If the child is accompanied by the mother, then according to Russian law no consent is required. But when planning a trip, you also need to take into account the legislation of the country you are going to visit.

Most European countries, when a mother intends to enter their territory with a minor, require a notarized consent from the spouse.

Accordingly, it is possible that no consent will be required, depending on the country you plan to visit.

The actions of customs officers are not legal. in accordance with Art. 20 of the Federal Law of August 15, 1996 N 114-FZ “On the procedure for leaving the Russian Federation and entering the Russian Federation,” a minor citizen of the Russian Federation, as a rule, leaves the Russian Federation together with at least one of the parents, adoptive parents, guardians or trustees.

If a minor citizen of the Russian Federation leaves the Russian Federation unaccompanied, he must have with him, in addition to his passport, a notarized consent of the named persons for the departure of the minor citizen of the Russian Federation, indicating the period of departure and the state(s) he intends to visit .

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Thus, a child can travel accompanied by you without the notarized consent of the father (if you are registered as his mother), i.e. this is indicated either in your passport or in the child’s passport.

I can’t say for sure about the need for such consent in Thailand and China, because they have their own laws there, so it’s better to play it safe and take your husband’s consent.

To find where your husband is being held, you need to write inquiries to the Federal Penitentiary Service in your republic, as well as to the Ministry of Internal Affairs,

I am 17 and I want to travel abroad with an accompanying person with the permission of my parents. Can only mom sign it? And what if she has a different last name?

Possible problems if mother and child have different surnames; traveling abroad


If the consent of both parents is not required to obtain a visa, then only the consent of the mother is sufficient. You need to contact a notary.

She is listed as your mother on your birth certificate. This is enough for the notary. And border guards only need written consent to leave.

 Perhaps I explained it wrong. The birth certificate says, for example, father Ivanov and mother Ivanov. And at the moment, for example, her last name is Petrova. How to prove that her last name was the one written on my birth certificate Irina

You need to provide the notary with a certificate of change of name for your mother (or a marriage certificate if she changed her last name due to marriage).

 I have it, but it's a copy. Will she fit? Thanks for the answers Irina

I think that the notary will need the original, but it is better to check with him.

Source: https://opravdaem.ru/questions/vozmozhnye-problemy-esli-raznye-familii-u-materi-i/

How to take a child abroad if the parents are divorced in 2020


To leave the territory of the Russian Federation with your children, you need to know all the nuances of this process in order to avoid possible troubles at the border. But the dissolution of a parent's marriage can make the process unexpectedly more complicated. Let's look at how to take a child abroad if the parents are divorced.

Rules for taking a child abroad

According to the current legislation ( Federal Law “On the procedure for leaving the Russian Federation” ), as of 2020, children can leave the country:

  • together with two parents;
  • under the supervision of father or mother;
  • with the person responsible for the child (guardian, adoptive parent);
  • unaccompanied with the notarized consent of both parents (guardian) to travel.

There are several options for leaving the country: on a permanent basis or temporary departure for a vacation or visit to relatives, but this does not matter for the order of departure.

A more problematic option is to take the child abroad if the spouses are divorced. Especially when one of the parents, due to hostile relations or other reasons, does not give his consent to leave.

Important! When preparing documents to leave the country, you need to be aware of both the laws of the Russian Federation and the legal rules of the host country to which you are traveling. Often, difficulties arise when crossing the borders of another state and it will be unpleasant to return due to legal inconsistencies.

Legality of taking children abroad

When registering a trip, travel agencies require permission from the second parent for children to travel. In fact, this is not mandatory under Russian law for travel agencies, but is mandatory for border guards in most countries.

To avoid various problems with the subsequent return of money for trips, travel agencies insist on drawing up an agreement for reinsurance.

Main reasons:

  • if the removal of children occurred without permission, then the parent who did not give consent can challenge the decision in court;
  • For Schengen countries, confirmation of the child’s departure from both parents is required.

List of documents

Permission to export a child from one of the parents or guardian is required when traveling to the Schengen countries.

The following documents are required for this:

  • visa;
  • birth certificate (as proof of relationship);
  • the child’s international passport (if there is no international passport, the child must be entered in the passport of the citizen with whom he is traveling);
  • permission to leave the Russian Federation from the second parent or guardian, certified by a notary.

This package of documents is required both for traveling outside the Russian Federation and when entering the territory of countries with a Schengen visa.

Registration of exit consent

The legislation of the Russian Federation establishes clear requirements for drawing up consent to leave.

In particular, one consent must indicate:

  1. Is only one trip to one or several countries allowed, and for what period of time?
  2. Countries must be registered strictly according to OKSM (http://classifikators.ru/oksm). Colloquial definitions are strictly prohibited. If you visit Schengen countries, you can write down a general wording – France and other countries of the Schengen area. This name is acceptable if you plan to visit not only the state for which the visa was issued.
  3. The consent must clearly state the time period of the trip. Writing over a period of many years (3 years, before reaching adulthood) is prohibited, as this violates the rights of the child.
  4. All papers must be notarized.
  5. The permit must be translated into the language of the country of intended visit.
  6. The consent must contain a clear or approximate period of departure from another country.

Important! The consent of the other parent is required even if the couple is married. Customs and migration authorities do not have information about the real relationship between the spouses and parents of the child, so they are forced to play it safe.

When it is impossible to provide permission to leave from one of the spouses

It is not always possible for a mother or father to provide confirmation of departure from their ex-spouse.

Such cases are listed in the legislation of the Russian Federation and require the provision of a document indicating the impossibility or difficulty of providing consent to leave:

  1. If one of the parents has died or been declared dead by the court, then a death certificate must be presented.
  2. In case of uncertain location. A document stating that a parent is considered missing is issued by the court or, if there is no court decision, by the Ministry of Internal Affairs on search activities against the citizen.
  3. If the parent is under arrest. Consent to departure can be given by the head of the colony (Article 185.1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).
  4. If one of the parents is incapacitated. Consent in this case is not required, since the citizen cannot account for his actions, but this fact must be confirmed by a court decision.
  5. Permission is not required in case of deprivation of parental rights. If one of the parents is reinstated, his consent will be mandatory.

If the parents are divorced, do you need permission to take the child abroad?

The fact of divorce of spouses and separation of parents does not deprive them of their rights and responsibilities in relation to their common minor child.

After a divorce, each parent has the right to take part in raising their joint children, unless a restriction on this right is established by the court.

This also applies to traveling abroad. But the consent of a parent living separately after a divorce for the child to leave the Russian Federation is not required.

However, when entering another country, passport control may require such permission. It is formalized by a notary.

Changes for 2019

Since 2019, a parent has the right to issue a written ban on the child leaving the country. This is necessary so that the other parent does not take the child out of their country without his knowledge.

The ban is issued at the Federal Migration Service or a consular office (if the parent is outside the country). Therefore, in order to take a child out of the country, it is first necessary to clarify the presence/absence of a travel ban. Otherwise, the minor will be stopped at passport control.

Moreover, in such a situation there is no provision for a refund for tickets. Therefore, it is advisable to find out the information in advance.

To find out the existence of a ban, you must contact the territorial department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. A specialist can clarify information throughout the country.

What to do if a parent does not give permission

Art. 61 of the RF IC provides for equal rights of parents in relation to their common child. A parent who does not leave the territory of the Russian Federation has the right to file a disagreement regarding the child’s departure abroad. An application for a ban can also be submitted when it is not required (that is, traveling to countries other than the Schengen area).

In this case, the parents challenge the decision in court. It is important for the moving party to prove that the other parent is abusing his rights and that there are no real reasons for refusal.

A statement of claim for permission for a minor child to travel abroad is subject to consideration by district courts and is filed at the place of residence of the defendant.

Statement of claim

The claim must be drawn up taking into account the requirements of Art. 131-132 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation. There is no single sample application for permission to leave a child, so when drawing up a document you need to be guided by the general provisions from the listed articles.

The claim must reflect:

  • name of the court, address of the judicial authority;
  • Full name of the plaintiff, defendant, their registration addresses and actual location (phone numbers if possible);
  • description of the circumstances of the dispute and prerequisites: date of marriage, date of termination of marriage, information about the birth of children;
  • description of the grounds for the child’s departure abroad. If a child has recommendations for leaving for treatment or prevention, it is better to attach copies of these documents to the claim, describing the situation in the application itself;
  • a description of the obstacles that the second parent creates and the justification for their harm to the child;
  • requirement for exit permission;
  • list of documents;
  • signature and date of the application.

The claim is submitted in writing (preferably in print) to the court personally by the plaintiff, or sent by registered mail. Within 5 days, the judge accepts it or issues a ruling with a list of shortcomings.

When drawing up a statement of claim on your own, it is best to seek the advice of experienced lawyers, since a couple of missed nuances may result in the return of the entire package of documents.


The example presented describes only one of many possible situations. The complexity of the case increases many times over when the reasons for the ban on the child’s departure by the second parent are conditionally objective in nature and require careful analysis and challenge.


You can use this sample to prepare your own claim, but be sure to consult with a competent family law lawyer.


The following must be attached to the claim for permission to travel abroad for a minor:

  1. A copy of the claim for the other party.
  2. Copies of passport, marriage and divorce certificates, child birth certificate.
  3. Documents supporting the departure: a copy of the travel voucher; medical indications for treatment, etc.
  4. Information about the disagreement of the second parent (father) to the child’s departure - a copy of the ban, a response from the Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, etc.
  5. Other documents, the provision of which may be determined by the situation.

State duty

When applying to the courts with claims to protect the rights of minors and in their interests, the plaintiffs are subject to exemption from paying the fee. This rule is enshrined in clause 15, clause 1, art. 333.36 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and applies in full to claims for permission to travel outside the Russian Federation.

If the claim is satisfied, a fee of 300 rubles will be collected from the defendant.

Important! It is better to indicate in the claim (above the heading on the right) that the plaintiff is exempt from paying the fee. Due to the high workload, court staff may consider the claim filed without a fee and transfer it to the judge with the appropriate note.

Taking a child abroad without the father's permission during a divorce

Minor children can leave the territory of the Russian Federation only if accompanied by one of their parents. That is, if the mother accompanies the child, then there will be no problems with the border service of the Russian Federation, unless the father submits an application for a ban on the departure of the minor to the Ministry of Internal Affairs - the Migration Department.

Important! Some countries also do not require permission to leave the father. Therefore, when planning a trip, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the laws of another state.

If there is a written disagreement from the father to the minor leaving the Russian Federation, this disagreement must be contested through the court in the manner described above. If you still have questions regarding obtaining permission from the second parent for your child to travel abroad, our lawyers are ready to advise you completely free of charge and right now.

  • Due to constant changes in legislation, regulations and judicial practice, sometimes we do not have time to update the information on the site
  • In 90% of cases, your legal problem is individual, so independent protection of rights and basic options for resolving the situation may often not be suitable and will only lead to a more complicated process!

Therefore, contact our lawyer for a FREE consultation right now and get rid of problems in the future!

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Source: http://allo-urist.com/kak-vyvezti-rebenka-za-granitsu-esli-roditeli-v-razvode/

Permission to take a child abroad

The end of spring - the beginning of summer, traditionally the beginning of the holidays.
Notary office, queue. Several people are standing in line with their children: “Now, Sonechka, we will certify permission from our dad, and in two days we will fly with you to Cyprus. There’s the sea, slides, palm trees - wow!!” - the mother encourages the tired child. It is worth noting that the cost of such a permit, certified by a notary, ranges from 500 to 1,500 rubles in Moscow.

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If the child is traveling with one of the parents

There are rumors all over the Internet that if a child crosses the border WITH ONLY ONE of the parents, going through passport control at the airport or crossing the border on any land transport, it is necessary to provide permission to take the child abroad from the other parent.
And supposedly without it, ONE parent can be turned away at the border and not allowed through with the child. It looks like this:

The law states the opposite:
In accordance with the provisions of Articles 20 and 21 of the Federal Law of August 15, 1996

No. 114-FZ “On the procedure for leaving the Russian Federation and entering the Russian Federation”, a minor citizen of the Russian Federation, as a rule, leaves the Russian Federation together with at least one of the parents, adoptive parents, guardians or trustees.

If a minor citizen of the Russian Federation leaves the Russian Federation together with one of the parents, consent for the child to travel abroad is not required from the other parent.

If he has not received a statement of disagreement with the departure of his children from the Russian Federation, drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 12, 2003 No. 273 “On approval of the Rules for filing a statement of disagreement with the departure of a minor citizen from the Russian Federation Russian Federation".

In order to avoid conflict situations at checkpoints, we recommend that you independently verify in advance that the other parent has not issued a temporary restriction on traveling abroad for the child. This can be clarified both with the second parent and with the Federal Migration Service, which is responsible for considering applications for disagreement with the departure of minors and maintains their centralized records.

Departure to Schengen

If you are going on a trip with your child to the countries of the Schengen Union and other countries with visa entry, then you will still have to obtain such consent. But probably not for passing passport control. And to obtain a visa for a child.

We recommend checking all the details on how to get a visa for a child at the consulate of the country you are going to travel to, since the rules for obtaining a visa change very quickly and often + different countries have different rules and problems.

What if your parents are divorced?

Even if the parents are divorced and after the divorce, equal rights to the child are preserved. No permission to take a child abroad from the other parent is NEEDED if the child is traveling with ONE of the parents, guardians, trustees or adoptive parents.

Again, only if no restrictions were imposed on the child during the divorce process.

And if one of the parents did not draw up a statement of disagreement with the departure of their children from the Russian Federation, drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 12, 2003.

No. 273 “On approval of the Rules for filing an application for disagreement with the departure from the Russian Federation of a minor citizen of the Russian Federation.”
If the child and the parent traveling with him have different surnames, we recommend, just in case, to have a notarized copy of the child’s birth certificate with you.

>>Weekly selections of tours with children.

If the child is traveling with his grandmother or aunt?

Here's another question.

If a minor citizen of Russia leaves the Russian Federation unaccompanied by parents, adoptive parents, guardians or trustees, he must have with him, in addition to his passport, a notarized consent of the named persons for the departure of the minor citizen of the Russian Federation, indicating the period of departure and the state (states) which ( which) he intends to visit. In this case, the consent of ONE of the parents is also sufficient if the second parent has not received a statement about his disagreement with the departure of his children.

That is, if you decide to send your child to sunny Montenegro with his beloved Grandmother, then a notarized consent from one person will be enough. Either Mom or Dad.

What documents does a child need to travel?

  • International passport
  • To Abkhazia, Belarus, Armenia, Kazakhstan and Moldova - Birth certificate with confirmed Russian citizenship (if traveling with one of the parents)
  • A notarized copy of the birth certificate - if the parent and child have different last names. (Not necessarily, but the editors of Travelbelka have crossed quite a few boundaries and know what they are talking about.)
  • Consent from ONE of the parents - if the child is going to travel with third parties, unaccompanied by parents (Grandmothers, Aunts, Brothers, coaches, etc.)

Removal of children without permission

If there is no contact between parents and it is difficult to obtain permission to leave, then you first need to check with the FMS, as mentioned above, whether there has been a statement of disagreement with the departure of your children from the Russian Federation, drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 12, 2003 No. 273 “On approval of the Rules for filing an application for disagreement with the departure from the Russian Federation of a minor citizen of the Russian Federation.” And if everything is in order, you can go to popular visa-free countries:

10 countries for holidays with a child without permission to travel abroad from the second parent

    • Türkiye is a paradise for children. Huge hotels with children's clubs, swimming pools, children's menus, teachers and all-day activities
    • Tunisia is a year-round resort with low prices
    • Cyprus – excellent climate all year round and cheap flights Pobeda
    • Thailand is a country where children are almost idolized, where you will be surrounded by care and attention
    • The UAE is a popular winter resort with developed infrastructure for the most discerning travelers
    • Vietnam is a country where they simply love Russians very much
    • Dominican Republic - a tropical paradise, but a long flight
    • Cuba - affordable exotic
    • Montenegro is a popular European resort
    • Indonesia – fabulous Bali

There are, of course, many more countries for entry with a child WITHOUT permission from the other parent to travel the child abroad. Almost all visa-free countries are such. )

Independent travel for children

For many, this is of course new. But abroad at airports you can often see children traveling alone, accompanied by an airline employee.

Many airlines provide an escort service for children from 5 to 18 years old - from the check-in counter to the arrival hall, the child will be accompanied by an airline employee and handed over personally to a parent or relative. From the age of 12, a child can already travel independently.

In this case, he will need a notarized consent from one of the parents for the departure of a minor citizen of the Russian Federation, indicating the period of departure and the state (states) that he intends to visit.

In this case, the consent of ONE of the parents is also sufficient if the second parent has not received a statement about his disagreement with the departure of his children.


      • According to the law of the Russian Federation, if a child travels with ONE of the parents, consent from the other parent is NOT NEEDED!
      • If the parents are divorced, consent in this case is also NOT NEEDED!
      • If you are going to visit a country with a visa with your child, consent is REQUIRED to obtain a visa for the child; please check with the consulates of the countries you need about the nuances of obtaining such consent.
      • If a child travels with third parties - grandmothers, aunts, coaches, etc. - consent from ONE parent is required.
      • So travel with your children, give them and yourself new impressions, positive emotions and discover whole worlds together!
      • >>Shock sales: canceled tours and erroneous air fares, -80% discounts
      • Don’t forget to take out medical insurance at least for a child, even for traveling around Russia - insurance that really works here.

Where to live when traveling?

You should look for hotels, villas and apartments on RoomGuru - this service compares prices across all booking systems, including Booking.com and Agoda.com; look for apartments on Airbnb. Don’t forget to buy insurance.

We take excursions in Russian on Tripster, and if we speak languages, on Viator.

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Source: https://travelbelka.ru/razreshenie-na-vyvoz-rebenka-za-granicu-komu-kogda-i-zachem-nuzhno/

Hooray! Moms no longer need consent from dads to allow their child to travel abroad

Starting from June 12, 2019, border authorities will no longer accept applications from citizens about disagreement with the departure of a minor citizen of the Russian Federation from Russia.

As the FSB Public Relations Center explained to the RG observer, on June 12, the Russian government decree of May 31, 2019 comes into force, according to which the government decree of May 12, 2003 “On approval of the rules for filing an application for disagreement with departure from the Russian Federation of a minor citizen of the Russian Federation.”

Now such applications will need to be submitted not to the FSB Border Service, but to the migration departments of the territorial bodies of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.

According to the government decree, the Ministry of Internal Affairs will not only accept, but also keep records of these applications.

In addition, these same functions are assigned to diplomatic missions or consular offices of the Russian Federation at the applicant’s place of permanent residence outside Russia.

If a child leaves Russia with one of the parents, the consent of the second is not required

At the same time, the FSB Border Service recalled that children, as a rule, leave Russia with at least one of their parents, adoptive parents, guardians or trustees.

In this case, consent for the child to travel abroad is not required from the second parent.

If a minor leaves Russia unaccompanied by parents, adoptive parents, guardians or trustees, he must have with him, in addition to his passport, a notarized consent from one of these persons (original) for the departure of a minor citizen of Russia.

This document must indicate the date of departure and the country he intends to visit. In this case, consent from the second parent is also not required. The consent may include information about two or more children.

If one of the parents, adoptive parents, guardians or trustees declares his disagreement with the departure of a minor citizen of the Russian Federation from the country, the question of the possibility of his departure will be resolved in court.

If such children are identified at checkpoints, they are not allowed to cross the state border.

At the same time, border guards advise parents sending their minor children abroad to make sure in advance that their child does not have a temporary restriction on leaving, in order to avoid conflict situations at checkpoints.

This information can be clarified both from the second parent and from the migration divisions of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.

If a situation does occur when a child is stopped at border control and not released from the country, then the leadership of the Border Service of the FSB of Russia has instructed border guards to provide all possible assistance to minor citizens who have not been allowed to cross the state border.

Including sending them, accompanied by their representatives, on the return route and informing parents about the situation with their children. And also in providing places to wait until one of the parents or legal representatives arrives for the minor citizen. That is, no one will send a child home alone or abandon him at the border.

In addition, as the special service reminded, parents need to verify the availability and validity of documents giving the right to cross the Russian state border before sending their children.

Source: https://vogazeta.ru/articles/2019/6/11/parents/7937-ura_mamam_teper_ne_nuzhny_soglasiya_ot_pap_na_vyezd_rebenka_zagranitsu

The procedure for the departure of minor citizens

A minor citizen of the Russian Federation (hereinafter also a child), accompanied by at least one of his legal representatives (parents, adoptive parents, guardians, trustees), must travel abroad only with his foreign passport. In this case, consent for the child to travel abroad is not required from his other legal representatives (for example, from the second parent).

A child under 14 years of age can travel abroad without a foreign passport issued for him together with at least one of his parents, if he is included in the foreign passport of the parent traveling with him, issued before March 1, 2010.

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In this case, the parent’s passport must include a photograph of the child, regardless of his age, which must bear the stamp of the passport and visa service. The absence of a photograph or seal is grounds for refusing a child to cross the border.

In this case, the difference in the age of the child in the picture and in life does not matter. For example, if the child is now 10 years old, and a photograph of a three-year-old was pasted into his passport when he was discharged, then there is still no need to change anything.

Departure from the Russian Federation of minor children, information about which is included in the passports of their accompanying parents, issued before March 1, 2010, is carried out until the expiration of these passports.

If information about a minor citizen is included in the parents’ biometric passports, this does not give the child the right to travel outside Russia without his or her passport.

If a minor child and the parent traveling with him have different surnames, we recommend taking with you a notarized copy of the birth certificate to confirm the relationship.

In practice, the absence of such confirmation served as grounds for refusing the child to cross the border.

Border guards have the legal right to interview persons crossing the border and to reasonably request additional documents from them (birth certificate, marriage certificate, etc.).

A child can enter a number of CIS countries using a Russian passport: the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Tajikistan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Abkhazia and the Republic of South Ossetia.

Children under 14 years of age traveling together with at least one parent can travel to these CIS countries using birth certificates with confirmation of Russian citizenship (the corresponding stamp or insert in the birth certificate).

Otherwise, the child may be refused to cross the Russian border and enter the country of temporary residence.

Travel of a child unaccompanied by a legal representative

A minor Russian citizen leaving the Russian Federation unaccompanied by legal representatives (parents, adoptive parents, guardians, trustees) must have with him, in addition to a foreign passport, a notarized consent of one of the legal representatives for his departure abroad, indicating the period of departure and a complete list of states that he intends to visit. The names of countries must be designated correctly in accordance with the All-Russian Classifier of Countries of the World.

      • It should be borne in mind that if the notarized consent is not properly executed, the child will not be allowed to cross the border.
      • Parental consent, which is issued by a notary of a foreign state, must contain a translation into Russian and be certified by a consular office abroad of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs or by affixing an apostille provided for by the Hague Convention.
      • At the same time, in order to return a minor Russian citizen to his homeland, a notarized consent is not required.

It is necessary to take into account that embassies of foreign countries, in the case of issuing a visa for a child traveling without parents, may require notarized consent from both parents. In this case, the originals of such consent remain at the embassy.

Therefore, we recommend that when registering for a minor to travel abroad without the accompaniment of his parents, he immediately prepares the parents’ consent for his departure in several copies (depending on the number of visas received and the need to present the original consent at passport control).

If the consent of the second parent with whom contact has been lost is required to generate a package of necessary documents, a certificate from the police is provided to the visa center stating that it is impossible to establish the whereabouts of the second parent. If the second parent has died, instead of his consent, a notarized translation of the death certificate into the language of the country of temporary residence is accepted.

When preparing documents for a child’s trip abroad, it is necessary to take into account that the rules for entry into some countries may change every year, so it is best to familiarize yourself with them in advance at the consulates, embassies, visa centers of the countries of planned temporary stay or on the websites of these organizations.

Travel of a child unaccompanied by adults

If a minor citizen of the Russian Federation travels abroad without being accompanied by adults at all, then he must have with him, in addition to his passport and notarized consent, also a power of attorney or other document for a representative of the airline operating the flight on which the child is flying.

The possibility of transporting a child unaccompanied by an adult passenger under the supervision of the carrier is provided for in the Federal Aviation Rules “General Rules for Air Transportation of Passengers, Baggage, Cargo and Requirements for Services for Passengers, Shippers, Consignees”, approved by Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated June 28, 2007 No. 82 (paragraphs 103 -105), but only if such transportation is provided for by the air carrier’s rules. Specific information should be checked on the official website of the airline.

At the same time, when unaccompanied minors travel abroad, the rules of entry, exit and transit through each specific country included in the child’s itinerary should be taken into account.

Disagreement of the legal representative for the child to travel abroad

Each parent has the legal right to submit to the Federal Migration Service or the Border Service of the FSB of the Russian Federation a written statement of their disagreement with the child’s departure abroad. The rules for filing such are regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 273 of May 12, 2003.

      1. Each parent has the right to refuse to give notarized consent to the child’s departure abroad of the Russian Federation.
      2. Such decisions that prevent a child from traveling abroad should be challenged in court.
      3. The issue can also be resolved pre-trial if a notarized consent to their departure abroad is obtained from the “disagreeing” parent, who previously filed a statement of disagreement with the departure of their children from the Russian Federation.


      1. In case of departure of a child accompanied by both parents: the following documents are required:
        • biometric international passports of both parents and the child, or old-style international passports of both parents, one of which includes the child;
        • The following documents are desirable: the child’s birth certificate or a notarized copy of this certificate, if the minor is under 14 years old, and he is traveling on his own passport and has a different surname from his parents.
      2. In the case of a child traveling accompanied by one of the parents (whether the parents are married or not does not matter):

        The following documents are required:

        • biometric international passports of the parent and child, or the old-style international passport of the parent in which the child is registered;
        • notarized consent of the second parent to travel abroad from our country in the event that he previously received a statement of disagreement to the departure of his children from the Russian Federation;
        • The following documents are desirable: the child’s birth certificate or a notarized copy of this certificate, if the minor is under 14 years old, and he is traveling on his own passport and has a different surname from his parents.
      3. In the case of a child traveling unaccompanied by parents (with relatives, friends of parents, as part of a group, etc.):

        The following documents are required:

        • biometric passport of the child;
        • notarized consent for the child of one of the parents to travel abroad, if there has been no statement of disagreement from the other;
        • a notarized power of attorney for the person accompanying the child.
      4. If a child travels unaccompanied by adults:

        The following documents are required:

        • biometric passport of the child;
        • notarized consent for the child of one of the parents to travel abroad, if there has been no statement of disagreement from the other;
        • a notarized power of attorney for the airline representative, under whose supervision the child makes the flight.

Regulations you need to know

The travel of minor Russian citizens abroad and the preparation of documents for them are regulated by:

      • Federal Law of August 15, 1996 No. 114-FZ “On the procedure for entry into and exit from the Russian Federation”;
      • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 19, 2010 No. 13 “On the procedure for using forms of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, a diplomatic passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and a service passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, identifying the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation, containing electronic media”;
      • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 12, 2003 No. 273 “On approval of the rules for filing an application for disagreement with the departure from the Russian Federation of a minor citizen of the Russian Federation”;
      • Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of February 12, 2009 No. 128 “On amendments to the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of May 26, 1997 No. 310”;
      • Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation dated May 26, 1997 No. 310 “On approval of instructions on the procedure for registration and issuance of passports to citizens of the Russian Federation for leaving the Russian Federation and entering the Russian Federation”;
      • Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 3, 2006 No. 1226 “On introducing amendments to the regulations on the procedure for considering issues of citizenship of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 14, 2002 No. 1325”;
      • Federal Aviation Rules “General rules for air transportation of passengers, baggage, cargo and requirements for servicing passengers, shippers, consignees”, approved by Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated June 28, 2007 No. 82;
      • Letter of the Federal Tax Service of Russia “On the consent of legal representatives to the departure from the Russian Federation of a minor citizen of the Russian Federation” No. 329/06-01 TV dated February 27, 2010;

Source: https://travelub.ru/pamyatka-poryadok-vyiezda-nesovershennoletnix-grazhdan

Traveling a child abroad. What documents are needed?

During the summer holidays, parents try to take their children on vacation to the sea. And as practice shows, more often they go abroad.

Some go on vacation to relatives who may live in neighboring countries.

When arranging tours for young travelers, travel agency managers must inform parents what documents they will need so that the child can freely cross the Russian border. This is what we will talk about.

International passport or a document replacing it

To travel abroad, a child under the age of 14 must be included in the passport of one (or both) parents. And if the child is already 6 years old, then his photograph is also pasted into the parents’ passport, which must bear the stamp of the passport and visa service.

The absence of such a seal is grounds for refusal to cross the border.

Citizens under the age of 14 can also cross the Russian border on the basis of a birth certificate with a citizenship stamp (or insert).

This is permissible when they travel, accompanied by one or both parents, to a country with a simplified entry procedure (for example, to Ukraine or Belarus).

If a minor travels to such a country without his parents, it is better to issue him, in addition to notarized consent to leave from both parents, a separate passport. Children under 14 years old are issued a foreign passport, and from 14 years old - a regular passport.

There is another document that may be needed. Thus, in addition to a general passport or birth certificate, confirmation of Russian citizenship is required to cross the Russian border. This is necessary, for example, when traveling to the territory of Ukraine.

Otherwise, both crossing the Russian border and entry into the country of intended vacation may be denied. In addition, without such confirmation, it will be impossible to issue the child’s own international passport, as well as enter it into the parent’s passport.

Please note that as proof of citizenship, a corresponding stamp is placed on the birth certificate.

And as soon as the child turns 14 years old, he needs to obtain a foreign passport.

Notarized parental consent

If a child travels abroad without parents (for example, with grandparents or as part of a school or sports group), then it is better to obtain their consent.

The fact is that in this case, the embassy of a foreign state, when issuing a visa for a child, may require the notarized consent of both parents.

For example, this practice is typical for all countries included in the Schengen agreement, as well as for England, the USA, and Canada.

Please note: the originals of such consent remain at the embassy, ​​therefore, if a minor travels abroad unaccompanied by parents, this consent will need to be reissued. It can be issued by any notary. But what if a child travels abroad with one of the parents? In this situation, the consent of the other parent is not required.

Document confirming relationship

If the child and the parent traveling with him have different last names, or if a child under the age of 14 crosses the border using a separate foreign passport, it is recommended to take with you a notarized copy of the birth certificate to confirm the relationship.

Regulations you need to know

The departure of minors abroad is regulated by:

      • Federal Law of August 15, 1996 No. 114-FZ “On the procedure for entry into the Russian Federation and exit from the Russian Federation”,
      • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 12, 2003 No. 273 “On approval of the rules for filing an application for disagreement with the departure from the Russian Federation of a minor citizen of the Russian Federation.”

Source: https://www.klerk.ru/law/articles/112954/

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