Free medications for pregnant women: what is the list and procedure for receiving them

The state supports families with children and pregnant women, therefore free medications for pregnant women are provided. To receive medications, you must be registered with the antenatal clinic.

  1. Who is eligible for free medications during pregnancy?
  2. Legislative framework
  3. How to stock up on free medications during pregnancy
  4. What to do if your doctor refuses to write a prescription for free medications
  5. Last changes 
  6. Free medications for pregnant women: what is the list and procedure for receiving them in 2020
  7. Grounds for receiving benefits
  8. List of medications that are given to pregnant women free of charge
  9. How to get free drugs for pregnant women
  10. If they refuse to give free medicines to pregnant women
  11. Conclusion
  12. Free medications for pregnant women 2020 list
  13. List of Free Medicines for Pregnant Women 2020
  14. List of free medications for pregnant women
  15. Free prenatal vitamins law 2020
  16. Free medications for pregnant women: 2020 list
  17. What pregnant women can get for free in 2020
  18. Free Pregnancy Medicines 2020 List
  19. Free Medicines For Pregnant Women 2020
  20. What medications are free for pregnant women?
  21. Procedure for receiving free medications during pregnancy
  22. Stages of providing services to pregnant women
  23. Free medications during pregnancy
  24. List of free medications for pregnant women in 2020
  25. Who is entitled to free medications during pregnancy?
  26. Legislative framework
  27. What medications are free for pregnant women?
  28. How to get free medications during pregnancy? Very simple!
  29. The doctor refuses to write a prescription for free medications
  30. Free medications for pregnant women in 2020 list
  31. Free medicines for pregnant women
  32. What medications are free for pregnant women?
  33. What is free for pregnant women according to the law?
  34. List of free medicines for pregnant women
  35. Free medications during pregnancy
  36. Free medications during pregnancy
  37. Free vitamins for pregnant women in 2020-2020
  38. What pregnant women are entitled to free of charge by law
  39. Free medications for pregnant women in 2020
  40. Free Pregnancy Vitamins Act
  41. What vitamins are given to pregnant women for free in 2020 St. Petersburg?
  42. Get compensation and benefits
  43. What medications will pregnant women receive for free in 2020?
  44. What free medications are available to pregnant women in 2020?
  45. Free medicines and vitamins for pregnant women in 2020: list of pills for pregnant women in the antenatal clinic
  46. List of free medications for pregnant women
  47. Procedure for pregnant women to receive free vitamins
  48. If the doctor refuses to write a prescription for free medications

Who is eligible for free medications during pregnancy?

In 2020, all pregnant women can receive free medications provided they register with a antenatal clinic .

Vitamins and medications are prescribed to women after the 30th week of pregnancy (if the pregnancy is multiple - after the 28th week). For payment, funds included in the birth certificate are used, which will be given to the expectant mother in labor at the antenatal clinic.

If the cost of drugs does not exceed 990 rubles, then they are provided free of charge. If the cost is higher, there is a 50% discount.

Attention! The drugs are prescribed once by an obstetrician-gynecologist.

Most social support measures are targeted. This means that especially needy citizens can receive them. But all pregnant women, without exception, as well as young children, are prescribed medications.

Important! Benefits are given with the goal that the expectant mother can improve her health, and in the future the health of the baby.

Legislative framework

Not all women know that they are entitled to free prenatal vitamins and medications. Lists of medications are not always posted in clinics and antenatal clinics.

The Moscow Health Department clarified that a list of medications should be available in all hospitals (letter No. 48-12-2932 dated August 2008).

2 legal acts on the provision of medicines:

  • Government Decree No. 987;
  • Order of the Ministry of Social Development No. 72 n dated 02/01/2011.

There is a “Health” project in our country. According to this project, expectant mothers receive birth certificates. Thus, the focus is on improving service in medical institutions.

Attention! The basis for receiving medications is a certificate from an obstetrician.

Here are excerpts from the approved list:

  1. Vitamin E,
  2. Vitrum Prenatal,
  3. Iron (III) hydroxide polymaltosate,
  4. Iron fumarate with folic acid,
  5. Intensive,
  6. Multi-tabs Classic,
  7. Multi-tabs Perinatal,
  8. Complex,
  9. Ferretab complex,
  10. Ferrovit,
  11. Ferrovit forte,
  12. Elevit Prenatal.

It is important to remember your rights and apply for benefits, because raising and having children will require large expenses.

Nuance! There are medications that you have to pay for. These include Hyper-swarm SD, Fraxiparine. The order was adopted by the capital's Department of Health.

Paid services exist in hospitals along with free services. However, paid services cannot replace what is provided for free by law.

Download for viewing and printing:

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2007 N 987 _

Order No. 748 of October 6, 2008 “On drug provision for pregnant women”

To maintain the health of the expectant mother and baby, medications are prescribed that contain iron, iodine, calcium and vitamins.

Local authorities are adjusting the list of drugs. This is due to the fact that each Russian region has its own characteristic diseases. For example, residents of the Tver region experience iodine deficiency. Pregnant women in Moscow are often diagnosed with fetal hypoxia.

Vitamins occupy most of the list of medications. After all, they are the ones that are absolutely necessary to preserve women’s health and give birth to healthy offspring.

List of medicines in 2020:

Name Examples of trademarks Peculiarities
Multivitamin complexes gendevit, complevit, multi-tabs
Preparations with high iron content ferretab complex, maltover Rely on if the expectant mother has a low hemoglobin level
Folic acid Folacin Given until the thirteenth week of pregnancy
Preparations containing vitamin E vitrum, tocopherocaps
Preparations containing iodine potassium iodide, microiodide

In addition to medications, expectant mothers have the right to other free assistance:

  • service from a gynecologist;
  • appointment with other doctors in the direction of a gynecologist;
  • medical procedures and physiotherapy.

Attention! The expectant mother will not have to pay not only for the examination. There is also no set fee for consumables.

How to stock up on free medications during pregnancy

There is a certain procedure for receiving benefits:

  1. You must register with the consultation no later than three months of pregnancy.
  2. Wait until the receptionist issues a medical card.
  3. Visit your doctor and get a prescription. Please ensure that all fields of the form are filled out correctly.
  4. You can get medications at the institution with which the clinic has signed an agreement on servicing beneficiaries.

It is important to know! If there is no medicine in the pharmacy, then the pharmacist should offer an analogue. If the expectant mother is not satisfied with this option, deferred maintenance is done, i.e. You can go to the pharmacy in two weeks.

Prescriptions for vitamins and medicines can be obtained either from a public hospital or a private clinic.

What to do if your doctor refuses to write a prescription for free medications

It’s not for nothing that they say: forewarned is forearmed. Some expectant mothers receive a doctor's prescription and go to the pharmacy to buy vitamins at their own expense. In fact, there is no need to do this.

If the expectant mother or baby has not been given a prescription, you need to remind the doctor about the rules established by law.

When the doctor does not want to write a prescription for free drugs at all, you can only complain. First, you should contact the chief physician; if the result does not work, then contact a higher health care institution.

  • Dear readers!
  • We describe typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is unique and requires individual legal assistance.
  • To quickly resolve your problem, we recommend contacting qualified lawyers on our website.

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December 20, 2017, 21:20 Oct 19, 2019 02:44 Benefits for everyone Link to current article 


Free medications for pregnant women: what is the list and procedure for receiving them in 2020

Russian legislation provides benefits and guarantees for certain groups. This category also includes women while they are expecting a child. More than 10 years ago, a decree was issued allowing pregnant women to receive free medications. But not all expectant mothers know about this opportunity, as well as what funds they are entitled to on a preferential basis.

Grounds for receiving benefits

Those who are interested in who is entitled to free medications during pregnancy should be told that all expectant mothers have this right, regardless of their financial situation.

An important condition for issuing prescriptions for drugs is that the woman must be registered with a gynecologist at the clinic at her place of stay.

At the medical organization, the expectant mother will receive a birth certificate, the money from which is used, among other things, to pay for medicines.

Most of the benefits provided for by legislative acts are targeted, that is, aimed at a specific category of persons.

Free medications are provided to any woman while she is expecting a child. A referral to receive funds is issued by the attending physician.

If the cost of the drugs is within 990 rubles, then it should be issued free of charge. Women are given a 50% discount on more expensive products.

Legislative acts. Receipt of free medicines during pregnancy is regulated by orders of the Ministry of Health.

In addition, the national project “Health”, which regulates the provision of a birth certificate, is a priority.

A pregnant woman knows how important it is for her and her unborn baby to receive vitamins and microelements during this period. However, many complex drugs are quite expensive.

The legislative framework allows you to know which medications are prescribed for pregnant women.

Although the Department of Health letter stated that a list of medications should be available for review at every consultation, not all institutions adhere to the recommendation.

List of medications that are given to pregnant women free of charge

  • The list of which medications are provided to pregnant women free of charge includes complexes containing vitamins, calcium and iron, which are required to maintain the health of the mother and her child.
  • It is possible that the list of medicines will be adjusted by regional authorities, since health problems are often associated specifically with a woman’s place of residence.
  • Most of the list consists of vitamins, since they are necessary to maintain the well-being of the pregnant woman and reduce the risk of problems in the baby.
  • The list includes drugs such as:
  • Ferratab;
  • Maltover;
  • Ferrovit;
  • Elevit Prenatal;
  • Multitabs;
  • Vitrum et al.

It is important to note that their cost should not exceed 990 rubles, otherwise a pregnant woman will only be able to receive them at a discount.

How to get free drugs for pregnant women

Many women, while expecting a child, are faced with the question of how to stock up on free medications during pregnancy.

The orders of the Ministry of Health prescribe the rules of action that the expectant mother must adhere to.

  • Contact the antenatal clinic and register
    with an obstetrician-gynecologist at your place of residence.
  • Obtain a prescription for
    the medicine from a healthcare professional.
  • Contact your local pharmacy with
    a prescription to purchase the drug.

Not all institutions provide medicines free of charge, but only those that participate in the national health program. Usually these are state or municipal pharmacies located in the area where the pregnant woman lives.

When writing a prescription, the doctor must inform the woman about the addresses of these institutions.

Free medications are provided only after the pregnancy exceeds 30 weeks (28 weeks when expecting twins). Medicines are given only to expectant mothers who have a birth certificate.

This document allows you not only to receive free medications and vitamins, but also to pay for other services of medical institutions.

If the drug is not available in the pharmacy, the obstetrician has the right to replace it with a similar one. At the same time, it should also be included in the list of publicly available drugs.

The doctor who wrote the prescription has the obligation to provide the pregnant woman with the necessary medicine within 15 days after issuing the referral to the pharmacy.

Free medicines for pregnant women.

If they refuse to give free medicines to pregnant women

  1. Not all employees of medical organizations comply with legislation on providing women expecting a child with medications.
  2. There is often a situation when a gynecologist only introduces a pregnant woman to the list of products she needs to maintain normal well-being and recommends purchasing them on her own.
  3. In this case, the question arises of what to do if the doctor refuses to write a prescription for free medications.
  4. First, you should ask a specialist whether these drugs are included in the list of publicly available drugs that can be issued by prescription at a municipal pharmacy.

If the doctor still refuses to issue a referral, then the woman can protect her rights enshrined in legislation by sending a complaint to the head of the medical organization or to the Ministry of Health.

  • Every clinic must have a list of pharmacies where expectant mothers can get free medications.
  • A woman should be familiarized with it upon her request, as well as with a list of such medications.
  • If a document is missing or they refuse to present it, this may serve as a reason to send a complaint to higher authorities, the Ministry of Health or the Prosecutor's Office.
  • The pharmacy that a pregnant woman goes to with a prescription must dispense the medicine according to it, if it is included in the national project program.
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If the establishment’s employees deny this right, the woman is advised to go to court.

Moreover, it can be located both at her place of residence and at the address where the institution selling medicines is located.

If a violation of the law is detected, large monetary fines are imposed on pharmacy owners. In practice, such cases are quite rare.

A woman expecting a baby should take care not only of her well-being, but also of the health of the fetus. During this period, it is important for her to receive all the microelements and vitamins the body needs. But medicines are not affordable for everyone.


  1. The national healthcare project provides for free provision of necessary funds to pregnant women after 30 weeks, regardless of documentary evidence of their financial situation.
  2. To do this, you should contact your doctor, who will write a prescription and a referral to a pharmacy where medications are sold.
  3. If an employee of a medical organization denies this right, then you can protect yourself by appealing to a higher authority.

Free vitamins for pregnant women.


Free medications for pregnant women 2020 list

The legal topic is very complex, but in this article we will try to answer the question “Free medications for pregnant women 2020 list.” Of course, if you still have questions, you can consult with lawyers online for free directly on the website.

Guided by such principles, we should not forget that in practice everything happens somewhat differently. In particular, if a doctor prescribes paid medications, you need to remind about the law on the possibility of receiving free medications and vitamins for pregnant women. If you receive a refusal, you must write a complaint to the head physician of the institution or send it to the supervisory authorities.

Most of the benefits provided for by legislative acts are targeted, that is, aimed at a specific category of persons. As already mentioned, when the Health program was developed, free medicines and certain services for pregnant women were specified.

Most social support measures are targeted. This means that especially needy citizens can receive them. But all pregnant women, without exception, as well as young children, are prescribed medications.

Calcium carbonate (eg Calcium-D3 Nycomed, Complivit Calcium D3) These medicines should be provided free of charge to all pregnant women, regardless of what region they live in.

In order to find out which drugs are free in your region, you should contact your local obstetrician-gynecologist. To receive medications free of charge, you will need a compulsory medical insurance policy.

If, when contacting a pharmacy, it is discovered that the required vitamin complex or other product is missing, the pharmacist is obliged to offer a similar option. In this case, the expectant mother has the right to refuse. In this case, she will be able to apply for the necessary medicine at the same pharmacy 14 days later.

» data-medium-file=» 200%2C200&ssl=1″ data-large-file=” .jpg?fit=200%2C200&ssl=1″ />The category of women expecting a child is recognized by the state as needing all kinds of assistance. Here we are usually talking about material benefits accrued both during the pregnancy itself and after its completion. However, in addition to financial subsidies, women in this situation are additionally given the right to receive medicines free of charge.

Carrying a child is a huge burden on the body, during which all its systems work with full efficiency. This means that restoring them with daily vitamin intake is an absolute necessity. It is unrealistic to get the entire required amount simply from products. Therefore, pregnant women especially need daily intake of vitamin complexes.

Therefore, you should always calmly refer to Order of the Ministry of Health No. 72n, which regulates the procedure for spending funds transferred to a medical institution from the state budget to pay for services and medicines for women during pregnancy. You can file a complaint addressed to the head physician.

The project to provide free medicines to pregnant women obliges each health care institution to enter into a contract with a number of pharmacies. Therefore, after receiving a prescription, the expectant mother can apply for the drug at the pharmacy recommended by the doctor. An alternative option is to visit any government pharmacy.

    • Group 6. Drugs for the treatment of diabetes mellitus.
      1. Acarbose tablets.
      2. Glibenclamide - tablets.
      3. Glibenclamide + Metformin are film-coated tablets.
      4. Gliquidone - tablets.
      5. Gliclazide - modified-release tablets; pills.
      6. Glimepiride - tablets.
      7. Glipizide tablets.
      8. Insulin aspart is a solution for intravenous and subcutaneous administration.
      9. Insulin aspart biphasic - suspension for subcutaneous administration.
      10. Insulin glargine is a solution for subcutaneous administration.
      11. Biphasic insulin (human genetically engineered) - suspension for subcutaneous administration.
      12. Insulin detemir is a solution for subcutaneous administration.
      13. Insulin lispro is a solution for injection.
      14. Soluble insulin (human genetically engineered) - solution for injection.
      15. Insulin-isophane (human genetically engineered) - suspension for subcutaneous administration.
      16. Metformin - film-coated tablets; pills.
      17. Repaglinide - tablets.
      18. Rosiglitazone is a film-coated tablet.
      • disabled people and disabled children;
      • participants or disabled people of the Second World War;
      • combat veterans;
      • family members of WWII veterans, combatants and deceased war veterans;
      • military personnel who were part of the army during the Second World War;
      • citizens who own the badge “Resident of the Siege of Leningrad”;
      • persons exposed to radiation during the Chernobyl disaster;
      • WWII servicemen awarded medals or orders of the USSR;
      • persons working at military installations during the Second World War;
      • family members of deceased hospital workers in St. Petersburg.

      Free provision of medicines to all Russians - the so-called “drug insurance” - is being postponed to 2020 due to lack of funds, Larisa Popovich, director of the Institute of Health Economics, told Izvestia.

      This is interesting: VAT fine payment order sample

      Russian legislation provides benefits and guarantees for certain groups. This category also includes women while they are expecting a child.

      More than 10 years ago, a decree was issued allowing pregnant women to receive free medications.

      By the way, each region has its own list of medications, consisting of a mandatory set of medications that is valid throughout the country, and medications that were added by the regional authorities.

      List of Free Medicines for Pregnant Women 2020

      In Russia there is a whole system of social assistance, including in medicine. And for more than ten years, parents whose children are under 3 years old have had the opportunity to receive medicines absolutely free. Read about who is eligible for free medicines in 2020 and which ones to receive in this article.

      List of free medications for pregnant women

      Moscow). At the 30th week, the pregnant woman receives sick leave and is assigned maternity benefits. (If the insurance period is less than 6 months, a benefit in the amount of 7,500 rubles is accrued). The state supports families with children and pregnant women, therefore free medications for pregnant women are provided. To receive medications, you must be registered with the antenatal clinic.

      In St. Petersburg, food distribution centers offer parents special plastic children's cards with a certain monthly limit. All parents whose child is born receive these cards at the MFC with the provision of the necessary documents.

      Free prenatal vitamins law 2020

      When visiting a doctor, remember your rights to receive free vitamins. If the doctor prescribed vitamin preparations, but did not write out a prescription to obtain them at the pharmacy, then it is worth reminding him of the legislation. After all, while waiting for a child you have to spend a lot of money.

      Free medications for pregnant women: 2020 list

      And one more rule can greatly help pregnant women. According to Part 3 of Art. 254 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, pregnant women retain their average salary during outpatient examinations. This means that, firstly, the boss cannot prohibit going to the antenatal clinic during working hours, and secondly, he is obliged to pay for the examination time in the amount of the average salary.

      Such a list, valid in 2020, is presented in the table below. The exact list of free medications for pregnant women may be supplemented by other drugs that are not vitamin complexes. The decision to prescribe them is made by the doctor based on the test results.

      » In each region, the list of free medications for pregnant women can be adjusted based on the amount of budget funds or other possibilities for providing such benefits. However, as part of the social program, a certain list of medications is provided free of charge, most of them consisting of vitamin supplements.

      What pregnant women can get for free in 2020

      Also, women can receive food on a budget basis when visiting the clinic if they suffer from the following diseases: Diabetes; Blood diseases; Lactose deficiency; Hypertension; Preeclampsia; Endocrine diseases; Problems

      Until a certain point, there was no such list in our country. Therefore, in state pharmacies there was a rule - medications were given free of charge to pregnant women, as well as mothers of children under 3 years of age.

      Now there are a huge number of rules that are followed not only by pharmacies, but also by clinics and hospitals. A medical institution that wishes to participate in this project must enter into an agreement with a pharmacy.

      And receiving medications for free is only possible if they are included in a special list.

      Free Pregnancy Medicines 2020 List

      It should be noted that each city is allocated only a certain amount of funds for the purchase of medicines by beneficiaries.

      This is why many women, even with a prescription, cannot get them for free. You can get a prescription for free medicine from your pediatrician.

      Thanks to her, a pregnant woman can receive a huge number of services in state and municipal clinics and maternity hospitals, including:

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      Free Medicines For Pregnant Women 2020

      Currently, there are a huge number of legislative documents that stipulate the main preferential categories, including children under 3 years of age. It is their parents who are allowed to receive free medicine from a certain list. They compile a list of free medicines based on the budget for the eligible population of the country. Every year the list changes and is supplemented.

      It is useful to remember that the article describes the most common situations and does not take into account many subtleties and nuances. To solve your specific problem, get legal advice through the online consultant form or by calling toll-free:

      What medications are free for pregnant women?

      1. A pregnant woman needs to go to an antenatal clinic and register.
      2. In a medical institution, a medical card is created for a pregnant woman in the Approved form.
      3. The attending obstetrician-gynecologist issues a prescription to receive free medicine from a pharmacy, with which there is an agreement to provide free medicines to preferential categories of citizens.
      4. With the received prescription, you must contact the pharmacy indicated in the list of pharmacies that have entered into an agreement with the antenatal clinic. Lists of pharmacies dispensing prescription drugs are posted in the corridors of antenatal clinics.

      Procedure for receiving free medications during pregnancy

      Back in 2007, the law of the Russian Federation introduced a one-time provision of free medicines and vitamins to pregnant women at antenatal clinics at the expense of birth certificates as part of the “Health” project.

      • The expectant mother needs to register with the antenatal clinic. It is advisable to do this no later than the 12th week of pregnancy - in this case, a cash payment will be due. Its size depends on the region.
      • A woman is required to attend all scheduled medical examinations, follow doctor’s orders and take tests for which she is referred.
      • If the pregnancy proceeds smoothly, then at the 30th week the expectant mother receives a birth certificate at the consultation. It consists of three parts, each of which is provided by the state. One goes to pay for the services of the maternity hospital, the second goes to the antenatal clinic, and the third goes to the pediatrician who will monitor the child at home after his birth.

      Giving birth and raising a child is not only a responsible matter, but also a very expensive one. State assistance to families who decide to have offspring can be very helpful.

      Even just free prenatal vitamins prescribed by a doctor can make life a little easier for the expectant mother.

      Therefore, it is worth considering in more detail the question of what benefits are provided in 2020 for women who are carrying a child.

      Stages of providing services to pregnant women

      When compiling a list of drugs, local authorities take into account living conditions in the region. First of all, this concerns climate and environmental realities. If a woman lives in an area that is considered unfavorable in terms of environmental pollution, then the list of medications provided will most likely be somewhat more extensive.

      Today, this list is approved in each region separately. This is due to the fact that various diseases can occur in different parts of our huge country. For example, in the northern regions, vitamin deficiency is more common, and in the middle zone, oddly enough, colds are more common. In this regard, the list of free drugs provided varies in all areas.

      A birth certificate is issued to all pregnant women when applying for maternity leave, that is, for a period of 30 weeks, in the manner established by Order of the Ministry of Health No. 370n and it can be used in any state medical institution of the Russian Federation for partial payment of services in the following amount :

      Free medications during pregnancy

      The period of waiting for the birth of a child is very joyful and responsible at the same time. At this time, a woman has to think not only about her personal health, but also lay the foundations for the health of her unborn baby.

      In order for the organs and systems of the future son or daughter to form correctly, a woman needs nutritious nutrition, rich in vitamins and microelements. However, even with ideal adherence to the rules and diet, there may be a deficiency of vitamins. Therefore, doctors may prescribe free prenatal vitamins.

      What vitamins you should take during pregnancy for free in 2020 – this will be discussed in our article.


List of free medications for pregnant women in 2020

When the test shows two coveted lines, it’s wonderful, but even more wonderful is that our state supports pregnant women, and every expectant mother has the right to receive free medications during pregnancy.

Important! To receive medications, you must be registered with the antenatal clinic.

Who is entitled to free medications during pregnancy?

As noted above, in 2020 all pregnant women can receive free medications if one main condition is met - registration at the antenatal clinic.

Vitamins and medications are prescribed to women after the 30th week of pregnancy. For payment, funds included in the birth certificate are used, which will be given to the expectant mother in labor at the antenatal clinic.

Nuance! If the cost of drugs does not exceed 990 rubles, then they are provided free of charge. If the cost is higher, there is a 50% discount.

Legislative framework

Currently, this issue is very relevant, because not all women know about the possibility of receiving free drugs.

The Moscow Health Department clarified that a list of medications should be available in all hospitals (letter No. 48-12-2932 dated August 2008).

There is a “Health” project in our country. According to this project, expectant mothers receive birth certificates. Thus, the focus is on improving service in medical institutions.

Attention! The basis for receiving medications is a certificate from an obstetrician.

What drugs are free?

      • Vitamin E,
      • Vitrum Prenatal,
      • Iron (III) hydroxide polymaltosate,
      • Iron fumarate with folic acid,
      • Intensive,
      • Multi-tabs Classic,
      • Multi-tabs Perinatal,
      • Complex,
      • Ferretab complex,
      • Ferrovit,
      • Ferrovit forte,
      • Elevit Prenatal.

Nuance! However, there are drugs for which you have to pay. These include Hyper-swarm SD, Fraxiparine. The order was adopted by the capital's Department of Health.

What medications are free for pregnant women?

Benefits are given with the goal that the expectant mother can improve her health, and in the future the health of the baby. For this purpose, expectant mothers are prescribed medications that contain iron, iodine, calcium and vitamins.

Local authorities are adjusting the list of drugs. This is due to the fact that each Russian region has its own characteristic diseases. For example, residents of the Tver region experience iodine deficiency. Pregnant women in Moscow are often diagnosed with fetal hypoxia.

Vitamins occupy most of the list of medications. After all, they are necessary for maintaining women’s health and the birth of healthy offspring.

The list of medicines is current for 2020:

      • Folic acid (brand name: Folacin). Feature: Given until the thirteenth week of pregnancy.
      • Preparations with a high iron content (trademark – ferretab complex, maltover). Feature: Reliable if the expectant mother has a low hemoglobin level.
      • Preparations containing vitamin E (brand name: Vitrum, Tocopherocaps).
      • Preparations containing iodine (trade name - potassium iodide, microiodide).
      • Multivitamin complexes (brand name: Gendevit, Complevit, Multi-Tabs).

Also, in addition to medications, expectant mothers have the right to other free assistance:

      • service from a gynecologist;
      • appointment with other doctors in the direction of a gynecologist;
      • medical procedures and physiotherapy.

Attention! The expectant mother will not have to pay not only for the examination. There is also no set fee for consumables.

How to get free medications during pregnancy? Very simple!

You just need to follow a certain order:

      • You must register with the consultation no later than three months of pregnancy.
      • Wait for the medical card to be issued.
      • Visit your doctor and get a prescription. Please ensure that all fields of the form are filled out correctly.
      • You can get medications at the institution with which the clinic has signed an agreement on servicing beneficiaries.

It is important to know! If there is no medicine in the pharmacy, then the pharmacist should offer an analogue. If the expectant mother is not satisfied with this option, deferred maintenance is done, i.e. You can go to the pharmacy in two weeks.

The doctor refuses to write a prescription for free medications

This is a fairly common problem that has its own solution.

Some expectant mothers receive a doctor's prescription and go to the pharmacy to buy vitamins at their own expense. In fact, there is no need to do this.

If the expectant mother has not been given a prescription, you need to remind the doctor about the rules established by law.

When the doctor does not want to write a prescription for free drugs at all, you can only complain. First, you should contact the chief doctor; if there is no result, then contact a higher health care institution.

      • If you have read our article to the end, congratulations, now you know not only how to get free medications during pregnancy, but also all the nuances of this issue!
      • We hope this article was useful to you.
      • If yes, then subscribe to our channel, here we are actively developing and publishing only useful material!

You can also read about payments and benefits for pregnant women in 2020 in our article. All payments and benefits for pregnant women in 2020

      1. Useful articles:
      2. 1. Birth certificate in 2020: what you need to know
      3. 2. State assistance in improving living conditions for young families in 2020
      4. 3. All payments and benefits for pregnant women in 2020


Free medications for pregnant women in 2020 list

This year, the state program aimed at providing support for motherhood and childhood was extended and the government reserved enough funds to finance the national project.

According to certain areas of the program, pregnant women can count not only on free medical care, but also on receiving medications from a pre-approved list.

Free medicines for pregnant women

An expectant mother can receive a birth certificate by registering with the antenatal clinic before the 30th week of pregnancy if she is expecting one child, and before the 28th week in case of a multiple pregnancy.

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The state allocates 11 thousand rubles for each woman, which are distributed as follows: the antenatal clinic receives about 3 thousand, the maternity hospital receives 6 thousand rubles, and another thousand in the first and second half of the year for each baby is due to the patronage department of the children's clinic.

What medications are free for pregnant women?

      1. A pregnant woman needs to go to an antenatal clinic and register.
      2. In a medical institution, a medical card is created for a pregnant woman in the Approved form.
      3. The attending obstetrician-gynecologist issues a prescription to receive free medicine from a pharmacy, with which this medical institution has an agreement to provide free medicines to preferential categories of citizens.
      4. With the received prescription, you must contact the pharmacy indicated in the list of pharmacies that have entered into an agreement with a medical institution for social services with medicines to citizens of the preferential category. Lists of pharmacies dispensing prescription drugs are posted in the corridors of antenatal clinics.

What is free for pregnant women according to the law?

      • for employment without a probationary period;
      • for annual leave before going on maternity leave, regardless of length of service and the vacation schedule;
      • for exemption from business trips, from overtime work, at night, on weekends and on holidays;
      • to reduce production standards and transfer to lighter types of work without harmful and dangerous factors that threaten health;
      • to receive average earnings during the period of dispensary examination.

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List of free medicines for pregnant women

In parallel with the federal list of free medicines, there is a similar regional list that expands the federal list. Since this list is adopted at the level of the subject of the Federation, specific names of drugs may differ in different subjects. The compilation of the list is influenced by the individual characteristics of the area, for example, the level of common diseases.

Free medications during pregnancy

For several years now, Russia has been implementing a number of measures to support expectant mothers and their young children.

This year the situation will not change - the state will continue to provide women with a relaxing maternity leave, financing, in particular, various payments at the birth of a child and one-time benefits for pregnant women who are officially employed and registered within 12 weeks. As well as free provision of medicines to expectant mothers.

Free medications during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman must take a responsible approach to her health. The body requires vitamins and medications for the child’s well-being and normal development. In 2020, every woman going on maternity leave will be able to receive free medications for pregnant women

Free vitamins for pregnant women in 2020-2020

But, unfortunately, such drugs are often very expensive and are beyond the means of many pregnant women. But don’t despair, because today, pregnant women are entitled to free vitamins from the state by law. Below you will find out how and where you can get them.

What pregnant women are entitled to free of charge by law

Additional privileges have been established regarding what pregnant women are entitled to for free in St. Petersburg. This also includes additional food.

You can receive it throughout the entire period of pregnancy and within 6 months after birth, provided that the baby is breastfed. It is worth noting that this benefit is provided only if the woman registered before the 12th week.

The volume of products is calculated in proportion to the duration of pregnancy. For the first trimester - 1.5 kg per month, for the second - 1 kg per month, for the third 0.75 kg per month.

Free medications for pregnant women in 2020

Free medications for pregnant women in 2020, the list of which is presented below, mainly includes vitamins and medications necessary to fill the body with the nutrients and microelements it lacks. It is no secret that the expectant mother often suffers from vitamin deficiency or a lack of potassium, iron, magnesium, etc. due to fetal development.

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Free Pregnancy Vitamins Act

Currently, in Russia pregnant women do receive free vitamins.

Free provision of vitamins to pregnant women is carried out on the basis of the following laws and regulations: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2007; Order No. 748 of October 6, 2008 “On drug provision for pregnant women”; Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 50 of January 19, 2007; Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 72 dated February 1, 2011.

What vitamins are given to pregnant women for free in 2020 St. Petersburg?

calcium carbonate (for example, calcium-d3 nikomed, complivit calcium d3) these medicines should be provided free of charge to all pregnant women, regardless of what region they live in. In order to find out which drugs are free in your region, you should contact your local obstetrician-gynecologist.

Get compensation and benefits

Free medications should be given to all children under three years of age, without exception, not only disabled people, but also healthy children. The right to receive free medicines does not depend on the welfare of the family.

Prescriptions are written by doctors on approved forms and signed personally by the gynecologist. There must be a hospital stamp.

A pregnant woman can apply for free medications at any government pharmacy or at a pharmacy where her supervising doctor will refer her.

What medications will pregnant women receive for free in 2020?

In 2020, the program to support motherhood and childhood was continued, and the government allocated money for it from the budget. According to this program and the law that supports it, pregnant women have the right to use the funds included in the Maternity Certificate as payment for certain medical services.

In particular, within the framework of this document, she has the right to receive free medications according to a specific list.

This list is approved at the level of the Ministry of Health, but in the regions the list can be expanded due to the characteristics of morbidity in pregnant women associated with regional and climatic features.

What free medications are available to pregnant women in 2020?

Women expecting a child need regular support for the body in the form of vitamin and mineral supplements, and in case of illness they need medications, which are often expensive.

The state provides assistance to expectant mothers in the form of partial or full payment for medicines and vitamins.

In 2020, the “Health” program was launched, according to which all women expecting a child were classified as a category of citizens entitled to receive preferential medications.


Free medicines and vitamins for pregnant women in 2020: list of pills for pregnant women in the antenatal clinic

Last update 05/13/2019

      • Since 2007, in Russia, free drug treatment for pregnant women has become part of the birth certificate program.
      • An expectant mother can receive a certificate if she registers with an antenatal clinic before the 30th week of pregnancy.

The state allocates 11,000 rubles for each woman, which is distributed as follows: about 3,000 rubles. — for antenatal consultation, the maternity hospital receives 6,000 rubles. and another 1,000 rubles. in the first and second half of the year, each child goes to the patronage department of the children's clinic.

The list of free medicines changes monthly depending on the regions and the amount of funds allocated to each region.

The reduction or increase in the list of drugs is influenced by the amount allocated to a specific region.

Lists of free medications should be displayed in antenatal clinics, and they must be updated every month. Medicines are given free of charge only to women who are registered at the antenatal clinic. The prescription for them is written by an obstetrician.

The list of free medications for pregnant women is established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 987

List of free medications for pregnant women

Alpha tocopherol acetate Megadin Elevit Prenatal
Alpha-tocopherol-UBP Megadin Pronatal Iodomarin
Beviplex Microiodide Potassium iodide
Bio-Max Multimax Complivit
Vita Spectrum Multi-tabs Active Complivit Mama for pregnant and lactating women
Vitamin E Multi-tabs Intensive Complivit-Active
Vitatress Multi-tabs Classic Maxamin forte
Vitrum Multi-tabs Perinatal Maltofer
Vitrum vitamin E Polivit Geriatric Multivitamin Zopelherz vitamin E forte
Vitrum Prenatal Revit Undevit
Vitrum Prenatal Forte Revit-UVI Undevit-UVI
Vitrum Superstress Selmevit Fenyuls Complex
Hexavit Supradin Ferretab complex
Glutamevit Teravit Ferrovit
Iron (III) hydroxide polymaltosate Teravit Antistress Ferrovit forte
Iron fumarate with folic acid Teravit Pregna Iodine balance
Zithrum vitamin E Tocopherocaps Folic acid
Zithrum Centuri Tocopherol acetate
Folacin Tri-V Plus

A pregnant woman can check the current list of medications with the head of the antenatal clinic.

Procedure for pregnant women to receive free vitamins

Medicines for pregnant women are prescribed free of charge by the attending obstetrician. The recipe has the following details:

      • name and address of the medical institution;
      • Full name of the pregnant woman;
      • name of the drug;
      • doctor's signature;
      • prescription issue date;
      • stamps: personal stamp of the doctor and round stamp “For prescriptions”.

If at least one detail is missing, the recipe is invalid. You can get medications at your local pharmacy.

If the doctor refuses to write a prescription for free medications

Providing free vitamins to pregnant women is the responsibility of medical institutions. If the refusal is motivated by the lack of a drug in the pharmacy, the doctor is obliged to replace it with its analogue.

If he refuses to issue a prescription for a similar medicine, then the patient has the right to contact the health authorities. Their phone number should be posted on the bulletin board in the residential complex. If there are constant refusals, you must complain to the prosecutor's office. A written complaint will be a powerful argument in court.

If a prescription is not available at the pharmacy, the pharmacist is required to place the woman on deferred care. Make an entry in a special journal and provide the prescription medication no later than 15 days later.


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