Registration of various types of benefits and assistance from the state requires the collection of certain documentation.
From August 2, the next dacha amnesty has been extended once again.
However, it is possible to receive monetary compensation instead of a land plot.
The seizure of children's benefits by bailiffs can be an unpleasant surprise.
A woman who has temporarily left her workplace to raise and care for a child under 3 years of age has the right to request payments from her husband
In the article “Division of property during divorce” we mentioned that property should be divided into
Sometimes married couples, having lived together for a short time, come to the decision to divorce.
A birth certificate is a document that is received by a pregnant woman who has registered with the maternity hospital.
The main provisions on the payment of alimony are regulated by Articles 80-81 of the RF IC.
One of these benefits is free meals at school, for which you must belong