What documents are needed for a child’s personal insurance: how to get it and why

Many parents wonder why their children need SNILS. After all, minors in Russia need to have quite a lot of documents. And insurance certificate is one of them. Next we will tell you everything about the mentioned paper. What should everyone remember about her?

  1. Description
  2. View
  3. Main purpose of paper
  4. Insurance certificate for children
  5. When to receive
  6. Where to ask
  7. Internet and queries
  8. Service delivery period
  9. Procedure
  10. For babies
  11. After 14
  12. For foreigners
  13. Reasons for replacement
  14. Exchange Features
  15. About the questionnaire
  16. Conclusion
  17. How to get an Inn for a child
  18. Where can you get SNILS for a child: possible methods and necessary documents
  19. Why does a child need SNILS?
  20. Who can get a personal account in the pension insurance system
  21. Where to get SNILS for a child: all options
  22. How to get SNILS for a newborn child: differences depending on citizenship
  23. How to get SNILS for a child through the MFC and Pension Fund: package of documents and waiting time
  24. Completed sample for a child
  25. What documents are needed to obtain SNILS for a child?
  26. Why do you need children's SNILS?
  27. Methods of obtaining
  28. List of documents
  29. Deadlines for receiving SNILS
  30. How to get SNILS
  31. Documents for SNILS for a child: what is needed to obtain SNILS for a child
  32. Does a child need SNILS?
  33. Paper documents are no longer issued
  34. Registration procedure and documents for SNILS for a child
  35. Are there any special features in the registration procedure for a newborn: documents
  36. How to issue a birth certificate before receiving SNILS for a newborn
  37. Registration of SNILS for a newborn: step-by-step instructions
  39. Does a newborn need SNILS?
  40. When do you need to issue SNILS for a newborn?
  41. Documents for SNILS for a newborn: what is required
  42. Where is SNILS done for a child?
  43. 1.Pension fund at the place of registration
  44. 2. Multifunctional center. The procedure for obtaining SNILS through the MFC
  45. Maternity hospital
  46. Preschool and educational institutions
  47. How to apply for SNILS - in person or online
  48. Obtaining SNILS through government services:
  49. How long will a child have SNILS?
  50. What next: use the insurance number for its intended purpose
  51. Summary of the above


Why do children need SNILS? First of all, let's figure out what kind of paper we are talking about. This is extremely important.

SNILS is an insurance certificate. It confirms the fact of pension insurance. Recently, it has been issued to all children, even newborns. Adults must also have this document. Without it, everyday life will be significantly more difficult.



What does the insurance certificate look like? This paper cannot be confused with anything.

The thing is that the mentioned documentation looks like a green and white card. Its size is slightly larger than bank plastic.

On the front side, basic information is written - the citizen’s insurance number, as well as his personal data. On the back you can read the reasons for its replacement. There is nothing unclear or difficult about this. But why do children need SNILS?

Main purpose of paper

First of all, we will find out for what purposes the insurance certificate is used in principle. Let's say, among adult citizens.

SNILS, as we have already found out, is a document indicating the fact of pension insurance on the territory of the Russian Federation. It is issued to both adults and children. Even foreigners have the right to obtain it.

Using a person’s insurance number, you can check contributions made to the Pension Fund for your entire life. The person’s future pension will be formed from them. This use occurs primarily in adults. The employer, according to the information on the insurance card, makes contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for each of his subordinates.

Children usually have no work. But you will still have to obtain an insurance certificate. For what? Why do children need SNILS?

Insurance certificate for children

In fact, the scope of application of a green card is quite extensive. Insurance certificates turn out to be indispensable in the everyday life of any person.

SNILS may be useful:

  • when enrolling in school or kindergarten;
  • during the registration of benefits;
  • to receive state support of one degree or another for a child;
  • to complete a number of documents;
  • for medical care in a clinic;
  • during official employment (for teenagers);
  • when registering non-working periods that will be counted towards the insurance period.

It is not difficult to guess that children use SNILS in kindergarten and at school. This is an important document for children; without it, they may not be accepted into an educational institution. In addition, an insurance card will be required to receive free medical care and register at a local clinic.

When to receive

Another rather interesting question: at what age does a child need to apply for SNILS? There are several opinions, but only one of them is correct.

Some people believe that until kindergarten/school you don’t have to think about obtaining an insurance certificate for a minor. But it's not right.

The thing is that recently new rules have come into force in Russia. SNILS is a mandatory document for obtaining a compulsory health insurance policy. Even newborns need this paper.

It follows that registration of SNILS for a child must be carried out from the very beginning of life. That is, still in the neonatal period. It is advisable to do this as soon as possible, in the first month of the baby’s life. Then there will be no problems in the future.

Attention: there are no penalties for late SNILS. Therefore, if parents do not want to receive a regular compulsory medical insurance policy, there is no need to rush to obtain an insurance certificate. You just have to remember that you won’t be able to get benefits from the state for your baby either.

Where to ask

We found out why children need SNILS. Now it’s worth considering in more detail the procedure for obtaining this paper.

First of all, let's see where you can request this certificate. A request in the established form is submitted:

  • in the MFC;
  • to the Pension Fund;
  • to one-stop services.

In some cities, SNILS is issued directly at the registry office, when registering a newborn. But this is an extremely rare scenario. Therefore, there is no need to count on it.

Internet and queries

Is it possible to get SNILS for a child through State Services? After all, this portal is used to process the bulk of documents. And with small children it is not always convenient to go to various kinds of authorities.

Unfortunately, in Russia there is no way to get SNILS for a child through Gosuslugi. There is simply no such option on the portal. Insurance certificates for adults are also not issued via the Internet. You'll just have to act on your own. The Pension Fund does not plan to provide services for issuing insurance certificates via the World Wide Web in the near future.

Service delivery period

How quickly can I receive the mentioned document? Fortunately, insurance certificates for children are issued very quickly. In addition, the procedure is accompanied by minimal paperwork.

In the case of newborns, SNILS can be obtained immediately. Some Pension Fund branches issue green laminated cards within a few minutes after parents apply for the document.

The official production time for the documentation being studied is 2 weeks. Sometimes the document is issued faster. This is normal, but you shouldn't count on it too much.


How is SNILS issued for a child? Everything is extremely simple and clear. We have already said that this operation is accompanied by minimal paperwork. And therefore the remaining actions do not cause any difficulties.

To obtain a green insurance card, a person will need:

  1. Create a package of documents. We'll talk about them a little later.
  2. Contact one of the previously listed authorities.
  3. Submit an application for an insurance certificate.
  4. Wait for a notification that the paper is ready.
  5. Pick up a ready-made sample of a laminated card from the MFC or Pension Fund.

That's all. It would seem that the operation does not cause any problems. But in real life, citizens have many questions regarding the issuance of SNILS to minors.

For babies

Documents for SNILS for a child will vary depending on the situation. Let's start with children who are citizens of the Russian Federation and are classified as minors.

Such people need:

  • passport of the legal representative;
  • application (filled out by the parent);
  • certificate of registration;
  • birth certificate;
  • old SNILS (if it exists).

That's all. No more documents are needed. The listed papers must be submitted in originals. They are not confiscated from the citizen.

After 14

But that's not all. Documents for SNILS for a child vary. What to do if the minor is already 14?

Then the insurance certificate can be issued without legal representatives. A person must have with him:

  • identification;
  • application form;
  • old insurance certificate (if available).

Parents after the child’s 14th birthday have nothing to do with the process being studied. This is quite normal. It is not prohibited to take legal representatives with you, but they will not be able to participate in filing the application.

For foreigners

As we have already said, insurance certificates are issued not only to local residents, but also to foreigners. Including minors.

In addition to the listed elements, the package of documents will include translations of birth certificates/passports, as well as migration cards. Without them, service will simply be refused.

Reasons for replacement

We found out whether a child needs to receive SNILS. This question is not that difficult. And preparing the paper you are studying is also not difficult.

An insurance certificate, unlike a passport, does not have an expiration date. It only needs to be changed under certain circumstances.

These include:

  • presence of typos;
  • change of personal data (for example, last name);
  • damage to a document;
  • loss of insurance certificate.

There is no way to simply replace the mentioned documentation. Pension Fund employees will refuse this.

Exchange Features

It is important to note that replacing an insurance certificate does not have any significant features. More precisely, there is one nuance that not everyone knows about.

The thing is that the SNILS number is assigned once and for life. When replacing an insurance certificate, only information about its owner will change. And the insurance number will remain the same under any circumstances. This rule applies to both adults and minors.

About the questionnaire

Special attention will have to be paid to directly submitting a request for the issuance of the documentation being studied. We are talking about a form for obtaining SNILS for a child.

We have already said that this document is filled out exclusively by the child’s legal representatives, one of them. The form is taken directly to the Pension Fund. In fact, the questionnaire is filled out by employees of the selected service, taking into account the papers presented to the organization.

After 14 years of age, children independently apply for SNILS. And the form is also filled out without any parental participation. This operation does not cause any difficulties.


We found out why children need SNILS. In addition, we were able to consider all the features and nuances of obtaining a pension insurance certificate.

You will have to remember that SNILS is a document that must be completed even for newborns. Recently it has become impossible to live without it in Russia.

Source: https://syl.ru/article/368486/zachem-detyam-snils-kakie-dokumentyi-nujnyi-dlya-polucheniya-snils-rebenku

How to get an Inn for a child

From user Inglia's log

Immediately after discharge from the RD, we issue the following for the child: - first of all - a Birth Certificate ; - second thing - Compulsory health insurance policy ; According to these two documents, the child gets a Honey. card in children's medical institution, place of residence.

- after - registration of the child at the place of registration of one of the parents ; - well, - Citizenship of the Russian Federation (in the form of a stamp on the back of the Birth Certificate); - and with it - International passport .

Recently, around 2012-2013, new requirements have appeared, according to which, in addition to all these documents, the child needs to obtain a SNILS and TIN .

And about this in more detail... Why does a child need SNILS? Registration of children and adolescents as insured persons in the compulsory pension insurance system has become a necessity due to amendments to the norms of current legislation. For example, since January 2012, universal electronic cards have appeared, thanks to which state, municipal and other services have become available. Such cards were created in order to make it easier for the population to participate in health and social insurance programs, as well as in social support programs for certain categories of citizens, adults and children. It is assumed that the card will be able to combine a compulsory health insurance policy, a student card, a bank card, travel documents for transport and many others, so the provision of services (for example, medical) without information about the insurance number of the individual personal account of the insured person in the Pension Fund (SNILS) will become impossible. In addition, information about SNILS is required when receiving government services electronically.

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A child’s SNILS* is also needed to pay for services through the government services portal, for example: kindergarten, school, clubs...

Payment for kindergarten through the public service portal: For Moscow How can you get SNILS for a child? To obtain SNILS for a child, you must contact any Territorial Administration of the Pension Fund at the place of registration and/or actual residence, or at the MFC (multifunctional center).

In some regions of Russia, insurance certificates are issued through educational institutions (kindergartens, schools, universities), and a personal application by the child and his parents to the territorial administration is not required.

Today, obtaining SNILS for a child is possible via the Internet. Thanks to the work of the state portal:

http: //www.gosuslugi.ru/

You can apply for SNILS in a short time, and you can get a Personal Number almost immediately.

The necessary documents for obtaining SNILS for a child under the age of 14 are:

- passport of one of the parents; — original birth certificate, with a mark on citizenship + copy; — an application signed by the parent to register the child in the Pension Insurance system. In this case, the presence of the child himself is not required.

The main document for issuing SNILS for a child over 14 years old is his personal passport. To register in the Pension Insurance system, a child’s application is required, and therefore his personal presence at the Territorial Office of the Pension Fund is required.

Why does a child need a TIN? Now a system has been introduced so that all children receive a TIN. A child of any age can act as a taxpayer (even an infant, but parents or guardians pay taxes for him). For example, a child may pay tax if, according to documents, he owns a garage or a plot of land, or has his share in this property. Minor owners of privatized apartments or shares in an apartment are not exempt from paying property taxes. Until they reach adulthood, taxes are paid by their parents or legal representatives. To prepare documents for paying taxes, a TIN is required. If you own the property, then pay tax. When obliging a child to pay property tax, tax authorities refer to the Tax Code and the Law of the Russian Federation “On Property Tax for Individuals.” In both documents there are no benefits for children, so formally the tax authorities are right. Although, if you think humanly, this is absurd. But the law is the law - this is how officials answer.

Tax officials will continue to act on the principle: “If there is a tax, then someone has to pay it” until the law changes.

The Tax Code does not say anything about orphans separately, but they fall into the category of pensioners because they receive a pension from the state. And pensioners are exempt from paying property taxes from individuals. For example, there are situations when a child can pay tax on his own earnings - let's say he is an athlete. And athletes become earlier than other children. How can you get a TIN for a child? The TIN is made at the Territorial Representative Office of the Tax Service at the place of residence or at the MFC.

Necessary documents for obtaining a TIN for a child: - passport of one of the parents + copy of the passport: spread with photo, registration, list of children; — original birth certificate, with a mark on citizenship + copy; - application form 2-2-Accounting, where the applicant is the child himself, and the parent (guardian) is only his legal representative; — a document confirming the registration of the child at the place of residence.

Where can you get SNILS for a child: possible methods and necessary documents

SNILS is the insurance number of a citizen’s individual personal account in the compulsory pension insurance system (OPS). It is unique and belongs to only one person.

Before April 1, 2019, you could confirm the presence of such a number using an insurance certificate, which looks like a small laminated green card. But after this date, the authorities canceled the certificate.

Instead, applicants receive “documents confirming registration in the individual (personalized) accounting system.” They present the same documents when receiving government services, applying for benefits and pensions, finding employment or concluding civil service agreements.

In this regard, the new law states:

An insured person entering work under an employment contract or concluding a civil law contract for which remuneration is calculated in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, is obliged, in turn, to provide the policyholder with a document confirming registration in the individual (personalized) accounting system, on on paper or in the form of an electronic document and (or) through the information system “personal account of a registered person”, as well as during the initial registration or change of information contained in an individual personal account of a registered (insured) person, inform the policyholder of the information provided for in subparagraphs 2 - 8, paragraph 2, Article 6 of this Federal Law, for transfer to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Similar wording is given in the updated version of Art. 65 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

It is stated here that during initial employment, the employer is obliged to help the new employee register in the individual (personalized) accounting system and obtain a personal account.

But confirmation of this registration will not be a certificate, but a document in the established form. The form itself did not exist at the time of preparation of the material; it must be approved by the Pension Fund.

Why does a child need SNILS?

A child may need a personal SNILS in the following situations:

  • when registering for a nursery, kindergarten and school;
  • SNILS will be needed when applying for various social payments and social assistance for a child under state children's programs;
  • according to SNILS, a child under 3 years old can receive free medicines;
  • according to Art. 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, SNILS is included in the list of documents required when applying for a job. Therefore, if your minor child decides to officially work during the holidays, his boss will deduct interest towards the formation of his future pension;
  • The child will need SNILS when registering on the official website of government services. On this resource it is possible to speed up the procedure for processing and receiving many documents, including children’s ones;
  • SNILS is also necessary to identify a citizen in the system of interaction between various departments. Consequently, this facilitates the speedy execution of various papers when receiving certain services.

Who can get a personal account in the pension insurance system

Before we tell you how to get SNILS for a child under 14 years old, let’s look at who, in principle, is registered and provided with a personal personal account. Traditionally, these are citizens of the Russian Federation.

Since a situation is being considered where to obtain SNILS for a child, that is, for a minor, an application on his behalf is submitted by a parent, adoptive parent or guardian. In addition, the Pension Fund allows foreign citizens, as well as stateless persons, to obtain a SNILS for a child.

Representatives of the minor also submit documents.

Where to get SNILS for a child: all options

Traditionally, when providing state and municipal services, there are three ways to obtain them:

  • directly to the body providing the service: in our case, the Pension Fund of Russia;
  • how to get SNILS for a child through the MFC: in multifunctional centers that most often accept applications on an extraterritorial basis, that is, you can go to any office in Moscow or in another city;
  • on the government services portal, which offers the submission of applications in an online format, and the issuance of documents in a pre-selected department of a state or municipal body.

Unfortunately, in our case, the public services portal cannot be used. If in some source you found instructions on how to get SNILS for a child through government services, know that this is unreliable information. This service is provided only at the MFC or Pension Fund.

How to get SNILS for a newborn child: differences depending on citizenship

Where can I get SNILS for a newborn child if he is a citizen of Russia? Please note that a child’s SNILS can be issued only after the parents receive his birth certificate.

When the baby has been issued a birth certificate, his representative has the right to choose between the Pension Fund and the MFC. In the first case, the applicant will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis; in the second, you need to make an appointment with a specialist.

The presence of the child himself is not required either when applying for SNILS or when receiving it directly.

How to obtain SNILS for a newborn child whose citizenship is not established or who is a citizen of another country? In this case, representatives must contact the Pension Fund at their place of temporary or permanent residence. The MFC will not be able to provide services to them. Therefore, it is better to immediately go to the Pension Fund office for help.

How to get SNILS for a child through the MFC and Pension Fund: package of documents and waiting time

The document submission procedure will not take much time if you are prepared for it.

We will tell you how to get SNILS for a child under 14 years old. You will need:

  • application in form ADV-1. You can view the completed sample and download the form below;
  • birth certificate, certified translation if necessary;
  • passport of the representative (parent or guardian), if necessary translated into Russian.

If the child is over 14 years old, you need to bring with you:

  • child's passport;
  • completed application in form ADV-1.

Completed sample for a child

The application form in form ADV −1 is filled out by the applicant by hand in block letters. The questionnaire has the following points:

  • Full name is written in the header. the applicant;
  • in the main part, the child’s personal data is indicated: last name, first name, patronymic, gender, date of birth (city, place, district, region, country), citizenship, permanent residence address, zip code, registration address;
  • information about an identity document (birth certificate or passport);
  • At the end, the date of application and the child’s signature are indicated. If the child is under 14 years old, his parent (guardian, proxy) must sign.

If you have any questions about filling out the form, you can contact an employee of the Pension Fund or MFC.

Officials have 5 working days to provide the service. This period is the same regardless of who registers in the pension insurance system.

What documents are needed to obtain SNILS for a child?

Obtaining a SNILS for a child should be done by his parents if the child has not reached the age of fourteen. If the child has reached this age, then he can receive a pension certificate on his own. Where should you go to get SNILS for a child?

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Why do you need children's SNILS?

A pension certificate identification number is required in the following situations:

  • When receiving an electronic card, an identification number is required, which is assigned when registering for SNILS;
  • If there is a SNILS pension certificate, the child can count on receiving social assistance under state children's programs;

For example, according to SNILSU, a child under three years of age can receive free medicines.

  • If a minor child decides to work on a temporary basis during the holidays, then if he has SNILS and official employment, his boss will deduct interest towards the formation of a future pension;
  • The identification number of the pension certificate is required when registering on the official website of the State Services;

On this resource it is possible to speed up the procedure for registering and receiving many documents, including children’s ones.

  • If a child is recognized as disabled, then if he has a pension certificate, SNILS will help determine what kind of social benefits he is entitled to;

Methods of obtaining

Obtaining a SNILS for a child can be done in one of the following ways:

  • If a minor child is not yet fourteen years old, then the necessary list of documents (read in the next section) can be submitted for him by his official guardians (natural or adoptive parents);

The presence of the child himself is not required either when applying for a pension certificate or when receiving it directly.

  • If a minor child is already fourteen years old (the age when they receive a passport), then he can submit all the necessary documents himself;

In both cases, to obtain SNILS, you need to contact the Pension Fund at the place of permanent registration of the child who needs to receive a pension certificate.

  • Just as in the case of obtaining an adult pension certificate, the issue of obtaining SNILS for a child can be dealt with, for example, by school management;

In this case, the child must provide photocopies of the necessary documents to the administration of his school/lyceum, etc., after which they will send the documentation to the Pension Fund.

  • If the local registry office and the Pension Fund, where they want to issue a children’s pension certificate, have drawn up an agreement on cooperation between the two departments, then when registering a child, the registry office automatically sends the information of the little citizen to the fund and the pension certificate is issued without filling out an application;

List of documents

Documents for SNILS

As we have already determined from the previous paragraph, you need to submit documents to obtain SNILS for a child either to the Pension Fund at the place of residence, or by transferring them to the educational institution where the child is studying.

The list of required documents for submission includes:

  • Identity document (passport) of the official representative of the child (parent or guardian) who is applying for a child certificate;
  • If the child is under fourteen years of age, then a birth certificate;
  • If the child has reached fourteen years of age and has received a passport, then it must be provided;
  • Completed application in ADV-1 format;

The application has the following points:

  • In the upper right corner there is a standard “header”: “Approved by the Resolution of the Board of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation dated day/month/year No. XX;

It further states that the insured person’s application form must be filled out by the insured person in block letters.

Filling out the application yourself can be avoided by contacting the Pension Fund of the child himself. In this case, employees can fill out the application via computer. In this case, the child must only provide an identification document and a birth certificate.

  • The main part contains the child’s personal data: last name, first name, patronymic, gender, date of birth (city, place, district, region, country), citizenship, permanent residence address, zip code, registration address;

A sample application can be obtained directly from the Pension Fund branch or downloaded from the official website of the institution.

  • At the very end, the date of application and the child’s signature are indicated.

If the child is under fourteen years old, then the signature is affixed by his parent//guardian/authorized person (an adult).

Deadlines for receiving SNILS

The process of obtaining a completed SNILS pension certificate for a child takes three working weeks.

In particularly emergency situations, the Pension Fund can agree to reduce the time frame for receiving a child’s SNILS.

How to get SNILS

Russia has a compulsory pension insurance system - OPS. Its purpose is to compensate a person’s earnings if something happens and he loses his job.

To count on compensation, everyone who lives and works in the Russian Federation must have a special insurance number and a personal account in the OPS system.

SNILS is the insurance number of an individual personal account in the pension insurance system, which is written on that very green card - the insurance certificate.

This is what an insurance certificate looks like

The certificate contains all the important information about the person: full name, date and place of birth, series and number of passport, citizenship and Taxpayer Identification Number. Such a document is needed to track pension savings, manage the receipt of government services online and complete certain documents.

Use government services online. To do this, you will need to register for government services and receive a login and password in the Unified Identification and Authentication System (USIA). To confirm registration you will need a passport and SNILS. With a single account, you will have access to government services, the pension fund and regional administrative sites.

Receive social benefits and assistance from the state. The government has a unified social security information system through which they help needy citizens. And here you definitely need SNILS.

For example, a document is needed so that schoolchildren have discounted meals and travel, children under three years old are given free medicine with a doctor’s prescription, or parents receive maternity capital for their second born child.

If a person applies directly to the pension fund, he receives SNILS on the same day at the reception.

Upon receipt of the certificate through the MFC, the document will be ready within 5-10 working days. You will be notified when the certificate can be collected.

Through the employer, the certificate takes even longer - up to one month.

SNILS is valid for life. An insurance number is assigned to a person once and for all. The insurance certificate itself—the green card—may change.

If a person has changed his name, gender, date or place of birth, he needs a new certificate. The insurance number of the individual personal account remains the same.

All citizens of the Russian Federation and foreigners who work under an employment contract and live in Russia temporarily or permanently need to receive the document.

You can obtain an insurance certificate through your employer, pension fund or MFC.

At work. If you are getting a job for the first time and you do not have an insurance certificate, the employer will issue a document and will pay insurance premiums for you. Provided that you are employed legally.

In the pension fund. You can apply for and receive an insurance certificate at any branch of the pension fund - at your place of registration, residence or stay.

At the MFC. Go to the nearest one if it is more convenient. You can pick up the finished document there or at the Pension Fund branch.

A parent or legal representative can obtain SNILS: an adoptive parent, a guardian or a trustee. The presence of a child under 14 years old when receiving the document is not required.

For insurance deductions. If a child starts working, he is subject to the law on compulsory pension insurance, just like adults.

You can get SNILS from your employer if such an agreement is concluded for the first time.

To pay a pension upon the occurrence of an insured event. By law, the compulsory health insurance system does not insure children against retirement age, loss of a breadwinner, and disability. But you can issue a SNILS for your child so that he will receive a pension from the state if an insured event occurs.

In order for parents to issue SNILS for a child, they need to take:

  • birth certificate;
  • parent's passport;
  • completed application form;
  • a document confirming Russian citizenship, if it is not indicated on the birth certificate;
  • child’s passport if he is over 14 years old.

To fill out the form, the legal representative will also need a document confirming the establishment of adoption, guardianship or trusteeship.

A citizen over 14 years of age can apply for the document independently: to obtain a certificate, you need a passport and a completed application form.

The document can be drawn up at the pension fund, MFC, kindergarten, school, or in some cases at the registry office. The procedure for obtaining it is the same everywhere as for an adult.

Obtaining a certificate for a child through government services is impossible.

Foreigners must also be registered in the OPS system in order to receive a pension in Russia. To do this, two conditions must be met:

  1. Have a temporary residence permit or residence permit.
  2. Work under a contract: labor, civil law, author's order, alienation of rights.

Foreigners can obtain a document from a pension fund or through an employer. To receive, you need a completed application form, a passport or its notarized translation from the national language into Russian, a residence permit or temporary residence permit.

Foreigners will not be able to obtain a document if they do not work under an employment contract or live in the Russian Federation illegally.

Obtaining a certificate for a child with foreign citizenship or stateless is possible only from the pension fund. To obtain it, you will need a child’s identity document, a parent’s passport, a temporary residence permit or a residence permit. If the documents are in a foreign language, a notarized translation will be required.

Documents for SNILS for a child: what is needed to obtain SNILS for a child

  • Does a child need SNILS?
  • Paper documents are no longer issued
  • Registration procedure and documents for SNILS for a child
  • Are there any special features in the registration procedure for a newborn: documents
  • How to issue a birth certificate before receiving SNILS for a newborn

Does a child need SNILS?

Before we talk about SNILS and documents for obtaining SNILS for a newborn child or a child under the age of 14, we will answer a reasonable question: does the baby even need this document and why, when can it be obtained?

Important! SNILS can be obtained immediately after the child is issued a birth certificate.

The purpose of registering a SNILS is not only to fix a citizen’s pension rights, but also to be able to use an individual number when receiving state or municipal services (benefits, benefits, electronic cards, etc.). For example, the SNILS number can be a login on the State Services portal or on similar regional Internet resources.

If a child plans to work before reaching 14 years of age, then SNILS is necessary for him to find employment.

For reference! According to Art. 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, upon employment, an employee is required to provide confirmation of registration in the pension insurance system. As for the age at which a child can be hired, Part 4 of Art. 63 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation allows the employment of children under 14 years of age in cinematography organizations, theaters, and circuses.

Paper documents are no longer issued

The SNILS registration system operates on the basis of the Law “On Individual...” dated April 1, 1996 No. 27-FZ. According to Art. 1 of this law, registration in the pension insurance system means opening for a citizen an individual account that has a unique number (it is the set of numbers that make up the account number that is denoted by the abbreviation SNILS).

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Individual account, according to paragraph. 8 tbsp. 1 of Law No. 27, is an electronic document in which the Pension Fund records all data on the work experience of the future pensioner, as well as on contributions sent by employers or the citizen himself to form a future pension. Today, a paper document is not issued to the SNILS recipient, but only a written notification of the assignment of a SNILS number.

Registration procedure and documents for SNILS for a child

SNILS can be issued at the department of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at your place of residence or MFC. It is not possible to obtain SNILS through the State Services portal. There is a special instruction about this on the portal itself. This issue is discussed in more detail in our article “How to order, issue and receive SNILS through the Internet portal of State Services.”

To obtain SNILS from the MFC or Pension Fund, one of the parents (or legal representative) of a child under 14 years of age must apply personally. The presence of the child at the Pension Fund or MFC is not required.

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Based on the child’s data, an employee of the MFC or Pension Fund will fill out an application for receiving SNILS, as well as a questionnaire for the insured person.

Important! The parent must have the following documents with him to issue SNILS for the child:

  • passport;
  • birth certificate of the child for whom the document is being drawn up.

What additional documents may a child need for SNILS? The above list is exhaustive, and an employee of the Pension Fund (MFC) has no right to demand any other papers from the parent.

The time frame for obtaining SNILS will depend on which authority the applicant applied to. If registration is made at the Pension Fund, then a registration certificate will be issued upon application. That is, in real time. It will take from 3 to 5 days to register SNILS at the MFC.

For reference: the procedure for issuing SNILS has been significantly accelerated since 04/01/2019, since citizens are no longer issued a plastic SNILS card. A Pension Fund employee will issue a certificate of registration in the pension insurance system immediately after entering all information about the child into the Pension Fund database.

We also note that if a teenager has already reached 14 years of age, then to register for SNILS he only needs a passport. And he can apply to the Pension Fund for this service independently.

Are there any special features in the registration procedure for a newborn: documents

Regarding the specifics of the procedure and the list of documents for SNILS for a newborn, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • According to established legal and medical practice, a child is considered a newborn within 28 days of birth. That is why, within a month after birth, he needs to issue a birth certificate (Clause 6, Article 16 of the Law “On Acts...” dated November 15, 1997 No. 143-FZ).
  • As we have already mentioned, SNILS can be issued only after receiving a birth certificate.

Based on the parent’s passport and the baby’s birth certificate, an employee of the Pension Fund (MFC) will fill out an application and fill out a form. A newborn does not need other documents for SNILS.

How to issue a birth certificate before receiving SNILS for a newborn

For reference, we also provide a list of documents that the mother of a newborn will need to obtain a birth certificate. Its receipt is mandatory for obtaining not only SNILS, but also a compulsory medical insurance policy, other documents, benefits, etc. To obtain a certificate at the registry office, according to Art. 16 of Law No. 143, you need:

  • statement;
  • child birth certificate (issued at the maternity hospital);
  • passports of parents or one of the parents;
  • a document confirming the fact of paternity (marriage certificate, document establishing paternity, etc.).

To summarize, we note that the list of documents, as well as the procedure for teaching SNILS for children, are quite clearly regulated. In this connection, registration of SNILS for a child will require only one visit to the Pension Fund or MFC and will not be difficult.

More useful information on the topic is in the “SNILS” section.

Registration of SNILS for a newborn: step-by-step instructions

A mandatory document for a newborn is not only a birth certificate, but also an individual insurance account number. Why a SNILS is needed for a newborn born in 2018 or 2019, who is still oh so far from retirement, and in what order does the SNILS registration for a child take place is the topic of our discussion today.


Does a newborn need SNILS?

Not everyone clearly understands why this “green card” is needed, and they are accustomed to associate it only with the calculation of pensions for adult working citizens.

In fact, the functions of SNILS (stands for Insurance Number of an Individual Personal Account) are somewhat broader.

In addition to the direct purpose of accumulating a pension, SNILS is also necessary to gain access to all benefits and social services provided by the state.

For example, without a pension certificate it will be difficult:

  • receive free medicines (which are for children under 3 years old)
  • register on the government services portal;
  • earn extra money for your child during the holidays;
  • as a matter of priority, declare the child’s disability in order to accrue benefits and allowances.

Thus, the card greatly simplifies the procedure for obtaining medical and social services, as well as participation in various government programs.

When do you need to issue SNILS for a newborn?

There is no need to put off issuing SNILS for a newborn for a long time. Since 2011, the card has become a mandatory attribute of every child. And today this applies not only to teenagers, but also to newborns.

The card is not only a pass for obtaining many benefits, it is sometimes required upon admission to some kindergartens and schools (for example, lunches for children are issued using this card).

Also, if this is the second child, then his insurance number will be required to register maternity capital.

Documents for SNILS for a newborn: what is required

The list of documents for obtaining SNILS is very small. All you need is:

An application form for obtaining a pension certificate is issued at the place of registration.

The production time for SNILS is two to three weeks , depending on the document processing item you choose. The presence of the newest member of the society is not necessary. Let's assume that all the necessary documents have been collected, let's move on to the next burning question:

Where is SNILS done for a child?

You can issue a pension certificate in the following places:

1.Pension fund at the place of registration

The most common way to receive it: visit the authority, write an application, receive a card. There is nothing complicated. Not even the child’s parent, but his relative can visit the institution: you will only need to provide a statement written by the parent personally. You must visit the pension fund at your place of registration.

How can you find out where it is?

We go to the official website of the Pension Fund. In the upper right corner, select your region of residence, then in the same place, on the right, click sequentially on the “Contacts and Addresses” -> “Branch” buttons. A list of regional PF branches with telephone numbers and addresses will open.

2. Multifunctional center. The procedure for obtaining SNILS through the MFC

Initially, the card could only be obtained through the Pension Fund. With the advent of the MFC and the development of online services, the possibilities have expanded significantly.

The advantage of this method is that, unlike the Pension Fund, which can only be contacted at the place of registration, this fact is not important for the MFC. You can contact any MFC, regardless of your place of registration .

You can contact any one closest to you. To save time, you can make an appointment in advance for a time convenient for you.

A list of all MFCs by region can be found here.

Today there is also the possibility of automatically assigning an insurance number to a child - this is implemented in the case of issuing a universal electronic card for a newborn. Otherwise, you will have to act through the institutions described above.

In addition, there are several more rarely encountered, but still possible design points:

Maternity hospital

In some Russian cities, such a service is provided, so to speak, without leaving the cash register. Already in the maternity hospital, a mother can write an application for a card, and after fourteen days receive it from the Pension Fund.

Preschool and educational institutions

If we are talking about an already grown-up child, then registration of SNILS for the child is also possible in the institution that the child visits. In this case, the registration will be carried out by the employees of the institution themselves.

How to apply for SNILS - in person or online

Obtaining SNILS through government services:

Unfortunately, it is impossible to apply for SNILS via the Internet (or even to even apply for one). On the government services website it is clearly stated that it is not possible to register SNIs online. It will also not be possible to submit an online application for SNILS on the Pension Fund website.

How long will a child have SNILS?

Typically, a pension certificate is completed in about two to three weeks. At the MFC or the Pension Fund, when submitting documents, you will be informed of the date when you will need to come and pick up the completed papers.

What next: use the insurance number for its intended purpose

Well, that's it, the document has been received. Now the road to preferential medicines, benefits and benefits is open to us. “Plastic” can also be used for the following purposes:

  • receive special food for disabled children
  • send your child to a sanatorium holiday
  • Don’t forget about participation in government social and medical programs

There is no need to change the new document. The need for this may arise only if it is lost or the data has been changed. In this case, updated information must be provided no later than fourteen days. As a result, we will receive an updated card with the same number.

Summary of the above

SNILS for a newborn needs to be issued as early as possible: mark this in your plan for ordering a documentary base for your child. The “Green Card” is not only required for processing other documents, but also provides many opportunities and allows you to reduce red tape in the future, since you only need to obtain a pension certificate once.

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