Benefits and allowances for large families


Families with children will receive new payments, and previous benefits will be indexed

Some child benefits and other benefits and payments that parents are entitled to will change. We've looked at how moms and dads can get money from the government and save an extra penny for their child.


Maternal capital

Maternity capital is provided to families in which the second, third and subsequent children were born. Next year it will be indexed for the first time in five years: from January 1, its amount will increase by 13 thousand - to 466,617 rubles. You can only receive it once, so if you issued a certificate for maternity capital earlier, you are no longer entitled to it.

Money from maternity capital cannot be spent at your own discretion. The law provides for several options for its use: improvement of living conditions, mother’s pension or children’s education.

But in 2020, an innovation appeared: a mother can arrange monthly payments for her second child from maternity capital funds until the baby is three years old - the so-called Putin benefit.

In fact, this is the only legal way to cash out capital.

Applying for benefits is the only legal way to cash out maternity capital

Read more about how to properly use maternity capital funds and why banks refuse to accept it as a down payment for a mortgage.

Putin's allowance

Since January 2020, changes have come into force that affect monthly payments for the first and second child.

Firstly, the authorities have increased the period for paying these benefits: previously they were received for children under one and a half years old, now - up to three.

Secondly, we expanded the range of families who are entitled to support from the state: previously, families with an income of less than one and a half subsistence minimum per person applied for it, now it is less than two.

In order to calculate whether you are entitled to benefits in 2020, you need to take your parents’ income for the last year (this is not only salary, but also benefits, pensions, alimony, sick leave, scholarships, etc.), divide by 12, and the resulting figure — on the number of family members, including the child, for whom you want to receive Putin’s payment. If the total amount is less than the sum of two subsistence minimums, the benefit is yours.

The amount of the benefit differs from region to region and also depends on the child’s subsistence level. Now, according to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, it is 10,092 rubles. Find out what documents are needed for benefits here.

Federal benefits

Child care benefits will increase in 2020. Moreover, the amount of the benefit will depend on how many children there are in the family

In 2020, there will be at least two “one-time” benefits that mothers are entitled to: pregnant women who registered early, and mothers at the birth of a child. They will be indexed in the new year, but not in January, but a month later.

From February 1, the benefit for pregnant women will be 680 rubles 40 kopecks. Thus, expectant mothers who register in January will receive benefits at the old rates - only 655 rubles.

But if the deadline approaches 12 weeks, then you shouldn’t delay - if you register after this period, you will lose benefits altogether.

For mothers of newborns - 18,144 rubles. Monthly child care benefits, which are paid for up to one and a half years, will also increase.

The minimum benefit amount will be 3,402 rubles for the first child and 6,804 rubles for subsequent ones. Please note that only mothers who did not work will receive such amounts.

Benefits for working mothers will be calculated based on their salary for the last two years.

Those with many children, based on the list approved by presidential decree, may be assigned additional benefits, payments and benefits. The final list is established by regional authorities, and you can find out about it at the local branch of the Social Insurance Fund.

Help with mortgage

Another new payment will apply only to large families - parents of three or more children will be helped with their mortgage.

A new type of state support appeared in July of this year: parents who have had a third or next child since January 1, 2019 are now given 450 thousand rubles to repay a housing loan.

The pioneers have already taken advantage of this subsidy, and you can follow in their footsteps using our instructions.

Large families will be able to improve their living conditions at the expense of the state

Tax deductions

Parents can receive not only benefits, but also benefits, including tax benefits.

Moms and dads can apply for monthly deductions for each child: for the first and second - 1,400 rubles, for the third and subsequent ones - 3,000 rubles.

Parents of disabled children have the right to a monthly deduction of up to 12 thousand rubles. Guardians have the same rights, with the exception that guardians of a disabled child are entitled to a deduction in the amount of 6 thousand rubles.

In addition to the monthly tax deduction, you can also apply for deductions for the education and treatment of children.

In the first case, we are talking about amounts of up to 50 thousand rubles per year, which you spent on paying for kindergarten, school, additional education institutions (for example, music or art schools), as well as classes at a college or university.

As for the tax deduction for treatment, you can get it not only for paying for medical services, but also for medicines. To do this, you need to take a special prescription from the hospital for the tax office, keep the receipt and, together with the declaration and 2-NDFL certificate, take it to the tax office.

Using this formula, you can calculate compensation for medications - both purchased for the child and for yourself

We have already written about how to correctly calculate and process deductions for medications. In addition, you can save on medications by using cheap analogues of expensive drugs. How to choose them correctly - read our instructions.

  1. Payments and benefits for large families
  2. Announcement of support from Vladimir Putin
  3. How much will the new benefits cost?
  4. Full list of benefits for families with many children
  5. What else is worth knowing
  6. Important changes
  7. New benefits for children. Monthly benefits for large families. Families of Crimea
  8. for the second, third baby
  9. Monthly allowance for large families
  10. Benefits and compensation for large families in Moscow
  11. Payments to large families in Moscow subsidies for housing and communal services
  12. Payments to large families in Moscow - subsidies for the purchase of a car
  13. Payments to large families in Moscow - subsidies for mortgage repayments
  14. Payments to large families in Moscow - subsidies for the purchase of housing
  15. Payments to large families in Moscow - subsidies for house construction
  16. Expert opinion on the question of what documents need to be collected to process payments to a large family in Moscow
  17. Common mistakes
  18. Answers to common questions about what payments are due to large families in Moscow
  19. Benefits for large families: what benefits are available in Russia
  20. Forms of state support for families with many children
  21. Help for families with many children to purchase housing
  22. Various benefits for large families
  23. Differences in types of benefits in regions
  24. Other forms of support for large families
  25. Benefits for large families in the Moscow region
  26. How to confirm the status of a large family in the Moscow region
  27. Federal and regional benefits (payments) for large families in the Moscow region: what is the difference
  28. Federal benefits for large families in the Moscow region
  29. Regional benefits for large families in the Moscow region
  30. Municipal benefits for large families in the Moscow region in 2020
  31. Payments to large families in the Moscow region
  32. Common mistakes on the topic “Benefits for large families in the Moscow region
  33. Answers to frequently asked questions on the topic “Payments to large families in the Moscow region

Payments and benefits for large families

One of the main directions of development of any state is social policy. It is aimed at providing assistance to the poor, pensioners, and also aims to improve the demographic situation in the country.

Demography is a problem for many, because today the death rate often exceeds the birth rate. That is why families with more than one child are very valuable, and if there are even more of them, the country takes care of social support that ensures a comfortable standard of living for parents and children.

In this regard, the question arises about what benefits will be available to large families in 2020 in Russia?

Announcement of support from Vladimir Putin

Most recently, Vladimir
Putin announced in a live broadcast a new level of support for large families
He emphasized that in 2020 the first package of measures will be introduced, which will consist of increased benefits for children, as well as a number of
tax benefits and, which aroused great interest among the population,
preferential mortgages.

First of all, the president proposes to reduce the tax that is intended to pay for real estate. Moreover, he offers the most simple and accessible principle - the more children there are in the family, the lower the tax will be.

At the same time, it is proposed to exempt from tax payments 5 and 7 square meters per apartment or house for large families.

Moreover, the new benefits for large families in Smolensk, Moscow or St. Petersburg will be the same, and this is not the whole list.

Mortgage benefits deserve special attention. Vladimir Putin proposes to introduce them for mortgages not only for the first years of a child’s life, but also for the entire loan. At the same time, a payment of 450,000 rubles is announced, which will be intended to pay off mortgage debt for those families with three or more children.

This fact will be an additional measure of support so that families do not stop at two children, as happens in most cases. The payment will be made directly from the federal budget, and it will not be possible to convert it into cash.

How much will the new benefits cost?

Naturally, the new benefits will cost the state a fairly large sum. According to preliminary estimates, the preferential mortgage program alone should cover 600,000 families. In this case, almost eight billion rubles will have to be allocated from the state budget for it.

The President says that there is no need to worry about the fact that there is no money. The state budget is not experiencing any particular difficulties today, so the authorities know where to get the money.

Whether this is true can only be seen in practice.

And, by the way, the abolition of benefits for large families with such government news, of course, is not provided for, so any information on this matter is a rumor.

Vladimir Putin also
proposes to completely remove the tax on a plot of up to six acres for families
with three or more children.

Such plots are the most common
among Russians, therefore, on the one hand, if they are removed from taxation
, the budget will lose some amount of money, but on
the other hand, this will have a positive impact on the demographic
situation. The President emphasizes that the benefit will be federal.

Payments to large families in 2020 deserve special attention; they are now provided for children under one and a half years old.

However, there is one caveat - only low-income families, where the monthly financial profit reaches one and a half subsistence levels per family member, can count on payments.

The President proposes to raise this bar to two subsistence minimums. Payments for children with disabilities are also proposed to be doubled.

Full list of benefits for families with many children

The list of benefits is regulated by the federal legislation of the Russian Federation. Benefits that are available to large families are expressed either in kind or in monetary terms.

However, it is worth saying that local government representatives have the right to regulate the list of benefits at their discretion. Although basically in almost every district the positions will be the same.

The truth is that the differences may be that payments to large families in 2020 in Moscow and the Moscow region will be slightly higher than the same type of financial assistance in the Kaliningrad or Kaluga region.

The fact is that the size of regional payments is regulated by the fullness of the regional budget, so benefits may differ.

The list of the most important
benefits for 2020 intended for large families consists of several
positions in which the following are of particular importance:

  • cash benefits, including maternity benefits,
    which provides a financially comfortable life for parents
    and children (monthly payments, maternity benefits, and so on);
  • accrual of financial assistance for the purpose
    of purchasing school uniforms or stationery for families with
    three or more children;
  • free receipt of dairy products;
  • discount on medicines, as well as on
    utility bills;
  • discounted travel for parents on public
  • tax deductions;
  • extraordinary allocation of land for
    the construction of your own house.

Regions independently regulate issues of to whom and in what quantities benefits are assigned. The fact how difficult the demographic situation in the region is considered is also taken into account.

For example , benefits for large families in 2020 in the Sverdlovsk region are paid if there are three children, but in areas where the birth rate significantly exceeds the death rate and a large population is registered, there is no such privilege.

What else is worth knowing

Only those families that have completed the registration procedure with the social protection authorities can apply for benefits.

It is necessary to register with a special person and receive a certificate that will say - large family. It is presented as needed.

However, it is worth remembering that it has a legal status and also determines the status of each family member who can use it.

Important information: the authorities have made sure that parents who are raising seven or more children (these can be either their own children or adopted children) can receive financial support in the amount of 100,000 rubles. It is paid one-time and in parallel with it the family receives the Order of Parental Glory. Subsequently, it gives the right to receive pension benefits.

In any case, benefits for large families in 2020 in Volgograd or in any other region of the Russian Federation will cease to be paid if one of the parents loses parental rights or the children switch to state support.

In a particular case, divorces of parents are considered, because in such situations, benefits are assigned to the parent with whom the children live.

Read also: Drawing up a marriage contract: cost, sample from a notary, in marriage

Important changes

The demographic situation in Russia will improve dramatically. The President emphasizes that large funds from the federal budget will be allocated for this.

First of all, it is worth paying attention to the fact that obtaining the status of a large family is now much easier than before.

However, this is not all, because in addition to this, quite important social programs are being introduced that are designed to improve the lives of large families.

The “Decade of Childhood” program, which is designed for 15 parts and 30 steps, deserves special attention. It is quite extensive, so it needs to be discussed separately. However, it must be emphasized that the first stage of its implementation includes the “Healthy Child” and “Family Vacation” activities.

Already from the name it is clear that the purpose of such events is to frequently examine children, provide them with necessary medications, as well as resolve very important issues regarding children's leisure time with family and friends.

Important information! Today we can say for sure that the maternity capital program has been extended until 2020. At the same time, it provides for a new mortgage lending scheme, which should significantly improve the housing situation of families with three children.

According to the government, simplified mortgages will allow large families to buy more spacious apartments or add new rooms to existing housing.



New benefits for children. Monthly benefits for large families. Families of Crimea

The long-awaited changes will come. A significant increase in income is expected in the budget of a young family with children. Such a miracle will happen thanks to the innovation that was approved by the president of the country in July of this year.

In addition to an increase in the family budget, 2020 will please those mothers who are on maternity leave with a one and a half year old child. They will receive decent payments until their child turns three years old.

The government has assured that all parents whose subsistence level does not exceed twice the permissible standard are entitled to minimum amounts of benefits for all small family members.

The payment will be extended until the baby turns three years old. This means that mothers will be able to stay on maternity leave for up to three years, not rush to work, and not look for additional ways to earn hard-earned money to provide for their child. Back in 2019, benefits are received until the child is one and a half years old.

In addition, you can count on the help of regional authorities. For the first baby they pay 6,000 rubles, but only to parents who at the time of birth did not exceed the age limit of 30 years.

for the second, third baby

For the second and all subsequent small family members, you must apply for monthly assistance to the Pension Fund or MFC at your place of residence. It is drawn up after the maternity capital certificate has been issued. The assistance will be paid in 2020 on an ongoing basis.

The second and all subsequent small family members are entitled to one-time assistance from regional authorities, “governor’s”. All parents under the age of 30 can count on it. For the second child - 12,000 rubles, for the third - 18,000 rubles.

Children's monthly payments 

By order of the head of state, with the advent of 2020, the amount of the benefit will increase to 11,000 rubles. It will be paid to families whose joint income will be no more than 45,000 rubles per month. The total income should not exceed the regional subsistence level twice.

Each region has its own minimum assistance; it depends on the average salary in the region. All payments are tied to this minimum. That is why the amounts of accrued payments differ by region.

Child benefits

At the legislative level, almost all assistance is subject to indexing. The adjustment is carried out within the time limits established by law, due to which the amount of payments is constantly increasing. The next adjustment is planned for the beginning of 2020, its coefficient is 3.8%. It follows that payments next year will increase significantly.

Mat capital will be issued until 2021 inclusive. A confirmation certificate is issued at the birth of the second baby. The amounts of accrued payments will be indexed to 470,241 rubles. Mat capital at the regional level. You can get it at the birth of the third baby, or in some regions the second. The amount of such assistance does not have a set amount; moreover, it varies by region. Minimum 25,000 rubles, maximum 350,000 rubles. In most cases, the amount paid is 100,000 rubles. This payment is not yet subject to indexation. Monthly child benefits have been extended to 3 years. This means that after the baby is one and a half years old, the mother will be able to receive much more than 50 rubles. The minimum assistance according to the subsistence level is 11,143 rubles, the maximum, according to the mother’s salary, is 26,152 rubles. Help from the governor when a child appears in the family. It is considered a one-time type of financial assistance in the region. The amount has a gradation: 1 child - 6000 rubles, 2 children - 12000 rubles, 3 children - 18000 rubles. Prenatal benefits when registering before the 12th week. Maternity benefits, according to wages. Students on a contract basis and expectant mothers without official employment will receive the minimum payment. Prenatal - about 615 rubles, Maternity from 52921.72 to 322191.32 rubles. Payments at the birth of a baby have a stable figure, the same for everyone. 17470 rub. Alimony is paid as a percentage of the father's salary after the divorce. They can be withdrawn from the mother’s salary if the children, by court decision, remain with the father. For 1 child - 25%, for two - 33%, for three or more - 50%. If the defendant is not employed, the amount of alimony is equal to the minimum subsistence level of 11,607 rubles.

Monthly allowance for large families

Families with three children are considered to have many children. Children can be either natural or adopted. Parents of such children are entitled to monthly amounts of assistance from the state.

It is calculated based on the income of officially working parents and other income in the total amount. The total family income as of the beginning of 2020 should not exceed the subsistence minimum for one person twice.

This is regulated by a government decree.

People with many children can also count on an increased allowance, which is paid until the child reaches the age of three. For each region of the Russian Federation, its own minimum is established, according to which all types of assistance and benefits are awarded.


Knowing all the intricacies of the law, a family with children will always know their rights. Such knowledge makes it possible to receive not only state assistance, but also local payments approved by the regions.

Benefits are a kind of gratitude that every mother receives for a new citizen from the government and the president.

Payments will be extended in the amount of the minimum subsistence level for the baby until three years of mother's maternity leave.


(The information was prepared as part of the project “Support and development of a network of free legal assistance to large families in the Republic of Crimea “Family Lawyer”, which began its work on November 1, 2019 and is being implemented using a grant from the President of the Russian Federation provided by the Presidential Grants Fund).


Benefits and compensation for large families in Moscow

Payments to large families in Moscow in 2019

Large families living permanently in Moscow receive significant social support - various benefits, compensation payments, and subsidies. In this article we will tell you exactly what payments large families in Moscow are entitled to in 2020, what subsidies can be applied for, what documents will be needed, and where to apply.

Payments to large families in Moscow subsidies for housing and communal services

Previously, large families received a discount on utility bills, but today this type of assistance has been replaced by subsidies and compensation payments.

Compensation is paid after the family has already fully repaid the housing and communal services debt. But the subsidy is issued to the applicant before he has contributed funds to pay the bills.

The subsidy amount is 30% of the cost of utilities actually used.

Payments to large families in Moscow - subsidies for the purchase of a car

A family raising 3 or more children has the right to apply for participation in the state program “Car for a large family.” According to the terms of the program:

  • the amount of state assistance is 100 thousand rubles ;
  • the cost of the car should not exceed 1,000,000 rubles .

Payments to large families in Moscow - subsidies for mortgage repayments

In order to provide support to families with three or more children in need of improved housing conditions, the state began to subsidize mortgage loans as part of the state program “Housing for the Russian Family” :

  1. Loans for the purchase of an apartment are provided by the Bank of Moscow, VTB 24, AHML, and Sberbank.
  2. Part of the loan is repaid from the federal budget.
  3. The debt repayment period is extended to 30-50 years.
  4. The down payment, in comparison with standard mortgage programs, is reduced to 10% of the cost of housing, and it can be made using maternal capital.
  5. The rate is only 6-11% and depends on the type of property being purchased.

A large family in which the mother or father is not yet 35 years old can apply for participation in another program called “Young Family” :

  1. A family can buy an apartment in a new building (primary housing market).
  2. The size of the mortgage loan is up to 2,200,000 rubles.
  3. An amount equal to 35% of the cost of the apartment is allocated from the federal budget to repay part of the mortgage (if there were no children in the family, the subsidy would be only 30%).

Payments to large families in Moscow - subsidies for the purchase of housing

Important! If the subsidy funds for the family are not enough to purchase housing (there are no own savings), it is possible to allocate housing under a social rental agreement.

The subsidy program in the capital is implemented according to the following scheme, similar for all regions of the country:

  1. The government allocates a set amount of money free of charge to a large family, which is a targeted payment for the purchase of residential premises.
  2. The family turns to a banking institution with a request to repay part of the mortgage with housing subsidies or purchases an apartment, attracting (in addition to the subsidy) personal savings, borrowed funds or maternity capital funds.

In order for the family not to be denied a targeted payment, it is necessary to provide evidence that:

  • the family is indeed large;
  • parents have the status of low-income people (a certificate can be obtained at the “My Documents” service center);
  • the family really needs to improve their living conditions (they do not own an apartment or house, there is not enough living space for each family member, the housing is considered dilapidated, unsafe or does not meet sanitary standards).
  • The process of obtaining a housing subsidy will be speeded up by submitting documents indicating that a disabled person or a family member suffering from a contagious dangerous disease, such as tuberculosis, lives in the family.
  • The subsidy amount can be calculated using the following formula:
  • RZhS = KChS x 18 x SSM2,
  • where RHS is the amount of housing subsidy;
  • KChS – number of family members living together;

ССМ2 – average market value of 1 sq.m. housing;

18 – the number of square meters of space per resident.

article ⇒ “Labor benefits for large families in 2020.”

Payments to large families in Moscow - subsidies for house construction

Important! A large family living in Moscow can apply for a free plot of land with an area of ​​15 acres.

If parents raising three or more children decide to solve the housing problem not by purchasing an apartment, but by building an individual residential building, the authorities will assist in this by issuing a subsidy:

  • for the purchase of building materials, hiring builders (you need to submit a report on the construction of at least 2/3 of the house after a certain time);
  • as compensation for construction costs (subject to supporting documents).

article ⇒ “Benefits and payments to low-income large families in Moscow in 2020.”

Expert opinion on the question of what documents need to be collected to process payments to a large family in Moscow

The official website of the Moscow Mayor provides a list of documents that will be needed for a large family applying for a subsidy from the federal budget:

Document Comment Application for a subsidy Submitted to the “My Documents” service center or through the website of the Mayor of Moscow Certificate of a large family Issued at any “My Documents” service center Birth certificates of children Or passports of children over 14 years old Extract from the court decision on the adoption of children If in family raising adopted children Passport of the applicant (father or mother of a large family) If the documents are submitted by a representative, you will need a notarized power of attorney Unified housing document, extract from the house register, certificate from the HOA/dormitory/housing cooperative/housing complex, copy of the financial personal account If there is no stamp in the passport on registration in Moscow Certificate of absence of debts for payment of housing and communal services When receiving a subsidy for payment of housing and communal services Certificate of absence of housing ownership Issued by the BTI (for registration of a housing subsidy) Driver's license When applying for a subsidy for a car Read also: Funded part of a pension: how to receive it in a lump sum

Common mistakes

Error: A large family living in Moscow and owning a personal car is going to participate in a program to subsidize the purchase of a car.

Comment: If a large family owns a car, it is impossible to receive government support when purchasing a second car.

Answers to common questions about what payments are due to large families in Moscow

Question No. 1: Which family in Moscow is recognized as having many children?

Answer: In Moscow, a family with many children is recognized as having at least 3 children under the age of 16, or up to 18 years if they continue to study at school.

Question No. 2: A large family in Moscow registered to improve their living conditions by registering an apartment under a social tenancy agreement. The queue for housing is moving slowly. If children reach the age of 16, does the family lose the right to an apartment?

Answer: If children graduate from school upon reaching the age of 16, the family will lose its status as a large family and will lose the corresponding privileges. If schooling has not yet been completed, the right to housing will remain until the end of studies at a general education institution (or until the child turns 18 years old).

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Benefits for large families: what benefits are available in Russia

Parents in modern Russia are afraid to have a third or fourth child, but just a few decades ago it was not uncommon to have families with 7-8 children.

Recently, authorities have begun to take more active care of large families, and only three children are needed to obtain this status.

Benefits for large families in Russia in 2020 have become more noticeable, so now you can more often meet mothers with several children. At the same time, there are also large families who know almost nothing about the forms of support they are entitled to.

Forms of state support for families with many children

Often mothers of several children spend a lot of time figuring out the amount of benefits, completely forgetting about the various benefits provided by the state. At the same time, using your right to receive a particular service can help the family solve pressing problems.

In total, mothers of many children are entitled to the following types of support:

  1. Targeted assistance.
  2. Tax relief.
  3. Benefits in various areas.
  4. Discounts on social products.
  5. Direct cash benefits.
  6. Subsidizing payment for various types of services.
  7. Various compensations for current expenses.

Moreover, most of such support, in addition to benefits and subsidies, is traditionally considered benefits. There is nothing wrong with this, although this situation sometimes leads to confusion - some families with many children misunderstand the types of forms of support, demanding the same conditions for everyone, although some of the assistance is only due to some families with many children.

Also, do not forget that in recent years support has become more noticeable, but it is aimed at physical assistance, not material and monetary. This is done to prevent the birth of a new child for the sake of benefits.

Otherwise, the list of benefits helps such families support their children; you just need to know what kind of support you can count on. In addition, the government plans to make it easier for such families to purchase residential real estate.

Help for families with many children to purchase housing

Currently, there is already a program that allows you to pay a mortgage loan at a rate of 6% per annum for several years. Some families try to repay the maximum possible part of the “loan body” during this period, using the difference in interest rates on preferential and standard terms.

Now we are talking about granting the right to large families to take out a mortgage at a preferential 6 percent rate for the entire loan term. We are talking about families with three or more children, and besides, for now this is only a bill, and not an already existing support program. Instead, there is an option that gives the right to a rate of 6% for several years.

Interesting to know! Another important bill for families with 3 or more children is the proposal to compensate part of the mortgage loan at the expense of the state. We are talking about an amount of 450 tr. for each family, but the funds can be spent exclusively on repaying the housing loan.

This is so far only a bill announced at the suggestion of V.V. Putin, as Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has already stated. Therefore, we should not forget that the situation can change in both directions - the project will either be accepted for implementation or abandoned.

It is also worth noting that we will only talk about families with several children, who have recently taken out a mortgage or are just planning to take out a loan. At the same time, it is planned to take into account the financial situation - only families with low incomes will receive this form of support.

However, some areas also have their own subprograms that help parents buy housing, land, etc. The federal list of benefits is also quite wide.

Various benefits for large families

When it comes to what benefits are provided, many remember free travel on public transport and meals in the school canteen. In fact, preferential taxes, extraordinary enrollment in an educational institution, and much more are used.

The list of such “indulgences” is quite wide. However, now some parents are planning several children, regardless of whether there are benefits or not. At the same time, they should not hesitate to apply for government assistance, because it is aimed at the benefit of children and is not a reason for discomfort for parents.

List of standard benefits and other forms of assistance, with the exception of child benefits:

  1. Reimbursement of fees for kindergarten.
  2. Discounts (up to 30%) on payment for utility services.
  3. Subsidizing the purchase of office supplies.
  4. Meals provided by the municipality at school.
  5. Free baby food for babies.
  6. Application of a special tax regime to the family.
  7. Reimbursement for school clothes and sports uniforms.
  8. Free/reduced travel on public transport.
  9. Receiving free vouchers to a summer camp or sanatorium.
  10. Free entry to some museums, exhibitions and theaters.
  11. Obtaining a land plot out of turn without the right to sell.
  12. Free provision of medicines to children under 6 years of age.
  13. Compensation for the cost of firewood for families with many children in rural areas.
  14. The right to priority enrollment in kindergarten, school, technical school, etc.

At the same time, we should not forget about targeted benefits in the form of specific assistance or reimbursement of expenses. A number of regions in rural areas have a program that allows families with three or more children, at the expense of the state, to partially reimburse the costs of purchasing cattle or equipment for cultivating the land.

Important! Do not forget that the status of a large family remains as long as there are at least three children under 18 years of age. If there are only two minors left, then the family automatically loses some of the benefits, subsidies and allowances. At the same time, other “bonuses” continue to operate for some time.

In particular, the benefit for admission to a technical school or university on preferential terms for the eldest child remains; compensation for meals at school in the current half-year or payment for kindergarten for the remaining children continues. It is also worth remembering that benefits and benefits, even in neighboring regions of the country, may differ markedly in variety and size.

Differences in types of benefits in regions

There is hardly a person who claims that in the Moscow region support for large families is worse than in remote regions. Many will confidently say that the Moscow Region has more benefits, allowances and other assistance.

To some extent, this statement will be true regarding benefits. Conventionally, we can distinguish between federal benefits, which are common in all regions, and assistance of a regional nature. The first include free food, discounted travel, vouchers, etc.

The second ones can be the most diverse and unexpected.

As an example of the difference in benefits for large families, you can take the Krasnodar Territory (KK) - there is a certain local maternity capital. Payment in the amount of 100 tr. relies on 3 or more children, and the designation is almost identical to the federal program.

There is only a slight difference - Krasnodar maternity capital can be spent on supplying gas to a residential premises (apartment, house, dacha with the right of registration). In addition, KK refers to regions that extend the status of a large family until the eldest child is 23 years old, but provided that he is studying on a budgetary basis at a technical school or university full-time.

At the same time, there is no full discount on travel to KK - schoolchildren and students can travel per month using a special card in the amount of 250 rubles. The rest of the travel will be at the expense of the parents.

St. Petersburg also has a local maternity capital program. Here, for the third or subsequent children, the family is entitled to a certificate for almost 150 thousand rubles.

Also, for families with 5 children, when queuing for a land plot, about 350 rubles are allocated as funding progresses. for the purchase of an allotment.

For families with 7 or more children, the municipal authorities provide a passenger minibus.

Worth knowing! St. Petersburg's large families with more than 3 children need to remember the progressive system of discounts on housing and communal services. Compensation for the cost of utility services, depending on the number of children, varies from 30 to 50%, but is not provided automatically. This right must be documented.

The Sverdlovsk region, in addition to free land plots issued in turn, also takes care of urban housing for large families. Here, in addition to standard benefits, there is a program for interest-free subsidies for home repairs. There is also local maternity capital in the amount of more than 130 thousand rubles, paid at the birth of the 3rd or subsequent child.

In the capital, the list of benefits and benefits for families with many children is the widest in the country. Only the cost of living, from the price of travel to the price list for various services, is higher than in Russia. For this reason, it is important not to study what children in Moscow are entitled to.

You need to spend your time familiarizing yourself with regional support features.

It will also be useful to study forums and websites dedicated to parenting in a given region - information sometimes appears there about promotions and projects to help large families that are not related to standard federal or municipal programs.

Other forms of support for large families

Tax breaks for families with several children are often classified as other forms of assistance. Parents pay less in property taxes or on earned income. In essence, these are all the same benefits, but designed specifically in the form of reducing the tax burden on a large family.

At the same time, there are real forms of support that are not related to receiving benefits and benefits. Most of this assistance is aimed at families with low income or low-income status. Moreover, support is often provided by ordinary citizens or local philanthropists.

It can be regular or one-time.

In particular, some local entrepreneurs take patronage over several families, providing children with clothes or donating food packages, toys, and sports equipment for the holidays.

There are also one-time gifts from various companies for certain holidays.

Therefore, in each specific region it is worth separately studying the issue of auxiliary support for families with a large number of children.

Benefits for large families in Russia in 2020 are still varied, and in some cases productive.

The system of support for families with large numbers of children is imperfect, but it still exists, although recently its focus has changed slightly.

The authorities are trying to create conditions where children are born not because of benefits and assistance, but of their own free will. At the same time, assistance to such families will continue to be provided.

Benefits for large families in the Moscow region

In different subjects of the Russian Federation, large families are recognized as social units with different numbers of children, depending on the birth rate in the region.

For example, in Chuvashia, a full family with 4 or more children is considered large, and in the Moscow region it is enough to raise 3 or more natural or adopted children in order to receive a certificate of a large family.

Each subject of the Russian Federation provides its own special measures to support such parents, because increasing the birth rate and raising a healthy new generation of citizens is the primary task of the Government of the Russian Federation. We suggest you figure out what benefits and payments for large families in the Moscow region are established in 2020.

How to confirm the status of a large family in the Moscow region

Only parents (or a single parent) who have officially confirmed their status as a parent with many children have the right to benefits and payments for large families (not only in the Moscow region, but also in all regions of the Russian Federation). The following documents have been approved throughout the Russian Federation:

  • “Certificate of a large family” (for two-parent families),
  • “Certificate of a mother of many children” (for single mothers of many children) and
  • “Certificate of a father of many children” (for single fathers of many children).

Read also: Replacement of a child’s birth certificate

You can obtain these certificates by personally contacting the responsible departments or remotely submitting documents through the State Services portal. Wherein:

  • You should contact the Social Protection Authorities at your place of permanent residence, actual place of residence, or temporary place of stay;
  • You can submit papers to the Multifunctional Center (MFC) at any branch in the city (local area);
  • To apply remotely through the portal of state and municipal services of the Moscow Region, you will need to be a registered user of the portal with a confirmed account (how to confirm your identity is indicated in the site instructions).

Important! The document is produced quickly for any method of circulation. Departmental specialists will need only 8 working days to study the submitted documents and either invite the parent to the department to receive a certificate, or send a written reasoned refusal by mail.

Federal and regional benefits (payments) for large families in the Moscow region: what is the difference

In the Russian Federation, child benefits and other social benefits. payments and benefits can be established at the federal (all-Russian) and regional (local) level. The difference between them is as follows:

At what level are benefits paid Federal significance Regional significance Who are they established by the Government of the Russian Federation Regional authorities From what sources are the Federal budget financed? The budget of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (sometimes co-financing is made from the federal treasury) Who can be received by All citizens of the Russian Federation (place of residence does not matter) Residents of a certain region

All federal (all-Russian) child benefits are described in detail in the text of the Federal Law of May 19, 1995 No. 81-FZ. And regional payments and benefits are approved at the subject level by local authorities and are prescribed in the regulations of a particular region or municipality.

Federal benefits for large families in the Moscow region

A complete list of benefits that can be obtained by parents with many children in any region, including the Moscow region, is presented in the text of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 5, 1992 No. 431:

No. Benefit at the federal level Clarifying information 1 Opportunity to retire on an insurance pension earlier than the generally accepted period:

  • ● at 57 years old (if the mother is raising 3 children),
  • ● at 56 years old (while raising 4 children),
  • ● at 50 years old (if there are 5 or more children).

The benefit is provided only if the parent has sufficient insurance experience and “Pension points” (IPC, individual pension coefficients).
The benefit is established by Art. 32 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ 2 Additional medical examination (every year) in medical institutions under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense Only for children of military personnel 3 Opportunity to find a place of work on special conditions through the Employment Service Special conditions mean the possibility of refusing a business trip, overnight stays shifts, overtime work, work on holidays and weekends 4 Additional labor guarantees in the event of disputes with the employer Established by part 4 of Art. 261 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (for example, the possibility of dismissal last in case of staff reduction). 5 Help if you want to open a farm or peasant business, as well as register as an individual entrepreneur Providing a loan (within the framework of a social contract), tax benefits, land plots free of charge 6 Support if it is necessary to build a residential building Loans on preferential terms, subsidies, loans against 0% on the purchase of building materials 7 Free visits to cultural events Exhibitions, museums, cultural parks (once a month) 8 Provision of a free set of school uniforms (and uniforms for physical education lessons) When studying in comprehensive municipal and state schools 9 Free breakfasts and lunches in educational institutions Schools, vocational schools 10 Enrollment of children in preschool educational institutions without waiting in line Kindergartens near their permanent place of residence, not private 11 Free medicines and medical devices Until the child is 6 years old, with a prescription from a doctor

“Authorities should provide the necessary assistance to parents with many children who want to organize farms, small businesses and other commercial structures - ensure the allocation of land plots for these purposes, as well as provide benefits for collecting land tax and rent in the form of full or partial exemption from land tax a certain period or a reduction in tax rates. In addition, the authorities should provide gratuitous financial assistance or interest-free loans for the development of farming. As for the issues of obtaining free land plots, vehicles and agricultural machinery, regional legislation varies, and the conditions for placing a family on the waiting list should be clarified with the department of social protection of the population. When a family is put on a waiting list to receive a land plot, no one has the right to remove the family from the queue to improve their living conditions, since this is directly prohibited by Article 56 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.”

Elena Letuchaya, “Flying Squad” program

Regional benefits for large families in the Moscow region

In addition to all-Russian support measures, parents of large families in the Moscow region can count on all regional benefits listed in the text of the Moscow Region Law of January 12, 2006 No. 1/2006-OZ:

No. Benefit at the regional level Clarifying information 1 Subsidy for the purchase of a school uniform in the amount of 3,000 rubles for each child once a year. You should apply through the State Services portal or to the MFC with a certificate of study at a comprehensive school in the Moscow Region 2 One-time benefit for the birth of a child in a low-income family (for the third child and each of subsequent children - 60 thousand rubles, for triplets - 300 thousand rubles) You need to apply through the State Services portal or to the Multifunctional Center 3 Monthly allowance for each student in the family in the amount of 4000 rubles Paid provided that the student receives first higher education, studying full-time on a budgetary basis at a state university 4 100% discount on transport tax Only for one vehicle of one of the parents 5 Free plot of land (family of citizens of the Russian Federation, registration in the Moscow region for 5 years or more, all children under 18 years old) Law of the Ministry of Defense of June 1, 2011 No. 73/2011-OZ 6 Reimbursement of the cost (full or partial) of vouchers to a sanatorium, children's camps, children's health institutions The application is submitted to the social protection authorities or through the State Services portal 7 Transport benefits:
● free travel on public transport in Moscow Region using a Moscow Region social card,
● free travel on Moscow ground transport and the metro. For schoolchildren or one of the parents of a family raising a child under 7 years old. If you have a social card for a Moscow Region resident. 8 Compensation of 50% of the cost of housing and communal services (for residents of state, municipal and private housing stock) If a family lives in a private house with stove heating, it is entitled to a discount on fuel (coal, firewood) within the limits of regional standards, as well as on delivery of fuel to the house

Municipal benefits for large families in the Moscow region in 2020

The fact that a large family has received benefits at the federal and regional levels does not deprive parents of the opportunity to also apply for municipal support measures . The list of these depends on the municipality to which a family with 3 or more children registered in the Moscow region belongs.

The most common assistance measure, which is present in almost every municipality, is a dairy kitchen. The list of establishments that provide the right to visit dairy kitchens on a free or discounted basis is given here. The dairy kitchen is intended for the following categories of recipients from low-income families:

  1. Pregnant women (subject to registration with a gynecologist and a certificate of the need for enhanced nutrition).
  2. Women who are breastfeeding (with a certificate from the antenatal clinic).
  3. Children under 3 years of age (if the pediatrician recommended enhanced nutrition).

In most cases, large families can use the services of a dairy kitchen on a preferential basis (buy dairy products, mixtures, juices, purees at cost, without extra charge).

Payments to large families in the Moscow region

Similarly, large families have the right to receive all all-Russian payments for each child (unless the benefit is based on one of the children). Below is a list of child benefits that can be issued by parents with many children on a general basis:

No. Name of benefit Amount of benefit 1 Maternity certificate funds (cannot be cashed out - only transferred to the gynecologist and to the selected maternity hospital for payment for services) 11,000 rub.
2 Maternal (family) capital (issued for the 4th child if maternity capital was not previously issued for the 2nd or 3rd child) 453,026 rub.
3 One-time payment for registration at the antenatal clinic in the early stages of pregnancy (before the 12th obstetric week) 655 rub. 49 k. 4 Maternity payments at the place of work (maternity benefits) minimum: 43,615.65 maximum:
390,919.29 Maternity payments at the place of employment (B&R benefits) for women whose work experience is less than 6 months 11,280 rub. .
(in the amount of the minimum wage) Maternity benefit for those dismissed due to the liquidation of the company (registered within a year after dismissal) 655 rub.
49 k. per month 5 One-time benefit for the birth of a child 17,479 rub.
73 k. 6 Minimum monthly child care allowance until he turns 1.5 years old: 6,284 rubles.
65 k. maximum: 26,152 rub. 27 k. 7 Monthly allowance for the child of a conscript (until the child is 3 years old) 27,680 rub. 97 k. 8 Monthly allowance for low-income families for a child under 16 years of age (18 years of age if continuing education) Depends on the region of residence of the family (paid in larger amounts to single mothers, large families, children of conscripts, children for whom alimony cannot be collected )

In addition, residents of the Moscow region have the right to receive additional regional payments. Below is a list of such benefits (the amounts are valid as of January 1, 2018, some of them could be increased due to indexation):

No. Payment to the Moscow Region Amount (rubles) ANNUAL 1 For the purchase of a school uniform for each student 10,000 2 Payment by September 1 for each student
(families with 10 or more children) 30,000 3 Allowance for a family with 10 or more children for Family Day 20,000 MONTHLY 1 Compensation due to an increase in the cost of living 1200
(if 3-4 children) 1500
(if 5+ children) 2 Additional payment to mothers who have retired and have given birth to 10 children (or more) 20,000 3 Allowance for the purchase of children's clothing ( for families with 5 or more children) 1800 4 Compensation for the cost of housing and communal services 1044
(if there are 3-4 children in the family) 2088
(if there are 5 or more children) 5 Compensation for the use of a landline (home) telephone 250 6 Compensation for families raising a child with a disability (up to 23 years old) 12,000 7 Financial assistance to disabled parents of groups 1 and 2 for a minor child 12,000

Common mistakes on the topic “Benefits for large families in the Moscow region

  1. Error: Parents with many children submit documents for regional benefits in the Moscow region without first receiving a certificate for a large family.
  2. Before applying for payments and benefits intended for large families, parents of 3 or more children must first obtain a large family certificate from the social security authorities. 
  3. Error: A large family refuses regional benefits for large families in the Moscow region in order to retain the right to federal payments.
  4. In fact, receiving regional payments for large families (as well as other families with children) does not exclude the possibility of receiving benefits at the federal level.

Answers to frequently asked questions on the topic “Payments to large families in the Moscow region

Question: Can foreign citizens residing permanently in the Moscow region apply for payments for families with many children?

Answer: It all depends on the status of the foreigner on the territory of the Russian Federation. If family members of a foreign citizen have a residence permit (RP), the family is entitled to the same child benefits as for Russian citizens.

Persons with a temporary residence permit and those who arrived in the Russian Federation on a visa or in a visa-free regime cannot apply for financial assistance. Another thing is refugees; the Russian Government allows them to use all possible family support programs, on an equal basis with citizens of the country.

Question: Can a single parent (single mother) qualify for all federal and regional payments for large families?

Answer: Yes, of course, all payments and benefits are available for single-parent large families. Moreover, at the regional level, additional assistance measures are provided to mothers and single fathers.


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