Benefits provided to large families in Moscow - transport tax, property tax, what are required

Individuals who own property recognized by law as an object of taxation pay money to the treasury. Penalties are provided for non-payment - daily penalties, fines, seizure of a bank account, forced debt write-off, etc.

But not all citizens are required to pay property taxes. Some are released from the obligation completely, while others are partially released by providing a discount.

Today we will tell you whether large families must pay property tax in 2019, whether they have benefits, and whether they can count on a 100% exemption from payment.

The procedure for calculating and paying property tax for individuals, rates, benefits, tax base, etc. are prescribed in the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (Chapter 32).

According to the law, those who officially own houses, apartments, parking spaces, unfinished objects, etc. must pay a fee. Money is transferred every year before the designated date - December 1.

The calculation is made for the previous period. In 2020 you need to pay for 2019.

Failure to pay the duty on time is fraught with consequences - an increase in the amount of collection, a fine (from 20 to 40 percent of the amount of debt), seizure of accounts, etc. However, some authorities exempt some from the tax in full or in part - a discount is provided.

For example, pensioners do not pay property taxes, and from January 1, 2019 – pre-retirees. This category of individuals has the right not to transfer money for the ownership of one object of each type (no more than 5). That is, if a pensioner owns 2 houses, then he pays the property duty, but for one of the houses.

If a person has one house and one apartment, then he does not pay tax.

Please note: property duty preferences for pre-retirees will begin to apply in 2020, when paying for 2019.

In addition to pensioners, the following people receive property duty benefits:

  • heroes of the Russian Federation, USSR;
  • disabled people (first, second group), as well as from childhood;
  • military personnel with more than 20 years of service;
  • families whose breadwinner, a military man, died, etc. (full list of beneficiaries in Article 407 of the Tax Code).

Will families with many children pay money for their property in 2019? Read more about this.

  1. Do large families pay property taxes?
  2. Property tax benefits for large families
  3. Property tax discount for large families
  4. Exemption from property tax for large families
  5. What other benefits are there for large families?
  6. Transport tax benefits for large families in 2020
  7. Transport tax for large families in Moscow
  8. Who is considered a large family?
  9. Transport tax benefits for families with many children in Moscow
  10. Who else gets benefits?
  11. Transport tax benefits for families with many children in the Moscow region
  12. Transport tax rates in the Moscow region
  13. How to apply for a transport tax benefit for a large family: step-by-step instructions
  14. Sample application
  15. Documentation
  16. Submitting an application through the taxpayer’s personal account
  17. Deadlines for payment of transport tax
  18. For which vehicles do you not need to pay tax?
  19. Property benefits for large families
  20. Normative base
  21. Which family is considered to have many children?
  22. What objects does it apply to?
  23. Tax amount
  24. Regional benefits for the property of numerous families
  25. Moscow large family transport tax
  26. In which regions do the benefits apply and what
  27. Rules for paying transport tax for large families
  28. What benefits are available to large families in Moscow?
  29. Transport tax for large families
  30. Moscow transport tax for families with many children
  31. How to get a tax benefit
  32. How to get a plot of land
  33. Transport tax benefits for large families
  34. Transport tax for large families. The procedure for obtaining benefits and recommendations from lawyers
  35. Table of benefits for large families
  36. How to get a vehicle tax benefit
  37. Tax benefits for large families
  38. Large families transport tax rates
  39. Transport tax benefits for large families in Moscow

Do large families pay property taxes?

Do families with many children pay for property ownership now, after changes to the Tax Code, is a pressing question for many individuals. But first, let’s look at who can be called those with many children.

In most regions of the country, families with three or more minor children are considered large families. However, local authorities may change the requirements for obtaining status, including the number of children. In regions where a large family is a tradition, to receive preferences and status you need to have 4-5 minors.

Age quotas for maintaining/losing preferential status may also differ. Often, a family ceases to have many children when the eldest child turns 18. But there are exceptions:

  1. The benefit is not canceled in some constituent entities of the Russian Federation if the eldest child is studying full-time and is under 24. In the Kamchatka Territory, the status is not lost until the 21st birthday of a child who is studying at a university in the region, has a disability and lives with his parents.
  2. In Moscow, the status remains until the youngest child turns 16 years old, and if he studies at school/technical school/college - 18.
  3. Residents of the Rostov region lose their status when the eldest reaches the 16th birthday; in the case of training, it is extended until the age of 18.

Local authorities can independently prescribe the conditions for receiving preferences. Therefore, the conditions/benefits for families with many children may be different (depending on where the citizen lives).

Please note: both biological parents and those who have formalized guardianship or adopted can receive benefits.

Should parents pay property tax if they have the status of “large families”? This depends on the size (square area) of housing, the number of objects, and whether any other preferences have been established by local authorities. Basically, people with many children receive a discount, but are not 100 percent exempt: that is, they pay property tax, but a reduced one.

Property tax benefits for large families

Whether a family has the right to apply for preferences from the state as a large family can be clarified at the Department of Social Protection of the Population or at the MCF. However, if a benefit is provided, then parents should apply for it.

It is not always necessary to submit applications or documents. In some regions, preferences are calculated independently, based on data from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, Rosreestr, and the Social Security Administration. However, the innovation may not be applied everywhere, so if benefits are not assigned, you need to submit an application and documents. Civil servants can also request supporting certificates themselves:

  • birth/adoption certificate (for each child);
  • to confirm large families;
  • on the ownership of an apartment, house, etc.;
  • passport,

if the parents recently became large families, or the individual received the right to a property tax benefit only this year. For example, the inspection may not take into account the established preferences. In this case, after receiving a notification with the calculated amount, you must contact the Federal Tax Service (in person or online) and apply for benefits.

An individual will not have to calculate the amount of duty payment for an apartment, house, transport, or land plot. The inspectorate does this for citizens (Article 52 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation; the payer must receive a notification no later than a month before the payment date - 1.12). If the deadline for depositing funds falls on a weekend/holiday, the date is shifted.

If the payment is not sent by mail, there may be several reasons:

  • a citizen has a personal payer account on the Federal Tax Service website. Notifications will be sent online;
  • the amount calculated is less than 100 rubles. In this case, the payment is not sent, but this amount is transferred to the next period (unless the deadline for possible payment expires). Taxes can only be collected for three years;
  • the benefits cover the amount of the duty - the amount turned out to be negative, zero;
  • an error occurred, or the Federal Tax Service does not know about the property.

If the notification was not received by mistake, then if an underpayment is detected, the citizen will have to pay a fine. Therefore, if you do not receive the document, you should contact the Federal Tax Service.

It is important to know: starting from 2019, the notification will contain details for transferring the duty to the budget of the Russian Federation. A separate receipt will not be sent.

Property tax discount for large families

In 2019, parents with many children received additional benefits on personal property tax. Preferences begin to operate in 2018. Citizens raising 3 or more children receive an additional deduction that reduces the tax base:

  • 5 sq. meters - for owners of apartments, rooms;
  • 7 sq. meters - for owners of private houses, etc.

The benefit is provided to every minor. Parents receive a discount when paying property taxes for real estate, but not all families with many children are exempted completely. The tax base is reduced by 1 object for each type of real estate.

That is, if a family owns a house and an apartment, then it has the right to a discount when paying for 2 objects. In this case, the standard deduction is also used - 20 square meters. meters for an apartment, and 50 for a private house.

Parents who own a house of 100 square meters and are raising 3 children will pay property tax with the following discount:

100-50-21=24 squares.

What determines the amount of tax? Not only from the availability of benefits, but also from:

  • type of property owned: apartment, cottage, garage, agricultural building, etc.;
  • real estate location;
  • the established rate in the region (values ​​may vary depending on the place of residence);
  • base – cadastral/inventory price.

From the beginning of 2020, the calculation of the base for the property of individuals should be carried out only at the cadastral value.
Large families also have preferences for land tax. From the 2018 taxable period, the base is reduced by 600 square meters. meters, or 6 acres.

Individuals raising many children have benefits on transport duties. However, the order, availability and size (in full, in part) need to be clarified in each individual region.

Vehicle preferences may vary depending on where a person lives. In Moscow, one of the parents is exempt from tax on 1 car of any power, in St. Petersburg - on a car with an engine up to 150 hp.

, if four minors are being raised.

Although there is now a non-declaration procedure for calculating discounts for families with many children when calculating property taxes, we advise you to make sure that the benefit exists. If not, contact the inspectorate.

If parents learn about the preferences only in 2021, and before that they pay the fees in full, then the overpayment will be returned to them. To do this, you need to submit an application, and the money will be transferred to the card or credited in the following tax periods.

Please note: there is a time limit for refunding overpayments. You can return the overpayment only for the 3 years preceding the filing of the application (according to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Exemption from property tax for large families

Large families were completely exempted from paying taxes on real estate, transport, land or not - a question that worries many parents. Complete exemption from property tax is not always possible. But sometimes people with many children do not contribute money: if the provided regional or federal benefit completely covers the amount accrued.

In the case of payment for land, those who have a plot of 6 acres or less will not have to remit the fee (the benefit is valid this year). In addition, regional authorities can set their own preferences. So, in the Saratov region, large families do not pay for 10 acres.

As for the property tax, there is often a partial exemption due to the standard and additional deduction for large families. However, some constituent entities of the Russian Federation completely exempt large and low-income families from paying for property (income is less than the subsistence level established by the constituent entity of the Russian Federation).

The conditions for receiving preferences, their quantity, and their size may vary depending on the place of residence. Since property, land, and transport duties are regional, local authorities can introduce additional benefits or cancel them for parents who raise their own, adopted, or officially taken into custody children.

Complete exemption from duties is not provided in all regions of Russia, but you can count on a discount. But remember - partial benefits only reduce the amount of payment, and do not cancel the obligation. To avoid problems with inspections and not pay more, you need to pay money on time.

What other benefits are there for large families?

Families with many children receive relaxations not only when paying taxes, but also other preferences. They can be established both at the federal and regional levels. For example, large families are entitled to free:

  • land for individual housing construction, farming, gardening;
  • housing, if needed;
  • monthly financial assistance for the first and second children up to one and a half years old, and for the third and subsequent children up to three years old;
  • subsidy for preschool fees;
  • bonus upon receipt of the Order of Parental Glory.

In addition, since July 2019, large families can receive a subsidy for the payment of mortgage loans. The state transfers financial assistance in the amount of 450 thousand rubles (one-time). The lending rate is also regulated. For families with more than two children, banks should provide mortgages at no more than 6 percent per annum.

There are other preferences: sanatorium holidays for children, free school and sports uniforms, lunches, visits to museums, exhibitions, travel on public transport, benefits for housing and communal services and much more. Each subject of the Russian Federation has the opportunity to establish its own preferences for large families. Therefore, it is better to clarify information for each region separately.

You can pay duties for real estate, land, and transport on our Auto Taxes website. You can quickly check overdue payments and pay them online with a bank card without registration.

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Transport tax benefits for large families in 2020

The status of a large family provides such citizens with a number of social guarantees, including tax discounts.

If we are talking about transport tax, then such a family can also receive a discount on this type of tax.

But this is determined not by the Government, but by regional authorities, since TN refers to regional mandatory payments. And further about what benefits large families are entitled to in different regions and how to get them.

Of course, the status of a large family in each region is granted on the basis of its own approved criteria. But in most cases, this is a family with three or more children. At the same time, at least three children are minors. And it doesn’t make a fundamental difference whether it’s a full family with a mom and dad, or whether there’s only one parent in the family.

Additionally, a number of criteria must be met:

  • all children and their parents must be registered at the same address;
  • children must be registered in the name of their parents, that is, there must be an officially confirmed document of their relationship;
  • There must be a marriage between mom and dad. But it is acceptable that the parents do not have this status, then it is necessary that the mother or father have the status of a single person. The divorce situation doesn't count.

It doesn’t matter what status the parents are in now. For example, even divorced spouses have every right to receive a tax break by applying for help.

You can find out exactly what benefits a large family is entitled to and in what amount only by referring to regional regulatory documents. There are no such benefits at the federal level. In any case, not both spouses, but only one of the parents, have the right to a discount or full exemption, regardless of the number of vehicles in the family.

True, there is a nuance here: the vehicle itself may have requirements that you need to know about:

  1. year of manufacture and service life;
  2. power;
  3. manufacturer.

For example, in Moscow the power is limited to 250 horsepower. p., somewhere the car must be produced only by a domestic manufacturer and you cannot get a benefit for a foreign car.

If a family has several vehicles and they all meet the established criteria, then the family gets the right to choose. She independently determines the car for which the discount will be applied. For another vehicle the fee will be charged in full.

Do not forget about such an important criterion as the cost of the car.

For example, if the cost of the car is initially higher than 3 million rubles or it is a brand that is included in the annual list of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, then you will also have to pay a luxury tax.

This is not a separate fee, but only a certain coefficient that increases the transport fee. It can vary from 1.1 to 3. Of course, in this case, in many regions a large family will be deprived of benefits.

Subject of the Russian Federation Value of the benefit Conditions for granting the benefit Altai Territory 100% Passenger cars up to 100 hp, motorcycles and scooters up to 45 hp. Amur Region 100% Passenger cars up to 150 hp Belgorod region 100% Cars up to 100 hp. Bryansk region 50% Only for low-income large families. For one car without power limitation Vladimir region 50% Cars up to 250 hp Volgograd region 100% Cars with power up to 100 hp. Voronezh region 100% Only for cars received as part of a social program to support large families Jewish Autonomous Region 50% Cars up to 150 hp (for one car, per one parent) Irkutsk region 100% Cars up to 100 hp. (or power from 100 to 125 hp, if the car is more than 7 years old) Kaluga region 100% Auto up to 200 hp (there should be no unpaid taxes) Kemerovo region 100% Auto up to 150 hp. and motorcycles with a power of no more than 35 hp. Kirov region 50% Cars up to 150 hp, motorcycles up to 35 hp. (if the income of a large family is not higher than the minimum subsistence level in the region) Kostroma region 50% Auto up to 150 hp. (if a family has 5 or more children, and its income is below the subsistence level in the region) Krasnodar Territory 100% Auto up to 150 hp. Krasnoyarsk Territory 90% Cars up to 150 hp. and motorcycles up to 40 hp. Kursk region 100% Auto with power up to 150 hp. A preferential tax rate of 10 rubles applies to cars with power up to 150 hp. Leningrad region 100% Auto up to 150 hp Lipetsk region 100% Cars of any power, if there is only one parent in a large family Moscow region 100% Cars with power up to 250 hp (if there is only one parent in the family) Murmansk region Preferential tax rates 1 ruble - for cars up to 100 hp. and motorcycles up to 20 hp, 1.5 rubles - cars from 100 to 150 hp, 15 rubles - cars from 150 to 200 hp, 32 rubles - cars from 200 to 250 hp, 2 rubles - motorcycles from 20 to 35 hp, 5 rubles - motorcycles with a power of more than 35 hp. Nizhny Novgorod region 100% Auto up to 150 hp and motorcycles with power up to 36 hp. Nenets Autonomous Okrug 100% Cars of any power (for one parent) Novgorod region 50% Cars of any power Novosibirsk region 100% Cars up to 150 hp, motorcycles of any power Orenburg region 100% Cars up to 150 hp (to one of the parents) Oryol region 50% Cars up to 100 hp. and motorcycles up to 40 hp. (to one of the parents) Perm region 100% Cars up to 150 hp. Pskov region Preferential tax rates of 1.6 rubles for cars with power up to 75 hp, 1.9 rubles for cars with power from 75 to 100 hp, 2.8 rubles for cars with power from 100 to 150 hp. Republic of Mari El Half the standard tax rate Cars with power up to 200 hp. Republic of Khakassia 100% Cars of any power Republic of Crimea 100% Cars up to 200 hp (only for one vehicle) Rostov region 100% Only for cars received from social protection authorities Ryazan region 100% Motorcycles and cars with power up to 200 hp . Samara region 100% Auto up to 100 hp (in relation to one of the drivers) Saratov region 100% Any motorcycle or car of the parents’ choice Sakhalin region 100% Any motorcycle or car (the family must be recognized as low-income, and one of the parents must have a driver’s license) Sverdlovsk region 100% Cars up to 150 hp and motorcycles up to 36 hp. (for each vehicle in one of the categories, only for one of the parents) Stavropol Territory 100% Cars or motorcycles with power up to 150 hp. For vehicles with power from 150 to 200 hp. and over 7 years old, the benefit amount is 90% Tambov region 100% Cars up to 150 hp. or motorcycles (for one of the parents) Tula region 100% Auto up to 200 hp. (only for one car and one parent) Ulyanovsk region 100% Auto up to 150 hp. (for one parent and one car) Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug 100% Cars up to 250 hp. Chelyabinsk region Tax rate - 1 ruble per 1 horsepower For either a car with a power of up to 150 hp, or for a motorcycle with a power of up to 36 hp. Yaroslavl region 100% Cars with power up to 100 hp. If the car is more powerful, then the tax is calculated at the tax rate adopted for cars with a power of no more than 100 hp. Moscow 100% Cars or motorcycles with any power (for one vehicle to one of the parents) St. Petersburg 100% Vehicles up to 150 hp. (if there are 4 or more children in the family, only for one vehicle) Sevastopol 100% Cars with power up to 200 hp. A 50% discount is also provided for the second car if its power does not exceed 100 hp.

In the capital, large families are given complete exemption from TN. The right applies only to one car, which is not recognized as a taxable vehicle. Only one of the parents can claim this right. Two spouses cannot receive benefits for two different cars at the same time.

At the same time, there are no restrictions regarding the power of the vehicle itself. True, if such a family has snowmobiles, water transport, etc., then in any case the fee will have to be paid according to generally accepted regulations.

All large families in the Moscow region are also not deprived of the right to benefits. It is provided 100%, that is, the family does not pay anything to the budget provided that it owns 1 car.

If you own several cars, then the algorithm for calculating benefits is similar:

  • the discount is given to one spouse;
  • the family independently chooses the vehicle for which the benefit will apply.

But here it is important: the power of preferential transport should not exceed 250 horsepower. s., and its estimated value should not be more than 3 million rubles.

The authorities of the Leningrad region have included large families in the category of those who may not pay transport tax. But provided that such a car’s power does not exceed 150 hp.

If the power is greater, then regardless of the status, you will have to pay into the budget. Throughout the region and St. Petersburg itself, the rules are the same. Only one of the parents or adoptive parents has the right to receive the full discount.

The right is also granted to guardians and trustees.

But here is a very important point: in St. Petersburg itself, a large family is considered to be one in which, at the time of application, four minors are being raised. This is the main feature. Families seeking to be minors will not be able to receive subsidies.

In order for the Federal Tax Service to apply the benefit, it must know about it. Therefore, the family, represented by one of the parents, must independently seek help. To do this you need to submit an application. Its form is presented on the Federal Tax Service website. The document can be provided in person or by mail.

The main thing is to attach to the application a copy of a document confirming the status of a large family (such a document is not provided in all regions; if it is not there, then it is not necessary). The application must be filled out by hand or typed on a computer.

To fill it out, all you need is your passport data, ID number and series.

Thus, large families in the Russian Federation have the opportunity not to pay transport tax for one car, which on average does not exceed 150 horsepower. But the family must declare its right, and only one of the parents can do this. If you have several vehicles, you will have to pay a fee for other vehicles.

Transport tax for large families in Moscow

Large families in Moscow and the region are provided with transport tax benefits. After amendments were made to the Law of July 9, 2008 No. 33, they got the opportunity not to pay it at all.

However, to be exempt from payment, several conditions must be met, which will be discussed below.

Let's consider which families are considered to have many children, what the transport tax is in Moscow and the Moscow region, how much the benefit is provided, how to apply for tax exemption through the MFC or the taxpayer's personal account.

Read also: Renewing a passport at 20 years old: what documents are needed, replacement deadlines and fines, application

Who is considered a large family?

A large family is a family raising three or more minor children. They can be either native or adopted - biological relationship does not play a role in this case.

As soon as the youngest turns 16 years old, the parents lose their preferential status.

An exception is the child’s continued education at school: in such a situation, the preferential status continues to apply, but until he receives a certificate or reaches 18 years of age.

The status of a large family is confirmed by a certificate issued by Social Security. It can also be issued through the MFC.

The document is not issued to parents if their children:

  • Are in the family under a guardianship agreement: guardianship does not give the right to privileges, guardians are not equal to parents from a legal point of view;
  • Transferred to state or municipal organizations for security;
  • They are brought up on the basis of a foster family agreement.

Also, preferential status is not granted to citizens deprived or limited in parental rights.

If you already have a certificate for a large family, you can start applying for all the benefits you are entitled to.

Transport tax benefits for families with many children in Moscow

Previously, large families were exempt from paying transport tax only on cars with a capacity of up to 250 hp. Now these restrictions have been lifted. Currently, privileges are granted to one of the parents to whom the vehicle is registered, without any restrictions.

You will not have to pay tax for the following types of transport:

  • Passenger cars, motorcycles;
  • Scooters, trucks, buses.

The benefit does not apply to water, air transport, motor sleds and snowmobiles - you will have to pay tax for them. It also does not apply to luxury cars, when calculating taxes for which a multiplying factor is applied in accordance with Art. 362 Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

What rates apply for transport subject to taxation:

Snowmobiles up to 50 hp 25 from 50 hp 50 Aircraft Airplanes with jet engines 200 Airplanes and helicopters with engines 200 Other aircraft without engines 2000 Boats and motorboats Up to 100 hp 200 From 100 hp 400 Jet Skis Up to 100 HP 250 Over 100 hp 500 Non-propelled vessels 200

Note! The above rates are in rubles per 1 hp.

Let's look at a practical example of how the tax will be calculated in this case:

A large family has a 12 hp snowmobile. The benefit does not apply to this type of transport, so the parent for whom it is registered must pay the following amount:

12 x 25 = 300 rub.

If the snowmobile's power exceeded 50 hp, the tax amount would be different:

51 x 50 = 2,550 rub.

Who else gets benefits?

In addition to large families, the following categories of individuals and legal entities are exempt from paying transport tax in Moscow:

  • Organizations engaged in urban passenger transportation, except taxis;
  • Heroes of the USSR, Russian Federation, as well as persons awarded the Order of Glory;
  • Veterans of the Great Patriotic War, military operations;
  • Disabled people of groups 1 and 2;
  • One of the child's guardians or guardians;
  • Owners of cars with power up to 70 hp;
  • Participants in the liquidation of the Chernobyl accident;
  • Guardians of disabled people since childhood;
  • Companies that are residents of special economic zones.

It is important to consider that if there are two grounds for exemption from transport tax, only one of them can be used. For example, if a parent with many children is disabled, you need to apply for a benefit either on a certificate of having many children or on a certificate of disability.

Transport tax benefits for families with many children in the Moscow region

Unlike Moscow, where families with many children are given a complete exemption from transport tax, restrictions are provided for beneficiaries from the Moscow region. They can waive the fee only if the car's power does not exceed 250 hp. If the car’s engine is designed for more than 250 hp, the calculation is based on the number of “horses” after the excess.

For example:

A large family has a 300 hp car. Up to 250 hp no tax is charged, but for the difference between the actual power and 250 hp. you will have to pay the amount. It is calculated from 50 hp.

Benefit for cars worth over RUB 3,000,000. does not apply - an increasing coefficient is applied to them for tax purposes.

As for motorcycles, scooters, buses, and tractors, no restrictions are set for them - owners of such equipment with many children are completely exempt from taxation.

Transport tax rates in the Moscow region

In the Moscow region there are still restrictions on the power of car engines, so if you have a car with 250 hp or more. you will have to pay 150 rubles. for each "horse".


The family of beneficiaries has a car with a capacity of 350 hp. The following tax is paid for it:

350 – 250 (the number of hp by which the base is reduced) = 100.

100 x 150 = 15,000 rub. – total amount to be paid.

If not for the benefit, you would have to pay much more:

350 x 150 = 52,500 rub.

For other vehicles that are not eligible for the benefit, the following rates apply:

Snowmobiles and motor sleighs Up to 50 hp 25 From 50 hp 50 Water transport Motor boats, boats up to 100 hp. 100 Boats and motor boats from 100 hp. 200 Jet skis up to 100 hp 250 Jet skis from 100 hp 500 Air transport Helicopters and other vessels with engines 250 Airplanes with jet engines 200 Other air transport without engines (per unit of vehicle)_ 2000

How to apply for a transport tax benefit for a large family: step-by-step instructions

Benefit recipients in Moscow can apply for exemption from transport tax in several ways:

  • In person at the Federal Tax Service at the place of vehicle registration;
  • At the MFC;
  • Through your personal account on the website of the Federal Tax Service, using your account on State Services.

To contact the tax service in person, you need to proceed as follows:

  1. Collect all documents and submit to the Federal Tax Service. It is recommended to make an appointment in advance.
  2. Receive a notification about the acceptance of documents from an employee of the Federal Tax Service.
  3. Receive a final decision on your appeal within 10 days.

If a benefit is granted, you will be notified in writing or by email. If the notification has not arrived, you can call the inspection and clarify the result there.

An alternative option is to contact the nearest branch of the MFC. The procedure for applying for benefits will look exactly the same as when visiting the Federal Tax Service.

Sample application

The application is filled out in the form approved by Order of the Federal Tax Service dated November 14, 2017 No. ММВ-7-21/897@.

To fill out you will need the following information:

  • Full name, registration address of the beneficiary, passport details;
  • Details of the certificate of large families on the basis of which the benefit is provided;
  • Information about the vehicle: make, model, color, year of manufacture, power, license plate, VIN;
  • STS series and number;
  • Duration of benefit provision;
  • INN, contact phone number.

Also at the top of the second page you need to check the box next to the specific type of vehicle for which the benefit should be provided.

Download an application for a transport tax benefit


When contacting the Federal Tax Service you will need:

  • Application in the prescribed form;
  • Applicant's passport;
  • Certificate of having many children;
  • PTS and STS.

Submitting an application through the taxpayer’s personal account

If you have a confirmed account on State Services or a login and password for your personal taxpayer account, you can use it to submit your application:

  1. Please login.
  2. Go to the “Life Situations” section.
  3. Click on “Apply for benefits.”
  4. Select the object for which the benefit should be provided.
  5. Enter the period for applying the benefit, the number and series of the certificate of large families, the date of its issue;
  6. Attach a scanned copy of your ID.
  7. Submit your application for verification.

Within 10 days, you will receive an email notification about the results of the consideration of your application.

Deadlines for payment of transport tax

For different categories of taxpayers, different deadlines for payment of transport tax are established. Individuals are required to pay it before December 1, organizations - before February 5 of the year following the reporting year.

For which vehicles do you not need to pay tax?

The tax is not paid for rowing boats, motor boats with a power of up to 5 hp, as well as for other types of transport:

  • River and sea fishing vessels;
  • Passenger cars converted for disabled people;
  • Cars up to 100 hp received through Social Security;
  • Passenger sea, river, and aircraft belonging to carrier companies;
  • Vehicles of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other departments.

There is also no need to pay tax if the car was stolen. However, to be exempt from payment, you will have to provide police certificates.

In Moscow, large families are exempt from transport tax on cars without restrictions, and in the Moscow region - for cars up to 250 hp. This allows you to save several thousand rubles in the family budget and direct the money to priority needs.


Property benefits for large families

Over the past 10 years, the state, in order to improve the demographic situation in our country, has adopted a number of regulations guaranteeing support for families who decide to have children.

In addition to attention and care, children also require material costs. Numerous families often find themselves in a situation where only one parent can take on financial support.

The more children there are in the house, the larger the house itself in which the family lives should be. Due to changes in the mechanism for calculating property tax, an increase in its size, and ignorance of their rights, large families find themselves in a difficult financial situation.

Normative base

The Tax Code of the Russian Federation (in Chapter 32) stipulates the payment period, interest rate, categories of beneficiaries, and the composition of the tax base for property tax.

The categories of beneficiaries eligible to receive tax discounts are listed in Art. 407. Numerous families are not listed as beneficiaries of this tax.

On January 9, 2020, the Ministry of Finance in letter 03-05-06-01/19 explained that when establishing the amount of tax, the taxpayer’s ability to pay it is taken into account.

In addition, Article 399 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (clause 1) gives the constituent entities of the Russian Federation the right to exempt families with more than 3 minor children from paying the full amount of tax.
The benefit can be presented either in the form of exemption from fulfilling tax obligations, or in the form of compensation, subsidies, or deductions. Some regions of Russia took advantage of this right.

Which family is considered to have many children?

  • There is no general definition established by law at the federal level.
  • In the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the concept of large families is enshrined in regional laws that establish measures of social support for families of this category.
  • A prerequisite for having many children is the presence of at least 3 natural and adopted children, while the youngest member of the family must not reach the age of majority.
  • Some regions include such families as families where minors live, each under the age of 16, or teenagers until they reach adulthood, if the child continues to receive secondary and specialized secondary education.

What objects does it apply to?

Property tax is calculated on the following types of real estate:

• residential premises (rooms or apartments);
• an object of completed construction (apartment) or an unfinished residential building;
• shares in housing;
• own residential house (on a SNT site or intended for dacha farming);
• real estate objects less than 50 sq.m., when they are erected on the plots of SNT, private households, individual housing construction;

• garages.

Tax amount

The amount of tax depends directly on the cadastral value of real estate personal property. In this case, the tax base is reduced by the amount of the established deduction.

Table 1. Property tax rates and deductions

Object Cadastral value Rate Deduction (reduction of area) depending on the type of object Residential premises, including houses and buildings no more than 50 sq.m.
Less than 10,000,000 rub. 0.1% 50 sq.m. - house 20 sq.m.
– apartment 10 sq.m. – room Over 10,000,000 rub. 0.15% From 20,000,000 to 50,000,000 rub. 0.2% More than 50,000,000 rub. 0.3% Garages 0.1% Unfinished construction site (residential building) 0.3% Other 0.5% Read also: Payments to guardians: incapacitated adults, disabled people, children

Regional benefits for the property of numerous families

At the subject level, numerous families receive benefits and are exempt from paying taxes or receive a 50% discount.

Table 2. Tax benefits for property of large families in the regions

Subject Benefit Rule of law Novosibirsk region Exemption from payment 100% Clause 5 of the Decision of the Council of Deputies of Novosibirsk 1210 of November 26, 2014 Nizhny Novgorod region Exemption


Moscow large family transport tax

As always, we will try to answer the question “Moscow large family 2020 transport tax.” You can also consult with lawyers for free online directly on the website without leaving your home.

To obtain information, you need to contact the Federal Tax Service, in person or through your personal account on the official tax website You can register in your personal account by obtaining a login and password from the nearest NI (tax office). To do this, you must have your passport and Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN).

Then generate an electronic signature key in the account itself and start communicating with specialists.

In general, the entire registration procedure will take no more than half an hour, but you can get a convenient service where you can see online all the data on the status of your tax deductions, notifications from the Federal Tax Service, and also send complaints, questions and statements to NI online.

In which regions do the benefits apply and what

The recognition of families with many children is also the responsibility of the regions. As a general rule, a family with 3 or more children is recognized as having many children. But regions with a traditional way of life may have their own rules. For example, Ingushetia, where a large family is a family with 5 or more children.

Rules for paying transport tax for large families

On the Federal Tax Service website you can use the tax calculator by entering the desired region and type of car. The form contains a footnote on the benefits available for the place of registration of the vehicle. Having entered all the car data, you will see that the calculator will show the amount taking into account benefits .

If we take into account 2020, it should be noted that most regions have decided to partially exempt families with several children from the tax burden. This means that such families will be given tax discounts.

The benefit period ends the moment the family loses its status as a large family, in other words, when at least one of the children reaches their 18th birthday. In addition, there is a second reason for terminating the period of benefit - this is the alienation of punishment.

What benefits are available to large families in Moscow?

Indeed, in recent years (6-8 years) the number of large families has increased by approximately 25 percent. The guideline for the revival of large families in our country has become families in which at least three children are growing up. At the same time, support for such families is provided at the state level: various benefits are provided in all areas of life.


Kuban, Nizhny Novgorod and Novosibirsk tax authorities distinguished themselves in this matter, completely exempting large families from paying property taxes.

How to apply for a tax benefit In order to realize the opportunity to receive a tax benefit, one of the adoptive parents or guardians must contact the tax authority at the place of residence and provide a package of necessary documents.

It includes a passport, marriage and birth certificates of all children, and in the case of guardianship or adoption, documents confirming this fact.

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Transport tax for large families

New in the year Who can claim tax benefits A tax benefit is a preference that the state gives when paying taxes to certain categories of citizens.

The number of beneficiaries includes pensioners, military personnel, veterans, combatants and children left without adult care, but large families that improve the demographic situation in the country receive special attention.

Families raising three or more children under the age of 18 can count on receiving tax benefits, and this applies not only to natural parents; guardians and adoptive parents can also count on a reduction in the tax burden.

The exception is children receiving higher education - in this case, the state takes on part of the costs of a large family when the student reaches summer age. List of tax duties and benefits for members of large families In Russia, there are a large number of tax payments, and their collection is carried out by interested authorities at different levels.

In this regard, taxes are divided into federal, regional and local, which means that the amount of the tax duty, as well as the rules for providing benefits, are considered at the level of a municipality or an entire region. This is what happens with tax benefits for large families, which have different rights depending on the rules established by local governments. Let's look at the main tax payments and benefits provided to members of large families.

Moscow transport tax for families with many children

A corresponding statement may serve as confirmation of the refusal. Personal income tax is a federal tax, which is regulated by the provisions of Chapter. In the version of the Tax Code amended in the year, Art.

At the birth of the third child, the amount increases to 3 thousand. Up to 12 thousand.

Tax on vehicles A car is no longer a luxury, but a means of transportation, and for a large family it is a good help and help with housework.

Federal transport tax benefits are not provided for large families or for one of the parents (adoptive parents, guardians) raising three or more children. Transport tax is within the competence of the subjects of the Federation.

How to get a tax benefit

State duty is not paid for one vehicle, regardless of its capacity. If parents own several cars at once, they can choose which one they will not pay tax on.

How to get a plot of land

Taking into account these legal acts, the list of persons who have received an exemption from paying obligatory gratuitous payments to the state income also includes citizens who have the official status of parents of many children.

The amount of transport tax and the possibility of providing discounts to certain categories of citizens are regulated at the regional level. Therefore, in different regions of the Russian Federation, tariffs and conditions may differ significantly.

Transport tax benefits for large families

The tax office will be able to calculate the payment for the owner of the vehicle, but the owner of the vehicle can find out its size now in order to plan his budget. Benefits for large families are not determined at the state level.

Transport tax for large families. The procedure for obtaining benefits and recommendations from lawyers

In order to improve the quality of life of this category of people, they offer profitable car loans at low interest rates, but the help does not end there. When calculating this tax, local authorities provide benefits to those who live in Moscow and the Moscow region.


At the end of 2020, benefits for large families were introduced in some regions and republics. Moreover, in order to reduce the tax, the motorist must own a car with certain indicators.

For example, the power of the vehicle and its age are taken into account. The requirements also vary in the number of children. But in Moscow, at present, the provision of garden, vegetable or dacha land plots is not carried out.

Moreover, there are no new applications for the provision of such land plots.

Table of benefits for large families

The amount of transport tax is calculated at the established rate, but benefits for large families are not automatically taken into account.

To receive them, you will need to personally go to the tax office and submit an application. This may be an inspection at your place of residence or at the vehicle registration address.

Addresses and contact numbers are indicated in the payment document; they can also be found on the Federal Tax Service website.

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How to get a vehicle tax benefit

Thus, special benefits established at the federal level do not apply to large families, with the exception of situations when a truck weighing over 12 tons is in use.

Sometimes there are discrepancies, and the car owner who wrote the application for the benefit is charged tax. Typically, the Federal Tax Service sends receipts by mail, but if the taxpayer’s place of residence differs from the registration address, the letter may not reach its intended destination.

At the same time, the person believes that he does not owe the fiscal service anything, since he wrote a statement.

For other categories of citizens, you can find out from the article by our lawyer. It turns out that most constituent entities of the Russian Federation, when allocating a tax benefit for the payment of car tax, impose various additional requirements on benefit applicants.

  1. Residents of the Zelenograd special zone.
  2. Participants, veterans and disabled people of the Great Patriotic War.
  3. Prisoners of concentration camps and other places of forced detention during the Second World War.
  4. Participants are veterans and disabled people of other military operations.
  5. Persons with 1 or 2 disability groups, for one of their vehicles with an engine power of no more than 200 horsepower, except for motor sleighs, snowmobiles, water and air transport.
  6. One of the parents, guardians or guardians of a disabled child.
  7. Owner of a passenger car with less than 70 horsepower.
  8. Persons exposed to radiation and who participated in the liquidation of the consequences of the tragedy at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the Mayak association, the Semipalatinsk test site, and the dumping of waste into the river. Techa.
  • fishing, passenger and cargo vessels;
  • tractors and other types of vehicles belonging to agricultural organizations;
  • emergency transport;
  • vehicles that are on the wanted list.
  • The amount of tax is determined depending on the power of the vehicle (Article 359);
  • The tax period is 1 year (Article 359);
  • At the federal level, Article 360 ​​establishes certain transport tax rates, which vary depending on the type and capacity.
  • passport;
  • birth certificates of all children;
  • information about all available family income;
  • certificates from educational institutions;
  • documents that confirm the fact of cohabitation of children and parents;
  • a certificate from the employment center if the parents are unemployed.

Tax benefits for large families

(if the income of a large family is not higher than the minimum subsistence level in the region) Kostroma region 50% Auto up to 150 hp. (if a family has 5 or more children, and its income is below the subsistence level in the region) Krasnodar Territory 100% Auto up to 150 hp. Krasnoyarsk Territory 90% Cars up to 150 hp.

  • Tax benefit amount
    • What to do if there are several vehicles in a large family
  • Who else is eligible for benefits?
    • How to get tax relief for transport?
  • How long does the transport tax benefit last?

Large families transport tax rates

And there are so many forms of this reporting that it’s not surprising to get confused in them. To help respondents, Rosstat has developed a special service. using which you can determine what statistical reporting needs to be submitted to a specific respondent.

Transport tax benefits for large families in Moscow

Both Moscow and the Moscow region are one of the most “convenient” regions for living for lovers of fast driving and powerful engines. All companies and individual entrepreneurs need to submit some kind of statistical reporting.

In Moscow, a large family is a family in which three or more children are raised (natural, adopted, stepdaughters, stepchildren) until the youngest child reaches the age of 16, and if he is studying in an educational organization in a general education program - until he is 18 years old.


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