“Zemstvo Doctor” program for doctors

Working as a doctor in rural areas and small towns is not at all the same as in a metropolis: here you quickly learn to make complex and responsible decisions on your own, and patients often do not care who is in front of them - a surgeon, a neurologist, or a cardiologist. For them, a doctor is someone who will cure, who will help.

And we have to treat a variety of diseases and injuries - from fractures and mountain sickness to arthritis.

Why some doctors are ready to change their specialty in order to go to the village, what human qualities are valued most in a rural doctor and what knowledge after medical school is in demand far from the city, read the material of TASS correspondents especially for the portal “The Future of Russia. National projects".

  1. The national project will help
  2. General Practitioner is ideal
  3. Need to know more
  4. I wanted to become a surgeon, but needed neurologists
  5. In winter - avalanches, in summer - mudflows
  6. Zemsky Doctor program 2020: conditions, payments, participation
  7. The essence of the Zemsky Doctor program
  8. Normative base
  9. Program for doctors “Zemsky Doctor”. Review
  10. Our reasons to go to Kamchatka
  11. Vacancies under the “Zemstvo Doctor” program and how we found a place to work
  12. How long did it take before arriving at the hospital?
  13. Arrival to Kamchatka
  14. Conditions
  15. Documents to the Ministry of Health
  16. Scroll
  17. Did you receive a million?
  18. Wishes to future rural doctors
  19. “Zemsky Doctor” - a program for doctors in rural areas
  20. Which regions participate in the Zemsky Doctor program?
  21. Conditions for participation in the program
  22. Documents for processing payments for doctors and paramedics
  23. New in 2019: lifting the age limit for participants
  24. Other benefits for health workers in rural areas
  25. Million Dollar Doctor: Zemstvo Doctors Will Abolish Age Limit
  26. Employment contract
  27. Experienced Approach
  28. Program “Zemstvo paramedic”, “Zemstvo doctor”, “Zemstvo teacher”: conditions, documents, regions
  29. “Zemstvo Paramedic” program: conditions, documents
  30. “Zemsky Paramedic” program: regions
  31. Program "Zemsky Doctor"
  32. “Zemsky Doctor” program: conditions, documents
  33. What should monetary assistance under the Zemsky Doctor program be spent on?
  34. “Zemsky Doctor” program: documents
  35. “Zemsky Doctor” program: which regions participate?
  36. Program "Zemstvo Teacher": program conditions, documents
  37. Zemstvo teacher program: age
  38. “Zemstvo Teacher” program: regions
  39. Video: Program “Zemstvo Teacher”

The national project will help

The Zemsky Doctor program has been operating in Russia since 2012. The project provides for the allocation of 1 million rubles. doctors who come to work in rural areas and small towns, where they must spend at least five years.

According to the Russian Ministry of Health, by 2018, within the framework of the “Zemsky Doctor” and “Zemsky Paramedic” programs, it was possible to attract more than 34.3 thousand specialists to work in villages, small towns and urban-type settlements.

A year ago, nursing staff were also included in the program.

Elena Afonina/TASS

The age limit for program participants also changed - at first the threshold was 35 years old, then it increased to 45 years, then to 50. Now, by December 1, 2019, the Ministry of Health, in accordance with the instructions of the President of Russia, must work out the possibility of abolishing age restrictions.

In addition, as part of the national Health Care project, the department plans to increase the staffing of medical positions and nursing staff providing care in outpatient settings to 95%.

And by 2021, there should be no villages, towns or cities in the Russian Federation whose population does not have access to medical organizations. As Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova previously reported, the abolition of age restrictions for the program will help attract about 14.5 thousand people.

doctors and other medical personnel to rural areas.

General Practitioner is ideal

The village of Deevo with a population of 1.5 thousand people is located 115 kilometers from Yekaterinburg. Among the attractions are the 19th-century Orthodox stone church and the ancient Lake Moltaevo. Family doctor Ruslan Akhmadiev says he was so amazed by their beauty that five years ago he decided to move to Deevo from Yekaterinburg.

Now Akhmadiev is 34 years old, he still works in Deevskaya general medical practice, got married, has two children and has no plans to leave. “Here there is everything you need for life, and if something is missing, you can get in the car and go to Yekaterinburg,” he says.

A graduate of the Ural State Medical University, Akhmadiev recalls that the opportunity to receive 1 million rubles influenced his decision, but did not become decisive. For now, the young doctor and his family live in a service apartment, but in the future he hopes to build his own house.

Doctor Ruslan Akhmadiev Photo from the personal archive of Ruslan Akhmadiev

Deevskaya general medical practice employs 13 people. One doctor sees from 20 to 30 patients a day.

“General practice is more suitable for rural areas. I realized this after working at a site in the city - in the village everything is different.

The administrative center, the city of Alapaevsk, is located 30 kilometers from Deevo, and people come to us for medical care, including surgical and emergency care.

There are many opportunities to apply the knowledge that I gained while studying in Yekaterinburg. Even accompanying pregnant women is my responsibility,” says Akhmadiev.

Before moving to Deevo, the doctor visited several villages. I chose the village in the Alapaevsky district for two reasons. The local school is one of the best in the Sverdlovsk region, and the doctor’s eldest son is currently studying there.

In addition, in Deevo there is an opportunity to play sports - there is a football field. Akhmadiev is a teacher by training, and in his free time from medical practice, he coaches a children's football team.

“Many people think that there is no good education in the village, but I was convinced that this is not so. In a rural school, each child is taught individually. The second stereotype concerns the salaries of doctors in the village.

Like, they barely manage to make ends meet. In fact, we earn perhaps even more than a local physician at a city hospital.

If you wish, you can find additional income in the village,” he says.

The young doctor says there are only two difficulties in the village: problems with equipment, and the fact that the village doctor is in sight all the time. “Everywhere I go, people try to consult me. They can come at any time of the day or night. Of course, I can’t refuse anyone, so it’s like I’m at work all the time,” says the doctor.

Need to know more

Dentist Anna Polishchuk went to work at the Zaostrovskaya hospital in 2013, immediately after her internship. While studying at the Northern State Medical University in Arkhangelsk, the future doctor did not intend to work in the countryside, but then she saw a vacancy and decided to take a risk.

“What will happen next is impossible to predict 100%, while I plan to continue working in the countryside and providing assistance to the rural population, since their need for help is much greater than the population in the city,” says Polishchuk.

Dentist Anna Polishchuk Irina Skalina/TASS

She gets to work from Arkhangelsk by eight in the morning in her own car - she bought it with the same 1 million allocated under the Zemsky Doctor program.

From the federal highway leading to Severodvinsk, you need to turn left, and then the road begins to wind: Borisovskaya, more signs, Maloe Anisimovo, and, finally, Bolshoye Anisimovo, where the Zaostrovskaya district hospital is located - in total you need to drive about 7 km from the city.

About 3 thousand people live in the villages of Zaostrovye. Polishchuk sees ten patients every day. At the same time, getting to a doctor is easier than in the city.

“Fortunately, dentistry has now come so far that the patient in the chair can relax and not think that pain will accompany him,” she says.

In a rural hospital, you need to improve your knowledge every day, and understand the clinical picture better than in the city, says the doctor.

“When a patient comes in with acute pain, you have to know the clinical picture much deeper than in the city, you need to improve every day. When I started working, there wasn’t even anyone to consult with,” recalls the young specialist. “Now we have another dentist – a children’s dentist.”

I wanted to become a surgeon, but needed neurologists

Neurologist at the Isyangulovsky District Hospital (345 km from Ufa) Vladislav Vagapov became a participant in the Zemsky Doctor program in 2015. With the 1 million rubles he received, he began to build a house for his family in the village of Isyangulovo.

The young man followed the example of his mother, who has been working as a paramedic for more than 30 years, into medicine. After school, he successfully passed the exams and was enrolled in the Bashkir State Medical University in Ufa.

I liked city life, but it was difficult: most of the money I earned went on travel, food and rent. It was not possible to solve the housing problem without a mortgage, so Vagapov and his wife decided to seek their fortune in the countryside.

Neurologist Vladislav Vagapov Ilfat Kinzyabaev/TASS

“It was in the last years of my studies, my wife at first did not want to go from the city to the village, but, realizing that it was a vicious circle, she agreed.

I didn’t want to take out loans at all, so, of course, I became interested in “Zemsky Doctor”, talked with the head physician of the Isyangulovsk hospital, and found out that neurologists were needed.

I dreamed of being a surgeon, but the desire to return to my native land overpowered me, so I became a neurologist,” he recalls.

The district administration allocated an additional 100 thousand rubles of material assistance and a land plot to Vagapov. According to the terms of the program, the doctor must work in this district hospital for at least five years, but Vagapov has no thoughts of leaving after that.

The district hospital has every opportunity to provide qualified care. “We rehabilitate patients who have suffered a stroke, people who have suffered head or spinal injuries,” says the doctor.

A doctor can be called to examine a newly admitted patient both at night and on weekends. “Some people even come home, I try to wean them off this. Still, the doctor should also have personal time, and we must not forget about the family,” he says.

In winter - avalanches, in summer - mudflows

Settlements in the Elbrus region are scattered throughout the gorge, and more than 5.2 thousand residents are attached to the Elbrus district hospital. Zaynaf Teberdieva has been working as a doctor at the hospital since 2010, and recently became a doctor. O.

chief physician

Her morning usually begins with a round of hospital patients, then reception and consultation of outpatients, meetings with the leadership of the district administration, home visits to seriously ill patients, reports and work with documents.

Doctor of the Elbrus district hospital Zaynaf Teberdieva Elena Afonina/TASS

“A patient comes with his problems and doesn’t ask what your specialty is, he comes to the doctor for help, and that says it all. You will not tell him that you are not a nephrologist, not a cardiologist, not a neurologist - you must provide assistance to all patients. In terms of gaining experience, this is an invaluable place,” says Teberdieva.

The range of diseases and conditions that doctors in the Elbrus region have to deal with is enormous: road accidents, fractures, advanced diseases and, as a result, vascular accidents. It is necessary to manage the pregnancy and deliver the child.

They have learned to cope with everything from colds to pulmonary edema due to mountain sickness, which occurs due to the fact that tourists climb to the top of Elbrus without preparation, Teberdieva says.

In winter, during the ski season, patients go to the hospital with colds and injuries, and then not only medical knowledge, but also the English language comes in handy.

Teberdieva recalls that at the Stavropol Medical University she was taught to refer patients to specialized specialists, but here she has to do everything herself.

There are often special patients that you don’t meet in the city - for example, a 78-year-old man with back pain came only when it became completely unbearable. It was difficult to persuade him to stay at least overnight in the hospital.

An elderly man has no one to leave his cattle and household to - the doctor has to take this into account.

“We are, I’m not afraid of this word, universal doctors.

Here comes such a grandfather, and he does not have the opportunity to go to Nalchik to be examined; they simply cannot even go down to Tyrnyauz (the regional center, located 30 km from the village of Elbrus - TASS note).

They give me an ultimatum - treat me here yourself! We have to go through this, it comes to the point where we take tests here, take them down for examination and treat them at home,” says Teberdieva.

Read also: Fine for loss of passport in 2020-2021

She doesn’t even think about leaving: she dreams of a new hospital, better conditions for patients, and the fact that there will be a new paramedic and midwife station where outpatient care can be transferred. And then, you see, in the hospital, the wards can be made not for six people, but for two or three people. “To make patients more comfortable, this is real,” says the doctor.

Source: https://futurerussia.gov.ru/nacionalnye-proekty/176963

Zemsky Doctor program 2020: conditions, payments, participation

To solve problems with the shortage of medical personnel in rural areas, the state is using comprehensive measures. In order to improve the financial situation, a specialized program “Zemsky Doctor” was introduced. After moving, a doctor can receive 1 million rubles. as free compensation. This publication discusses the mechanism for obtaining assistance.

The essence of the Zemsky Doctor program

The lack of staff makes it much more difficult for residents of small municipalities to receive qualified medical care. To create attractive conditions for doctors, a specialized federal program “Zemsky Doctor” has been in place since 2012. It was created with the aim of improving the material security of specialists. The allocated funds, in particular, can be used to purchase housing. According to the current rules, assistance in the amount of 1 million rubles is provided.

The need for additional measures is due to a significant deterioration in the situation with personnel in this industry. According to statistics for the control period 2006-2011. the number of doctors in rural areas decreased by approximately 5%. Thematic surveys revealed the following reasons for graduates’ reluctance to move to the outback:

  • low wages;
  • poor living conditions.

For your information! There is no taxation of compensation payments. The money is transferred from the state budget. Therefore, obligations to return the corresponding part of the income to the treasury do not make sense.

Normative base

The main standards of the federal program “Zemsky Doctor” are formulated in the law “On Health Insurance” (Federal Law No. 326 of November 29, 2010) as amended in 2011. After several years of practical use, the following significant corrections have been made:

  • from 2016 – increasing the age limit for participants from 25 to 50 years, expanding the list of municipalities included in the program;
  • from 2017 - in addition to villages, settlements corresponding to the categories of “working” or “urban type” were added to the list of eligible settlements.

The conditions applicable to the Zemstvo Doctor program can be clarified using the texts of the RF Government resolutions:

  • No. 1640 dated December 26, 2017;

Source: https://ipotekaved.ru/subsidiya/zemskiy-doktor.html

Program for doctors “Zemsky Doctor”. Review

Hello! I’ll write about how we signed up to work in rural areas under the “Zemsky Doctor” program and how it ultimately ended. We left St. Petersburg for the distant Kamchatka village.

We went to earn money. Money is the main thing that now attracts young professionals to come and work in remote rural areas. We were no exception.

Where can you now get a doctor that amount of money right away? There are few options.

As I already said, we arrived from St. Petersburg to the village of Ossora, the regional center of the Karaginsky district of the Kamchatka Territory. This is a village on the shore of Karaginsky Bay of the Bering Sea, with a population of 1800-1900 people.

Our reasons to go to Kamchatka

  • Salaries of medical workers in the Kamchatka Territory are among the highest in Russia
  • I really wanted to see this unique nature, bears chewing salmon ;-). In many ways, we were prompted to do this by the photographic works of Igor Shpilenok, a naturalist photographer. If you haven't seen it, look at his LiveJournal page and you will understand everything.
  • Our friends have already traveled to Kamchatka under this program and everything worked out very well for them. We earned money, got a lot of impressions, and after a month we missed Kamchatka. In general, the reputation of this place has risen in our eyes.
  • I wanted to radically change the atmosphere of a big noisy city - again, this can be attributed to romance.

These were the reasons that prompted us to go to Kamchatka to work as doctors “in the countryside” under the “Zemsky Doctor” program.

Vacancies under the “Zemstvo Doctor” program and how we found a place to work

Found it on the website of the regional Ministry of Health in the staffing section. We downloaded a text file with all the vacancies for all hospitals and then stupidly started calling all the hospitals with vacancies for a neurologist, surgeon and ophthalmologist. There were many vacancies.

The personnel failure is also noticeable here. There are not enough doctors in cities (Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Elizovo, Vilyuchinsk) and in rural areas - in district hospitals, rural departments of general practitioners and paramedic and obstetric centers.

We were interested in an option so that the two of us could get settled.

Actually it is: either a neurologist and a surgeon or a neurologist and an ophthalmologist. We found a combination of such vacancies only in the village of Ossora - in the Karaginsky district hospital we mentioned. Next is a matter of technology.

We called the head doctor, introduced ourselves, told us what we were looking for and received... a refusal. Yes, we were immediately refused. The reason for the refusal is the lack of normal housing.

But, a few hours later, the chief doctor called back and said that they needed us, and they would find housing.

How long did it take before arriving at the hospital?

We called the chief physician of the Karaginskaya hospital in May 2016, received the go-ahead for our employment at the hospital and the order to wait for suitable housing to become available. We waited a long time. In September 2016, we found an apartment, but one of the hospital employees still lived there and we waited some more. The apartment was expected to be vacated at the end of October 2016, after which it was already possible to go and get a job.

We spent the fall in a suitcase mood, which ended in real hellish packing 2 days before departure. It’s impossible to list how much was collected that ultimately remained in St. Petersburg).

We were traveling with a small child, so I wanted to take everything I needed and at the same time with a reserve - we were going far and it was not known whether it would be possible to buy it somewhere and how much it would cost.

We packed to the maximum.

Arrival to Kamchatka

In October we bought tickets to Elizovo from St. Petersburg. We arrived in Kamchatka in November, and rented a two-room apartment there through Avito for 2 thousand rubles per day for 6 days.

There were fears that when we arrived, the apartment would be rented out or the landlady would disappear. Everything was in words. We are in St. Petersburg, she is in Yelizovo, anything could happen. We arrived by taxi at the indicated address.

We carried all the luggage ourselves to the 4th floor; there was no elevator. These are 5 large suitcases.

The apartment is good - we liked it. Warm, cozy and with a beautiful view of the Koryak and Avachinsky volcanoes.

View from the window

Within a 5-minute walk there is a market, a savings bank, a shopping center and a bunch of small shops and a small park. It was a little vacation. We got enough sleep and just leisurely enjoyed the fact that we were together and didn’t have to run anywhere.


A week later we were in Ossora. We were met at the airport and taken by ambulance to the apartment that the hospital rented for us.

The apartment is good - two-room apartment in a warm block house with everything you need. Two spacious rooms, a kitchen, a hallway and a separate bathroom with a bathroom.

It was sometimes cold due to strong winds blowing through the windows of both rooms, and the heating needed to be changed. The old risers heated poorly. We used the oil radiator that was in the apartment.

It was more or less warm. The four-story house made a depressing impression from the outside.

We arrived at dusk and didn’t have time to see it, but the next day we saw it. Upholstered in rusty iron sheets, it evoked an atmosphere of decline and ruin. When I saw it, I thought that drunks and outcasts lived here. Later, I realized that I was very mistaken. We met our neighbors and quickly became friends. People are open and good-natured. They felt a friendly, welcoming attitude towards themselves.

Read more about the living conditions and the housing provided to us here.

Documents to the Ministry of Health

To join the program and receive money, you need to collect documents and send this package to the Ministry of Health. You do this upon arrival at your future place of work. It won't work in advance.


  • The employment contract you entered into with the rural hospital. In 3 copies with your signature and the chief physician
  • Application for participation in the program. The form will be sent by the regional Ministry of Health to your hospital.
  • A copy of the passport with the main page + page with permanent registration
  • A copy of the certificate of temporary registration at the place of registration. If you changed your permanent registration and registered in a new place, then just a copy of the passport page with the new entry
  • An extract from your bank account to which to transfer money

Did you receive a million?

This should be followed by at least 2 questions: “So, how do you like it there?” and “Did you get the money?” We received the money six months later. We were incredibly happy about that. Already spent it)

We waited a million for a long time. Naturally, they planned how to use it.

Wishes to future rural doctors

The act is bold and risky, and that’s why it’s beautiful. For those who are hesitant in deciding whether to subscribe to the program or not, I advise you to think carefully about what you want from the “Zemsky Doctor” program.

Before making a decision, answer the following questions for yourself:

  1. How to use the money you receive wisely. Spending money is a personal matter and everyone manages the amount received themselves. I would strongly advise you to plan what you will spend this money on and it is better if it is an investment with the opportunity to recoup at least part of the money invested during your work
  2. Focus on the stated salary - whether its size suits you in its bare form, without going for a million. If you divide the amount received for the zemstvo doctor at the rate of 5 years, then this is about 16 thousand rubles per month. The premium is small. But there is a possibility that when receiving your salary, management will refer to the million you received, unreasonably, of course. You will earn much more with an adequate salary. Calculate and discuss with the employer the amount received in hand. The desired salary is at least 30% higher than the average for the profession
  3. Are you ready to put up with inconvenience and solve difficulties for the sake of this money? I'll explain. Real cases: a specialist came to work in a rural area. After working for a month or two, I realized that the place to work was terrible, the team was crappy, and the living conditions were difficult. This actually happens and has happened. Prepare for this to happen to you too. If for you, opportunities attract more challenges, then go ahead.

If you answered three questions, you have a goal, then please go and achieve it. Everything will work out. If you have any questions, write to x.

Source: https://lichnyjfotodnevnik.ru/programma-dlya-vrachej-zemskij-doktor-1-million/

“Zemsky Doctor” - a program for doctors in rural areas

“Zemsky Doctor” is a government support program for healthcare workers (doctors and paramedics) who have moved to rural areas. Doctors are provided with a raise payment of 1 million.

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rubles , paramedics - 500 thousand rubles , which can be spent on improving living conditions. In this case, the health worker undertakes to work in rural areas for at least 5 years .

To participate in the program, you must contact your local Department of Health with the necessary documents. The subsidy agreement is concluded between the medical institution and the program participant. In the event of termination of the employment contract, the employee undertakes to return the payment in proportion to the time worked.

In 2019, President V. Putin, when addressing the Federal Assembly, proposed lifting the age limit of 50 years for healthcare workers when moving to rural areas and gave corresponding instructions to the Government.

Which regions participate in the Zemsky Doctor program?

The state support program “Zemsky Doctor” was developed by the Government in 2012 and is aimed at attracting young specialists for the development and modernization of healthcare in small towns and villages.

Currently, the program operates in workers' settlements, rural settlements, urban settlements, as well as in small towns with a population of up to 50 thousand people. The list of participating entities is growing: in 2015, Crimea joined the program. At the moment, the program covers all regions .

A subsidy of 1 million for doctors and 500 thousand for paramedics is provided only for vacancies that are in short supply . The availability of such vacancies can be found in the human resources department in village hospitals (clinics), and they are also posted on the official websites of the executive authorities of the subjects participating in the program and municipalities.

The program is financed from the federal budget with the involvement of funds from the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in a ratio of 60 to 40 percent. Regions have the right to increase the payment amount.

Conditions for participation in the program

The conditions for the participation of health workers in the program are established in Appendix 8 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2017 No. 1640.

To receive payment under the Zemsky Doctor program, specialists must meet the following requirements:

  • availability of higher professional (medical) education;
  • age up to 50 years;
  • moving to work in a rural area;
  • availability of an employment contract with a medical institution for a period of at least 5 years .

The payment was supposed to be targeted, which could be spent:

  • for the purchase of housing - a house or apartment;
  • purchase of land for building a house;
  • construction of living quarters.

In fact, no control has been established . After all, it is assumed that, working in rural areas for 5 years, one way or another the funds will be spent on living expenses.

If there are two doctors in the family, payments are due to each . Maternity leave does not affect the extension of the period of participation in the program.

Documents for processing payments for doctors and paramedics

To participate in the “Zemsky Doctor” program, you must first visit the personnel department of the medical institution where the interested person is going to work, to confirm that the vacant position is included in the Register of Shortage Vacancies . After this, you must contact the regional Department of Health and fill out the appropriate application.

documents are attached to the application for registration :

  1. Passport.
  2. Diploma of higher education in the field of healthcare.
  3. A copy of the employment contract at the medical institution.
  4. SNILS and TIN certificate.
  5. The order of acceptance to work.
  6. Bank account details for transferring funds.

Copies and duplicates of documents are certified by a notary. The application is reviewed within 1 month . Upon receipt of consent, it is necessary to re-visit the Department and enter into an agreement on the payment of compensation .

The payment is transferred to the current account specified in the contract within one month after the conclusion of the employment contract with the medical institution and the subsidy agreement.

The employee is informed of the obligation to return budget funds in the event of termination of the employment contract with a medical institution in proportion to the unfinished period.

New in 2019: lifting the age limit for participants

For the implementation of the state program in 2019, the federal budget includes the necessary amount to finance regional ones. up to 8 thousand specialists to rural areas .

On February 20, 2019, at the annual address to the Federal Assembly, President V.V. Putin proposed removing return restrictions for participation in the program .

According to the president, this measure will allow health workers over 50 years of age to also receive payments when moving to rural areas.

The timing of changes to the current conditions of the program is still unknown, but the president promised that they would work on this issue in the near future.

By analogy with the “Zemsky Doctor” program, Putin also proposed paying 1 million rubles to teachers for moving to small towns and villages. The money can be used to buy a home, pay off a mortgage, or purchase materials to build a house. The President proposed launching the program in 2020 .

Other benefits for health workers in rural areas

Additionally, medical workers in rural areas can receive compensation for housing and utilities (electricity, gas, etc.) in the form of a monthly payment of 1,200 rubles . This benefit was established by Government Decree No. 1607 dated December 30, 2014.

The monthly payment of 1,200 rubles is established on the basis of documents available to the medical institution:

  • employment contract (work book);
  • copies of your passport with a note about the place of registration.
  • in the absence of a passport, another document confirming the place of residence.

No additional documents are required.

Compensation is provided at the place of work and is paid together with wages for the first half of the current month.

Source: http://rabotnik-info.ru/sodejstvie-zanyatosti-naseleniya/programma-zemskij-doktor/

Million Dollar Doctor: Zemstvo Doctors Will Abolish Age Limit

The age limit for participants in the “Zemsky Doctor” and “Zemsky Paramedic” programs will be lifted by the end of this year, the press service of the Ministry of Health told Izvestia.

Thus, doctors over 50 years of age will also be able to receive 1 million rubles in allowance when moving to a village.

Experts doubt that this will significantly increase the number of program participants: living conditions in villages are sometimes too harsh even for young people. Meanwhile, the shortage of doctors in rural areas is about 27 thousand people.

Employment contract

The Law “On Compulsory Health Insurance in the Russian Federation” stipulates that only doctors no older than 50 years can participate in the “Zemsky Doctor” and “Zemsky Paramedic” programs.

Changes to the document on the instructions of the president to lift age restrictions for health workers under these programs will be made before December 1, 2019, the Ministry of Health told Izvestia.

In fact, work on the new rules will begin in 2020.

Under the “Zemsky Doctor” program, a doctor receives a one-time payment of 1 million rubles if he moves to work in a rural locality, working village or urban settlement.

The benefits are given after the specialist signs an employment contract with the medical institution for at least five years.

60% of the amount is paid by the compulsory medical insurance fund, another 40% by the regional budget, as provided for by the federal law “On Compulsory Health Insurance in the Russian Federation.”

Similar rules apply to the Zemstvo Paramedic program, but the one-time payment there is half as much - 500 thousand rubles.

During 2012–2017, 29 thousand doctors moved to villages (about 5–6 thousand people annually), the Ministry of Health previously reported. The results of last year have not yet been summed up. However, the shortage of doctors remains.

Now, according to the first director of the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, Vladimir Grishin, it amounts to more than 20 thousand specialists. In July, Health Minister Veronika Skvortsova spoke about a shortage of 27 thousand.


Experienced Approach

According to Vladimir Grishin, first of all, therapists and general practitioners are needed; there is also a need for gynecologists, cardiologists, neurologists and ultrasound specialists. And attracting them to the village is not so easy.

“The problem is not only that few people want to go to the village. There were cases when living and working conditions turned out to be so difficult that doctors who moved under the program handed over a million and went back to the city, the expert said.

In his opinion, it is easier to retain doctors in rural areas with a package of benefits: for the purchase of housing, payment for housing and communal services, and travel on transport.

— The step to abolish the age limit is timely, but additional measures are needed. I don’t think that many accomplished specialists will dare to change their lives so radically, although some may dare,” concluded Vladimir Grishin.

It is problematic to estimate the number of doctors who want to move to the village, says Gennady Shcherbakov, deputy chairman of the trade union of healthcare workers of Russia.

— Living conditions in rural areas are often difficult: few people decide to move to a house with stove heating. Young people often refuse such changes, fearing that their children will not be able to get a good education in a new place, and their spouses will not be able to find an interesting job, the expert argues. — Whether older people will want to take the risk of changing their lives so radically is difficult to assess.

At the same time, Gennady Shcherbakov believes that the abolition of the age limit for the “Zemsky Doctor” became relevant after the pension reform. Previously, doctors could end their career after working for 30 years in a city or 25 in a rural area. Thus, by the age of 50–55, many of them planned to retire.

From this year, payments are assigned taking into account the transition period to raise the retirement age. For example, a medical worker who completed the required length of service in April 2019 can retire in accordance with the transition period after six months, in October 2019.

By 2028, the retirement age will increase by five years.

The decision to remove the age limit for the “Zemsky Doctor” program is correct and long overdue, says Vice President of the National Medical Chamber Sergei Dorofeev.

- Who is the zemstvo doctor? A doctor who often alone must make decisions about the treatment of his patients, as he works in a remote rural medical center. And for this, a specialist must have certain knowledge and work experience,” he explained his position.

Doctors know better than other specialists how beneficial fresh air and a favorable environmental situation, available in rural areas, are for health, added the head of the all-Russian public movement “Healthy Choice” Alexander Korsunov. Professionals over 50 have already raised children and can afford to move and devote more time to their own well-being.

As Izvestia wrote earlier, in rural medical centers there is a shortage of not only personnel, but also equipment.

In 77% of paramedic and obstetric centers there are no defibrillators, and doctors simply will not be able to provide assistance to residents whose hearts have suddenly stopped or their arrhythmia has become life-threatening, experts from the All-Russian Popular Front (ONF) have found out.

In many rural medical posts checked by activists, there were not even tonometers and phonendoscopes. There is a greater shortage of express cholesterol level analyzers (not available in 70% of points) and oxygen inhalers (68%).

Source: https://iz.ru/863382/anna-ivushkina/medik-na-million-zemskim-doktoram-otmeniat-vozrastnoi-tcenz

Program “Zemstvo paramedic”, “Zemstvo doctor”, “Zemstvo teacher”: conditions, documents, regions

The acute shortage of specialists in rural areas led to the Russian government deciding to introduce a program for doctors and teachers. Its mission is to attract willing professionals to remote areas.

Since the program was very interesting not only for residents of the country, but also outside it, let's take a closer look at it.

“Zemstvo Paramedic” program: conditions, documents

  • For this purpose, financial support for the paramedic was provided. 1 million rubles were allocated. monetary assistance. The payment of funds provided for the specialist’s move to a rural area and his continuous work in this region for at least five years in his specialty.
  • The Zemsky Paramedic program was founded in 2012, and over the years of its existence has shown excellent results. In 2018, some changes were made to the conditions: the list of vacancies was expanded, the age of specialists was increased to 50 years, and due to the expansion of vacancies to mid-level specialists, cash payments in the amount of 500 thousand rubles were assigned.
  • The program included doctors who live and work in small towns with a population of no more than 50 thousand inhabitants. There is also a requirement for employment, which is mandatory for participation in the program. The selected vacancy must be on the job registry for this program.
  • To take part in the project, you must submit a package of required documents to the Department of Health at your destination. An agreement on financial assistance is drawn up between an applicant for a vacancy and a medical organization. Upon termination of the contract, the medical employee must reimburse the monetary payment in an amount that corresponds to the period worked in this institution.
  • Since the profession of a paramedic is a broad specialty, and is very similar to the work of emergency doctors or therapists, it may include pre-hospital medical care in its professional responsibilities.

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Paramedic assistance

A number of conditions must be met:

  1. Meet the age criterion. The age of the program participant should not be higher than 35 years; in some cases, an age of no more than 50 years is acceptable.
  2. Relocate to a rural settlement of your choice.

In addition, provide a number of documents:

  1. Civil passport, as well as INN, SNILS.
  2. Work book.
  3. Certificate or diploma of secondary medical education.
  4. Confirming certificate of specialization.
  5. Contract on the work activity of the program participant.
  6. An application written on behalf of the recipient to draw up an agreement to accept one-time cash assistance.
  7. Certificate from place of residence.

The application document for participation in the “Zemstvo Paramedic” program has a form, which is established by the regional department. The necessary forms to fill out are issued at the local department of the Ministry of Health. It is important to know that copies or duplicates of the documents provided must be certified by a notary.

  • From the moment of submitting the application and the necessary package of documents, 1 month may pass, during which the information must be verified and a decision made. If the answer is positive, the medical worker must re-appear at the department of the Ministry of Health to draw up an agreement to receive one-time cash assistance.
  • After joining the program, a medical worker must work for 5 years at a full-time position. In this case, maternity leave to care for a child is not taken into account in this time period.
  • According to the rules, the participant has the right to voluntarily terminate the agreement before its expiration. However, this forces the paramedic to reimburse the funds spent on his development and equipment from the budget of the medical institution. Such financial recovery is carried out through a judicial process.
  • To take part in the “Zemsky Paramedic” program and receive the required one-time cash payment, you should contact the regional department of the Ministry of Health to conclude an agreement and provide the necessary documents. Only after the documents are approved and the agreement is signed, the paramedic is assigned financial assistance.

Remote location

In the case when a medical worker managed to conclude an agreement to participate in the program and was called up to serve in the army, he can use the following options for resolving the problem:

  1. Make a refund for the period in which it was not possible to carry out labor activities under this program.
  2. After completing military service, begin working again in the same medical institution, until the end of the period of validity for paramedics under the program - work for 5 years.

“Zemsky Paramedic” program: regions

  • To understand where the Zemsky Paramedic program operates, you need to pay attention to its main goal. This program was designed to attract as many young medical professionals as possible to remote residential areas of the country.
  • Today, vacancies for paramedics under the “Zemsky Paramedic” program are open in rural settlements, small towns, workers’ settlements and urban settlements. A complete list of shortage vacancies can be found on the official website of the regional department of the Ministry of Health.
  • Every year the number of settlements ready to participate in this program increases.

Distributed in many regions

Program "Zemsky Doctor"

The program for doctors, like the previous one, is designed for interest in moving and working in rural areas.

For a medical worker who agrees to work under the “Zemsky Doctor” program, the state provides a one-time financial payment in the amount of 1 million rubles.

, for the purchase of housing and its arrangement. Provided that the specialist has worked in the institution for at least 5 years.


“Zemsky Doctor” program : conditions, documents

To participate in the “Zemsky Doctor” program and receive financial assistance, a medical specialist must fulfill the following conditions:

  1. Have a V/O.
  2. Meet the age criterion: up to 50 years.
  3. Provide an employment agreement with a medical organization with a specified period of work: at least 5 years.
  4. Confirm the fact of relocation and work.

What should monetary assistance under the Zemsky Doctor program be spent on?

The material payment under the Zemstvo Doctor program is targeted and must be used for its intended purpose for the following needs:

  1. Acquisition of a plot of land for housing development.
  2. Buying a home or building it.
  • It should be noted that the targeted distribution of funds is not controlled in any way.
  • However, long-term residence in a rural locality forces a person to use cash assistance for its intended purpose.

It is important to know that parental leave does not affect the duration of work under the program. Each participating family member receives a cash payment.

  • In addition, the employee is entitled to monthly benefits for utility bills - 1,200 rubles.
  • The payment is made along with wages and is carried out in a medical institution.

“Zemsky Doctor” program : documents

First of all, you need to make sure that the chosen position is in the state register of vacancies for the Zemstvo Doctor program. Then fill out an application at the regional office of the Ministry of Health.

And submit, in addition to the basic documents on personality and education, the necessary documents:

  1. Employment agreement with a medical institution (copy).
  2. Order for enrollment in a place of work.
  3. Account number and bank details for material payment.

Duplicates and copies of documents must be certified by a notary. They are subject to review and a decision within a month. If the decision is positive, the next step is to draw up an agreement on financial payment of assistance at the department of the Ministry of Health.

  • Over the next month after the conclusion of the agreement, the money is transferred to the account specified in the agreement. The medical employee has the right to terminate the contract, but in this case he is obliged to compensate monetary compensation for the unworked period.
  • To receive additional benefits for utility bills, you must submit the following documents: passport copy, place of residence mark, employment agreement.

Country doctor

“Zemsky Doctor” program: which regions participate?

  • Positive feedback about the Zemsky Doctor program allows us to expand the number of regions involved every year.
  • It helps solve the problem of medical care in remote areas of the country. Therefore, it is designed for rural areas, small towns, small cities, where the population is up to 50 thousand people. And also Crimea.
  • Material support for this project comes from the budgetary funds of the Russian Federation, and is also financed by individual federal entities (60/40).
  • The payment amount may change depending on the region of participation. Today, almost all regions, including Crimea, participate in it.

Program "Zemstvo Teacher": program conditions, documents

  • By analogy with the previous two successful programs, in 2019 it was decided to launch a new project - “Zemstvo Teacher”, which also provides for the relocation of teachers to all remote settlements of the country.
  • During the program, the teacher receives one-time financial assistance in the amount of 1 million rubles. for arrangement.

To receive financial assistance, a number of conditions must be met:

  1. Have a V/O.
  2. Draw up an employment agreement with a school institution for a period of at least 5 years.
  3. Move to the village.
  4. Take into account the age criterion.

There is a preliminary package of documents required to participate in the Zemstvo Teacher program. However, please note that this list may be changed by the time the program is launched.

With kids

This is what the list of documents looks like now:

  1. Passport or any other identification document.
  2. TIN number .
  3. Application form completed on behalf of the program participant.
  4. Diploma of higher or secondary specialized education.
  5. Employment agreement
  6. Order on the appointment of a teacher in a rural school.
  7. Document confirming residence in the village.
  8. Bank details and account number for crediting the material payment.

It is important to know that in some regions a more expanded list of documents may be needed. All copies of provided documents must be certified by a notary.

  • Is the Zemstvo Teacher program active now or will it be launched only next year? At the moment, the educational project does not operate in all regions - the final conditions of the program are still being negotiated.
  • We are currently collecting preliminary applications from program participants. This is because the previous two physician programs showed some deficiencies in their implementation conditions.
  • After receiving financial compensation and expiring their term of work in the rural region, specialists returned to large cities. For greater involvement, specialists in the field of education will be offered a number of benefits for utility payments, as well as cash bonuses to wages.

Zemstvo teacher program: age

  • Participation in the Zemstvo Teacher program was initially intended for teachers under the age of 35.
  • But since this project was an analogue of a program for medical workers, the age of participants was also increased to 55 years.

For professionals of all ages

“Zemstvo Teacher” program: regions

  • For participants in the Zemstvo Teacher program who agree to move and work in the Far East, the amount of financial payment will be increased to 2 million rubles. Such conditions were proposed by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation due to the harsh climate of the region.
  • Currently, it is supported in the following regions: Buryatia, Omsk and Moscow regions, Dagestan, Bashkiria, Karachay-Cherkessia, Leningrad and Nizhny Novgorod regions, Yakutia, Mordovia, Krasnodar and Perm regions, Lipetsk region.

Developed in many regions

  • Since 2020, the program has been launched in Crimea. It is worth saying that the central regions of the country are widely popular among applicants, in contrast to more remote areas.
  • To balance the numbers, it is planned to introduce quotas that will limit the number of participants in the most popular areas.
  • It is expected that the Zemstvo Teacher program will give no less positive results than the two previous programs for doctors and paramedics.
  • It will improve literacy levels in remote parts of the country and create new jobs. It will also solve the problem with those students who are forced to travel long distances every day to get from a populated area to the nearest school.

Useful articles on the site:

Video: Program “Zemstvo Teacher”

Source: https://heaclub.ru/programma-zemskij-feldsher-zemskij-doktor-zemskij-uchitel-usloviya-dokumenty-regiony

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