Pre-retirement status: at what age, benefits, what it gives, through government services

To take advantage of pre-retirement benefits to save money and protect your rights, you must confirm your pre-retirement status. And not in words, but in an official document.

Pre-pensioners are also called those who received the right to benefits according to the old rules - from 55 or 60 years of age. That is, if the retirement age had not been raised, the woman would have retired at 55, and now she will retire later, but will not pay tax now. For such benefits, it is enough to confirm your age; no other conditions are important.

Several years before retirement, you can enjoy the following rights and benefits:

Five years before retirement

From 55 or 60 years old

Two paid days off for medical examination - every year

Exemption from property tax - one object of any type

Increased unemployment benefits - 11,280 RUR instead of 8,000 RUR

Land tax deduction - no need to pay for six acres

Retirement two years earlier - at the initiative of the employment service

Mandatory share in the inheritance - regardless of the will

Ban on dismissal due to age - the employer faces a fine under the Criminal Code

Alimony from spouses and relatives - but only at your own request

Tax benefits are not provided based on age, but with the following condition: if the right to a pension has arisen according to the old rules. But for this, a woman must be 55 years old, and a man must be 60. It’s just that for taxes, experience and points will also be taken into account in the right to a pension, but for inheritance and alimony they are not needed.

This status must be confirmed in cases where the benefit depends specifically on it - that is, the law about the benefit says that it is due to citizens of pre-retirement age. Or is there some other connection to the old age pension. Some people get on the list of pre-retirement people at 51 years old, some at 57 years old, and some only at 60 years old and even later.

Then, for a benefit, benefit or medical examination, you need to bring a document that says that this woman or this man is about to retire. Confirmation is issued by the pension fund. Everything has already been calculated there.

The pension fund has all the information about people of pre-retirement age. To receive a certificate, you need to submit a request:

  1. in person at any branch of the Pension Fund of Russia, regardless of place of residence;
  2. in any MFC;
  3. via the Internet at

If you submit your request in person, you only need your passport. They cannot require any documents about length of service, earnings or insurance contributions. The employee is only required to verify his identity. If you are required to provide any certificates or sent to another department, this is a violation of the regulations.

If you come with a passport and they refuse to issue you a certificate, this is also a violation. Complain right away: for starters, to the management of the presumptuous employee. He does not have the authority to send you somewhere and demand additional documents.

There is only one reason for refusing a certificate: if you came without a passport or it is expired.

Anyone at any age can request information from the register of pre-retirement people. The certificate will indicate whether you belong to this category or not.

Here are instructions on how to do everything on the Pension Fund website:

  1. Log in to your personal account in the pension fund:
  2. Confirm your identity using your government services account.
  3. In the “Pensions” section, select the desired service.
  4. Indicate why the certificate is needed and where to send it.

The service is marked “new” You must correctly indicate the purpose of the request. This is not a formality. For the employer, you may be about to retire, but for the tax authorities, you are not yet. Only the pension fund can figure it out. The certificate will instantly appear in the request history. It can be downloaded, printed or sent as a file. It took exactly a minute to receive such a certificate via the Internet. The tax certificate will indicate a different basis

This help is free. There are no government fees, charges or commissions. If you come across a service to confirm pre-retirement status or a paid service supposedly to save time, don’t waste your money.

And tell your loved ones for whom this is relevant now. Even if they do not have an account with government services, they can go to the nearest MFC. The time for issuing a certificate with waiting and identity verification is a maximum of 15 minutes.


How to obtain pre-retirement status? Benefits for people of pre-retirement age

Since 2019, the concept “Pre-retirement people” . Less than a year has passed since its appearance, which is why citizens do not understand who is considered pre-retirement and what benefits the status provides. Having studied all the features and concepts, people of pre-retirement age will begin to enjoy the benefits they are entitled to.

The content of the article:

  • On confirmation of pre-retirement status
  • How to get a certificate
  • Privileges
  • Retraining program
  • Rules for dismissal of pre-retirees

On confirmation of pre-retirement status

Before confirming your status, you need to decide who is pre-retirement.

A pre-retirement person is a person who was planning to retire a year ago, but was forced to stay at work as a result of the pension reform.

As a result, pre-retirement status carries numerous benefits that should make it at least slightly easier for people to overwork.

At the moment, the Russian Pension Fund has launched a separate information program on its official website. As a result of using the service, you can obtain all the information about Russian citizens who belong to the status in question. In most cases, the service is used by government authorities, to whom the pre-retirement person has applied to receive benefits.

For example, a person of pre-retirement age was left without a job - he planned to retire and quit 1-2 months before reaching the required age. But the pension reform delayed the registration of the labor pension for six months.

As a result, the citizen had to contact the employment center at his place of residence in order to receive unemployment benefits for the remaining period.

In this case, the pre-retirement person is entitled not only to an increased benefit, but also to free retraining or advanced training.

Today, information about citizens near retirement age is transmitted through SMEV channels and through the unified social security system - Unified State Social Security System.

But in order to “get into” the database and receive the appropriate certificate for the purpose of submitting it to the employment center, social security, or medical institution at the place of registration, you must register in the system yourself.

This can be done on the Pension Fund website and in other ways.

It is noteworthy that to determine who the pre-retirees are in 2019, it is better to study the age table.

Women Men From what year will it be possible to use the benefits of GR PPV GR PPV 1964 50.5 1959 55.5 2019 1965 51.5 1960 56.5 1966 53 1961 58 1967 54 1962 59 2021 1968 55 1963 60 2023 1969 1964 2024 1970 1965 2025 1971, etc. 1966, etc. 2026, etc.

Having decided at what age pre-retirees can take advantage of social benefits and other benefits, they must independently obtain the status officially.

How to get a certificate

Having decided at what age pre-retirement status is granted, you need to learn how to obtain a certificate. There is a special section on the PFR website that allows citizens to independently deal with the issue presented. In the question of how to obtain pre-retirement status, you must follow the following sequence of actions:

  1. First, you should go to the Pension Fund website.
  2. Log in to the website in your Personal Account by entering your username and password.
  3. In the “Pensions” section, find the tab “Order a certificate of classifying a citizen as a citizen of pre-retirement age.”
  4. When ordering, you will need to indicate where the certificate was required. In this case, the document may be needed directly by the head of the enterprise where the applicant works or where the citizen is employed, by the tax service, by the employment center and other government agencies.
  5. You can receive a certificate in PDF or XML format in just a few seconds. The completed certificate can be sent by email, after which it can be printed if necessary and desired.
  6. In the future, the received certificate is displayed in the “Customer history” section.

It is noteworthy that the certificate can be ordered both by people of pre-retirement age and by their representatives - officially registered guardians or notarized proxies.

A similar structure applies to the question of how to obtain pre-retirement status through State Services. Previously registered users should register on the Government Services portal or log in and follow the link “Pension Fund of the Russian Federation”.


It is necessary to study in detail what the pre-retirement status provides, since not everyone knows exactly what opportunities a citizen can take advantage of. In this case, the following features are presented in accordance with the law, namely Federal Law No. 350 of October 2018 to preserve and respect the rights of citizens of the Russian Federation:

1. The rights of pre-retirees in 2019 remain at the same level as before. In other words, if a citizen previously enjoyed certain social benefits, obtaining the status in question does not stop receiving them. Here you can highlight previously issued benefits for housing and communal services, major repairs, travel and others.

2. A special medical examination for pre-retirement people has been developed. In this case, the frequency of examination in the clinic at the place of residence is provided.

If previously an employed citizen had the right to only one day off on a working day every 3 years to undergo a medical examination, now citizens are divided into 2 groups.

People of pre-retirement age have received the right to a medical examination twice a year - they can get a day off on a working day specifically for undergoing a medical examination. The salary these days is retained by the pre-retirement worker.

3. Pre-retirement status for the provision of benefits from 2019 provides protection and guarantees employment. So, if an employee of pre-retirement age is fired for no apparent reason, a fine is issued to the head of the enterprise for an administrative offense (details later in the article).

It is also clarified that local regional authorities provide their own benefits to pre-retirement people.

For example, if previously a citizen could not receive a certain discount in housing and communal services payments, by applying for the presented status, he can receive the coveted benefits.

The situation is similar with receiving free medications, as well as transportation, reduced rates for paying for major repairs and other benefits.

Benefits for pre-retirement workers expanded significantly in 2019. Thus, people of pre-retirement age have the right to study or take advanced training courses on a priority basis.

Retraining program

Training for pre-retirees today occupies a major position in all regions of Russia. For this purpose, the Russian Government signed a special document, which reflected all the features and rules for providing assistance to people of pre-retirement age.

  • Training can be carried out until 2024. All people who have received the appropriate status can participate in the program.
  • Retraining of pre-retirees is carried out in order to update their knowledge of a previously acquired profession to an average level. The duration of retraining should not exceed 3 months, for which employers release workers without losing their jobs.
  • Pre-retirees are primarily trained to computerize a previously performed process. In other words, due to the equipment of the enterprise with computers, a person of pre-retirement age is sent to PC user courses.
  • Enterprise managers and employees of the employment center are engaged in training. But they only “send” workers and citizens registered with the employment center for training.
  • Training of pre-retirees under the Ministry of Labor program takes place on the basis of vocational schools, technical schools and other educational institutions. Students will undergo practical training at a designated enterprise. During training, a citizen of pre-retirement age will receive a state scholarship - the employer is not obliged to pay for the employee’s absence. Payments are set at one minimum wage established in the region.

In the future, the pre-retirement student who has completed the training will be able to find a job with easier working conditions, which will allow him to work for a deferred period.

Rules for dismissal of pre-retirees

Dismissal of pre-retirees starting from 2019 can only take place for good reasons. In this case, the manager cannot simply fire a person of pre-retirement age if he does not wish to do so himself. Otherwise, management dismisses the employee only for the following reasons:

  • there is a staff reduction;
  • the organization as a whole is being liquidated;
  • the employee ignores or fails to perform his duties and does not comply with job descriptions;
  • the employee has engaged in fraudulent practices;
  • the employee was caught stealing.

In each case, the dismissal of an employee of pre-retirement age is considered individually. If a dismissed person has complaints against his employer, he can complain to the labor inspectorate.

In the context of the pension reform, 3 interesting facts can be highlighted:

  • In accordance with Federal Law No. 352 of October 2018, an employer who dismisses an employee of pre-retirement age faces a fine of 200 thousand rubles. When a pensioner is dismissed, different rules apply.
  • If a citizen was unable to independently obtain a certificate on the Pension Fund portal, he can contact the MFC with a request to submit an application in his Personal Account.
  • With the implementation of pension reform, a law on alimony for pre-retirees was adopted. If previously people in need of help from relatives could apply for alimony only upon retirement, today citizens with pre-retirement status have the right to receive the provided monetary support.

Read also: Curfew for minors: the law, in Moscow and Moscow Region 2020-2021

Pre-retirees today are protected by legislation and authorized bodies, so they should not be afraid of delaying retirement and take advantage of the benefits offered.


Pre-retirement status » All benefits. Benefits, Social benefits

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Pre-retirees are a new category of citizens. Less than a year passed from the moment the concept appeared to the moment it was enshrined in legislation. Therefore, citizens themselves do not yet fully understand who people of pre-retirement age are, and even individual government officials, especially when it comes to regional authorities.

But it is they who will have to implement those laws that provide the promised benefits to Russians whose retirement was delayed due to the pension reform. Let's understand this area together and answer the main question: how to obtain pre-retirement status to provide benefits? So, first things first.

How to obtain pre-retirement status

Many have already heard that older people receive this status five years before retirement. But it's not that simple. Firstly, the pension reform will last 10 years and every year the age of those who have five years left until retirement will change.

Secondly, there are certain categories of citizens who can receive a new status ahead of schedule. These are people for whom preferential retirement has been established, which means they will become pre-retirees earlier than everyone else.

But here there are many nuances that need to be taken into account.

To be savvy on this issue, you don’t need to study laws and regulations - we did it for you and outlined everything in a very accessible language in the article: Pre-retirees: concept and age.

And now we will return to our question: how to obtain pre-retirement status to provide benefits. To do this, we need to contact the Pension Fund. And get a special certificate there. You can do this in several ways: in person and online.

You can personally contact the Pension Fund office at your place of residence or the MFC.

The Pension Fund will issue you a document on the same day. There will be your personal information: full name, date of birth, and so on. As well as confirmation of pre-retirement status and the date of expected retirement. Important point! The document specifies the name of the body or organization to which you plan to provide this certificate.

You will have to visit the MFC twice. The first time you leave an application, the second time you receive the document itself.

You can do the same without leaving home. Only instead of a paper certificate you will receive an electronic certificate. It is issued within three days after application. This document will have the same legal force, because it will be supported by a special digital signature.

  Retraining for pre-retirees

So how can you apply for pre-retirement status online? To do this, you can use a special service on the official website of the Russian Pension Fund. Of course, if you have a personal account on this portal. If not yet, register.

So, you just need to fill out the electronic form, enter your passport and SNILS details, and also indicate your email address. An electronic ID will be sent to it.

In addition, the authorities announced that the document will be available through the State Services portal, but now it is not working yet. Most likely, the electronic service will be launched in the near future. You can make a request on this website using the same procedure as through your personal account on the Pension Fund website.

So, we found out that it is quite simple to obtain pre-retirement status through government services and through the Pension Fund. Now let's move on and move on to applying for benefits. After all, this is exactly what a certificate is for.

We have already written above that the document will indicate the authority to which the certificate was received for presentation. This means that it is better to order a separate certificate for different authorities. This issue has not yet been addressed by legislators, so we recommend that you immediately determine the list of institutions where you will need a certificate and order the required number of copies.

As the authorities, including the federal level, have stated, the transition to the new pension system will be as soft as possible, which means everything will be done to make citizens comfortable.

Therefore, many departments are already providing benefits to pre-retirees online through electronic services on their official websites, or through the State Services portal. In this case, you will just need an electronic certificate of pre-retirement status.

The authorities also promised that almost all large departments that provide preferences to pre-retirees, such as the tax office or, for example, the employment center, will themselves make requests to the Pension Fund to confirm the status of the citizen who has applied. The same applies to employers. As the Pension Fund stated, several hundred companies have already contacted them to find out the list of employees who will acquire pre-retirement status in the coming years.

However, we still recommend that you independently obtain a certificate confirming your special status. The laws providing benefits to such citizens are new and have not yet been tested in the regions. Therefore, difficulties may arise where you do not expect them. In addition, pre-retirement status can be obtained remotely very quickly and easily.

  Tax benefits for pre-retirees

In addition, in most cases, you will only need to present this document once in your life. That is, when applying for any benefit, you will confirm your right to it once and then it will be provided automatically. Of course, this does not apply to all authorities. But federal benefits definitely require only one-time confirmation.

What does pre-retirement status give?


This is exactly how the state is trying to “please” the consequences of the pension reform to older citizens. Those who cannot retire as planned a year ago are entitled to various bonuses. Some of them are provided by federal authorities, others by regional authorities. It is important to remember that different regions of the federation have different lists of benefits.

For example, in one region there is free travel on public transport, in another there is only a discount, and in a third there is no such benefit at all. By the way, to receive most regional benefits, you just need a certificate of pre-retirement status.

So, the largest benefits are tax benefits, they are federal. Without exception, all pre-retirement people are exempt from paying property taxes and land taxes. Some regions have provided their pre-retirement employees with transport tax benefits.

Working pre-retirement people are entitled to 2 paid days off per year to undergo medical examination (other citizens have the right to only one such day).

Also, older people who have come under fire from the pension reform and are left without work will be paid increased unemployment benefits and, if necessary, provided with free retraining and a scholarship.

We wrote more about this in the article “Retraining for pre-retirement people.”

Regional authorities supported the federal center and compiled their own list of benefits. The list of local preferences for pre-retirees includes: additional cash payments, discounts on housing and communal services and major repairs, preferential medicines and medical services. However, as we wrote above, the regions themselves determine to whom and in what volume to provide benefits. It is better to check the specific list at your place of residence.

So, we have already told you where to get pre-retirement status. We have provided a complete list of benefits for this category of citizens in our article: “Benefits for pre-retirees.” As always, we studied federal and regional laws, and then simply and clearly told you how to get what you are entitled to from the state.


Pre-retirement people

In accordance with Federal Law No. 350-FZ, in order to preserve and respect the rights of citizens, the concept of pre-retirement age is introduced into the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Benefits and guarantees for people of pre-retirement age

For citizens of pre-retirement age, benefits and social support measures previously provided upon reaching retirement age are retained: free medicines and transport, discounts on major repairs and other housing and communal services, exemption from property and land taxes, and others.

Starting from 2019, new benefits related to annual medical examinations and additional job guarantees are also being introduced for pre-retirees.

Employers are subject to administrative and criminal liability for dismissing workers of pre-retirement age or refusing to hire them due to age.

The employer is also obliged to annually provide employees of pre-retirement age with two days of free medical examination while maintaining their wages.

The right to most pre-retirement benefits begins 5 years before the new retirement age, taking into account the transition period, that is, starting from 51 years for women and 56 years for men. From 2019 onwards, women born in 1968 and older and men born in 1963 and older are entitled to benefits.

The five-year period is also relevant when, when assigning a pension, both the achievement of a certain age and the development of special experience are taken into account. This primarily applies to workers in dangerous and difficult professions according to lists No. 1, No. 2, etc., which allow early retirement.

The onset of pre-retirement age and the right to benefits in such cases arises 5 years before the age of early retirement, subject to one of the conditions: development of the required preferential length of service, if the person has already stopped working in the relevant specialty, or the fact of working in the relevant specialty.

For example , drivers of public urban transport, if they have the necessary special experience (15 or 20 years depending on gender), retire at 50 years old (women) or 55 years old (men). This means that the pre-retirement age limits will be set for female drivers starting at 45 years old, and for male drivers starting at 50 years old.

The pre-retirement age of doctors, teachers and other workers, whose right to a pension arises not from certain years, but when developing special experience, occurs simultaneously with its acquisition. Thus , a school teacher who will have completed the required teaching experience in March 2019 will be considered pre-retirement from that moment.

For those whose retirement age has not changed since 2019, they also have the right to pre-retirement benefits 5 years before retirement. For example , for mothers with many children and five children, it occurs starting at the age of 45, that is, 5 years before their usual retirement age (50 years).

When determining the status of a pre-retirement person in such cases, two factors are taken into account. Firstly, the basis that gives the right to early assignment of a pension - this could be the required number of children, disability, experience in hazardous work, etc.

And secondly, the age at which a pension is assigned, from which the five-year period of benefits is counted.

The exception to which the 5-year rule does not apply is tax benefits. They are provided upon reaching the previous retirement age limits.

For most Russians, this is 55 or 60 years old, depending on gender, and in the case of people retiring early, earlier than this age.

For example, for northerners, who under the previous legislation retire 5 years earlier than everyone else, the pre-retirement age for receiving tax benefits is 50 years for women and 55 years for men.

Confirmation of pre-retirement status

Starting in 2019, the Russian Pension Fund is launching a new information service, through which information is provided about Russians who have reached pre-retirement age. This data is used by authorities, departments and employers to provide appropriate benefits to citizens.

Read also: Kindergarten for large families: payment and compensation, benefits

Thanks to the information from the Russian Pension Fund, the pre-retirement person himself does not need to receive a document confirming his right to benefits - simply submit an application to the department providing the benefit, which will already have all the necessary information.

For example, citizens of pre-retirement age are exempt from paying property tax on housing and land tax on six acres of land.

In order to take advantage of the benefit, you simply need to submit an application to the tax authority, whose specialists will independently make a request to the Pension Fund to confirm the applicant’s pre-retirement status.

  • The Pension Fund has established similar interaction with employment centers, which since 2019 have provided increased unemployment benefits to pre-retirees and are engaged in professional retraining and advanced training programs for pre-retirees.
  • PFR data is transmitted electronically through SMEV channels, through the Unified State Social Security Information System (USISSO) and electronic interaction with employers.
  • In your personal account on the official website of the Pension Fund of Russia there is an electronic service that allows you to order a certificate classifying a citizen as a citizen of pre-retirement age.

Help in PDF and XML formats can be obtained in a few seconds.

To do this, you need to log into your Personal Account using your password and account login after registering on the Unified Portal of State Services, select the “Order a certificate (extract)” tab in the “Pensions” section: classifying a citizen as a citizen of pre-retirement age,” and then indicate the authority where information is provided - the Federal Tax Service of Russia, the government body of the Russian Federation in the field of promoting employment, the employer. If desired, the generated certificate can be received by email, saved, printed, and also viewed in the “Call History” section.


How to obtain pre-retirement status for benefits (what is needed for this)

In connection with the increase in the retirement age in our country, a number of related bills have been adopted aimed at easing conditions for working citizens whose age is close to retirement.

Obtaining pre-retirement status became possible not 2 years before retirement age (as was previously the case), but 5 years.

The government also adopted bills expanding the list of social benefits for citizens of pre-retirement age and a number of measures to preserve jobs.

Conditions for obtaining the status of a citizen who has reached pre-retirement age

According to the new legislation, 5 years before retirement, citizens receive pre-retirement status by default, which gives these people a number of social preferences. Pre-retirement status can be obtained by citizens who meet the following criteria:

Retirement conditions Explanations The retirement age is determined by the general provision on the retirement age. This is a standard situation in which the pre-retirement status arises 5 years before the citizen’s retirement. In accordance with the new reform, there is a certain transition period for citizens of retirement age, which should have occurred in the coming years. They are subject to reduced thresholds for retirement age and, accordingly, pre-retirement age. The retirement age is determined by the general provision on the retirement age, as well as length of service. For citizens whose professions determine the retirement age by work experience and the age threshold, the same condition applies. The status is assigned 5 years before retirement age. This applies to people whose activities are associated with difficult working conditions, northern regions, etc. The retirement age is determined by the length of service. For specialists whose retirement age is measured only by length of service, the pre-retirement age will be assigned only after this special length of service has been completed. This applies to the military, teachers, doctors, etc. Special social groups of the population There are a number of social groups of the population that, due to personal circumstances, are considered socially vulnerable. For example, for mothers with many children (5 children or more), the retirement age threshold has not changed, and the pre-retirement age will also be considered 5 years before the retirement age.

Important! All detailed information can be obtained from the pension fund at your place of residence or from the social protection center. They will give a detailed explanation of each situation and help you arrange all the necessary social preferences that apply in a particular case.

How to find out when you reach retirement age

With the advent of the Internet portal for public services , obtaining many services has indeed become much easier. This also affected the automation of services provided by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Starting from 2020, citizens whose age is close to retirement can take advantage of a new public service - receive notification of the approach of pre-retirement age.

In connection with the implementation of automated data transfer between the pension fund, the social employment center and the public services portal. Every registered citizen can freely receive notification of the approach of pre-retirement age.

This allows you to timely obtain the status of a citizen of pre-retirement age and take advantage of the social benefits that this status provides.

The system is improving every year and more and more citizens of our country are connecting to it, which simplifies bureaucratic procedures and reduces the time for obtaining certificates and processing various documents.

How to confirm the status of a citizen of pre-retirement age

The new pension reform includes a smooth transition period to the designated retirement age limits.

Due to the fact that in addition to raising the age threshold, an entire system of smooth transition has been developed, which means that the age of retirement and obtaining pre-retirement status may differ for some citizens.

This raises many questions about how to confirm your right to receive pre-retirement status and the benefits that follow. Below are the conditions for confirming pre-retirement status:

  1. Compliance with the age criteria established for citizens of pre-retirement age. A citizen must meet the age threshold of the relevant law on the status of a pre-retirement person, and this also applies to those citizens whose retirement falls within the transition period. There may be certain nuances related to professional experience or having the status of a mother of many children, etc.
  2. To confirm, it is necessary to prepare the relevant documents with the authorized authorities. All information about all citizens of our country is stored in the pension fund database, so there is no need to collect any additional documents to confirm their status. The certificate is issued through the Pension Fund website in your personal account, which can be accessed through the Internet portal of government services or by personally contacting the MFC at your place of residence.
  3. To confirm your rights as a pre-retirement person to receive social benefits, you must provide a certificate of status to the relevant authorities. To apply for tax benefits on land and any other property, you will simply need to provide a certificate to the tax service. The same will need to be done to apply for benefits for utility bills, travel, etc.

Social benefits provided for citizens of pre-retirement age in Moscow and the Moscow region

Due to the fact that the retirement threshold has been increased, many future retirees are faced with a number of problems that exist in the labor market.

For older people, it is more difficult to compete with young people, so employers often prefer to hire a young specialist who is more flexible and resilient.

In this regard, the state has adopted a number of innovations that should protect citizens of pre-retirement age and mitigate the consequences of the pension reform for pre-retirement people:

Social benefit Description Place of receipt Benefits for paying property and land taxes For citizens who, by their status, have reached pre-retirement age, will have the right to receive all those social benefits that would be due to them in the status of a pensioner. Federal Tax Service Free travel on public transport MFC or Security Council at the place of residence Free medicines Center for social protection of the population or MFC Medical services, which include dental prosthetics and sanatorium-preventive treatment according to indications Center for social protection of the population or MFC Retraining or training in a new profession For citizens pre-retirement age, retraining programs have been developed on the basis of regional employment centers. Any citizen who has a certificate of pre-retirement status can undergo free training in any profession that interests him from those offered at the employment center. There you can leave your resume and fill out special forms to find a job in a new profession. Employment center at your place of residence Receiving increased unemployment benefits for a longer period The amount of unemployment benefits for pre-retirees has been increased. For the first three months after dismissal, the rate is 75% of the average salary at the last place of work, the next four months - 60%, then 45%. The period for payment of unemployment benefits for pre-retirees can be extended to 12 months, and in some situations longer. This applies especially to those citizens whose work experience has already been developed due to the nature of their professional activity (at least 20 and 25 years). Employment center at your place of residence

Important! To obtain the above listed social benefits, a citizen of pre-retirement age will need to provide a certificate confirming this status. A certificate of pre-retirement age can be issued through the Pension Fund portal.

Registration of this certificate takes a few minutes thanks to the automation of this process. There are no additional conditions for receiving benefits; the social preferences listed above apply to all citizens with pre-retirement status without exception.

Labor benefits for citizens of pre-retirement age in Moscow and the Moscow region

One of the main problems created by the new reform on the increased retirement age was the lack of competitiveness of citizens of pre-retirement age in the labor market.

This has caused a huge amount of controversy due to the fact that people can become unemployed without being entitled to a contributory pension.

Therefore, the government had to develop a huge legal framework to improve the working and living conditions of citizens who received pre-retirement status. And accordingly, this affected the labor activity of citizens, as well as their employers:

  • Criminal and administrative liability is defined for age discrimination in the workplace, as well as when searching for work. An employer does not have the right to refuse employment to a specialist, linking this with the age limit, and the dismissal of an employee due to his pre-retirement age is considered a gross violation of labor law.
  • Due to age characteristics, citizens of pre-retirement age need to devote more time to their health. Based on these considerations, citizens with pre-retirement status are given two additional days off per year to undergo a routine medical examination. The employer does not have the right to deny this right to his employee; the dates of medical examination must be agreed upon in advance.
  • Programs have been developed through local employment centers to assist in finding a job and learning new professional skills. Pre-retirees who want to learn something new or get a new profession to change the conditions there can contact the employment center at their place of residence. The list of educational courses and their start dates can be clarified; it must be clarified there on the spot; all educational courses are provided free of charge.

The main goal of these innovations is to preserve jobs for citizens of pre-retirement age and create the most comfortable working environment. Although analysts are arguing that such innovations may, on the contrary, lead to employers being quite careful when hiring people of pre-retirement age in order to avoid unnecessary problems.

Frequently asked questions and answers

Question No. 1: Is it possible to confirm the status of a pre-retirement person at the MFC at the place of residence?

Starting this year, the multifunctional center “My Documents” provides this service in “one window” mode. The certificate is issued on the basis of the Pension Fund, which has since automated the transfer of data on citizens of pre-retirement age. To apply, you only need a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and SNILS.

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Question No. 2. Is it necessary to provide a certificate of pre-retirement status at the place of work?

To receive labor benefits for additional days off for medical examination, the employer needs this certificate, since to issue an order for paid days off, a link to the relevant document is required. Therefore, it is necessary to provide this certificate to the employer, just as in order to obtain social benefits it is necessary to provide this certificate to the relevant authorities.


How to obtain pre-retirement status in Moscow and what is needed for this

Citizens whose retirement was delayed for a longer period received additional privileges in terms of additional social benefits five years before retirement age.

This is due to the fact that these citizens, due to their age, cannot maintain their business activity at the same level.

Therefore, for citizens whose age is close to retirement, the state has provided the opportunity to obtain pre-retirement status, which provides many social benefits.

Notification of the right to obtain the status of a citizen of pre-retirement age

For citizens who have registered on the government services portal, there is an option - notification of the onset of the pre-retirement period. This is due to the automation of the document flow process.

Having registered on the Pension Fund website, any citizen can track all the necessary information on benefits and all government preferences that he has the right to count on when receiving the relevant document. Also get detailed information about savings related to insurance pensions, etc.

Receiving an email notifying that a person has entered a new pre-retirement period of his life is a new option from the government services portal. A letter should be sent to the email registered on the portal stating that the citizen has reached the age when he has the right to receive government support.

After this letter, a person has the right to issue a certificate about his new life period and, based on it, apply for all the benefits that are due to him in connection with the new period.

Criteria for determining a person’s pre-retirement age

New aspects of the legislation have made adjustments not only to the extension of the working period for the majority of people in our country. The reform also affected the concept of pre-retirement people; now citizens can receive this social status five years before retirement. To obtain the title of a pre-retirement person, the following conditions must be met:

  • The age at which any person is entitled to receive an insurance pension corresponds to the established legal standards for the onset of the retirement period. The legislation determines that 5 years before the start of the retirement period, a citizen has the right to formalize a new social status - pre-retirement. This gives the right to receive government benefits, compensation and various forms of support.
  • The retirement period of a person’s life is determined not only by age, but also by the total length of service. For citizens who have extensive experience in a profession where the calculation of work experience takes place taking into account any accelerated coefficients, as well as the citizen’s age, inclusion in a new social group will also be calculated as 5 years before the possible retirement period of life.
  • The length of service determines the date of the retirement period. There are a number of professions that, due to the specifics of their activities, limit the maximum insurance period. Thus, providing such a person earlier than expected with normal work experience. This applies to the military, pilots, doctors of certain specializations, etc. For them, the pre-retirement period begins with the end of their working life.
  • Citizens with preferential social status. There are a number of people who, due to some personal circumstances, cannot work fully. Therefore, the state at the legislative level has determined a shorter working period. This applies to mothers of many children, disabled people, etc. For such people, inclusion in the pre-retirement group also occurs 5 years before retirement. At the same time, benefits for each social status complement each other, but do not double.

Important! Citizens whose year of birth falls within the period defined by the Pension Fund as transitional, in view of the new legislation, can clarify the age for obtaining social status either on the pension fund website or in the branch of the “My Documents” multifunctional center at their place of residence.

How to obtain a certificate of status as a citizen of pre-retirement age in Moscow

The social status of a citizen can be confirmed only if he has the appropriate document. This also applies to pre-retirees.

For this category, it is not enough to simply show a passport with the date of birth.

A person whose age is close to retirement must obtain a certificate of social status and only on the basis of this status he has the right to receive social benefits:

  • At the Pension Fund branch at your place of residence. The certificate is issued on the basis of a Russian citizen’s passport.
  • On the website of the Pension Fund. There you can attach all the necessary documents, if necessary. The certificate is issued based on the SNILS number through the citizen’s personal account.
  • In the department of the multifunctional center “My Documents”. Documents are accepted in accordance with the unified list.

The pre-retirement certificate is issued within three weeks from the date of submission of documents. A certificate is provided upon request to apply for various benefits, receive free travel, etc. If a document is lost, the certificate is restored in the same way as receiving a new certificate.

How to confirm the social status of a citizen of pre-retirement age

For people who were supposed to retire in the near future, but were subject to the new reform on the retirement age, the state has developed a transition period.

This means that for a number of citizens, the period of compulsory labor activity was extended not by five years, but by a smaller number of years, depending on the year of birth. This also affected the age of pre-retirement people; for some people it will come earlier than expected.

Therefore, in order to receive government support, any person must confirm their right to receive social status. This right is confirmed by the following aspects:

  1. The most important thing is compliance with the established age thresholds. Reaching the pre-retirement period is a prerequisite for inclusion in the benefit group. The pension fund stores all the information on each of the working citizens, so when you contact, you can quickly get a response about when this threshold will be reached, and also, if necessary, receive an electronic notification.
  2. Confirmation of membership in a preferential group occurs upon availability of the appropriate document, which is issued by the Pension Fund at the place of residence. This document can be completed either in person or remotely using the Internet portal.
  3. A pre-retirement certificate is an official document, which is the basis for obtaining all appropriate benefits. To receive a benefit, a citizen must fill out an application indicating the details of the document giving the right to receive a state benefit or preference. The application usually contains detailed information about the document: who issued the document, its serial number, expiration date, etc.

This certificate can be issued in several copies to be provided not only to government services, but also to the employer. The preferential status of a pre-retirement person gives the right to receive not only various state support, but also a number of labor benefits, for which the employer is responsible.

Social benefits and preferences for citizens of pre-retirement age in Moscow

People whose life period is close to retirement are limited in their work activity not only by age criteria, but sometimes also by health conditions.

It is more difficult for such citizens to compete with young people, and for some professions they are no longer suitable due to the existing professional legal regulations.

Therefore, the state has developed a number of regulations that are aimed at supporting this category of citizens.

  • Tax benefits for property and transport taxes. Previously, this benefit was provided only to pensioners and certain categories of citizens who have a preferential status not related to age. Registration of the benefit takes place at the tax service office at the person’s place of residence or at the “My Documents” office.
  • Free travel on public transport and suburban transport. This benefit is provided to pre-retirees with Moscow registration.
  • Dental prosthetics once every five years. This service is provided in state dental clinics, on the basis of a certificate of pre-retirement status.
  • Receiving compensation for the purchase of medications according to a prescription prescribed by the attending doctor. In some cases, the cost of the medicine may be fully compensated if the disease belongs to the group of diseases for which medicines are provided free of charge.
  • Increased unemployment benefits and extension of the period for receiving this benefit. Upon dismissal due to layoff or at his own request, a citizen has the right to register with the social employment center. If you have a pre-retirement certificate, any person has the right to write an application for an additional payment to unemployment benefits.
  • The center for social protection of the population has a number of retraining and advanced training programs for citizens. Pre-retirees have the right to take free courses to learn a new profession.

Important! Any benefit is provided on the basis of a document confirming this right. For a person whose age is close to retirement, they must promptly obtain a certificate of pre-retirement status from the pension fund department.

Labor benefits and preferences for citizens of pre-retirement age in Moscow

The new pensioner reform has affected almost all spheres of life of ordinary people, including labor relations with the employer. The innovations affected the relationship between the employer and pre-retirees.

The legislation is aimed at ensuring the most favorable working conditions for persons who are close to the retirement period.

This is justified by the fact that people in this category are less competitive in the labor market, and also, due to their advanced years, require certain social support from the state. Therefore, the amendments to the labor code affected the following aspects:

  • Preservation of a job for a citizen of pre-retirement age. An employer does not have the right to dismiss an employee on the grounds of advanced age. An exception are professions where there are age criteria for performing job duties, determined by the legal regulations existing in this area of ​​legislation. The same applies to hiring people in the pre-retirement period.
  • The employer is obliged to provide, by mutual agreement, two additional paid days for undergoing a planned medical examination. A pre-retirement employee can exercise this right by agreeing in advance with his manager on the days for undergoing a medical examination. The employer, in turn, does not have the right to refuse, but may request a transfer to other dates due to production needs. These days off are paid like regular working days, and the employer has the right to receive compensation from the social insurance fund.
  • The employer is obliged to provide an alternative vacant place at the enterprise for a pre-retirement person who, due to his advanced years, can no longer perform his job duties. When reducing staff or positions, the organization does not have the right to consider a candidate for dismissal of a citizen in the pre-retirement period. Otherwise, the employee has the right to appeal to the labor commission to protect his rights and reinstatement at work.
  • A pre-retirement pensioner has the right to undergo free retraining at the center for social protection of the population in order to change his occupation or gain additional knowledge that may be useful in the workplace.

Important! To justify their rights in the workplace, a citizen is obliged to provide the employer with a certificate of pre-retirement status, issued by the Pension Fund at the place of residence.

Frequently asked questions and answers

Question No. 1. Are there regional characteristics of the social status of pre-retirement people?

The process of obtaining and registering pre-retirement status is regulated by federal laws, which means that the law is the same for all regions. The difference may be in regional programs of social benefits and preferences. Each region has the right to supplement the existing program to support citizens whose life period is close to retirement.


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