Children in the hospital with their parents: up to what age according to the law

The problem is that according to the law, parents over the age of 5 are not provided with a bed. It is believed that children can be alone.

It would be possible to leave in the evening and come early in the morning, Olga argues. But the child often wakes up in the middle of the night and can cry for half an hour - he is uncomfortable in this position.

Perhaps, due to his age, it is still difficult for him to be alone. Therefore, the mother does not leave and shows miracles of ingenuity in order to at least somehow rest at night with the child.

parents with children in the hospital

The grandmother is forced to be with her grandson in the same conditions. Treatment will take another 7-10 days, doctors say.

It turns out that until 2006, the country had even stricter rules - children were hospitalized with their parents only until they were 3 years old.

By order of the President, the age of a child for hospitalization with his parents was limited to 5 years. Mothers whose children are older are not provided with food or a place to sleep.

Sick leave will also not be issued to these parents. Exception: if a child under 14 years of age needs additional care, but this is decided by the attending physician together with the head of the department.

At the same time, parents are allowed to be with their children in the hospital if they follow all the rules and do not interfere with the work of doctors, we were told by the Health Committee of the Minsk City Executive Committee.

Parents of disabled children up to 18 years of age are hospitalized along with the child if he or she needs additional care.

– When a child is just born, he is psychologically inseparable from his mother. But normally, by the age of 3-3.5 years, its separation occurs, i.e. separation from the mother. It is at this age that the child’s psyche forms the image of his mother: even if she is not around, the baby knows that sooner or later she will be around again.

Theoretically, we can conclude that a five-year-old child can be left without his mother in an unfamiliar place without unwanted psychological consequences.

However, taking into account the specifics of raising modern children, I would recommend increasing the minimum age to 7 full years, since compulsory attendance at school “forces” the child to be more understanding of the need to be left alone.

At the same time, I am sure that the mother’s constant presence in a medical institution should always be considered individually.

If this is the child’s first experience of a long stay without a mother, if the mother is in an anxious state (either constantly or in this situation), if the life and health of the child is in serious danger, then, naturally, the presence of the mother nearby will contribute to the child’s speedy recovery.

Would you leave a 5-year-old child alone in the hospital?

When registering a child in a hospital, parents are often faced with the refusal of medical personnel in the presence of someone close to the child. Even for older children, a hospital environment can cause discomfort and stiffness, and for children, staying in a hospital without a loved one can be a real stress.

Important! In accordance with the Family Code, a child is a person under the age of 18.

Russian legislation states that one of the family members has every right to stay with the child in the hospital throughout the entire treatment without paying for the provided bed and food, but...

But under the following conditions:

  1. Staying with children under 4 years of age.
  2. Staying with children over 4 years of age if there are medical indications.

The hospital management does not have the right to charge a parent for food and bed space, but is not obliged to provide conditions for shared stay. This means that, at the discretion of the management, the mother or father can be provided with bed and board for free, on a paid basis, or refused to provide the conditions.

Important! The legal representative has the right to be with the child at any time, regardless of the age, condition of the patient and whether the hospital is equipped with places for parents to stay.

At the same time, the persons staying in the hospital with the child and caring for them can be not only the father or mother, but also grandparents, older sisters and brothers and other relatives.

But even after reaching the age of 4, many children are still unable to take care of themselves even by observing basic hygiene rules. Left without the support of relatives within the hospital walls, the baby can receive serious psychological trauma for life.

From the practice of Russian mothers, in the absence of conditions for living together, one of the family members simply sleeps with the child in the same bed, and meals are provided from the products given by relatives. Some children usually stay in the wards at an older age - after approximately 12-14 years of age.

There are situations when it is not possible to be with the child in the hospital, for example, if younger brothers and sisters remain at home, or due to the health status of a parent who will not be able to provide full care. When sending a child to the hospital alone, every parent should know about the rights of young patients and tell them in advance about the rules of behavior in the hospital.

Until the age of 15, all decisions regarding medical intervention are made by the child’s legal representatives, most often the parents. After 15 years, the patient is allowed to make independent decisions about treatment.

One of the main rights granted to the parents of children or directly to the patient himself is full information about the treatment being carried out, the procedures used and medications. A child or his legal representative always has the right to ask questions about his diagnosis, test results and find out any other information related to his treatment.

If the child is lying alone, he has the right to be visited by relatives at any time. Most often, the schedule of visits is set by the medical institution. Visiting a child under certain conditions is possible even if he is in surgery or intensive care.

  1. Behavior rules
  2. Some sleep in bed with children
  3. How in practice
  4. Until what age do children stay with their parents in the hospital according to the law?
  5. Shared stay
  6. Who decides on joint hospitalization?
  7. Right of visit
  8. Wards for babies
  9. Where to assert your rights
  10. Refusal of manipulation
  11. Results
  12. At what age do children stay in hospital without parents in Russia?
  13. At what age does a child lie in the hospital alone?
  14. Do parents have the right to stay in a medical institution with their child?
  15. The right to visit a patient in intensive care
  16. The right to receive information about the patient’s health status
  17. The right of parents of minors to free food and to stay with them in the hospital
  18. Life story
  19. What the law says
  20. The court's decision
  21. Providing medical care to minors
  22. Until what age do children stay in the hospital with their parents according to the law?
  23. Until what age can children stay in the hospital with their parents?
  24. Until what age do children stay in the hospital with their parents?
  25. At what age is a child admitted to the hospital without his mother?
  26. Child in hospital: parents' rights
  27. If a child is admitted to the hospital: what to consider and pack with you
  28. From what age does a child lie in the hospital alone, without his mother? From three? O___o
  29. To the hospital with mom
  30. Until what age is a child admitted to the hospital with his parents?
  31. In Moscow, parents were allowed to stay with their children in hospitals
  32. Until what age can a child stay in the hospital with his parents? (Page 1 of 3)
  33. According to the law, a child stays in the hospital with his parents until he is 5 years old ADDED
  34. Social | At what age can a child be hospitalized without parents?

Behavior rules

Before hospitalization for the first time, if it is not an emergency, the child must be told about the basic rules that he must follow for a speedy recovery and return home.

You can talk about the rules of behavior in a playful way. The main thing is that during the conversation the child is calm and can perceive the information.

Hospitalization for a child is a great stress caused by a change of environment and illness.

When hospitalizing a child, it is necessary to remember that this measure is necessary to preserve health and life. The doctor can prescribe treatment in a hospital, anticipating the possible consequences and complications of the disease. During a hospital stay, it is important for parents to maintain calm and a positive attitude, which is transmitted to the patient and is the key to a speedy recovery.

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It was February. In an almost insane state, my husband took me from there at 20 pm.

All these 10 hours I stood at the door, walked around, simply sobbed. Yes, my feet were cold (someone will judge me for not thinking about a second child, but then I forgot about my pregnancy and thought only about my girl, whom I almost lost once already).

My heart was breaking, I wanted to scream, I leaned my head against the door and it seemed to me as if she was screaming.

The doctor came out 5 times, asked me to leave, said that nothing would happen, and I should think about a second child.

They gave me her things, I stood holding her jacket to my face, people probably thought I was crazy, but I didn’t care. At home, I rushed to the computer and found on the Internet that we have the right to be in intensive care with children.

Some sleep in bed with children

Hospitalization is not so difficult for everyone, Olga emphasizes. Parents of very young children are provided with sleeping places, as expected.

Photo source: Publimetro

If the child is over 5 years old, but he is not “at traction,” you can lie down next to him. So, for example, in their ward there is a father (“also on a bird’s license”) who sleeps with his child on a bed 1 m 50 cm long. Compared to Olga’s situation, these are still heavenly conditions.

According to the law, my mother also does not receive food, but this moment worries her the least. The children's portion is so large that it is enough for two. In addition, there is a buffet and a mini-dining room nearby, where you can always buy food. The biggest inconvenience is the inability to rest at night.

How in practice

– We would be happy to hospitalize everyone, but you understand that there are 60 beds in the department and 60 mothers will have to be admitted. This means they need to be fed, placed on something - this is unrealistic,” comments Georgy Brodko, head of the traumatology and orthopedic department for children of the Republican Scientific and Practical Center of Traumatology and Orthopedics.

Parents of children under 3 years of age are provided with 2-bed wards in the department, which even have a bathroom and toilet. Those with children under 5 years old are also provided with a place to sleep and food.

As for older children, the approach is individual for each case, the specialist says.

- Yes, there is a law. But we are reasonable people, not literalists, 5-6 years old - everything is relative. Of course, sometimes we make exceptions. If the child is motionless, in traction, he should be with his mother. She approaches the nurse and is given a trestle bed for the night, if there is one, or a mattress with linen. But if the child is 10 years old, he is mentally adequate, he walks but has a limp, then he is left alone.

- Mom says she sits on her chair all night...

– Let him come to me, to the head of the department, and we will resolve the issue. Of course, we cannot place a bed next to the baby for the mother. Unfortunately, these are the conditions we have.

– In general, do parents often complain that there is nowhere to lie down with their child?

- In general, no one complains. We have the best department in Belarus, there are no queues for hospitalization, no queues for surgery. We allow all parents who want to be with their children. But we don’t have the ability to create conditions for every mother. It all depends on the economic situation in the country; if it is a rich country, then the conditions there are completely different.

Until what age do children stay with their parents in the hospital according to the law?

Shared stay

The law, dated November 21, 2011 N 323-FZ “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation,” explains the rights of all patients of state clinics. It clearly states that during hospitalization, not only children, but even adults have the right to be under the supervision of relatives. Often junior medical staff are even happy about this, because the burden of caring for seriously ill patients is removed from them. The following are admitted to the hospital with a child:

  •          Father or mother;
  •          Grandfather, grandmother;
  •          Relatives uncle, aunt;
  •          Legal trustees.

Before a child turns 4 years old, any of the parents, relatives or guardians has the right to apply for a free bed and food in a hospital. Moreover, for sleeping, an adult is provided with a full bed with a set of linen, and not a tattered couch. This service is fully covered by funds transferred from insurance companies.

From 4 to 18 years old, for medical reasons, an adult can also stay with children. There is no charge for space and meals. Indications may be:

  •          Feeding and changing;
  •          Sanitary and hygienic care;
  •          Accompaniment during manipulations.

In the absence of such indications, the adult has the right to remain in the clinic for the entire period of treatment. But providing adequate sleeping space and food is not the responsibility of the staff.

Important! In the intensive care unit, if there is a serious threat to life, the presence of relatives is not only undesirable, but is strictly prohibited!

Who decides on joint hospitalization?

The initial examination and collection of information about the health status of a small patient takes place at the emergency room. In most cases, this is done by the doctor on duty. Afterwards, the child is handed over to the attending physician. It is he who determines whether the child needs accompaniment.

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If you categorically refuse to provide a place, you can contact the head physician of the medical institution. It is recommended to set out in writing the arguments on the basis of which the patient needs third-party care. These include frequent coughing attacks, gagging, uncontrollable bowel movements or urination, and high fever.

Right of visit

Parents or guardians have the right to visit a hospitalized person in any department. It is implemented on the basis of Article 64 of the RF IC.

The advantage of visiting a small patient in any department is:

  •          Psychological support. No one better than parents can calm a child in a stressful situation;
  •          Disciplining factor. Medical staff, when constantly visiting a patient, fulfill their duties responsibly.

The negative side of the situation is this:

  •          Excessive panic. The mother's anxiety can seriously frighten the child and aggravate the situation;
  •          Unskilled intervention. Obstructing the work of experienced physicians can cause serious errors on their part.

Until now, there are no clearly defined rules for visiting patients in the infectious diseases or intensive care unit. That is why parents are highly discouraged from being there without a doctor’s permission.

Wards for babies

In accordance with SanPin, all neonatal pathology departments are equipped with priority conditions for shared stays.

In intensive care units and neonatal intensive care units, 24-hour presence of adults is excluded.

At the same time, medical staff cannot limit the mother’s access if she wants to implement breastfeeding by the hour in the absence of contraindications.

In addition, a large number of strangers in the department where weakened infants are located is undesirable. Immediately after birth, babies have no immunity; birth pathologies only aggravate the situation. You should take care not only of your own, but also of other people’s babies!

Where to assert your rights

Parents who have been refused joint hospitalization for indications have the right to protect themselves and their child. You can file a complaint about violations:

  •          To the hotline of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.
  •          The company holding the child's personal insurance policy.
  •          To the district prosecutor's office with a complaint against the hospital administration.

On a note! The company issuing the compulsory medical insurance policy becomes, in essence, the patient’s medical advocate. Her contact details are on the back of the printed form.

Refusal of manipulation

Until the age of 18, parents bear full legal responsibility for their children. In situations where there is no obvious threat to the life of a small patient, medical staff do not have the right to carry out traumatic manipulations with the child’s body without the written consent of the parents. The exception is cases of emergency assistance in case of accidents or during surgery.

Important! After fully familiarizing yourself with the procedure and indications for the procedures, you must carefully weigh all the risks and consequences. Any parent can refuse complex medical intervention.

From the age of 15, a child has the right to independently consent to one or another type of treatment and diagnosis.


It is very important to know and defend your rights when it comes to health issues. In this case, you should use common sense and trust qualified medical personnel. If doubts arise about the competence of the attending physician, every citizen has the right to contact any other specialized specialist for a second consultation.

Any doctor, at the first request of parents, is obliged to provide complete information about the child’s condition upon reaching 15 years of age. After reaching this age, a minor patient can be informed personally.

At what age do children stay in hospital without parents in Russia?

At what age does a child lie in the hospital alone?

According to the RF IC, adulthood occurs when a citizen reaches eighteen years of age. In some cases, independence is acquired from the age of 16. However, to do this, the teenager must register an official union at the registry office or receive income from business activities.

The following cases are provided for when responsible persons are with the patient:

  1. With minors under 4 years old.
  2. With children older than the above age, if indicated.

The management of the institution cannot demand money from accompanying persons for a place to sleep and food. At the same time, current regulations do not imply the establishment of such an obligation on the part of the organization. This means that comfortable conditions for the mother (father) are created on the initiative of officials.

In addition to the mother and father, grandmothers (grandfathers), sisters (brothers), and other close relatives can become representatives of the minor.

Even after reaching the age of four, a child cannot independently cope with adaptation to new conditions. Left without the support of loved ones, the baby can experience strong emotions and receive psychological trauma.

In practice, the child goes to the hospital with the mother. If the ward does not allow it, then they sleep on the same bed, and the woman eats the food provided by her relatives. Some children stay from the age of 12. At this age, adaptation occurs much faster, and a child is able to independently solve problems related to hygiene.

Do parents have the right to stay in a medical institution with their child?

According to paragraph 3 of Art. 51, as well as paragraph 4 of Art. 80 Federal Law No. 323, the legal representative of a patient under 18 years of age may stay free of charge in a medical organization when providing assistance to a minor. This rule applies throughout the entire time the teenager (child) is in the hospital.

As already noted, when the offspring reaches the age of fourteen, those responsible for his upbringing can be constantly in the ward only for medical reasons. The latter refers to conditions that impede the child’s ability to independently attend procedures, change clothes, eat, and take a shower.

If there is no evidence, then the parent also has the right to be with the baby, but the administration of the institution will refuse assistance in providing the adult with food and additional space.

The right to visit a patient in intensive care

A similar procedure is provided for the mother of a newborn placed in the department of pathology of newborns and premature babies. Appropriate conditions must be provided there to allow an adult to sit there.

If the administration of a medical institution denies the legal right to be present in the ward, the citizen can submit an application to the prosecutor's office. The prosecutor is authorized to submit a proposal to eliminate violations of legal requirements to the body or directly to the official.

The right to receive information about the patient’s health status

The parent has the right to receive information about the child’s condition. Information must be provided in an understandable form. The data includes examination results, information about diseases and established diagnoses. In addition, adults must be informed about the prognosis for the development of the disease, treatment methods and the risks associated with the measures.

A mother or father should not be afraid to ask questions about the condition of their child. The attending physician must inform the legal representatives of each action he performs. Children who are already 15 years old can request and learn about the nuances of their condition themselves.

The right of parents of minors to free food and to stay with them in the hospital

In 2016, my daughter, who was 6 years old at that time, was undergoing treatment due to medical indications for surgical intervention in one of the medical institutions in Khabarovsk.

Life story

By the decision of the attending physician, the daughter was hospitalized along with her mother, who was caring for her. However, the mother of the child was not provided with a separate sleeping place, but was offered to eat at her own expense.

  • On the same day, my wife contacted the hospital administration, where they explained to her that the child was already an adult, could easily stay in a medical facility on her own, and provided my wife with a price list for accommodation and food services.
  • We later recovered the expenses we incurred from the medical institution, and on a voluntary basis.
  • However, few parents know about guaranteed rights in the field of protecting the health of citizens, which some medical institutions take advantage of by offering to pay for what should be provided free of charge.

What the law says

So, in accordance with Article 51 of the Federal Law of November 21.

2011 No. 323-FZ “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation” one of the parents, another family member or other legal representative is granted the right to free joint stay with the child in a medical organization when providing medical care in an inpatient setting during the entire period of treatment regardless of the child's age.

When staying together in a medical organization in inpatient conditions with a child until he reaches the age of four years, and with a child older than this age - if there are medical indications, payment for creating conditions for staying in inpatient conditions, including for the provision of a bed and food, from the specified persons are not charged.

This right is exercised regardless of the type of medical organization in which the child receives medical care.

That is, while a child under 4 years of age is in the hospital, parents have the unconditional right to stay with him free of charge.

If the child is over 4 years old, then the right to free stay for parents in a hospital arises if there is a conclusion from the attending physician (or medical commission) about the need to stay with the child.

At the same time, the parent does not have the right to refuse free food in the hospital.

The court's decision

It should be noted that in a number of medical institutions there are Regulations on the procedure for the admission and hospitalization of minor citizens, which may establish the procedure for children to stay in the hospital exclusively with their parents.

Providing medical care to minors

Very often in a children's clinic you can see children and teenagers who come to see doctors without being accompanied by their father or mother. The current generation believes that it is very independent and does not need the care of elders.

But probably not many parents know that by sending a minor teenager alone to see a doctor, or with any of the adults, sometimes not even relatives, they are thereby violating the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

In such situations, doctors have every right to refuse to admit your child, since he is not accompanied by his parents, and if he is accompanied by adults who are not the child’s legal representatives, they do not have written consent for this.

Surely many will object: my children always walked on their own, or were accompanied by their grandmother, and everything was fine. Indeed, until recently, any family member, or even a nanny, could bring a child to an appointment at the clinic. But since November 2011 the rules have changed.

Now, according to the Federal Law of November 21.

2011 No. 323-FZ “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation”, any relatives of a child must go to see a doctor only with special consent from the parents or legal representatives, drawn up in writing, and it is not necessary to have the document certified by a notary.

Consent to a whole list of procedures and manipulations (consent to medical intervention) is also required. It must be signed only by official representatives of the children (parents, guardians, adoptive parents or trustees) in the presence of an employee of the medical institution.

If such a document is missing, then the doctor has every right to refuse to perform an ultrasound, electrocardiogram or vaccination.

As a rule, parents draw up such consent at an appointment with a local pediatrician, and in the consent the child’s legal representative can indicate the last name, first name, patronymic and contact telephone number of those people (grandmother, brother, nanny, etc.) whom he trusts transmit information about the child’s health status.

Consent to provide information that constitutes medical confidentiality can also be issued in the form of a separate document (if the circle of people whom the parents trust has expanded or changed).

As for an independent visit to a doctor by a teenager, the doctor is obliged to accept the child unaccompanied by his father or mother and without a power of attorney (consent) from them only if the child is already 15 years old. Minors over 15 years of age have the right to independently obtain consent for medical intervention.

If a minor under the age of 15 is visiting a doctor without an adult and there is a need to prescribe treatment or carry out any manipulations, the doctor will not be able to do this without the presence of a legal representative.

All of the above does not apply to the provision of emergency care in emergency conditions.

  • Relatives of minors who are not parents, guardians or trustees (grandparents, brothers, sisters, nannies, etc.) have the right to get acquainted with the medical documentation of the minor, as well as receive information about the state of his health only with the consent of the legal representative, duly executed (clause 4, part 4, article 13, clause 4, article 22 of Federal Law No. 323-FZ).
  • Relatives of minors who are not parents, guardians or trustees (grandparents, brothers, sisters, etc.) have the right to get acquainted with the medical documentation of the minor, as well as receive information constituting medical confidentiality (about the health status and diagnosis of the minor, about the results of the examination , the presence of the disease and prognosis, treatment methods, associated risks, possible options for medical intervention, their consequences, results of treatment, etc.) exclusively with the consent of the legal representative, duly executed (clause 4, part 4, article 13 , clause 4 of Article 22 of Federal Law No. 323-FZ “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation”).
  • Informed voluntary consent to medical intervention or refusal of it is given by one of the parents or other legal representative of the minor (Part 2 of Article 20 of Federal Law No. 323-FZ).
  • Minors over the age of fifteen or drug addicted minors over the age of sixteen have the right to informed voluntary consent to medical intervention or to refuse it in accordance with Federal Law No. 323-FZ.
  • Medical interventions on minors without the consent of parents (legal representatives) are allowed only for emergency indications, to eliminate a threat to a person’s life and if his condition does not allow him to express his will (Article 20 of Federal Law No. 323-FZ “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation”) .
  • The legal representatives of minors under 14 years of age (minors) are parents, adoptive parents, and guardians (Article 28 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Article 64 of the RF IC).
  • The legal representatives of minors aged 14 to 18 years are parents, adoptive parents, trustees (Article 26 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Article 64 of the RF IC).
  • In a children's clinic, it is not allowed to provide medical care (questioning, examination, medical manipulations, research, treatment procedures, etc.) to minor children without the presence of parents or legal representatives, because:
    • Caring for children is the responsibility of parents (Article 38 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation)
    • The child has the right to protection of his rights and legitimate interests, which are exercised by his parents or legal representatives (Article 56 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation).
    • Failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of duties by parents (legal representatives), including the protection of the rights and interests of minors, entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine (Article 5.35 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

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Until what age do children stay in the hospital with their parents according to the law?

It seems to me that until the age of 14, for sure, because before this age children are less independent. There is no exact indication on this matter, but I have seen in hospitals that after the age of 14 children are lying alone. Only if they are not in particularly serious condition.

But I never trusted the medical staff, my 5-year-old child and my wife took turns staying when he became very ill, the doctor and nurse, I want to tell you, did not come so often, so no one is better than the parents to look after the child will look after

Until what age can children stay in the hospital with their parents?

One of the parents, another family member or other legal representative of the child has the right to free joint stay with the child in the hospital when providing medical care to the child in an inpatient setting during the entire period of treatment, regardless of the child’s age (up to 18 years old, clause 1 of Art. .54 RF IC).

At the same time, the parent of a child under 4 years old must be provided with a free bed and food in the hospital, since the compulsory health insurance fund regularly transfers funds for these amenities (Part 3 of Article 51 of the Law of November 21.

2011 N 323-FZ). The sleeping area must meet all standards (bed with bed linen). Joint hospitalization of children over 4 years of age with their parents is carried out according to medical indicators (clause 4, part 3, article 80 of the Federal Law “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens of the Russian Federation”).

Until what age do children stay in the hospital with their parents?

Regional authorities may expand guarantees of free medical care for children together with their parents. For example, the provision of free food and bed to a parent can be extended until the child is 5-6 years old.

Unfortunately, in our medical institutions there are not always conditions for being together, so only the attending physician can decide how many years children stay in the hospital with their parents.

At what age is a child admitted to the hospital without his mother?

Parents can stay with the child in the hospital until he reaches fourteen years of age.

And no one has the right to refuse her this, since, up to the age of fourteen, the parents bear full responsibility for the child, and only from them can the doctor obtain consent for this or that medical intervention, in cases where it is not a question of life-threatening situations requiring emergency assistance.

Of course, much still depends on the severity of the child’s condition, on the diagnosis, for example, in clinics where children are treated for serious diseases such as cancer, mothers live with their children for months, in a hospital, caring for them.

By the way, in some cases, relatives are allowed to stay in the hospital with adult patients, not only with children, if the severity of the patient’s condition requires it. Feed, bring a bedpan, make the bed if the patient is not able to care for himself.

As you know, there are not enough nurses, and the nurse is already overloaded with work; she often simply does not have the opportunity to provide proper care to all bedridden patients, and this is not part of her functional responsibilities. Therefore, doctors sometimes only welcome the fact that relatives act as caregivers for their loved ones. As for children, who else will provide them with better care than their mother, who else, besides their mother, will better calm them down, relieve fear, which cannot but have a positive influence on a sick child, contributing to his recovery.

At home, I rushed to the computer and found on the Internet that we have the right to be in intensive care with children. The hospital is not obliged to provide us with chairs, etc. (yes, I would stand all night), but they cannot prohibit it. Needless to say, I didn’t sleep all night, walked around the house, and cried. In the morning we went after her.

They carried out a pale man with swollen eyes wearing some kind of shirt. She looked at us in confusion, not immediately remembering. Then she said: “Mom”... and her lips trembled, she hugged me and cried, and the nurse handed me panties and said: “Take your dirty panties” with such disdain..

My husband and I began to dress her, she said: “They tied my arms and legs,” and we looked at her arms and legs with marks from the belts. We demanded an explanation, the doctor said that it was necessary to put an IV in, so the arms and legs were fixed.

So I could hold her hand, why would I traumatize the child! The doctor was already different, apparently he changed in the morning and hinted to us that we could thank him. No comments.. My daughter and I came to our senses for several days, and then she spent a long time painting the crib and the belts with which they fastened it.

She said that she screamed a lot and called me. The next day, after we picked her up, in the evening she became ill. She fell ill with rotavirus, I nursed her for 7 days. It turns out that they have infectious diseases there along with children with food or drug poisoning.

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Child in hospital: parents' rights

The same applies to visits by the mother to her newborn child. According to SanPiN, the department of pathology of newborns and premature infants (OPNN) should be organized primarily on the principle of the mother and child being together. In the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), children are kept without their mothers, but parents are allowed to visit the child.

If the hospital administration refuses to allow one of the parents to see the child, you must file an application with the prosecutor's office. The prosecutor, when exercising supervision over compliance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the execution of laws, is vested with the right to submit a proposal to eliminate violations of the law to a body or official.

If a child is admitted to the hospital: what to consider and pack with you

There are situations when it is not possible to be with the child in the hospital, for example, if younger brothers and sisters remain at home, or due to the health status of a parent who will not be able to provide full care. When sending a child to the hospital alone, every parent should know about the rights of young patients and tell them in advance about the rules of behavior in the hospital.

  1. Caring for a child who is in a hospital and has reached 15 years of age, except for cases of caring for a disabled child.
  2. Care during periods of recovery and remission.
  3. If the relative caring for the child does not need exemption from work (unemployed, pensioners, parents on leave at their own expense or maternity leave and caring for a child under 3 years old).

From what age does a child lie in the hospital alone, without his mother? From three? O___o

Federal Law of July 22, 1993 N 5487-1 “Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of the health of citizens” Article 22. Family rights The state takes care of protecting the health of family members.

Every citizen has the right, for medical reasons, to free consultations on family planning, the presence of socially significant diseases and diseases that pose a danger to others, on medical and psychological aspects of family and marital relations, as well as to medical and hygienic and other consultations and examinations in institutions state or municipal health care system in order to prevent possible hereditary diseases in offspring. A family, by agreement of all its adult members living together, has the right to choose a general practitioner (family doctor), who provides medical care at the place of residence. Families with children (primarily single-parent families raising disabled children and children without parental care) have the right to social support measures in the field of protecting the health of citizens established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. One of the parents (another legal representative) or another family member is given the right, in the interests of the child’s treatment, to stay with him in the hospital during the entire period of his stay, regardless of the child’s age.

If it is necessary to care for a sick family member, temporary disability benefits are paid in accordance with federal law.

Quite often as a child, I was in the hospital (its own epic) and the youngest age for children who were alone was about 6-7 years. That is, they’re already like schoolchildren) I haven’t seen just kindergarten children running around, who sometimes can’t go to the potty on their own.

And to put them to bed at night and give them sleeping pills is, in my opinion, completely overkill. So I don't believe it. Sometimes there is tension in places; a year ago I was already in bed with my child. Mine was 1.6 and they gave us a tiny crib for two. Three days passed. And so it was for everyone.

There is only one room per department, where there were two cribs. Well, what should we do? Surgery, the department was packed to capacity, small children with their mothers and relatively adult children were huddled in a stuffy room. Nobody kicks parents out of the department.

Maybe in other departments (for example, in the infectious diseases department) the child is admitted alone, but who would leave the child alone?

To the hospital with mom

The quarantine benefit for caring for a sick child under seven years of age is paid to one of the parents (other legal representative) or another family member for the entire period of quarantine, outpatient treatment or joint stay with the child in a hospital institution, and the benefit for caring for a sick child over the age of seven years, it is paid for a period of no more than 15 days, unless a medical report requires a longer period.

2. Although the Law gives the right to the parent of a sick child to be in the ward with the patient, this does not impose an obligation on the hospital to provide the mother or father with a bed, linen and food.

Although clinics have already appeared that have purchased cots for parents, in most cases parents have to solve these problems on their own. If the child is small, the parent can sit next to him on the bed.

At an older age, the use of folding (inflatable) mats, mattresses, etc. is justified.

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Until what age is a child admitted to the hospital with his parents?

Until what age is a child legally admitted to the hospital with his mother? I heard that up to 4 years. Is it possible to somehow legally demand that they be accommodated if the child is older than 4 (they would provide food for themselves and bring a sleeping bag)? Can you please indicate the law itself, what to refer to?

One of the parents, another family member or other legal representative is given the right to free joint stay with the child in a medical organization when providing medical care in an inpatient setting during the entire period of treatment, regardless of the child’s age.

When staying together in a medical organization in inpatient conditions with a child until he reaches the age of four years, and with a child older than this age - if there are medical indications, the fee for creating conditions for staying in inpatient conditions, including for the provision of a bed and food, from the specified persons are not charged.

When staying together in a medical organization in inpatient conditions with a child until he reaches the age of four years, and with a child older than this age - if there are medical indications, the fee for creating conditions for staying in inpatient conditions, including for the provision of a bed and food, from the specified persons are not charged.

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In accordance with part 3 of Art. 51 of the Federal Law of November 21.

2011 No. 323-FZ “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation” one of the parents, another family member or other legal representative is granted the right to free joint stay with the child in a medical organization when providing medical care in an inpatient setting during the entire period of treatment regardless of the child's age.

In Moscow, parents were allowed to stay with their children in hospitals

3. As stated above, the parent of a hospitalized child is not required to perform any work in the hospital. However, remember that doctors will gratefully accept your voluntary help.

It is considered good manners to: monitor the cleanliness and order of the room in which your child is lying, help the staff in feeding the children in your room, play with the children in the evening (discuss possible games with the doctor), read to the children, tell something interesting.

And, of course, it is the duty of every adult to invite a doctor if the condition of one of the children worsens.

And in Moscow, parents who want to stay in the hospital with their child will now be required to be provided with a separate place. This innovation is enshrined in the new law “On Health Protection in the City of Moscow”, adopted by the Moscow City Duma on March 17, 2010!

Until what age can a child stay in the hospital with his parents? (Page 1 of 3)

In accordance with the resolution of the administration of the Kostroma region dated December 26, 2013. No. 570-a on the program of state guarantees for the provision of free medical care for 2014: “.

one of the parents, another family member or other legal representative in a medical organization in an inpatient setting has the right to stay with the child until he reaches the age of four years, and with a child older than this age - if there are medical indications.

“, that is, up to 4 years of age they are required to be hospitalized, and after that you need to negotiate with a doctor

  • When staying together in a medical organization in inpatient conditions with a child until he reaches the age of four years, and with a child older than this age - if there are medical indications, the fee for creating conditions for staying in inpatient conditions, including for the provision of a bed and food, from the specified persons are not charged.
  • if the child is not bedridden, then from the age of 6 years alone (in an infectious disease hospital this is the case) if the child requires care, then the parents are allowed into the ward, but the parent will not get a bed under any circumstances. mothers' maintenance is in plate
  • and if the child takes care of himself (over 6 years old), then I don’t allow him to see him

3. One of the parents, another family member or other legal representative is given the right to stay with the child free of charge in a medical organization when providing medical care in an inpatient setting during the entire period of treatment, regardless of the child’s age.

When staying together in a medical organization in inpatient conditions with a child until he reaches the age of four years, and with a child older than this age - if there are medical indications, the fee for creating conditions for staying in inpatient conditions, including for the provision of a bed and food, from the specified persons are not charged.

Since January 1, 2012, regional executive authorities have been given the powers of municipalities to organize the provision of primary health care and emergency medical care.

The new Law “On the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation” for the first time establishes the duty of citizens to take care of maintaining their health, and also gives the right to one of the parents (or another family member) to stay free of charge with the child in the hospital during the entire period of his treatment.

At the same time, bed and food will also be provided free of charge if the child is under 4 years old or if staying with him is due to medical reasons. Measures are being taken to reduce the number of abortions. The woman will be given at least 2 days to think about her decision.

According to the law, a child stays in the hospital with his parents until he is 5 years old ADDED

According to Article 54 of this law, “minors over the age of fifteen have the right to informed voluntary consent to medical intervention or to refuse it (except for children with drug addiction, for whom this age begins at 16 years old). An exception will be cases of emergency intervention, dangerous to others, or a forensic medical examination.

Child in hospital: your rights Unfortunately, sometimes children end up in hospitals. There are situations when urgent care for a child is provided in the emergency room. Or in the hospital you need to take tests from the child, give an injection, bandage, and examination.

Social | At what age can a child be hospitalized without parents?

Deputy Minister of Health of the Penza Region

Svetlana Kuznetsova|07/29/2014 10:43

At what age do medical workers have the right to admit a child alone to the hospital, without parental consent? Is Federal Law No. 5487-1 of July 22, 1993 “Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on protecting the health of citizens” in effect? Art.

22 (section 4) states: “One of the parents or another family member, at the discretion of the parents, is given the right, in the interests of the treatment of the child, to stay with him in the hospital during the entire period of his stay, regardless of the age of the child.

A person staying with a child in a hospital institution of the state or municipal health care system is issued a certificate of incapacity for work.”

Answer: Dear Svetlana, according to Article 20 of the Federal Law of November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ “On the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation,” a necessary precondition for medical intervention is the giving of informed voluntary consent by the citizen or his legal representative to medical intervention.

Such consent is given by one of the parents or other legal representative in relation to a person: a) under 15 years of age; b) recognized as incompetent in accordance with the procedure established by law, if due to his condition he is not capable of giving consent to medical intervention; c) a minor with drug addiction, when providing him with drug treatment; d) during a medical examination of a minor in order to establish the state of narcotic or other toxic intoxication (except for cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation of minors acquiring full legal capacity before they reach the age of 18). According to Article 50 of the above-mentioned Federal Law, one of the parents, another family member or another legal representative is given the right to free joint stay with the child in a medical organization when providing medical care in an inpatient setting during the entire period of treatment, regardless of the child’s age.

When staying together in a medical institution in an inpatient setting with a child until he reaches the age of four years, and with a child older than this age - if there are medical indications, payment for creating conditions for staying in an inpatient setting, including for the provision of a bed and food, from these persons not charged.

In accordance with the Procedure for issuing certificates of incapacity for work, approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated June 29.

2011 No. 624n “On approval of the Procedure for issuing certificates of incapacity for work”, a certificate of incapacity for work is issued to care for a sick family member: - a child under the age of 7 years during outpatient treatment or the joint stay of one of the family members (guardian, trustee, other relative) with the child in in an inpatient medical and preventive institution - for the entire period of an acute illness or exacerbation of a chronic disease; - a child aged 7 to 15 years during outpatient treatment or the joint stay of one of the family members (guardian, trustee, other relative) with the child in an inpatient medical and preventive institution institution - for a period of up to 15 days for each case of illness, unless, according to the conclusion of the medical commission, a longer period is required; - a disabled child under the age of 15 years during outpatient treatment or joint stay of one of the family members (guardian, trustee, other relative) with a child in a hospital treatment and prophylactic institution - for the entire period of an acute illness or exacerbation of a chronic disease; children under 15 years of age infected with the human immunodeficiency virus - for the entire period of joint stay with the child in a stationary medical institution; - children under the age of 15 years for their illness associated with a post-vaccination complication, malignant neoplasms, including malignant neoplasms of lymphoid, hematopoietic and related tissues - for the entire period of outpatient treatment or joint stay of one of the family members (guardian, trustee, other relative) with the child in hospital medical and preventive institution; - children under the age of 15 years living in the resettlement zone and the zone of residence with the right to resettlement, evacuated and resettled from the zones of exclusion, resettlement, residence with the right to resettlement, including those who were in a condition on the day of evacuation intrauterine development, as well as for children of the first and subsequent generations of citizens born after radiation exposure of one of the parents - for the entire duration of the illness; - children under the age of 15 years suffering from diseases due to radiation exposure on their parents - for the entire duration of the illness; - for children over 15 years of age during outpatient treatment - for up to 3 days, by decision of the medical commission - up to 7 days for each case of illness.

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