Power of attorney to receive a pension: sample, by mail

One of the modern and quite convenient legal instruments is a power of attorney. With its help, the lives of many citizens are significantly simplified. Practice shows that quite often this document is drawn up specifically for receiving social benefits. This is due to the fact that pensioners continue to receive money by mail. Due to their advanced age, many cannot come to the branch every month to personally receive money. If such difficulties arise, many take advantage of the right to attract representatives here, giving them certain powers.

power of attorney for retirement
  1. What is a power of attorney to receive a pension?
  2. Why is it needed?
  3. Shape and sample
  4. To whom can it be issued?
  5. What types are there?
  6. How to issue a power of attorney to receive a pension
  7. Sample
  8. How much does it cost to issue a power of attorney?
  9. When does the document expire?
  10. Cancellation of power of attorney
  11. Download the form and sample
  12. Power of attorney to receive a pension at the post office, bank and Pension Fund - how to draw up and where to find a sample for 2022
  13. What is a power of attorney to receive a pension?
  14. Why is it needed?
  15. Is it possible to apply for a pension by proxy?
  16. To whom can it be issued?
  17. What types are there?
  18. Banking
  19. Notary
  20. Another certification option, equivalent to notarization
  21. How to issue a power of attorney to receive a pension?
  22. For the incompetent
  23. If a pensioner does not go
  24. If a person is in the hospital
  25. How much does it cost to issue a power of attorney?
  26. Is it possible to do it for free?
  27. How long does it last?
  28. Is it possible to extend the deadline
  29. Where can I download a sample power of attorney to receive a pension?
  30. In Sberbank
  31. At the post office
  32. Certified by a doctor
  33. How to cancel
  34. Power of attorney to receive a pension for another person at the Post Office
  35. How to draw up a document correctly
  36. Documents for registration
  37. Forms of power of attorney equivalent to notarial
  38. Who can write a power of attorney
  39. Who can I apply for?
  40. How to obtain a document in Russia
  41. Where can I apply?
  42. For how long is it issued?
  43. Registration cost
  44. Termination and invalidation
  45. How to draw up a power of attorney to receive a pension - a sample for payment at the Post Office and Sberbank in 2022
  46. When registration is necessary
  47. How to write a form
  48. Time of action
  49. Download payment sample
  50. How to get money at the Post Office or Sberbank
  51. Termination
  52. How to certify a form
  53. Is it possible to register at home for a bedridden patient?
  54. How to correctly draw up and execute a power of attorney to receive a pension by mail?
  55. How to obtain a document in Russia
  56. Basic rules for drafting
  57. Example
  58. For how long is it issued?

What is a power of attorney to receive a pension?

From a legal point of view, an oral agreement has no legal force, since it does not have any evidence. That is why all powers of attorney are drawn up in writing. This document confirms that the principal grants the attorney certain rights, namely, to receive a pension.

Thus, the attorney can represent the interests of the principal without his presence. Typically, the power of attorney states that the attorney is allowed not only to receive funds, but also to sign the accompanying documents.

Often, a power of attorney is drawn up not just for a particular institution, but for a specific branch. For example, if a pension is issued at a post office, it must be indicated in the document.

A correctly drawn up power of attorney allows a representative to receive a pension for another person.

Why is it needed?

The main reason why many citizens draw up such a document is to make life easier for older people.

It is not necessary that the power of attorney be drawn up by a pensioner who is physically unable to come to the department on his own.

Anyone is allowed to issue such a power of attorney, because if the department is located far enough, it is better to entrust this action to some close person.

Although practice shows that quite often pensioners take advantage of this opportunity precisely because they are in the hospital. It is possible that the person has left the city for a long time, is staying with children or at a resort. In such situations, representatives, such as children and other relatives, can also receive money.

Shape and sample

There are no standardized forms provided here. Here you can use any template, or write the power of attorney by hand on a simple sheet of paper. Although you need to understand, the absence of some important information can lead to the fact that the document will be considered void. Thus, the following information is required:

  • Date and city of document preparation;
  • The period during which the representative can use the document;
  • Full name and passport details of the principal;
  • Detailed information about the person who will receive the money;
  • A list of actions that a representative is allowed to perform on behalf of a pensioner;
  • Details of the notary who certified the document;
  • Autographs from both parties.

If necessary, the applicant is allowed to enter some additional information here. For example, you may not specify the period during which the document will have legal force. It is enough to prescribe the action after which the power of attorney will cease to be valid.

To whom can it be issued?

It is clear that old people will not trust their pension to a stranger. Although the principal, if he understands what he is doing, has the right to issue a document to absolutely any person. As a rule, pensioners trust their close friends and neighbors to receive money. There is no need to confirm that the attorney is a relative, and no other supporting documents are needed.

At first glance, it may seem that there are no restrictions at all. However, this is not quite true. For example, a notary will not certify a document if an incapacitated or minor person is indicated as a representative. The notary will also try to convince the pensioner to carefully consider his decision if the attorney seems suspicious or a stranger to him.

What types are there?

Powers of attorney for receiving a pension may vary. As a rule, this is influenced by which organization the document will be provided to. So, there are two types:

  1. Banking . As can be understood from the name of the document, it is used in cases where the pension is paid through a bank, namely, it goes to the pensioner’s open account. There is no need for notarization of this type of power of attorney. The document is confirmed directly by a bank employee. The principal must come to the financial institution along with his representative. After providing a power of attorney and having it certified by the bank, the attorney has the right to come for the money himself.
  2. Notary . To properly execute such a power of attorney, it is impossible to do without the services of a notary office. The need to have a document certified by a notary may arise not only when receiving money. Such a power of attorney will also be needed in situations where the principal grants his representative other powers.

In addition, under certain circumstances, certain responsible persons can certify the document. For example, these could be the heads of correctional, military, educational and medical institutions. These may also be representatives of self-government and local authorities.

How to issue a power of attorney to receive a pension

The document can be filled out either on the computer or by hand. At the request of the applicant, there is a choice between the available templates and a regular sheet of paper. The design rules largely depend on the situations in which the document is drawn up:

  1. For an incapacitated person . Notaries do not have the right to certify documents drawn up by people who are not aware of their actions. As a rule, incapacitated pensioners have official guardians. So they have the right to legally receive the pensions of their wards, and dispose of this money at their own discretion. It is not always possible to visually determine a person’s ability to think sensibly. When a notary arrives at a bedridden patient, he may ask several questions. If there is any suspicion of the pensioner’s incapacity, the lawyer will not sign his autograph on the document.
  2. If a pensioner does not go . Often, due to illness, older people have limited mobility. In this case, a notary can be called to your home. It is recommended to draw up a power of attorney in advance. It is also advisable that a representative be present in the presence of a lawyer. The notary will evaluate how accountable the pensioner is for his actions and will also make sure that the authorized person is not suspicious. If everything is fine, then the power of attorney will be certified quickly enough.
  3. If a person is in the hospital . As a rule, in such a situation, the power of attorney can be certified by the chief physician. If the pensioner is in a hospital, such certification of the document will be quite sufficient. By the way, pensioners should remember that such services of the head physician should be free.


How much does it cost to issue a power of attorney?

As already mentioned, if the power of attorney is drawn up by the chief physician or some other official, the document will cost nothing. A bank power of attorney is also free of charge.

You will have to pay exclusively for the power of attorney, which is certified by a notary. Firstly, you will have to pay a state fee, the amount of which is 200 rubles. There is also a fixed fee, which provides for the work of a notary.

This includes drawing up a document, checking it, formatting it, and printing it. In total, the cost of the document can reach 1,500 rubles. Although the law does not prohibit lawyers from raising prices for their services.

You may notice that prices vary in different regions and can reach 2,000 rubles.

When registering a power of attorney to receive a pension, the notary often has to go to the home, for example, to the bedridden principal. Naturally, the cost of notary services can double. Often the cost of travel has to be added to the cost.

When does the document expire?

If the attorney carefully studies the text of the document, he will be able to find its validity period here. It must be registered. Although there are situations when the final deadline is not specified.

In this case, by law it is considered that the power of attorney can be used for one year. But practice shows that the principal still wants to indicate the exact date.

For example, if you need to receive a pension once, you need to indicate that the power of attorney is issued to perform a specific action. After its completion, the document automatically loses its validity.

In general, today there are no restrictions on the validity period of a power of attorney. The originator has every right to issue a document for at least one day, at least for several years.

You also need to know that the law allows the principal to revoke this document at any time. There is no need to give explanations for your actions. In fact, the pensioner can simply revoke the power of attorney at any time.

In addition, there are situations when a document ceases to be valid before the deadline:

  • the pension was transferred to the principal through another institution;
  • the representative no longer wants to receive money and represent the interests of the principal;
  • the pensioner has died or lost his legal capacity;
  • death of the attorney, or recognition of his incompetence;
  • the personal information of one of the parties has been changed;
  • the representative or principal is declared missing.

There are situations when there is a need to increase the validity period. In fact, there is no such thing as renewal of a power of attorney. If the old trust document is no longer valid, you will have to draw up a new one.

Cancellation of power of attorney

Regardless of the reason for which the principal decided to revoke the document, an appropriate refusal should be written.

The representative must submit a written statement stating that the pensioner removes all powers from him.

If the document was notarized, this refusal must also be brought to the notary's office. Typically, in this situation, the attorney must return the power of attorney.

Situations are not excluded when the authorized person does not want to give the power of attorney, and in general, agree to its cancellation. Naturally, this can be done for selfish purposes.

In this case, the pensioner must file a claim with the court. The power of attorney will be revoked in court.

If the representative himself no longer wishes to carry out the instructions of the pensioner, he can independently return the power of attorney, indicating his reluctance to receive a pension in the future.

Download the form and sample

Power of attorney to receive a pension at the post office, bank and Pension Fund - how to draw up and where to find a sample for 2022

A power of attorney for receiving a pension allows you to receive a pension for a pensioner to another person for its subsequent transfer to him. There are several types of it, for the design of which different rules apply.

What is a power of attorney to receive a pension?

The definition of a power of attorney is given in Part 1 of Article 185 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

According to this rule of law, a power of attorney is a special document by which one person (the principal) authorizes another person (the attorney) to perform any legally significant actions on his behalf and in his interests.

This definition also applies to a document giving the right to receive a pension for another. Usually it is issued for a child or a relative.

Why is it needed?

A power of attorney, including for receiving pension payments, is necessary when the person entitled to them cannot receive them on his own due to certain objective and currently unavoidable reasons. These reasons include the following:

  • the person is in the hospital;
  • the pensioner does not walk;
  • a pensioner, due to the presence of a certain disease, cannot independently perform socially and legally significant actions (for example, he suffers from Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis), but is not recognized as incompetent;
  • the citizen temporarily lives not at his place of registration, but the pension continues to arrive there, since he did not report the change of residence to the appropriate branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Is it possible to apply for a pension by proxy?

In accordance with the current civil legislation, the execution of a document is permitted for the delegation of absolutely any action to another person. Receiving a pension in this case is no exception. By power of attorney, you can also receive:

  • old age pension for a parent or other relative;
  • survivor's pension for a child;
  • disability pension for a person who, due to limitations caused by illness, cannot receive funds on his own;
  • other types of payments.

Read also: Receiving child benefits without registration: now it is possible

To whom can it be issued?

A power of attorney can be issued to any person whom the pensioner trusts to receive funds for him. However, most often it is issued for a child or a relative.

What types are there?

Conventionally, the document can be divided into two types:

  • notarial;
  • banking;
  • others.

Let's look at them in more detail.


This type of power of attorney does not require notarization. It is compiled and certified by the bank employee responsible for this. The document is used if payments are transferred to a citizen’s current account opened in a bank.


This is a power of attorney certified by a notary. The law does not require a notary to certify a document giving the right to another person to receive payments for a pensioner.

Only powers of attorney need to be certified, which delegate to the attorney the authority to carry out transactions requiring state registration, as well as to dispose of property that is registered in the relevant registers in the manner prescribed by law.

In practice, many organizations do not accept a simple power of attorney. For example, at the post office, a power of attorney to receive a pension at the post office without a notary mark will most likely not be accepted. Therefore, a document often requires notarization.

Another certification option, equivalent to notarization

In some cases, the document may be certified by another person. Such cases are established by Article 185.1 of the Civil Code. So, a document can be certified instead of a notary by:

  • administration of a correctional colony, if the pensioner is serving a sentence there;
  • chief physician of the social service organization where the citizen resides (nursing home);
  • official of the Pension Fund.

It is possible for a notary to come to the pensioner’s home. A notary comes to your home if a citizen cannot come to him on his own. There is a separate fee for this.

How to issue a power of attorney to receive a pension?

For the incompetent

To receive payments for an incapacitated person, you do not need to issue a power of attorney at all.

The fact is that, in accordance with the norms of the Civil Code and the Federal Law “On Guardianship and Trusteeship”, the person guarding an incapacitated citizen performs on his behalf all legally significant actions and disposes of his property by force of law (including receiving a pension).

No additional documents are required for this. But if the legal representative of the incapacitated person decided to delegate the receipt of his pension to another person, a power of attorney will be required. It will be drawn up not by the incapacitated person himself, but by his guardian.

The situation is different with people with limited legal capacity. They manage their income independently, so they still have to draw up a document.

If a pensioner does not go

If a pensioner does not go, two registration options are possible:

  • without the participation of specially authorized persons (the document is simply written by hand and signed by the parties);
  • by calling a notary to your home (if you still need notarization of the paper);
  • by using a special medical car for a visit to a notary (you can order it from the social security authorities).

If a person is in the hospital

If a person is in the hospital, then the power of attorney is issued in the manner described for the previous case. The head doctor cannot certify her - the fact is that a document certified by a doctor is valid only if the pensioner is in a social service institution. This rule does not apply to healthcare organizations.

How much does it cost to issue a power of attorney?

The cost of drawing up a document from a notary will consist of a state fee of 200 rubles, as well as the price of the notary’s services for preparing the document. Each notary has a different price and ranges from 1,000 to 2,000 rubles.

Is it possible to do it for free?

A free power of attorney to receive a pension can be issued in all cases described above, with the exception of registration with a notary.

How long does it last?

A power of attorney, the validity period of which is not specified, is valid for one year from the date of its preparation. That is why, in accordance with the provisions of Article 186 of the Civil Code, the document must indicate when it was drawn up. If the paper does not contain such information, then it will not have legal force either.

Is it possible to extend the deadline

The validity period of the document cannot be extended. In this case, you will need to draw up a new paper. However, when registering, you can specify a specific time during which it will be valid. It can exceed one year and in fact the law does not limit it in any way. So, you can write even ten or twenty years as the validity period of the document.

Where can I download a sample power of attorney to receive a pension?

In Sberbank

You can download the power of attorney form to receive a pension from Sberbank on the official website of the credit institution and at the following address: https://yadi.sk/i/SJrfuYuPxHzZvA

At the post office

You can download the paper form to receive a pension for another person at the post office on the official website of the Federal Postal Service of the Russian Federation, and also here: https://yadi.sk/i/NRH4yWuc_dSQqg

Certified by a doctor

A document form certified by a doctor can be downloaded at the following address: https://yadi.sk/i/NTkkpQjxkKj2Tw

How to cancel

To cancel a power of attorney, the principal must renounce it by writing a written statement about this to the attorney (in the case of notarization, also to the notary). If he does not stop representing the interests of the principal, he has the right to apply to the court with a statement of claim requiring the attorney to do so.

The document can also be canceled by the attorney himself if he no longer wants to act on behalf of the principal. This happens in exactly the same way as in the case of cancellation of a document at the initiative of the principal.

If the power of attorney has expired, there is no need to revoke it - it terminates automatically.

More detailed information about powers of attorney can be obtained by watching this video:

Receiving a pension can be delegated to another person if it is impossible to collect the funds yourself (for example, due to illness). For this purpose, a power of attorney is issued. It does not require notarization, but in order to avoid refusals to issue money from various organizations (for example, the post office), it is better to have it notarized.

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Power of attorney to receive a pension for another person at the Post Office

ATTENTION! Look at the completed sample power of attorney to receive a pension for another person at the post office, certified by a notary:

You can DOWNLOAD samples of powers of attorney to receive a pension for another person by mail using the links below:

How to draw up a document correctly

According to Article 185 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a power of attorney is a document that is created in writing in certain cases by a specific person and allows one or more citizens to receive their pension accruals instead.

The person who signs the document is called the principal, and the person who is entrusted with something is called the fiduciary.

The obligation to prepare a power of attorney is also provided for in Article 21 of Federal Law No. 400-FZ “On Insurance Pensions”. Cases of drawing up a power of attorney are listed here if the recipients of pension accruals are not only pensioners, but also minor children, as well as incapacitated citizens.

The power of attorney to receive pension payments is drawn up in writing. It must include information about the principal, that is, his full name, date and place of birth, passport information, and information about his place of residence.

The information should be as detailed and comprehensive as possible. If difficulties arise when creating a document, you can seek the help of a notary.

It is important to know! Detailed instructions for creating a power of attorney are as follows:

  • in the center of the document you should write its name - “Power of Attorney”;
  • Next, you need to indicate the place and date of execution of the power of attorney (place of execution - the name of the locality where the document is created). The date must be written in words;
  • a new paragraph must begin with the phrase “I, the undersigned, am a citizen of the Russian Federation (full name and passport information are indicated here), with this power of attorney I authorize the citizen (full name and passport information of the authorized person): to receive the pension contributions due to me at the Russian Post office No. (indicated branch number) and sign for receipt";
  • next paragraph – The power of attorney was issued without the right of subrogation for a period of (time period indicated) year;
  • The signature of the principal is placed below;
  • after which the notary's certification inscription is placed.

Documents for registration

To make a power of attorney, both persons involved in this matter must draw up an application and present the following documents:

  • identification document of the pensioner-principal;
  • pensioner's ID;
  • documents that confirm registration at the place of residence (they must be presented every year to the Pension Fund of Russia): registration mark, certificate from the passport office, etc.;
  • document proving the identity of the authorized person.

 How to apply for a social supplement to your pension?

Forms of power of attorney equivalent to notarial

This type includes documents that were certified by the responsible person:

  • at the place of work or training of the principal;
  • head of a military unit, correctional institution;
  • local authorities (if there is no notary in the locality);
  • the chief physician of the medical institution where the principal is undergoing treatment.

Such documents can be compiled on a computer or handwritten. The main thing here is to correctly and clearly indicate all the necessary details. The validity period is usually set by the certifying person.

Who can write a power of attorney

Note! The need to create a power of attorney in the name of another person may arise:

  • a pensioner who is undergoing long-term treatment in a clinic;
  • in a bedridden patient who is unable to move on his own;
  • an elderly person who, due to his own illiteracy, cannot sign a document with his own hands;
  • due to the long-term absence of the principal due to departure.

There may be other life circumstances that make a power of attorney necessary.

An important condition for creating a power of attorney, which the notary must ensure compliance with, is the legal capacity of the principal. In other words, only a person of sound consciousness and memory can grant the right to manage his own funds.

But how, in this case, can you draw up a power of attorney to receive pension payments for a citizen who has been declared incompetent?

Please note! The legislation in this situation speaks of the impossibility of drawing up such a document on behalf of an incapacitated person, since he must already have a legal representative:

  • guardian;
  • trustee;
  • adoptive parent;
  • parent.

They are the ones who must act on his behalf, manage his property and enter into contracts. Therefore, only they will be able to act as a principal if it is necessary to authorize someone to receive pension contributions from an incapacitated person.

Cases when a pensioner is in a medical institution and is not able to come to collect his own pension are perhaps the most common.

In this situation, the mechanism for certifying a power of attorney is simplified: you will not need to visit a notary, it is enough to receive a document from the chief physician of a medical organization.

It must record the fact that the pensioner is undergoing hospital treatment, and therefore cannot receive pension payments on his own and trusts an attorney to do this. In addition, the preparation of this type of power of attorney does not involve payment.

Bedridden sick citizens also cannot independently come to a notary’s office to show their approval for the delegation of authority to receive their own cash payments, which is required by law. In such a situation, a notary can be called to the patient’s home or clinic directly to the patient’s bedside. It is clear that such a procedure will require large financial costs, but there is no other way.

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The notary is obliged to make sure that the principal puts his signature on the document at his own request, understanding the consequences of what is happening.

According to the Criminal Executive Code of the Russian Federation, pension accruals for persons who are in custody are transferred to a special account of the correctional institution. From this account, financial resources are transferred to pay off the debt, as well as to pay for his stay in custody.

  • Some of the money can be spent by the prisoner on purchasing food or basic necessities, but he will be able to receive the remaining funds only after his release.
  • Consequently, while the pensioner remains behind bars, no one can receive pension accruals for him, even by proxy.
  •  How is the social supplement to pension calculated?

Who can I apply for?

The pensioner has the right to choose for whom to issue a power of attorney. This person can be either a relative or a stranger. Of great importance is the extent to which the principal is confident in the good intentions of the citizen to whom the receipt of his money is entrusted. Therefore, it is important to know this person well and not trust those who raise even slight doubts.

In accordance with current legislation, any capable, adult citizens can act as a trustee, regardless of their place of residence and citizenship.

How to obtain a document in Russia

An indispensable condition for certifying the power of attorney is the personal appearance of the pensioner. If for some reason this is not possible, then you should call a notary to come to you. It is clear that such a service will cost much more, but such actions guarantee confirmation of legality and elimination of possible difficulties in the future.

If a pensioner resides outside the Russian Federation, an indispensable condition for issuing a power of attorney will be the affixing of an apostille or its legalization.

In accordance with Article 185.1 of the Civil Code, a power of attorney for receiving pension contributions can be certified at the place of work or study. If a pensioner is undergoing medical treatment, then the head of the organization or another authorized person has the right to certify the document.

In this case, the power of attorney is issued free of charge. However, we must not forget that in situations where notarization is necessary, you will have to pay for the services of a notary.

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Where can I apply?

There is a list of organizations that have the right to issue the corresponding document:

  • notary offices;
  • institutions where the pensioner continues to officially work;
  • management of the medical institution where the elderly person is being treated;
  • social protection authority if the citizen stays, for example, in a home for the elderly;
  • the head of the local administration or other authorized person, if the locality in which the pensioner lives does not have a notary.

The management company or housing office employees, bank and post office employees do not have the authority to issue a power of attorney.

For how long is it issued?

The time frame for the validity of a power of attorney to receive pension accruals depends on the purpose for which it is created. For example, if you need to entrust the receipt of a pension to another person during your stay in a medical institution, you should first inquire about the duration of treatment.

The power of attorney can have any validity period. If a specific date is not indicated in it, then it automatically equals one year.

You should be careful when specifying the date of issue of the power of attorney - this is an important point in the document. In the absence of such a condition, the power of attorney will be considered void.

Registration cost

The execution of a power of attorney is subject to payment only when contacting a notary. In other institutions, such a document is created free of charge.

The cost of issuing a power of attorney consists of two parts:

  • fixed. It includes financial contributions for activities that have an explanatory and technical focus. The average cost of such services is 800-1200 rubles. However, the notary can legally charge the client a lot of money for services rendered;
  • state duties. According to Article 333.24 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the amount of this payment is two hundred rubles.

As a result, the cost of the document is a thousand rubles or more. The average payment for services provided is set individually for each region of the country. The frequency of changes in the cost of notarial acts is once a year.

 Sample power of attorney to receive a pension for a disabled person.

Termination and invalidation

A power of attorney may be terminated or declared illegal for the following reasons:

  • it was created with errors and does not contain the necessary information;
  • the document does not contain a date of signing;
  • the validity period specified in it has expired;
  • the validity period was not stated, and a year has passed since its preparation;
  • if one of the parties (principal or proxy) died or was declared incompetent before the end of the power of attorney.

Documents written by citizens serving sentences in prisons should not be accepted. Their pension accruals are received at the address of this institution, and he has the right to receive them there.

The document is also recognized as invalid in a situation where the pensioner himself wishes to terminate its validity, or the authorized representative refuses the powers granted to him.

To do this, you should send a notice of cancellation of the document to the organization that issued the pension. Some institutions have created special forms for this purpose.

Watch the video. Power of attorney to receive a pension: who issues it and for how long?

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How to draw up a power of attorney to receive a pension - a sample for payment at the Post Office and Sberbank in 2022

Home > Powers of attorney > How to draw up a power of attorney to receive a pension - a sample for payment at the Post Office and Sberbank in 2022

Elderly people who receive pensions are considered the most vulnerable segments of the population. Unforeseen situations that arise in their lives may serve as an obstacle to receiving pension contributions.

The procedure for receiving a pension, which at first glance seems quite simple, may be impossible for a person who is in the hospital. This is the reason for issuing a power of attorney for another citizen who could receive money from a banking or postal institution.

When registration is necessary

Transfer of the right to receive a pension may occur when:

  • a man is in the hospital,
  • is at home, but cannot walk independently;
  • the pensioner is a bedridden patient;
  • the person is away.

That is, all cases of issuing a power of attorney to transfer the right to receive a pension to another person come down to the inability of the pensioner to personally visit a Post Office or Sberbank branch. This question is relevant for those people of retirement age who have not arranged for payment of money to a plastic card.

You can be trusted to take money either one-time or on an ongoing basis . In this case, the corresponding validity period of the authority should be specified.

How to write a form

There is currently no separate form of power of attorney, which makes its execution more accessible.

The main points , the display of which is mandatory in the power of attorney for receiving a pension:

  • Full name, passport details and place of registration of the principal (pensioner);
  • surname, initials, information from the passport of the trusted citizen, his registration;
  • name of the organization (institution) where the document was drawn up, its location;
  • data on the granting of rights;
  • validity period of the document;
  • date of the document and signatures of each party.

The absence of the last paragraph on the form often renders the document invalid.

Time of action

In accordance with Article 186 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a power of attorney can be issued for any period . Without indicating the validity period of the document, the rights of the authorized person last for 1 year, the date of issue of the form must be specified. Otherwise, the power of attorney is considered void.

An important condition for a pensioner is annual confirmation of his place of registration. This rule does not apply to documents issued for 12 months.

To confirm your registration, a pensioner only needs to personally receive his contributions once. Registration can also be confirmed by an authorized person by visiting the Pension Fund Office at the place of registration and providing a document: the principal’s passport, a certificate or certificate from the housing department about the citizen’s registration at the place of residence.

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How to get money at the Post Office or Sberbank

In order to receive an old-age pension by proxy, the proxy needs to take with him a passport, a certified trust form, and on the day the money is paid, come to a branch of the Russian Post or Sberbank.

The details specified in the power of attorney and in the passport must clearly match. If the form indicates a specific post office or bank office, then you need to come to it. If there is no such specific information, then you can visit any branch.

Next, the specialist responsible for issuing funds to pensioners should present a passport and power of attorney . Based on these two documents, the money will be issued to the bearer.


The document is considered invalid if:

  • end of validity period;
  • refusal of a trusted citizen;
  • cancellation of the power of attorney by the pension recipient;
  • death or recognition of the principal (trustee) as incompetent;
  • liquidation or reorganization of an institution representing a pensioner.

In addition, it should be noted that there is a separate category of pensioners - those serving sentences in correctional colonies.

For them, a power of attorney form to receive pension payments is not accepted; payments are made at the place of registration of the correctional institution.

But if the suspect is in a pre-trial detention center, before a judicial verdict is pronounced, a trusted person will still be able to receive the pension. The form is certified by the head of the pre-trial detention center.

Psychiatric hospitals, boarding homes, and institutions for the disabled can be designated as authorized persons. Then the pension is transferred to the account of the organization designated in the power of attorney.

How to certify a form

The pensioner’s signature on the form alone is not enough to give it proper legal status. An employee of the Post Office or Sberbank may not accept such a document and refuse to pay money to the bearer.

Who assures:

  • at a notary's office;
  • from a doctor at the place of treatment;
  • from the employer if the pensioner continues to work.

Article 185.1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation states that a citizen of retirement age has the right to have a document certified without material costs at the enterprise where he worked or received treatment.

A power of attorney certified by a doctor or employer is a valid sample and a sufficient basis for paying a pension to the bearer.

Most recipients of pension savings draw up a power of attorney at a notary office, but this document is drawn up for a fee.

Is it possible to register at home for a bedridden patient?

How to make a power of attorney if a person does not walk and lies at home? Who will make and certify a document for a bedridden pensioner?

  • One person is invited as a witness when completing the form; it is enough to simply say “yes” about transferring the rights to receive a pension to a trusted citizen.
  • If the pension recipient is not even able to speak, then guardianship is first formalized, and only after that a power of attorney is obtained.
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Source: https://buhland.ru/doverennost-na-poluchenie-pensii-na-pochte-iv-cberbanke/

How to correctly draw up and execute a power of attorney to receive a pension by mail?

The health of older people sometimes does not allow them to travel long distances; long courses of treatment in medical institutions completely prevent any attempts to leave the walls of the hospital. There are many reasons for this. But the law provides a way out of the situation - drawing up a power of attorney to receive a pension.

It is not difficult to draw up such a document. Surely most of us have had the opportunity to issue a medical policy, postal parcels or documents to receive wages. And here the procedure will not take you much time and effort.

Dear readers! Our articles talk about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is unique.

Who writes?

To assist in the procedure, you can invite any person from the above categories. However, there are a number of exceptions that will be useful to familiarize yourself with :

  • If a pensioner does not have the physical ability to come to a notary to confirm his consent, then there is a way out. You can call a notary to a place convenient for the pensioner, for example, home or hospital. This will cost several times more, but it will save you nerves and time.
  • If the pensioner is serving a prison sentence, then the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation comes into force. For such people, pension payments are credited to a special account of the correctional institution where the person is located. However, funds will be written off from such an account to pay off any debt, or to pay for living in a prison cell. The pensioner has the right to receive some of the funds to buy food, but he will receive the rest of the amount only after his release. This is the case when no one has the right to receive a pension for a person - even a power of attorney cannot be drawn up in this situation. Important! If the pensioner does not indicate the possibility of reassignment in the main (general) power of attorney, then the attorney will no longer be able to entrust this right to him. Such a power of attorney is issued for a certain period not exceeding that specified in the main power of attorney.
  • Perhaps one of the most common cases is when a pensioner is in the hospital and simply cannot physically come for pension payments. How to be in this case? If you have a similar situation, the main thing is not to panic. You can always issue a power of attorney to receive a pension without going through a notary. It is enough to simply receive a paper from the head physician of the medical institution. Such a document must state that the pensioner is currently undergoing treatment at a medical institution and cannot personally receive pension payments. Also indicate that the pensioner is entrusting the receipt to his attorney.

We figured out whether it is possible to draw up such a document, and then we’ll talk about how to do it.

How to obtain a document in Russia

A mandatory condition for certifying a power of attorney is the personal presence of the pensioner . If due to certain circumstances such a procedure is impossible, then it is necessary to call a notary. Of course, the service will cost a little more, but this approach will provide you with guaranteed confirmation and save you from problems.

If the pensioner is located outside of Russia, a prerequisite for obtaining a power of attorney will be the affixing of an apostille or its legalization.

According to clause 1 of Article 185 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a power of attorney to receive a pension can be certified at the place of work/study. If a pensioner undergoes a medical examination, the document can be certified by the head of the institution or another authorized person. The power of attorney to receive a pension is certified free of charge. However, be careful - in cases where notarization is required, a fee is required.

The cost of registering a power of attorney with a notary will be: a fixed state fee (200 rubles) - determined by clause 15 of Article 333.24 of the Tax Code and payment for services according to the notary's price list (explanatory and technical).

Whenever you have even the slightest doubt about drawing up or executing a power of attorney, you should contact a notary.

Of course, such a service will cost you some money, but in the future it will help you avoid unforeseen problems and expenses - both monetary and nervous.

Basic rules for drafting

A power of attorney to receive a pension is drawn up in writing . It must contain information about the principal, namely, full name, date and place of birth, passport details, information about place of residence.

Please provide as detailed and complete information as possible. If difficulties arise when drawing up a document, you can always contact a notary for advisory help.

Read more about how to write a power of attorney for Russian Post here.

  1. Write the name of the document in the center - POWER OF ATTORNEY.
  2. Indicate the place and date of execution of the power of attorney (place of registration - the name of the city/town where you are writing out the power of attorney). Be sure to write the date in words.
  3. Start a new paragraph with the words “I, the undersigned, gr. Russian Federation (here indicate full name and passport details), authorizing with this power of attorney gr. RF (full name and passport details of the authorized person): receive the pension due to me at post office No. (indicate the number) and sign for receipt.
  4. From a new line – The power of attorney was issued without the right of subrogation for a period of (specify the period) of a year.
  5. On a new line - the signature of the principal.
  6. On a new line – the notary’s certifying inscription.

You can find out more .


  • The seventeenth of April two thousand seventeen
  • I, a citizen of the Russian Federation (full name), (date of birth), (place of birth), passport (series and number), issued (where and when), (unit code), residing at the address (address of actual residence), trust:

citizen of the Russian Federation (full name), (date of birth), (place of birth), passport (series and number), issued issued (where and when), (unit code), living at the address: Omsk, st. Kirenskogo, 3, no. 6, apt. 54

  1. to receive on my behalf the old-age pension accrued to me in full every month at the post office at my place of residence, in connection with which I authorize her to sign all the documents necessary to fulfill this order.
  2. I certify the signature (personal signature).
  3. The power of attorney was issued without the right of substitution for a period of 3 months.
  4. (Personal signature) (of the principal)

This power of attorney is certified by me, the chief physician of the city clinical hospital No. 1 of Omsk, Egor Semenovich Gradov. I confirm that the power of attorney was signed personally by O.N. Olegrova in my presence.

01/25/15 (personal signature) Gradov E.S. (seal of the medical institution).

Find out more about what a sample power of attorney sent by mail from an individual to an individual looks like here.

For how long is it issued?

The validity period of a power of attorney to receive a pension depends on the reason for which it is drawn up. So, for example, if you need to entrust the receipt of a pension to a third party while you are in a medical institution, then first find out the duration of your treatment. Be careful: the date of issue of the document is an important point . If there is no expiration date, the power of attorney has no weight.

The power of attorney can have any validity period. If you do not specify a specific date, then by default it is equal to one year.

By the way, back in 2013, the term of a power of attorney could last only up to three years. Today there is no such restriction.

A power of attorney to receive a pension is a necessary document in our time. Not every pensioner is able to receive a pension on their own - and there are a number of reasons for this.

Drawing up the document will not be difficult - for this we have provided a sample according to which anyone can do it.

Certification of a power of attorney is free, but if you need the help of a notary, then in this case you will have to pay for the service.

The law provides for various reasons for issuing a power of attorney. As a rule, no questions should arise when drawing up a document. In any case, it is useful and necessary to know about such a procedure, especially when your family includes people of retirement age.

Source: https://moepravo.guru/dokumenty/doverennosti-i-iskovye-zayavleniya/na-pochtu/na-poluchenie-pensii.html


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