Abandonment of a child: alimony, sample application, in favor of another person

The Family Code establishes the right of a child to be supported by both parents. In the event of a divorce, such maintenance occurs in the form of alimony payments.

Although the money should go exclusively to satisfy the interests of the child, sometimes the parent raising him does not want to maintain contact with his ex-spouse, including by receiving money from him. It is necessary to figure out how you can voluntarily refuse the alimony that your husband pays .

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  1. Alimony obligations
  2. Waiver of alimony
  3. Declaration of refusal
  4. Consequences of failure
  5. Registration of refusal
  6. Notarization
  7. Transfer of property instead of alimony payments
  8. Restoration of payments after refusal
  9. Conclusion
  10. Waiver of child support
  11. Is it possible to refuse child support?
  12. Grounds for refusal of alimony
  13. Who can initiate
  14. Consequences of refusing alimony
  15. Waiver of alimony in the form of an alimony agreement
  16. Required documents
  17. Contents of the waiver agreement
  18. Refusal after receiving a court decision through bailiffs
  19. Documentation
  20. Contents of the application for revocation of IL
  21. Refusal of alimony through an employer
  22. Required documents
  23. Contents of the statement
  24. Waiver of child support
  25. Reasons for refusal
  26. Registration of refusal
  27. Sample application for waiver of alimony
  28. Relinquishment of parental rights: voluntary, sample application | Legal Advice
  29. How does the refusal procedure work?
  30. Nuances of voluntary refusal
  31. How to file a lawsuit correctly
  32. Documents for court
  33. Consequences of failure
  34. Is it possible to revoke a refusal decision?
  35. How to refuse alimony paid by your husband - Application for waiver of alimony (sample) 2020, agreement to waive alimony (sample)
  36. Is it possible to refuse child support?
  37. Consequences of refusing alimony
  38. How to officially refuse alimony paid by your husband
  39. Alimony is paid by agreement
  40. Alimony ordered by the court
  41. Enforcement proceedings initiated
  42. Procedure and procedure for refusal
  43. Application for voluntary waiver of alimony
  44. How to write
  45. Sample
  46. Refusal of a claim in court
  47. Settlement agreement to waive alimony
  48. Need a lawyer

Alimony obligations

  • In accordance with the law, such obligations are assigned to each of the parents.
  • In the area of ​​financial support for a child, they are divided equally between citizens.
  • Since divorce is accompanied by further separation of the child and one of the parents, the latter must fulfill his responsibilities by transferring part of his income in favor of the child.
  • This is how he supports the baby and provides his share of the material benefits that he should provide to him.

Child support obligations mean the obligation to transfer part of the funds from the total earnings in favor of the child. Alimony obligations arise from the moment a court decision comes into force or a voluntary agreement is signed. They end when the child turns eighteen (except in certain circumstances).

The paying parent does not have the right to refuse to make payments. This is possible only after the adoption of a special court ruling. De jure, the parent who receives the funds is also deprived of this right. However, practice shows that alimony payments can still be refused by using loopholes in the law.

Waiver of alimony

Is it possible to refuse child support? Issues related to alimony are regulated by the fifth section of the Family Code.

This section contains five chapters and forty articles. But none of the regulations indicate the possibility of refusing to receive alimony payments. This is explained by their purpose.

Despite the fact that the funds are transferred to the account of the parent raising the child, they are intended primarily to satisfy his interests.

A citizen does not have the right to use the money he receives for his own benefit, nor does he have the right to refuse it, since the funds indirectly belong to the child. In addition, this point is explained by a certain irrationality of such a decision.

Regardless of the income of the citizen looking after the baby, additional funds can be used to improve the latter’s well-being.

In this regard, the legislator excludes the possibility of making a court decision on the voluntary refusal of alimony funds. Moreover, it is possible to collect alimony payments at the initiative of the guardianship authorities if neither parent expresses a desire to organize the collection of funds.

Peculiarities! Meanwhile, an adult recipient of alimony has the right of refusal.

Is it possible to refuse child support after a court decision? One way to prevent payments is not to provide the bailiffs with a writ of execution.

  1. However, it must contain a condition on the provision of other benefits in exchange for remittances.
  2. Otherwise, the notary will refuse to certify the document.
  3. You can get a court decision to cancel alimony only in two cases:
  • if a woman raising a child files a claim to establish paternity, and during the consideration of the case it is established that there are no family ties between the child and the former spouse;
  • if the child is adopted by another person.

It is worth noting that deprivation of parental rights (if there is a relationship between the child and the parent) is not grounds for termination of child support payments. The citizen is still obliged to support the baby, although in doing so he loses some of his rights to him.

Download sample.

Declaration of refusal

There are several ways to refuse child support from a mother. You can do this:

  • even before the judge orders payments;
  • during enforcement proceedings in this case;
  • after a voluntary agreement has been concluded.

The first option is the simplest to implement. In order not to receive alimony payments, it is enough not to include such a requirement in the statement of claim during the divorce process.

In this case, funds will not be collected until the guardianship authority determines that it is impossible for one parent to support the child without the help of the other. If a citizen raising a child has a stable high income, such a problem will not arise.

Important! Before filing an application for divorce, it is necessary to conclude a settlement indicating the procedure for paying alimony, otherwise the judge will independently assign payments, even if there is no such requirement in the application.

If the need for refusal arose directly during the consideration of the case, you need to submit an application for refusal of enforcement proceedings. A sample application for refusal of alimony by the recipient (by terminating enforcement proceedings) is as follows:

Download sample.

After submitting the application, the judge will make a decision, which will be familiar to both parties to the process. If the payer does not agree with this and wants to allocate funds to his child, it will not be possible to solve the problem in such ways.

Consequences of failure

Guardianship authorities first of all pay attention to the maintenance of the baby. If he gets everything he needs from one parent, no punishment will follow.

A different situation occurs if the parent who refused to receive funds cannot independently support the minor.

In this case, the citizen may be accused of failure to fulfill, or insufficient fulfillment of, his parental obligations. Sometimes, as a result, the guardianship authorities initiate the process of transferring the baby to the second parent.

Registration of refusal

The judge does not have the right to consider a case of refusal of alimony. Such claims violate the rights of the child for whose maintenance funds are allocated.

However, Article 80 of the IC indicates that parents are free to enter into a voluntary agreement, which will determine the issue of child support obligations.

A specific sample agreement to waive child support is drawn up in any form and depends on the subject of the agreement itself. However, in exchange for waiving alimony payments, a condition must be imposed on the former spouse.

Most often, in this case, a refusal to receive financial assistance is indicated in exchange for permission to take the child abroad. A unilateral request (that is, a refusal without providing something in return) will not be certified by a notary.


In this case, it is necessary to submit personal documents and the writ of execution itself.

Since we are talking about a waiver of child support, you will need a receipt indicating that child support has been paid.

The application must indicate the reason for termination of production. In this case, as the reason for the notarized refusal of alimony, you can indicate the income of the parent who is raising him sufficient to support the child.

The application must be certified by a notary. It can also indicate a time period during which payments will not be collected.

Transfer of property instead of alimony payments

Can an ex-wife refuse alimony in exchange for her spouse's property? Yes, this is possible.

  • It is necessary to draw up a voluntary agreement on the transfer of real estate into the ownership of the parent raising the child.
  • The agreement itself must indicate that in exchange for the provision of property, the other party refuses to receive alimony.
  • Employees of the guardianship authority are involved in resolving the issue.

The owner of the transferred real estate can be both the child and the person who is raising him. In this case, all further costs associated with maintaining the baby will be borne by the citizen living with him.

However, if additional costs arise (for example, for the treatment of a child), the second parent will be obliged to participate in their reimbursement.

Restoration of payments after refusal

The Insurance Code clearly states that the child has the right to receive alimony until he turns eighteen years old. This right belongs exclusively to the child and none of his parents has the right to deny the child its exercise. Therefore, even after a waiver agreement has been signed, it is possible to resume payments.

In addition, none of the methods given above can be applied if the payer does not give his consent to this.

Even after drawing up an agreement, the second parent has the right to financially support his child.


Thus, it is officially impossible to refuse child support. Is it possible to suspend their payment or do this by voluntary agreement? This is possible, but only if the refusal of payments is made on the condition that the spouse provides other benefits of a material or non-material nature (for example, permission to travel abroad).

At the same time, the payer has the right to continue contact with his child and support him financially. Also, do not forget that if refusal to pay entails a deterioration in the child’s well-being, the guardianship authorities may intervene in the matter and decide his future fate.

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Source: https://101jurist.com/semejnyj-kodeks/razvod/alimenty/obrazets-zayavleniya-na-otkaz-poluchatelem.html

Waiver of child support

Child support provision is enshrined in the legislation of the Russian Federation. It is mandatory, but if a number of conditions are met, a refusal can be made, which will mean termination of the security.

This rule applies only under special circumstances and has many nuances.

You will also need to take into account that voluntary refusal without established grounds is a violation that leads to various forms of liability.

Is it possible to refuse child support?

There is no direct termination, therefore, mainly those persons who do not need security from another person do not apply for it. The format of the refusal will depend on the reasons, in the form of legal grounds. These grounds must fully comply with legal requirements.

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In case of an agreement, it can be replaced with a new one, but in case of a court decision, you will need to write a special statement. It is important to consider here that any violations of children’s rights are unacceptable.

Grounds for refusal of alimony

  1. Change of parentage or adoption. If there is a non-biological father on the children’s birth certificate, the alimony payer, if desired, undergoes a testing procedure to establish the fact of lack of relationship. This allows him to apply to the court to have it removed from the certificate, which means the application is automatically terminated. If necessary, the same procedure can be performed by the mother. If the adoption process is carried out with the consent of the second parent, then alimony obligations are removed from him, since the support is now provided by another person.
  2. Moving a child from one parent to another. Child support obligations can be imposed on any parent. When children live with their mother, the father is the child support payer. If the situation has changed, then based on this event, alimony is removed from one person and imposed on another.
  3. Settlement of property. An example of offset of property would be the transfer by one spouse to the other of real estate or other benefits with the subsequent termination of alimony support. But for such a procedure it is necessary to conclude an appropriate agreement, which stipulates the period of non-payment or a full refusal of them.
  4. Family restoration. When the family is restored, that is, the spouses live together again, alimony does not stop accruing. It turns out that in order to terminate this procedure, it is necessary to write a statement that will terminate the alimony provision on the specified basis.

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Who can initiate

The initiator can be any of the parents, but for special reasons. For example, in an agreement, the initiative may belong to both parties, but only the alimony recipient can terminate it.

Article 101 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation

A voidable transaction may be considered such if the rights of the contesting party are violated. If there are violations of the law, for example, the rights of a child are violated, then this version of the agreement is considered void.

If there is a court decision, then the revocation is carried out by appealing it by the alimony payer. The claimant has the right not to transfer an executive-type order to bailiffs.

If the writ of execution was handed over to the bailiff, who is the executor of the case, then only the recipient of the funds can revoke it. But there is an exception in the form of challenging paternity. If there is a court ruling that a citizen does not have blood ties with children, he can file a claim to cancel the security.

It is necessary to take into account that the alimony recipient, after refusing to receive alimony, can go to court again.

Article 101 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation “The procedure for concluding, executing, changing, terminating and invalidating an agreement on the payment of alimony”

Consequences of refusing alimony

  • official exemption from financial assistance;
  • maintaining the opportunity to re-request security from the date of application;
  • no impact on parental rights.

There is an important point here: if any conditions were not met, for example, the clauses of the contract were not fulfilled, then the guilty party can be held accountable. And also in the future to deprive her of parental rights, as in the case of ordinary non-payment of funds.

It must be remembered that the abandonment of children itself does not constitute a withdrawal of alimony, except in cases established by law. Deprivation of parental rights for various violations, in particular the child’s rights to maintenance, also does not eliminate the need for financial assistance in the amount established by agreement or by the state.

Waiver of alimony in the form of an alimony agreement

The agreement provides for the agreement of the parties to an alternative option, which is specified in the document. Such an agreement must be notarized. Two more conditions are correct and complete completion and the absence of signs of insignificance or contestability.

Only if all legal regulations are observed will the document have legal force.

It is also necessary to pay attention that the agreement takes into account the interests of the child and does not violate his rights in any form.

Required documents

To draw up an agreement at a notary's office, you will need several documents:

  • participants' passports;
  • the child’s birth certificate, as well as his passport, if available;
  • old-style agreement, if there was one.

Additional documents must include a receipt indicating payment of the state duty, and papers for the property that is being transferred.

Read also: Alimony if the husband does not officially work

Contents of the waiver agreement

The form of the agreement is not established by law, therefore it has a standard form with the inclusion of mandatory content. Data:

  • address and name of the notary office, as well as the date of registration;
  • data of the parties;
  • information about the minor;
  • details of the previous agreement, including number;
  • date of commencement of action;
  • date of registration and signature of persons with transcript;
  • data on the process of termination of the contract in connection with the provision of various benefits, property with a full inventory and documents for them.

It will be necessary to carefully consider the transfer of property, as well as the periods for which a person is exempt from the need to transfer amounts in payment for the transferred benefits. All real estate or other material assets must belong to the person being transferred according to established property documents.

Sample alimony agreement

Refusal after receiving a court decision through bailiffs

During legal proceedings, former spouses have the right to enter into a settlement agreement. If this does not happen, then the writ of execution is subsequently transferred to the bailiffs. You can revoke it using a statement from the claimant.

For this procedure, an application is submitted, which will be considered by the bailiff. After this, a resolution is drawn up, which is transmitted to all parties in person or by mail. The entire process takes 5 working days.

Here you need to take into account that the application must be completed correctly.


The documents you will need to provide include the application itself and your Russian passport. The state fee is not paid when applying to the bailiff service.

Contents of the application for revocation of IL

The revocation of the writ of execution is carried out after writing an application to the FSSP employee who is involved in this case. Contents of the document:

  • FSSP address, as well as its full name;
  • details of the court decision, including number and date;
  • Full name of the alimony recipient, that is, the child and his date of birth;
  • details of the claimant;
  • information on the writ of execution in the form of number and date;
  • date of entry into production of IL;
  • date with decrypted signature;
  • request for the return of the sheet, as well as termination of alimony support.

If the application form is filled out incorrectly or any type of errors are made, including spelling or factual errors, the document will not be accepted.

Sample application for revocation of a writ of execution

Refusal of alimony through an employer

When the alimony payer is officially employed, the writ of execution is transferred to the organization where he works. In this case, you will need to submit an application to your direct employer or accountant. Only the claimant can do this. After receiving a positive decision, the sheet is sent by mail or delivered in person. The process itself lasts no more than a working week.

Here it is important to leave contacts, in particular the telephone number at which the decision will be notified.

Required documents

To contact an employer or an accounting employee, you must have a completed application in which all registration requirements are met, as well as your passport. If there are grounds, you will also need to provide copies of the child’s birth certificate and writ of execution.

Contents of the statement

The document contains several mandatory items. Intelligence:

  • all information about the organization, including address, name;
  • information on the manager to whom the appeal is made, in the form of full name and position;
  • data on the payer, in particular personal and work, for example, position;
  • details of the claimant;
  • information about the child;
  • a completed application form indicating a request to return the sheet;
  • date of compilation, as well as decrypted signature.

The form has a standard design.

Application form for revocation of IL

According to the law, waiver of alimony obligations is impossible except for a number of regulated grounds. In other cases, temporary termination is possible in the form of an agreement with certain conditions or revocation of a writ of execution.

Most options are agreed upon by the parties, but the party that receives the funds has the majority of options for this procedure.

To stop receiving funds, you must correctly fill out a special application, the form and content of which will depend on the option for receiving payments.

Source: https://zakonoved.su/otkaz-ot-alimentov-na-rebenka-osnovaniya.html

Waiver of child support

The basis for refusing to pay alimony is, first of all, psychology. Since there is no logical basis for the voluntary refusal of financial resources required by law, even with high financial security of the parent.

When refusing to receive funds, the parent or guardian acts on behalf of the child, because alimony is intended to ensure his comfortable and trouble-free existence until adulthood, be it extracurricular development or education, and not to improve the material well-being of adults.

Based on the RF IC and the Federal Law on Children's Rights, the subjective right of any child is mandatory provision by parents and receipt of funds from a parent who does not pay child support voluntarily.

The modern judicial system completely excludes the positive outcome of claims for refusal of alimony and provides cases in which collection can come from the initiative of the guardianship and guardianship authorities if both parents do not have the proper desire. But in practice, there are several tools that allow you to effectively refuse to receive payments.

Reasons for refusal

Most often, the reason for refusing alimony payments is the emotional reluctance of one of the spouses to somehow depend on the other. But there are other options that have a more rational basis:

  • when refusal is required by the payer, on whom the issuance of consent to take the child to another country depends;
  • the reasons for depriving the parental rights of the spouse responsible for receiving alimony and providing for the child are hidden;
  • payment of alimony in a one-time amount sufficient to support the child until his 18th birthday. This is suitable in cases where the parent’s income is unofficial and it is impossible to legally formalize the fact of their transfer.

However, in a given situation, the law of the Russian Federation regulates the absence of reasons to limit the rights of a child by canceling alimony. Therefore, in order to refuse, it is necessary to carefully prepare documents and strictly follow the procedure.

Registration of refusal

Registration of refusal of alimony payments depends on the situation in which the parents find themselves:

Situation Decision Before the court order to pay alimony Everything is simple here: the parties simply do not file an application with the court and live separately, having agreed on a waiver of alimony. If the child receives proper financial support, and there is no reason for the intervention of guardianship and guardianship services, then this is the best option. But if one of the parents wants to pay for the child’s maintenance, the trustee or guardian cannot have legal grounds for refusal until the court decides on the payment of alimony. When deciding cases of divorce, the court is authorized to decide on the future financial support of the child if he is a minor. However, it is possible to avoid the assignment of alimony during court proceedings by concluding a settlement agreement that secures their payment on a voluntary basis. Immediately after the court makes a decision, the Defendant must appeal the court decision through an appeal, and then send to the magistrate’s court a settlement agreement signed by both parties in accordance with Art. 326.1 Code of Civil Procedure During the appeal proceedings, the Parties must declare their desire to enter into a settlement agreement, which will be reflected in the case materials and at the end of the process, the defendant and plaintiff will need to sign it. During the claim proceedings, the Parties must write a statement under Art. 440 Civil Procedure Code. The court will review the accepted document and make a decision. The verdict will be received by all parties to the case, including the bailiff, who will terminate the judicial proceedings by executive order. An important point: in accordance with Art. 39 of the Code of Civil Procedure, the court refuses a settlement agreement or waiver of alimony if this may harm the rights and legitimate interests of children in the form of material support on the part of the parents. After concluding an agreement on child support on a voluntary basis. If there is an agreement on payments concluded by mutual consent of the parents, the document can be terminated by a notary according to Art. 101 SK. If this is not the case, then termination is possible only during a court case, since refusal by only one of the parties is not allowed. Read also: Alimony from a serviceman under a contract, from a pension

Application for waiver: Most often, the need to waive alimony arises during enforcement proceedings. In order to terminate the execution, it is necessary to obtain a corresponding court decision. This is done by writing and submitting an application on the part of the plaintiff.

Sample application for waiver of alimony

Download a sample application for waiver of alimony:

Refusal of alimony is an almost impossible procedure from the point of view of the law. However, if there are compelling circumstances and provided that the refusal will not harm the financial support of the children, it is possible to find tools to stop payments.

Source: https://YurPortal.info/alimenty/otkaz-ot-alimentov/

Relinquishment of parental rights: voluntary, sample application | Legal Advice

Last updated March 2019

Voluntary relinquishment of parental rights is a rather strange procedure. There is no such concept in any law of the Russian Federation, but in practice it is possible to issue a refusal through the court.

There are some parents who do not want to take part in their child’s life in any way. For example, a father who does not participate in raising children and does not pay child support can easily be deprived of parental rights.

This can be perceived as a voluntary abandonment of one's own children.

The Family Code is alien to the concept of renunciation of parental rights to a child. There is no such article there. A parent does not become free simply by writing a waiver. The decision remains up to the court. But, according to official statistics, most claims in such cases are satisfied. However, you will still have to pay child support.

For example, a mother was deprived of parental rights in court. In this case, she is released from the responsibility to raise children. But she is obliged to support them until the children reach adulthood. The amount of alimony is set by the court.

Abandonment of a child is inherently equivalent to a procedure for deprivation of rights. This is stated in Articles 69-71 of the RF IC. The filing of a statement of claim and the trial itself take place in accordance with the rules of civil procedure.

How does the refusal procedure work?

  1. One of the parents must write a statement renouncing rights to children. It also states that they agree to the continued adoption of the child. If you wish, you can write a request so that they are not summoned to court in this case. The notary certifies this application with a signature and seal.
  2. The document is given to the other parent. Next, it must be provided to the guardianship authorities and 2 witnesses. It will be good if they confirm that the parent does not want to participate in the life of his child.
  3. After all the documents have been collected, they can be taken to court.
  4. The trial usually proceeds quickly. It should be noted that representatives of the PLO and the prosecutor must be present at the trial. Without them, the court decision will be invalid.

In a maternity hospital, the mother’s rights are waived when she writes her appropriate consent to place the newborn in state educational institutions. If her plans do not include taking the child back within 6 months, then a document giving the right to adoption is immediately signed. In this situation, parental rights are transferred to the adoptive parents.

In the case where there is an adoptive parent or guardian, a simpler scheme can be used. The parent applies to a notary or guardianship with a statement giving consent to the adoption of the child. Here you can do without a trial.

Nuances of voluntary refusal

The following persons have the right to file such a claim:

  • parents indicated on the birth certificate;
  • child after reaching adulthood;
  • guardian of an incapacitated parent or child.

The claim is denied to the father in two situations:

  • if he knew that the child was not born from him and still agreed to register it in his name;
  • if the baby was born through IVF, and the father has the consent of the father to use the biological material of another man.

For example , if the 2 above cases are excluded, and the father has doubts that the children were born from him, then he has the right to file a claim for waiver of the father’s rights. He is required to provide the results of a DNA test to the court. If the fears are confirmed, the man is completely released from the responsibilities of paternity and payment of alimony.

How to file a lawsuit correctly

The claim is addressed to the court, POO, registry office. Each addressee should be written on a new line indicating the full name. Then a statement is written from whom, indicating the full name, place and date of birth, passport details, telephone number and address.

The narrative states that the parent voluntarily and completely renounces his rights to his child. You must indicate the baby's full name, date and place of birth.

Next, the parent must express consent to the deprivation of his parental rights and the further adoption of the child in accordance with Russian law.

It must be written that the child can be adopted, and that the refusal cannot be reversed after a court decision.

If the refusal is made by the father, then on a new line it is necessary to write that the mother of the baby retains full parental rights.

Below it is indicated that the parent has read and understands everything stated above and signs it meaningfully. The date and locality should be written completely in words. At the end, put your signature and its transcript.

The application must be notarized. The notary also registers this document. Below is a sample waiver application.

  • To _________________________
    (name of court)
    To the guardianship and trusteeship authorities
    To the registry office ____________________
    From: _______________________
  • (full name, address, passport details)

I hereby completely and voluntarily relinquish parental rights in relation to my/my son/daughter – _______________________, born “___” ____________. in

___________ and agree to the deprivation of my parental rights, as well as to the adoption of my child in the future in accordance with current legislation.
I understand that my child may be adopted.

I understand that I cannot rescind this relinquishment once a court order has been entered that affirms the relinquishment or otherwise terminates my parental rights to my child.

Even if the court decision does not terminate my parental rights in relation to my child, I cannot cancel this refusal after the court decision on adoption enters into force.
The parental rights of the mother of the child _______________________ are retained in full.
I have read and understood the above and sign it intelligently and freely.

I ask the judicial authorities to consider the case in my absence.

City ______, ______________ year.
__________________ /signature/
City ______. ______________ of the year.

I, _________________________, a notary of the city of _____________, certify the authenticity of the signature of the city. _______________________, which was done in my presence. The identity of the person who signed the document has been established.

  1. Registered in the register under No. ______________
    Collected at the rate of ________________________
  2. Notary _________________________________

Documents for court

Voluntary refusal must be supported by a statement. This document is then signed by representatives of the guardianship authorities. They are also required to check the child's living conditions and ensure that they do not deteriorate. The application is submitted to the court along with a receipt for payment of the state fee and the following documents:

  • marriage or divorce certificate;
  • birth certificate;
  • characteristics of parents or adoptive parents, if any;
  • other documents.

In addition to papers, at least two witnesses must be invited to court.

Consequences of failure

A parent's relinquishment of parental rights, both forcibly and voluntarily, has the same consequences. The law provides for the following rights that a negligent parent loses:

  1. Taking care of the child.
  2. Representing the interests of the child in any instance.
  3. Protection and the right to demand the extradition of a child who is being held by strangers.
  4. The right to inherit the property of a minor after his death.
  5. Receiving benefits and allowances.
  6. Receiving alimony in case of incapacity.

One responsibility remains for the parent. This is the payment of child support until the child reaches 18 years of age. The state only waives child support if he is adopted.

The minimum period for paying alimony is 6 months. This can happen when, after abandoning a child, other people immediately adopt him. For example, the biological father abandoned the children, and they are then adopted by their mother's new husband.

Is it possible to revoke a refusal decision?

It is possible to refuse the application and take the child back within six months from the date of the court's decision . The parent has time to come to his senses until the court decision is announced. After 6 months, the court decision does not have retroactive effect, that is, it cannot be challenged.

Ordinartsev Roman Valerievich

Source: https://juresovet.ru/dobrovolnyj-otkaz-ot-roditelskix-prav-obrazec-zayavleniya/

How to refuse alimony paid by your husband - Application for waiver of alimony (sample) 2020, agreement to waive alimony (sample)


The concept of voluntary refusal of alimony on the part of both the payer and the recipient is absent in the legislation. This is due to the need to fulfill parental responsibilities. The fact of unwillingness to pay or receive alimony is a violation that is suppressed by the guardianship and trusteeship authorities, because in fact, the mother and father thereby refuse to provide for the child.

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However, with all this, the parent with whom the minor child lives still has the right to ignore the help offered by the second parent, provided that he fully provides for the child on his own.

Is it possible to refuse child support?

Refusal of alimony is the reluctance of one of the former spouses to enter into alimony legal relations or support them. The reasons for this may be different - from the cessation of communication between divorced parents and the fundamental reluctance to receive help from a person who has become a stranger to amicable reconciliation and restoration of the family.

Although the waiver of alimony is not officially enshrined, family law is so flexible that former spouses have learned to circumvent the supposedly mandatory requirement to pay for the child.

Of course, in this case they cannot do without the help of a lawyer. Our specialists are ready to advise you free of charge on all issues related to voluntary waiver of alimony.

A divorced couple should know that they cannot simply ignore the obligation to contribute and receive money for the child. But at the same time, government authorities do not have the right at any time to inquire why the child does not receive the necessary support, and the father does not provide it.

Attention! Former spouses who, for any reason, do not want to receive (pay) money for the child should take volitional actions aimed at terminating alimony obligations.

The format of such actions depends on the basis on which payments were received previously:

  • on the basis of a notarized agreement;
  • on the basis of a court decision and a writ of execution.

An ex-wife cannot write a refusal in the literal sense of the word. This must be either a new agreement between the divorced spouses, replacing the old one, or an application for the return of the writ of execution submitted to the bailiff.

The easiest way to waive alimony obligations is to not apply for alimony in the first place.

Consequences of refusing alimony

Voluntary refusal of child benefits leads to:

  • official release of the father from payments;
  • preserving the opportunity for a woman to request alimony in the future, but only from the moment of application, and not for the last 3 years before it.

The father's parental rights are not affected. If he continues to participate in the material support of former family members, it is advisable to ask his wife for a receipt indicating that she received the money.

IMPORTANT: There is a misconception that abandoning a child frees you from child support. This is wrong. Even the deprived parent is finally deprived of all rights and responsibilities in relation to the child only when the minor is adopted by another family.

How to officially refuse alimony paid by your husband

The procedure for refusing payments for a child depends, as already mentioned, on the basis for assigning alimony and the stage of its collection.

Alimony is paid by agreement

If a man makes contributions as a result of concluding a notarized agreement, then in this case refusal of payments is possible by drawing up a new document, which will cancel the current agreement.

IMPORTANT: To enter into such an agreement, the presence of both parents of the child is required.

Its preparation can be entrusted to a notary, but first it is advisable for the spouses to agree on replacing the husband’s alimony obligations with something of equal value.

Alimony ordered by the court

If alimony is ordered by the court and both parents want to change the order of providing for the child, then at the stage of court proceedings they have the right:

  • conclude a settlement agreement and approve it in court, establishing the procedure for maintaining children;
  • The plaintiff may withdraw his statement of claim by abandoning the claim.

Attention! A settlement agreement can be concluded immediately after filing claims for alimony and further at any stage of the legal process. The main thing is the desire of the parties to find a compromise.

If the decision has already been made, the claimant may simply not present the writ of execution for execution, thereby abandoning the mechanism for forced collection of child support.

Enforcement proceedings initiated

If a woman independently wishes to refuse alimony at the stage of enforcement proceedings, then this is one of the simplest options.

What should be done? The mother simply submits an application to the bailiff to return the writ of execution to her, and no motivation for such an application is required.

The bailiff issues a resolution to terminate the proceedings in accordance with Art. 46 of Law No. 229-FZ.

If alimony has not been officially assigned, it is advisable for the parties to take care of drawing up a settlement agreement with a notary on acceptable terms or ways of confirming the father’s participation in providing for the child (for example, by issuing receipts by the woman). But this is only necessary for the father in case the child’s mother demands the collection of alimony in the future and accuses him of failure to fulfill the duties of a parent.

Procedure and procedure for refusal

Let's consider the unilateral and bilateral procedure for refusing alimony ordered by the court. The first is permissible only at the stage of enforcement proceedings, when the bailiff is involved in collecting money. The second - at any stage of the process, including when considering a case in court, if a court decision has not yet been made.

Application for voluntary waiver of alimony

To refuse to receive child support payments, the woman sends the bailiff an application for the return of the writ of execution.

How to write

The document is drawn up in any form. It must contain the following information:

  • where the application is sent - the number and address of the bailiff department that holds the writ of execution;
  • from whom – full name and contact details of the woman;
  • information about the alimony payer;
  • number of the court decision and the writ of execution on the basis of which the collection is carried out;
  • date of acceptance of the writ of execution into proceedings;
  • a request for the return of the document and termination of proceedings;
  • date, signature.

Based on the application, the bailiff issues a decision to return the writ of execution and sends a copy of this act to the recoverer and the alimony payer. The consequences of such a decision are explained to the applicant - the woman has the right to present the writ of execution to the bailiff again in the future. The decision is subject to appeal.

Both bailiffs (but very reluctantly) and third-party lawyers will help you correctly write an application for refusal to execute a court decision.


The application form can be obtained from the bailiffs, or you can fill it out yourself using the sample presented below.

Refusal of a claim in court

If the case is heard in court, and the plaintiff decides not to collect, then he has the right to abandon the claim. According to the provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, refusal of a claim entails the impossibility of going to court again on the same grounds.

Refusal of a claim orally or in writing is entered into the minutes of the court session.

  • If the refusal is submitted in writing, the signature of the plaintiff in the application is sufficient
  • If it is stated orally, the plaintiff must sign the protocol on acquaintance with the consequences.

Settlement agreement to waive alimony

If a woman filed a claim for alimony, but during the hearing she decided to voluntarily refuse alimony, the case may end in the most favorable way for both parties to the lawsuit.

To do this, the child’s parents can agree to conclude a settlement agreement (Article 39 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation), where options for maintaining the child will be provided. Thus, the court will take into account the wishes of the plaintiff and defendant, approve the agreement and terminate the proceedings.

The agreement drawn up by the parties must be presented to the judge at any stage of the process. This agreement should define the rights and obligations of the husband and wife, and also ask the court to approve the agreement and terminate the alimony proceedings.

Note! The court will not approve a document that contradicts the rights of the child. The settlement agreement cannot stipulate the release of the father from the obligation to support his child, since he is still obliged to take part in the upbringing and provision of the child. How this will happen must be described in the settlement agreement.

After the document is approved by the judge, the parties sign it. The proceedings are terminated.

The option of concluding an agreement is also suitable for those who have not yet submitted a writ of execution to the bailiff due to the fact that the decision on alimony has not yet entered into legal force. The defendant must appeal the decision of the trial court. During the process, a settlement agreement between the parties is approved in accordance with Art. 326.1 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation.

In order for the husband to have the opportunity to prove his participation in the child’s life, he has the right to demand a receipt from the child’s mother indicating that she has received payments.

The receipt is drawn up in any form and serves as proof of the father’s participation in providing for the child in the event that government agencies are interested in the man, or the spouse re-applies for alimony. It is recommended that the document indicate that there are no material claims between the parties to the alimony relationship.

Need a lawyer

It is advisable for the parties to consult with a legal practitioner regarding the following points:

  • how to document a refusal depending on a specific situation;
  • what rights and obligations should be specified in the settlement agreement if it is necessary to draw it up;
  • how to properly file a waiver of claim
  • how to protect yourself from the attention of guardianship authorities;
  • How can a man confirm the fact of payment of financial assistance for a child?

Remember that refusal of alimony, although a family matter, can lead to extremely negative consequences for both women and men. Do not neglect the help of a specialist, especially since our lawyers are ready to advise you free of charge and right now.

  • Due to constant changes in legislation, regulations and judicial practice, sometimes we do not have time to update the information on the site
  • In 90% of cases, your legal problem is individual, so independent protection of rights and basic options for resolving the situation may often not be suitable and will only lead to a more complicated process!

Therefore, contact our lawyer for a FREE consultation right now and get rid of problems in the future!

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Source: https://allo-urist.com/dobrovolnyj-otkaz-ot-alimentov/

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