Payments of child benefits on the map of the world

Payments of child benefits (for pregnancy and childbirth, at the birth of a child, for child care, when placing a child in a family, etc.), as well as unemployment benefits, will be made only to cards of the Mir payment system.

  • The government decree on this was signed on April 11 and comes into force on May 1.
  • About 4 million families alone receive monthly child benefits, and 820 thousand are registered as unemployed.
  • Banks must exchange Visa and MasterCard cards, on which benefits are paid, for Mir cards before July 1, 2020

The document supplements the list of “other” payments, which, according to the law on the National Payment System, must be made only using national payment instruments (Mir cards).

In addition to the specified payments (within the framework of the laws “On Employment of the Population in the Russian Federation” and “On State Benefits for Citizens with Children”), they also now include payments to participants in the liquidation of accidents at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and at the Mayak production association and payments to victims due to nuclear tests at the Semipalatinsk test site.

Who can take out a preferential mortgage for the entire loan term?

Thus, when applying for social benefits from May 1, citizens will receive only Mir cards.

For those who previously received or continue to receive benefits on cards of international payment systems (Visa and MasterCard), banks must issue Mir cards as the old cards expire, but no later than July 1, 2020.

In this case, benefit recipients do not need to take any independent actions; they need to wait for the bank’s notification.

By the same deadline, the transfer of “civilian” pensioners to Mir cards must be completed.

The government is systematically transferring budget payments to Mir cards. It made a similar decision at the end of 2018 regarding military pensioners (valid from February 1).

The issue and maintenance of Mir cards for transferring social benefits are free; the cost of additional services (for example, SMS notifications about card transactions) is set by the bank itself that issues the card.

The legislation does not limit the ability to receive payments in cash or to an account to which the card is not linked.


  1. Child benefits only on the World card from May 1, 2019: decision of the Russian government
  2. Payments to the Mir card are regulated by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation
  3. The following benefits for children will be transferred to the Mir card:
  4. If child benefits have already been issued on a card of another payment system, what should you do then?
  5. How will they transfer to Mir cards?
  6. Young mothers are forced to apply for a “World” card
  7. 1. Recipients of what types of benefits must apply for a “MIR” card
  8. 2. If I don’t want to get this card, can I receive benefits in some other way?
  9. 3. If I already receive benefits on a card of another payment system (for example, Visa), I definitely need to get a “MIR” card as well.
  10. 4. What if benefit recipients do not have time to issue a MIR card by July 1? They will lose part of the benefit
  11. FSS: “maternity” and “children’s” benefits issued from May 1 should be transferred only to “Mir” cards
  12. The new rules apply only to “freshly assigned” benefits
  13. What happens if an employee wants to receive benefits on cards of other payment systems?
  14. Benefits from the Social Insurance Fund only on the Mir card: who will be affected by the 2019 innovations
  15. Innovations
  16. World Map: features
  17. Types of cards
  18. Advantages and disadvantages of the card
  19. Who will be affected by the innovations?
  20. Transition procedure
  21. What is the purpose of the changes
  22. World card for children's benefits
  23. Who will monitor the transfer of money specifically to Mir cards?
  24. If benefits began to be paid before 05/01/2019
  25. Banks are ready to transfer child benefits and a number of social payments to the Mir card
  26. Benefits in connection with the birth of children from May 2019 only on the MIR card
  27. Who should switch to Mir cards from May 1 and what will happen if they don’t?
  28. FSS requirements: Mir card for payment of benefits - Kontur.Accounting
  29. Who does the Social Security requirement apply to?
  30. How will an employee receive benefits on Mir cards?
  31. How to resolve the issue of receiving benefits under the new scheme
  32. Should benefits from the Social Insurance Fund be transferred only to the Mir card?
  33. What benefits
  34. Budget only
  35. Or business too
  36. Banks
  37. What's in practice

Child benefits only on the World card from May 1, 2019: decision of the Russian government

Child benefits and other social payments in the Russian Federation will be transferred to the Mir card. A period until July 1, 2020 has been allocated for a complete transition for all banking institutions and social groups in the Russian Federation. Until this point, such benefits could also be received using cards from other payment systems.

Payments to the Mir card are regulated by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation

Child benefits and some other social payments will be transferred only to Mir cards. The changes will take effect on July 1, 2020, and the document itself will come into force on May 1, 2019.

It introduces a different procedure for transferring funds for all recipients of child benefits, as well as for the unemployed; persons who have been exposed to radiation, military pensioners; persons of retirement age who worked in law enforcement and security agencies.

The innovations will affect an estimated 8 million people. Those who are already holders of this card (students, state employees) will only need to provide the social authorities with their plastic details. Otherwise, you need to hurry to get it. Currently, more than 56 million plastic cards have been issued in the Russian Federation.

The following benefits for children will be transferred to the Mir card:

  1. For pregnancy and childbirth.
  2. Monthly child care benefits.
  3. One-time payments after the birth of a child.
  4. Monthly payments to a child of a military personnel.
  5. Benefits for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and subsequent children.

It is planned that the transfer of children's benefits to plastic Mir will reduce the number of situations when bailiffs seize social benefits, which cannot be covered in any situation.

If child benefits have already been issued on a card of another payment system, what should you do then?

Nothing is required, at least not urgently. If you have already received benefits on the date of May 1, then it will also be sent to your card until the end of the insured event or the expiration date of the card, but no later than July 1, 2020. That is, if, for example, the receipt of child benefits was terminated in November 2019, then the insured event for it will be completed.

And then, if you have received the right to the next benefit, you will need to receive a MIR card. And after July 1, 2020, all benefits will be transferred only to her. Please note that if you indicate a card from a different payment system in your application, you must select the method of receiving benefits - “Through a credit institution by transferring benefits to the recipient’s personal account.”

And then indicate the 20-digit bank account number, BIC and the full name of the financial organization. In the situation with MIR cards, in the application it is enough to indicate only the payment card number (includes from 16 to 19 digits).

How will they transfer to Mir cards?

As soon as the bank receives an order with a specific code to transfer benefits from the Social Insurance Fund to a person’s account, the financial institution is obliged to check whether the “Mir” plastic card is open for this account. If you have a card, the funds will be credited to your account. Otherwise, the individual will be offered (Appendix 13 to the Regulations approved by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on June 19, 2012 N 383-P):

  1. Or get money in cash.
  2. Or provide the account number to which the “Mir” card is linked (to transfer money to it).
  3. Or provide the account number for which cards do not need to be opened at all.


Young mothers are forced to apply for a “World” card

According to the decree of the Russian government, this must be done in order to receive child benefits.

In one of our previous publications, we already said that from July 1 of this year, the Voronezh region will switch to direct payments of various child benefits, as well as sick leave - in general, all payments made by the Social Insurance Fund.

Until this time, an offset mechanism was in effect - that is, benefits for temporary disability, pregnancy and childbirth, care for a child up to one and a half years old, and others were paid by the employer, and then the FSS compensated him for this money.

Since the summer, a direct mechanism has been introduced, when the money will go from the Fund directly to the recipients.

To do this, all employees entitled to benefits must write and bring to their accounting department documents confirming their right to payment, and statements in which they indicate how you want to receive benefits - by postal order or by transfer to a bank card. Please note that such statements will need to be written for each insured event - for example, every time you took sick leave (more than three days, if less - the payment is made by the employer in the same way as before and in this case nothing needs to be written).

However, from May 1 there was another important change in this scheme. Government Decree No. 419 of April 11, 2019 came into force. It stipulates that payments for children, as well as payment of sick leave for citizens exposed to radiation, can only be made to cards of the MIR payment system.

This, of course, did not make young mothers happy, because issuing a MIR card in banks is not free. However, as it turned out, not all parents need to urgently run to the bank and apply for a MIR card, at least urgently.

With the help of the head of the public relations group of the Voronezh branch of the FSS, Ekaterina MORGUN, we answer the main questions on this topic:

1. Recipients of what types of benefits must apply for a “MIR” card

In accordance with the government decree, the following will be paid to the cards of the MIR payment system:

  • temporary disability benefits (only for citizens exposed to radiation);
  • maternity benefits;
  • a one-time benefit for women who registered with medical organizations in the early stages of pregnancy;
  • lump sum benefit for the birth of a child;
  • monthly child care allowance (up to 1.5 years).

The MIR card can be obtained at any bank that offers this service. Let us note from the editors that the cost of issuing and servicing cards in different banks ranges from 150 to 3 thousand rubles.

2. If I don’t want to get this card, can I receive benefits in some other way?

Yes, the second option is postal transfer. As the FSS reported, you will not have to pay the postal commission; the Foundation will cover these costs. To receive benefits, an insured citizen must provide at his place of work:

  • documents confirming his right to benefits (for example, a certificate of incapacity for work, a certificate of birth of a child, etc.);
  • application in the approved form (Appendix No. 1 to the order of the Federal Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation dated November 24, 2017 No. 578) indicating the method of receiving benefits.

3. If I already receive benefits on a card of another payment system (for example, Visa), I definitely need to get a “MIR” card as well.

No, not necessarily, at least not urgently. If, as of May 1, you were already receiving benefits, for example, for child care, then you can continue to receive it on your card until the insured event ends or the payment card expires, but no later than July 1, 2020.

This means that if, for example, you stop receiving child care benefits in November 2019, your insurance claim will end. And then if you become entitled to the next benefit (for example, for the next pregnancy and childbirth), you will already have to apply for a “MIR” card.

And after July 1, 2020, all benefits for women will be transferred only and exclusively to MIR cards.

Please note that if you indicate a card of another payment system in your application, you will need to select the method of receiving benefits - “Through a credit institution by transferring benefits to the recipient’s personal account.” And then indicate the details of your personal bank account (consists of 20 characters), the correct BIC of the bank, as well as its full name. In the case of MIR cards, the application indicates only the payment card number (from 16 to 19 characters).

4. What if benefit recipients do not have time to issue a MIR card by July 1? They will lose part of the benefit

If in your application you indicate an account to which a Visa and MasterCard card is linked, the bank must delay the transfer of payments and send you a notice inviting you, no later than 10 business days, to come for them to receive cash, order the transfer of this money to the account, in general not tied to the card, or get a “MIR” card and write an application to transfer money to it.

Read also: Barely for large families in 2020

In addition to “children’s” benefits and payments to citizens exposed to radiation, all unemployment benefits from May 1 were also transferred to “MIR” cards.


FSS: “maternity” and “children’s” benefits issued from May 1 should be transferred only to “Mir” cards

FSS: “maternity” and “children’s” benefits issued from May 1 should be transferred only to Mir cards June 7, 2019 Marina Basovich Tax journalist, more than 10 years of experience

Maternity and child benefits (for early registration, for pregnancy and childbirth, at the birth of a child, for child care), assigned from May 1, 2019, must be transferred only to cards of the Mir payment system. The FSS of Russia reported this on its website.

On May 1, 2019, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 11, 2019 No. 419 came into force. According to the decree, now mandatory enrollment on Mir cards includes, among other things, “state benefits for citizens with children.”

As explained by the Social Insurance Fund, the following types of insurance coverage fall under Resolution No. 419:

  • temporary disability benefits (only for citizens exposed to radiation);
  • maternity benefits;
  • a one-time benefit for women who registered with medical organizations in the early stages of pregnancy;
  • lump sum benefit for the birth of a child;
  • monthly child care allowance.

Thus, all these payments must now be transferred to the bank accounts of the insured persons, transactions for which are carried out using Mir cards.

Calculate your salary and benefits for free in the web service

The new rules apply only to “freshly assigned” benefits

You only need to transfer benefits to Mir cards that:

  • issued on May 1, 2019 and later;
  • are scheduled before May 1, but the first payment for which must occur after this date.

If, before May 1, the employee had already received child care benefits for a child up to one and a half years old on a card of another payment system (for example, Visa and MasterCard), then “children’s” payments can continue to be transferred to the same account until the card is reissued, but no later than July 1 2020. After this date, benefits must be transferred exclusively to Mir cards.

What happens if an employee wants to receive benefits on cards of other payment systems?

The fund explained that when transferring benefits after May 1, the bank checks whether the Mir payment card is linked to the bank account.

If a card from other payment systems (for example, Visa and MasterCard) is linked to the specified account, the bank is obliged to delay the crediting of payments.

In this case, the client (beneficiary) is sent a notification with an offer no later than 10 working days:

  • or go to a bank branch to receive funds in cash;
  • or submit an order to credit payments to the account to which the Mir card is linked or to which no card is linked at all.

If within 10 working days a citizen does not appear to receive cash or does not submit an order to credit funds to another bank account, the funds are returned to the payer (Appendix No. 13 to Bank of Russia Regulation No. 383-P dated June 19, 2012 “On the rules for the implementation of transfer of funds").

Here are the questions in this regard that users of our forum ask and what solutions experts offer: “Do commercial organizations need to transfer maternity payments to the MIR card?”

Alexey Krainev, tax, civil and labor lawyer:

An employer can transfer money to employees without thinking about which card he has open to the corresponding account. In any case, the money goes to the employee’s bank account.

But the procedure for disposing of this money depends on the agreement with the bank (transferred to the card account, remains on the current account, etc.).

Accordingly, the credit institution must ensure that money from the account goes to the Mir card, or is used without a payment card (withdrawn through the cash register, transferred to another account/deposit, transferred to pay for goods and services, etc.), and not an employer at all.

However, due to the current situation and possible pressure on employers, it is advisable not to indicate any card information at all in applications for money transfers (“for crediting to a card...”, etc.), but to provide only bank information account to which the card is opened.

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Benefits from the Social Insurance Fund only on the Mir card: who will be affected by the 2019 innovations

Since 2017, an innovation awaited our fellow citizens - all military personnel, law enforcement officers, budget employees, pensioners and students began to receive salaries and payments on a new type of card. On May 1, 2019, an update to the law came into force: child benefits, unemployment and employment benefits will now be paid to the Mir card. Let's talk about why this was necessary and how to switch to a new payment system.


On May 1, 2019, another innovation in legislation came into force. According to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 11, 2019 No. 419, the list of payments made to the Mir card will also be supplemented by federal benefits.

We will tell you what benefits will be transferred to the World card from May 1, 2019.

  • Payments to citizens affected by radiation.
  • Accruals for pregnancy and childbirth.
  • One-time payment for registration at the antenatal clinic for up to 12 weeks.
  • One-time benefit for the birth of a child.
  • Monthly payments for child care until he turns one and a half years old.

In addition, all remaining pensioners will be transferred completely to “World” plastic.

World Map: features

In terms of functionality, the card is no different from the usual Visa or MasterCard. With its help you can do:

  • payment for purchases and services in online stores or online companies;
  • non-cash payment for housing and communal services, mobile operators, kindergartens and other things;
  • transfer of funds to third-party accounts;
  • cash withdrawal or account replenishment;
  • receiving Cashback from non-cash payment;
  • payment for travel on public transport (the opportunity is not available in all regions).

Types of cards

Debit card. Involves storing personal funds of a bank client in an account. It is possible to use credit money.

Classic card. The most common type of plastic. Used to pay for goods and services, transfer money, withdraw cash, and more.

Premium. In terms of functionality, it resembles a classic card, but differs from it in advanced features - free information via SMS, Cashback, personal bonuses.

Pension. It is issued by those banking organizations that have entered into agreements with the State Pension Fund of Russia. This card has personal conditions for pensioners:

  • free annual maintenance;
  • accrual of Cachback to the account balance;
  • free information via SMS;
  • free assistance with card maintenance.

Employee card. In this case, plastic serves not only as a financial instrument, but also as:

  • passes to bases or facilities,
  • electronic signature,
  • personal account card.

Student card. In addition to the banking product, it serves as the following tools:

  • access to an electronic diary;
  • passes to an educational institution;
  • databases for storing personal data.

Cobadging. A necessary card for those who often travel outside of Russia. This type of plastic is supported by two payment systems at once, which makes its use abroad more comfortable.

Advantages and disadvantages of the card

Advantages of the World card.

  • Independence from the political situation - the card is not affected by sanctions, international conflicts, or crises. This is a significant plus for government employees, who are to some extent vulnerable in this regard.
  • Mir cards intended for transferring wages, social benefits or pensions have free annual maintenance.
  • The plastic fully meets Russian and national safety requirements.
  • It is possible to use the card as a non-financial instrument: to pay for travel on public transport, for access to objects, as an electronic signature.

Disadvantages of domestic plastic.

  • The card can only work fully in Russia. Abroad, most likely, difficulties will arise with its use. For example, it is not serviced by some terminals.
  • Plastic is not issued by all banks in the country, which makes it difficult to obtain.
  • It is not possible to make purchases in foreign online stores.
  • Not every retail outlet has a Mir card service.

Who will be affected by the innovations?

On May 1, 2019, a new list of persons who will now receive payments on Mir cards came into force. It included:

  • military;
  • law enforcement officers;
  • civil servants;
  • pensioners;
  • students of universities and professional institutions;
  • disabled persons;
  • receiving “children's” payments;
  • victims of radiation exposure.

The first five categories received payments on the Mir card even before the innovations. The rest of the citizens will completely update their plastic before July 1, 2020. In particular, those pensioners who finished working before February 1, 2019 are already receiving new cards. Those after will change them after the expiration of the previous ones.

Transition procedure

Some citizens who received pensions, benefits and wages from budgetary organizations have already switched to the World card from July 1, 2017 to July 1, 2018. The rest must complete it before July 1, 2020 inclusive. We'll tell you how to do this.

The national card can only be obtained from some banks in Russia. Therefore, after choosing a financial institution, you need to clarify whether the Mira issue is available and find out the conditions for receiving plastic.

There is a slightly different system for public sector employees. Since they are required to receive wages on the Mir card based on the bill, the employer will be responsible for issuing the plastic. It is he who will have to resolve issues with the servicing bank.

What happens to payments if the card is not issued on time? Nothing bad will happen. From July 1, 2020, banking organizations will not be able to transfer budget funds to cardholders of other payment systems.

If a transfer is received, the funds will be assigned the status “unclear destination”.

The bank to which the funds were credited is obliged to warn the recipient about this and inform him about how the client can receive his payment:

  • by opening an account with the national Mir card;
  • taking the benefit in the form of cash;
  • by writing an application to transfer money to a third-party account.

The client must do this within 10 days. Otherwise, the money will go back to the payer’s account.

What is the purpose of the changes

The introduction of sanctions against our country caused difficulties in the work of banking organizations, which prompted the Government to create the NSPK - the National Payment Card System. It must be said that this is a forced but justified measure. Because in the event of further restrictions, almost all citizens of the state who receive salaries and payments on plastic cards will come under attack.

Read also: Adopting a child of a single mother after marriage: through the registry office

Implementing national security is not the only task that the Mir system solves. Also she:

  • ensures uninterrupted operation of plastics on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • launches the development of plastic cards in our state;
  • services plastic cards Mir;
  • promotes the products of the National System at the state and international level;
  • introduces cashless payments among Russians.

As we see, transferring salaries and benefits to the World card is a necessary measure in response to international conflicts. However, even the political situation did not take us by surprise - the card serviced by NSPK, as it turned out, is no worse than the Visa and Mastercard we love, although it is not without its shortcomings.

Original article on the website


World card for children's benefits

Current as of: July 25, 2019

From May 1, 2019, the list of payments that citizens receive from the budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation, including the Social Insurance Fund budget, and which must be transferred to the cards of the Mir national payment card system, has been supplemented. It included (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 11, 2019 N 419):

  • social payments to unemployed citizens;
  • payments to citizens exposed to radiation;
  • maternity benefits;
  • a one-time benefit for women who registered in the early stages of pregnancy;
  • lump sum benefit for the birth of a child;
  • monthly child care allowance until the child reaches the age of 1.5 years.

Please note that payments for regular sick leave issued in connection with temporary disability due to illness are not included in the list.

As is known, employers in non-pilot regions (in which the Social Insurance Fund “Direct Payments” project has not been introduced) transfer the above-mentioned child benefits to their employees independently, naturally, upon the occurrence of relevant insured events. And then these amounts are counted towards payment of contributions or they receive a refund. And it turns out that now they can no longer transfer the child benefit to the employee’s regular salary card. Or can they?

Who will monitor the transfer of money specifically to Mir cards?

This responsibility was assigned to banks (clause 2, part 5, article 30.5 of the Law of June 27, 2011 N 161-FZ). The bank, having received a payment from the employer about transferring benefits to the employee’s account (with code “1” in field 110), must:

  • or credit the amount if the benefits go to the account to which the Mir payment system card is opened;
  • or not credit the amount if the money goes to an account to which a card of any other payment system is opened (Visa, MasterCard, etc.). Then the benefit will go to the account of outstanding payments. On the next business day, the bank will inform the individual about the received order and invite him to appear in person to receive the money in cash or provide the details of another account. This could be a Mir card account or an account to which, in principle, you cannot open a card. If within 10 working days the citizen does not respond to this message from the bank, the money will be returned to the sender (Appendix 13 to the Regulations, approved by the Bank of Russia on June 19, 2012 N 383-P).

At the same time, if the employer does not put code “1” in field 110 in the payment order and does not indicate in the purpose of the payment that it is the benefit that is being transferred, then the bank will not be able to identify the amount as a benefit. However, the employer does not face any liability for this.

By the way, another option is possible: when the employer transfers benefits to the employee to an account that does not require the use of a bank card. The bank will also credit the money to such an account, and the citizen will then be able to withdraw it in cash at a bank branch or transfer it to another account at his discretion.

In addition, no one prohibits employers from issuing benefits to employees in cash or sending them by postal order.

If benefits began to be paid before 05/01/2019


Banks are ready to transfer child benefits and a number of social payments to the Mir card

MOSCOW, May 1 - RIA Novosti/Prime. Large Russian banks surveyed by RIA Novosti confirmed their readiness to transfer a number of more social payments to the Mir card. They promise to issue and service cards for free.

From May 1, children's benefits, payments to the unemployed, Chernobyl victims, as well as benefits to citizens who were exposed to radiation during the accident at the Mayak chemical plant, the discharge of radioactive waste into the Techa River and nuclear tests at the Semipalatinsk test site will begin to be transferred to the Mir card.

Cards of international payment systems, for example, Visa or MasterCard, if the client used them to receive payments, will be valid until their expiration date - benefits will be credited to them until this moment. Upon expiration of the card, but no later than July 1, 2020, the recipient of the payment will be issued a Mir card, the press service of the National Payment Card System (NSCP) explained to RIA Novosti.

“The Moscow Credit Bank is ready to transfer social payments to the unemployed, Chernobyl victims and child benefits to the Mir card right now. Servicing the card for crediting budget funds is free.

We adhere to the position that a standard category card for socially vulnerable categories of the population should be free and profitable,” said Alexey Okhorzin, director of the bank’s retail products department.


The press service of Promsvyazbank reported that the transfer of social payments to Mir will be made gradually, as the cards of international payment systems expire. The translation process has already begun.

The number of Raiffeisenbank clients receiving regular payments from the Russian budget is already about 20 thousand people.

If payments from the budget are received into the account of a client who is a Visa or MasterCard card holder, the bank will contact the client and inform him of the need to reissue the card.

In addition, the card can be reissued upon oral application, the bank explained. Sberbank declined to comment.

The innovations are unlikely to significantly affect the work of Mir’s main competitors - the Visa and MasterCard payment systems, believes Dmitry Inogorodsky, an expert at the International Financial Center.

“These payments are of a very small volume. For example, unemployment benefits in 2019 range from 1.5 thousand rubles to 8 thousand rubles, and they are paid for no longer than a year.

In addition, benefit recipients often prefer cash instead of non-cash payments,” the expert noted.

Russians have long been accustomed to national cards: according to the latest NSPK data, the share of Mir cards has already exceeded a fifth of all bank cards issued in the country. In July last year, pensioners, state employees and students were already transferred to the Mir card.

In December 2018, a government decree was adopted on the mandatory transfer of payments to military pensioners and pensioners of security and law enforcement agencies to Mir cards - Russian banks began transferring them to Mir cards in February 2019.



Benefits in connection with the birth of children from May 2019 only on the MIR card

Payments from the budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation are mandatory, including state benefits for citizens with children established by Federal Law No. 81-FZ of May 19, 1995 “On state benefits for citizens with children.”

That is, using the “Mir” card the following will be paid :

  • maternity benefits;
  • a one-time benefit for women who registered with medical organizations in the early stages of pregnancy;
  • lump sum benefit for the birth of a child;
  • monthly child care allowance.

Not only social security funds are required to pay these benefits using the Mir card, but also employers who do not participate in the pilot project “direct payments”, but who independently accrue and pay benefits, and then accept them for reimbursement.

In connection with the above, employees who apply for these benefits starting from May 1, 2019, need to issue a MIR payment card and present it to the employer for transfer of benefits to it.

The Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation informed policyholders about this in its Information Letter dated 05/07/2019.

Those for whom childcare benefits for a child up to 1.5 years old were issued before May 1, 2019 and are transferred to a salary card can continue to be transferred to it until the completion of the insured event (the child is 1.5 years old), or the expiration of the payment card, but no later than 07/01/2020.

Currently, the legislation of the Russian Federation does not impose responsibility for the distribution of the Mir payment card on the employer.

The procedure for paying benefits is in no way linked to compensation. Thus, if an insured event occurs, it is documented and the accruals are made correctly, the Social Insurance Fund is obliged to accept the accrued benefits for compensation.

The Federal Law of June 27, 2011 N 161-FZ “On the National Payment System” is being violated - the security of payments in the form of benefits. The security of settlements for benefits is entrusted to credit institutions. But this will only become possible when benefits are paid directly from the Social Insurance Fund. If employees do not apply for Mir cards, they will not receive benefits in a timely manner.

Even the FSS noted that when assigning and paying benefits, the fund does not have information about which card is linked to the individual’s bank account.

It is assumed that when transferring benefits that are subject to mandatory crediting to the Mir card, the credit institution must check whether the Mir payment card is linked to the bank account. If a card of other payment systems (for example, Visa and MasterCard) is linked to the specified account, the bank is obliged to delay the crediting of payments.

In this case, the recipient of the benefit (individual) is sent a notification with an offer to come to the bank branch within 10 working days to receive funds in cash.

Or submit an order to credit payments to the account to which the Mir card is linked or to which no card is linked at all.

If within 10 working days a citizen does not appear to receive cash or does not submit an order to transfer funds to another bank account, the funds are returned to the payer (the policyholder for whom the benefit recipient works and who gave the order to transfer benefits).

However, it is not clear how a credit institution will distinguish between benefits issued before May 1, 2019 and after, since child care benefits issued before May 1, 2019, can legally be credited to any card the recipient has. Let's hope that official explanations from officials will not keep us waiting.

Tatyana Tarasova Chief expert on taxes and accounting, labor legislation


Who should switch to Mir cards from May 1 and what will happen if they don’t?

At the end of April, information appeared that the Cabinet of Ministers had adjusted the list of budget payments to individuals, which can only be transferred to the Mir card, to include payments to the unemployed, child benefits and payments to Russians exposed to radiation, including Chernobyl victims. It was reported that the updated list will come into effect on May 1, 2019. found out whether child benefits and unemployment benefits can now only be received on Mir cards, and what will happen if the card is not issued on time.

Who will be transferred to Mir cards from May 1, 2019?

As explained to in the Altai Territory Branch of the Siberian Main Directorate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, a government decree according to which certain categories of recipients of social payments will receive them only on the national “Mir” card (this includes unemployed citizens, those who receive children benefits, as well as citizens who were exposed to radiation and are entitled to payments), will come into force on May 1. From this date, new recipients of social payments will be issued a “Peace” card.

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Those who are already receiving payments on international cards will switch to the Mir card before July 1, 2020. Benefit recipients need to wait for the bank to notify them of the newly issued card. In addition to the card, a person can optionally receive payments in cash or to an account to which no bank cards are linked.

When will military pensioners and pensioners of security and law enforcement agencies be transferred to Mir cards?

Military personnel, firefighters, and law enforcement officers already receive salaries using Mir cards. As for pension payments, according to the law, from February 1, 2019, they must be transferred to national cards for citizens who retired after this date.

Those who have already received pensions on cards of international payment systems continue to receive them on their cards until their expiration date. And then they will receive national “World” cards instead of the old cards. This process must be completed by July 1, 2020.

Who is receiving payments to the Mir card now?

In addition to military and law enforcement officers, payments to the Mir card are now received by employees of budgetary organizations, pensioners, and students.

How is the transition to Mir cards organized?

The transition to the “World” map is gradual. From July 1, 2017, all new pensioners and public sector employees began to receive a national card. During the year - until July 1, 2018 - all employees of budgetary organizations who used cards of international payment systems received Mir cards.

As for pensioners, the transition process is smoother for them - they receive a Mir card after the expiration of the cards they currently have. They need to switch to Mir by July 1, 2020. Pensioners, when their old card expires, need to contact the bank that issued it and get a national card there.

How and where can I apply for a “World” card?

The Mir card can be issued and received from banks that issue it.

If you want to become a holder of a national bank card, contact the bank of your choice and find out whether it issues the Mir card and under what conditions.

The issue of Mir cards for citizens who are required by law to receive payments only on them is organized by the employer together with the bank that services the organization for salary projects.

What happens if you don’t issue a card by the due date?

For those citizens who, by law, must receive benefits on Mir cards, from July 1, 2020, banks will not be able to credit payments to accounts that have cards from other payment systems. Such funds will be accounted for as payments of “undisclosed purpose.”

The bank will warn the client about this and offer to choose one of several options: open an account with a Mir card, receive a payment in cash, or write an application to transfer money to an account to which no payment card is linked.

10 working days are allotted for this, otherwise the bank will return the funds to the payer.


FSS requirements: Mir card for payment of benefits - Kontur.Accounting

Social Insurance requires that starting May 1, 2019, some benefits be transferred to citizens only to Mir cards. We'll tell you what employers and employees should do and whether they urgently need to issue new cards.

The Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 11, 2019 N 419 contains a list of benefits that require a national payment instrument - the Mir card:

  • temporary disability benefits for citizens who have been exposed to radiation;
  • a one-time benefit to expectant mothers who registered in the early stages of pregnancy;
  • maternity benefits;
  • child birth benefit;
  • monthly allowance for child care up to 1.5 years.

Regular sick leave payments are in no way related to Mir cards.

Who does the Social Security requirement apply to?

First of all: we are talking about a pilot project of direct payments and concerns the regions in which this project was launched. Here Social Insurance transfers benefits directly to employees. Today, 50 regions are participating in the pilot project; in the second half of 2020 there will be 77 of them.

The responsibility to transfer funds to the accounts to which Mir cards are linked rests with the banks; they monitor the order, and the employer does not have to worry about the correctness of the process.

The requirement applies to those benefits that were accrued after May 1, 2019 or accrued earlier, but payments for them begin after this period.

If the benefit was paid before May 1, 2019, the bank has the right to transfer funds to an account with any type of card until the card expires, but no later than July 1, 2020.

From this date, all benefit recipients will have to obtain a Mir card in order to comply with the new requirements of the law.

How will an employee receive benefits on Mir cards?

Social Insurance recommends that in the application for payment of benefits you indicate the number of the “peaceful” card and note that the funds should be transferred to it.

If the application does not contain the Mir card number, then after receiving the funds in the employee’s bank account, the bank will offer him a choice within 10 days:

  • go to the branch and receive benefits in cash;
  • write an order and receive funds by postal order;
  • write an order to transfer funds to another account to which the Mir card is linked;
  • write an order to transfer funds to an account to which the cards are not linked at all.

If the employee does not come for the money within 10 days and does not write an order, the funds will be returned to the Fund.

How to resolve the issue of receiving benefits under the new scheme

Social Insurance assures that benefits will arrive on the Mir card faster. To receive funds under the new rules, the employee fills out an application to the employer, in which he indicates the Mir card number. He can issue a card himself.


Should benefits from the Social Insurance Fund be transferred only to the Mir card?

From May 1, most benefits at the expense of the Social Insurance Fund can only be transferred to the card of the national payment system “Mir”. That's what the FSS says. Let's figure it out.

What benefits

The innovations concern benefits that will be issued upon the specified date, as well as benefits that were assigned to recipients before May 1, 2019 and the first payment of which will be made from May 1, 2019.

The new procedure is provided for by Government Decree No. 419 dated April 11, 2019.

  • The following types of benefits are subject to transfer to the bank account attached to the Mir card:
  • — maternity benefit;
  • — a one-time benefit to citizens who registered with medical organizations in the early stages of pregnancy;
  • - one-time benefit for the birth of a child;
  • -monthly child care allowance;
  • -temporary disability benefits (only for citizens exposed to radiation).
  • Transfer of benefits, the payment of which began before May 1, 2019, to bank cards of other payment systems is allowed during the transition period, which will last until July 1, 2020.
  • In the regions where the pilot project operates, the Social Insurance Fund requires the Mir card details to be indicated in applications sent by employers to the fund.

Budget only

But what about businesses in other regions where the credit system operates?

The fact is that only payments from the budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation are transferred to Mir. When creating a payment slip for transferring benefits to female employees, the business employer manages his own money, not budget money.

  1. Meanwhile, the Social Insurance Fund is sending letters to employers from non-pilot regions about the need to switch to Mir when paying benefits.
  2. In particular, a member of the “Accountant’s Red Corner” group on Facebook received such a letter from the Moscow branch of the FSS.
  3. Participants in the discussion note that with the current wording in the legislation, no one will be able to oblige commercial firms to transfer employees to Mir.
  4. We are talking about budget money, that is, benefits paid by budget organizations or in the form of direct payments from the Social Insurance Fund under a pilot project.

This applies only to budget money. That is, benefits paid by budgetary organizations or direct payments from the Social Insurance Fund under a pilot project. Who can force a commercial enterprise? upd and who can give a commercial enterprise the rights to force an individual to open an account in a certain commercial bank (for that matter)

- writes Elena

Or business too

However, there is an opinion that the use of “Mir” also extends to commercial companies.

So, in particular, the FSS website contains an interview with the head of the Department for organizing insurance payments of the FSS, Tatyana Lototskaya, who notes that all employers must transfer benefits to Mir cards. There are no exceptions for anyone.

“The rules apply to both budgetary and commercial organizations. Moreover, it does not matter whether the company participates in the FSS pilot project on direct payments or not,” says a FSS representative.

  • Some consultants give a similar explanation, referring to the position of the FSS.
  • Members of our Facebook group also talk about this.

We just consulted with the Consultant. The answer is clear - only the World map, regardless of whether it is a commercial organization or not. They are now receiving a lot of questions about this; they have asked the FSS. Even if you transfer it to an employee’s salary card without decrypting the payment, there will be problems either with reimbursement or during verification. We decided not to take risks.

  1. - writes Ekaterina
  2. Let us note that so far no official explanatory letters from the competent authorities have been issued on this topic.
  3. In this situation, everyone interprets the legislation in their own way.


What will banks do if the benefit comes to an account to which the Mir card is not linked?

In the absence of an issued payment card, which is a national payment instrument, to the bank account of the recipient of funds - an individual, providing for the implementation of transactions using a payment card, the recipient's bank reflects the payment amount in the account for accounting for amounts of unknown purpose .

In this case, no later than the working day following the day the bank receives the order with the payment code, the recipient's bank sends the recipient of the funds - an individual, in a manner agreed upon with him, a notification with an offer to appear for the payment within 10 working days from the date of receipt of the order with the payment code. receiving the payment amount in cash or submit an order to credit the payment amount to a bank account that provides for transactions using a national payment instrument, or to a bank account that does not provide for transactions using a payment card.

If within 10 working days from the date of receipt of the order with the payment code at the recipient's bank, the recipient of the funds - an individual - does not appear to receive cash or does not submit an order to credit funds to a bank account providing for transactions using a national payment instrument, or to a bank account that does not provide for transactions using a payment card, the recipient's bank on the 11th business day from the date of receipt of the order with the payment code returns the funds to the payer At the same time, the bank of the recipient of the funds sends to the recipient of the funds - an individual, in a manner agreed upon with him, a notification about the return of the payment amount to the payer.

What's in practice

As our readers note, in fact, the bank cannot track that exactly the benefit is transferred to the employee, and even the one assigned exactly after 05/01/19.

After all, payment orders, including within the framework of the salary project, do not provide any codes marking benefits.


In this regard, as practice shows, at the moment employers continue to transfer benefits to salary cards of international payment systems without any problems.


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