Poor Rostov region: benefits, payments, targeted assistance
According to the instructions of the President of the country, from January 1, 2020, monthly benefits for low-income families will increase
Payment of child support after 18 years of age: if the child is studying
The issue of calculating and paying alimony to minor children is discussed in Chapter.
Low-income large family: what should be done
The amount of benefits for low-income families will be indexed in February 2020.
Pension for medical workers: preferential, according to length of service
People working in certain fields have the right to retire early.
List of free medicines for children: up to 3 years, up to 1 year, how to get
For every mother, the situation when her child is sick is comparable to a tragedy on a universal scale.
Regional capital for a third child: what can you spend it on?
Especially if they are required by law.
Amount of child support to parents: what is the amount of payments?
The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for situations when parents have the right to demand alimony from their children.
At what age can you get married without parental consent?
The age of marriage has changed throughout history.
Application for financial assistance to school: for 1st grade and other grades, sample
Such families include those who have three or more minor children.
How to get a Muscovite social card: who is eligible and the validity period
For the first time, Muscovite social cards appeared among city residents in the early 2000s.
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